Paranormal activity

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The Catholic Church does handle more cases involving the paranormal aspect, stigmata, possession, than other faiths. There are prerequisites though. First a request to investigate has to be sent and the Vatican will send someone to investigate the matter. Should the investigator verify the matter he will send report, either way, back up the Vatican chain. After consideration they will plan on how to proceed. A long time to wait for sure. The Vatican holds a great many tomes of knowledge it will not let be examined by anyone outside the Vatican including lower ranking priests, Cardinals and even Bishops inside. Rumor has it that should some of this knowledge become public the Catholic faith and others, would crumble to dust. The silence of the Vatican only increases rumors. It is a terrible shame the agenda of powerful people that chose to keep the common man ignorant of a great many items of knowledge in the spiritual and scientific realms.
There are some places online that deal with it - I suppose if someone was persistent then they could find the help they needed. We didn't have any luck but I'm sure there are people who can help. They said that incidents' are rising so we may encounter more of these types of things.
The Catholic Church does handle more cases involving the paranormal aspect, stigmata, possession, than other faiths. There are prerequisites though. First a request to investigate has to be sent and the Vatican will send someone to investigate the matter. Should the investigator verify the matter he will send report, either way, back up the Vatican chain. After consideration they will plan on how to proceed. A long time to wait for sure. The Vatican holds a great many tomes of knowledge it will not let be examined by anyone outside the Vatican including lower ranking priests, Cardinals and even Bishops inside. Rumor has it that should some of this knowledge become public the Catholic faith and others, would crumble to dust. The silence of the Vatican only increases rumors. It is a terrible shame the agenda of powerful people that chose to keep the common man ignorant of a great many items of knowledge in the spiritual and scientific realms.
They did horrible tortures to women who were pointed as witches in other Centuries

(It was witches who developed an extensive understanding of bones and muscles, herbs and drugs, while physicians were still deriving their prognoses from)
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They did horrible tortures to women who were pointed as witches in other Centuries

(It was witches who developed an extensive understanding of bones and muscles, herbs and drugs, while physicians were still deriving their prognoses from)
That's terrible! I'd like to see the REAL history of the Catholic Church.
Search "Vatican hall snake" - it's eye opening.
That's interesting. I hope people who are Catholic make it to Heaven. I excommunicated myself after Catholic grade and high school when I went into the Navy and was happy about it. Again, I hope people who are Catholic make it to Heaven but it ain't for me.
That's interesting. I hope people who are Catholic make it to Heaven. I excommunicated myself after Catholic grade and high school when I went into the Navy and was happy about it. Again, I hope people who are Catholic make it to Heaven but it ain't for me.
I too was raised Catholic. But now I just seek God and truth on my own.
Same here. I go to a local church because all the money stays there and not sent somewhere else. They do a LOT to help kids, so I don't mind giving them money.
Yep CCD classes every Saturday and Mass every Sunday. I'm glad that you found a local church that you like - that community is important. We have a local church here too. I love the way they used to build these big old churches with the massive organ lofts and stained glass window. There's something comforting about going there. It's mostly older people there now, like us. We've seen so many die that it's painful sometimes to go there but that's the way our Maker has this world set up. Can't say I agree with Him on many things but he sure doesn't listen to me.
Yep CCD classes every Saturday and Mass every Sunday. I'm glad that you found a local church that you like - that community is important. We have a local church here too. I love the way they used to build these big old churches with the massive organ lofts and stained glass window. There's something comforting about going there. It's mostly older people there now, like us. We've seen so many die that it's painful sometimes to go there but that's the way our Maker has this world set up. Can't say I agree with Him on many things but he sure doesn't listen to me.
Same with the Catholic Church I went to growing up. (St. Boniface Church in Sioux City, Iowa) I often wondered who put all the money to building it, where the money came from, how many bricks it took to make it and so on.
I don't know about the Lord not listening to you. About six of us met in a hospital about 12 years ago to visit our good friend, Lonnie. We all went in about the same time from different parts of the state. Lonnie's son said to say goodbye to him because an hour earlier the doctor was in there and insisted that he will be dead by the weekend and this was on a Tuesday. We were devastated and Marsha suggested we say the Lord's Prayer together. We did and told the Lord we were really serious. We begged Him. An hour later (two hours apart) the doctor came back, examined him again and was amazed that Lonnie was getting better. No one is going to convince us that wasn't a miracle. He lived another year. He died of lung problems from smoking four packs of cigarettes a day.
Same with the Catholic Church I went to growing up. (St. Boniface Church in Sioux City, Iowa) I often wondered who put all the money to building it, where the money came from, how many bricks it took to make it and so on.
I don't know about the Lord not listening to you. About six of us met in a hospital about 12 years ago to visit our good friend, Lonnie. We all went in about the same time from different parts of the state. Lonnie's son said to say goodbye to him because an hour earlier the doctor was in there and insisted that he will be dead by the weekend and this was on a Tuesday. We were devastated and Marsha suggested we say the Lord's Prayer together. We did and told the Lord we were really serious. We begged Him. An hour later (two hours apart) the doctor came back, examined him again and was amazed that Lonnie was getting better. No one is going to convince us that wasn't a miracle. He lived another year. He died of lung problems from smoking four packs of cigarettes a day.
That's a good story. I know that God listens at times but sometimes wonder why He doesn't answer.
A man was talking with God and asked "is it true my Lord a million years to me is but a second to you?" God replied "yes my child this is true". The man continued, " Lord is it true you created all?". God's answer " yes my child, everything there was, is and will be". "Is it true Lord you can give me anything I ask for"? "Yes it is possible child". "Lord could you give me a million dollars?". "Of course my child, give me a second". All kidding aside, an investigator should have a strong faith in the Almighty because he may be the only thing protecting you from that which would do you harm.
By the way, back in about 2010 the corporation a buddy of of mine, two others and I were fired because we all over 55 and white males. Well, my buddy decided to become a deacon in the Catholic Church. He opened up Gabriel's Corner, 138 S 16th St Council Bluffs, Iowa which is across the street from Planned Parenthood. He had a lot of volunteers, including nurses who would do free ultrasounds on women so they could see their babies. He saved a LOT of lives. Some women would come in there five years later and show Gene their kids. The elated smile on his face was incredible.

One of the points I want to make that we prayed a LOT while standing out there. Not only did we pray, but we were out there. Planned Parenthood in Council Bluffs shut down last year because mostin Gene, but all of us got out there

I hope the link below works. Otherwise use the address above on Googles map.,-95.8675835,3a,89.9y,156.11h,79.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOv7atzAvNZ9AHBsO_40oWA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAxNi4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw==
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By the way, back in about 2010 the corporation a buddy of of mine, two others and I were fired because we all over 55 and white males. Well, my buddy decided to become a deacon in the Catholic Church. He opened up Gabriel's Corner, 138 S 16th St Council Bluffs, Iowa which is across the street from Planned Parenthood. He had a lot of volunteers, including nurses who would do free ultrasounds on women so they could see their babies. He saved a LOT of lives. Some women would come in there five years later and show Gene their kids. The elated smile on his face was incredible.

I hope the link below works. Otherwise use the address above on Googles map.,-95.8675835,3a,89.9y,156.11h,79.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOv7atzAvNZ9AHBsO_40oWA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAxNi4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw==
It worked! It's encouraging hearing stories like that.
That's a good story. I know that God listens at times but sometimes wonder why He doesn't answer.

God always listens, we just don't always watch and listen for his answer.

The biggest obstacle between God and our receiving his blessings, is us. Humans have a very hard time getting out of our own way and receiving the gifts he has to offer.
The second picture is my buddy Gene and his wife.



about a dozen ads I gave up on the video.
Yeah they're a pain. But this topic has piqued my interest. The one where the camera picked up food being thrown to the floor of the supermarket reminded me of what happened in the relative's house where the bottle picked itself up and shattered to the deck. They said it hovered in midair. It appears that the entities are destructive. I just wonder why they're permitted to affect the physical world like that at times but at other times they're not. The demonologist told me there is a lot of activity in the pine lands - and that's where their house was.
God always listens, we just don't always watch and listen for his answer.

The biggest obstacle between God and our receiving his blessings, is us. Humans have a very hard time getting out of our own way and receiving the gifts he has to offer.
I knew a lawyer who handled priest sex abuse cases and was forced to listen to horrific stories. He walked away from his faith. I was shocked when I read he took his life. I know that people make excuses for God but sometimes it doesn't cut it. Everyone repeats all the lame excuses but like that lawyer found out, God lets some pretty rotten things happen. Look at NC. I read that many children are missing - just like in Maui.
God gave us free will. It's not that he lets it happen, it happens because we do it. As far as natural disasters I can't say. God has his plan and doesn't explain it to us, we just have to go along with him and hope and pray. I had a girlfriend that every time she got in my truck it would run bad. She'd get out and it's back to running fine again. Her son was sitting on the couch and she in a recliner watching tv when the picture behind the couch flew off the wall and went over her son and crashed down on the coffee table. It had to go upward to go over her son. She told me how the boyfriends that stuck it out with her had some very "unpleasant" things happen and she broke it off with me. I think it might have been her deceased, very jealous, husband.
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In honor of Lenny's Friday Fives questions, I thought it would be neat to have a place to post our ghostly and paranormal experiences!! So what have you seen and experienced???
not a damn thing, I suspect this only happens to people who believe in it , and I dont.
There are people who believe without question and people who deny without evidence. Both are closed minded people. A true believer, and investigator, should be a skeptical person gathering all the evidence as possible and trying to debunk or disprove any event. Being able to "recreate" an event is not always disproving. Therefore trying to prove an event is not turning evidence into proof. The evidence will prove it's self one way or the other. True deniers will disbelieve until they have their own jaw dropping pants filling encounter(s). Non skeptical believers think every sound in the middle of the night is paranormal. This can led to paranoia and totally unwarranted actions. Keep an open mind and look, think for yourself.
I knew a lawyer who handled priest sex abuse cases and was forced to listen to horrific stories. He walked away from his faith. I was shocked when I read he took his life. I know that people make excuses for God but sometimes it doesn't cut it. Everyone repeats all the lame excuses but like that lawyer found out, God lets some pretty rotten things happen. Look at NC. I read that many children are missing - just like in Maui.

No one makes excuses for God, they make excuses for weak people and blame God for their own choices. God set us free to control our own destiny. He wants us to love him because we choose to, not because we have to. In doing so everything that happens to someone is a result of every choice they ever made or the choice another human made for them.

If it's good, it's God. If it's not good, it's not God. Period.

Weather is a construct of Earth, i.e. the world. God does not control the world, Satan does. According to the Bible, Satan is referred to as the “prince of this world” (John 12:31), “ruler of this world” (John 14:30), and “god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Again, people blame God because they don't have faith and or they claim to but don't actually understand the word.
I once knew someone who said they had a ghost or some sort of devil perched on their chest and they couldnt move but I think it was more to do with drugs than an actual paranormal event.
seeing as how I dont believe in any sort of god, to believe in the devil or some sort of non moved on soul of the departed,, one has to believe in some sort of omnipotent invisible being, I put it down to an overactive imagination.
I once knew someone who said they had a ghost or some sort of devil perched on their chest and they couldnt move but I think it was more to do with drugs than an actual paranormal event.
seeing as how I dont believe in any sort of god, to believe in the devil or some sort of non moved on soul of the departed,, one has to believe in some sort of omnipotent invisible being, I put it down to an overactive imagination.

It always impresses me when someone believes in nothing and that everything that exists just happened by accident somehow. That takes a level of deep seeded faith and imagination I just don't possess.
No one makes excuses for God, they make excuses for weak people and blame God for their own choices. God set us free to control our own destiny. He wants us to love him because we choose to, not because we have to. In doing so everything that happens to someone is a result of every choice they ever made or the choice another human made for them.

If it's good, it's God. If it's not good, it's not God. Period.

Weather is a construct of Earth, i.e. the world. God does not control the world, Satan does. According to the Bible, Satan is referred to as the “prince of this world” (John 12:31), “ruler of this world” (John 14:30), and “god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Again, people blame God because they don't have faith and or they claim to but don't actually understand the word.
I'm still trying to figure it all out and it's hard.
That's interesting. I hope people who are Catholic make it to Heaven. I excommunicated myself after Catholic grade and high school when I went into the Navy and was happy about it. Again, I hope people who are Catholic make it to Heaven but it ain't for me.
I went to a Catholic School grade 1-8. I was taught to feel felt very “unworthy”. I now attend a Methodist church and have for years.

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