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The al gore’s of the world won’t be happy unless we are bunched up together in the city using body heat to keep warm and the only transportation is by foot.

I use wood for heat, I use diesel, gas and propane here and I’m with fault and admit it I’m also sure the do-gooders would love nothing more than we freeze, eat cold food, never bath and walk everywhere we go all the while the do-gooders flying everywhere they go keeping there 1000 light mansion lit as they preach to us about our carbon foot print.

Look at the cost and environmental footprint all this supposed clean energy brings, clean energy is an illusion, all them wind farms aren’t all that clean, are them power lines made in a cold fire? all that metal housing and plastics in making them wind machines aren’t all the clean to manufacture. Look what it takes to make an electric car also take a look at all the deaths to the birds cause by the wind farms and the solar farms in California, it’s a well known and documented ‘secret’ no one wants to hear. Even cooking food outdoors is considered polluting.

I don’t have the answers to these problems but don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining! In the end it still takes oil throughout the process of all this clean energy, it’s absolutely ******** to attack oil all the while promoting an alternative that still uses oil throughout the manufacture process, think lithium is a good alternative? Look at the land that’s been raped to bring us the lithium battery.

The do-gooders ought to go through there home and throw away everything that has petroleum in it, be sure to check the first aid cabinet and if your a high and mighty environmentalist also throw away everything that used petroleum in the manufacture process... grab some big leafs because it’s going to get cold.
I personally would be very happy if we stopped using crude oil and palm oil and all the other petroleum products which are in food and medicines, I don't care if they never refine any more petrol and diesel I don't go that far as it is, the average is a 50 mile round trip, a couple of times a year I might go further say 150 mile round trip but I can happily curtail that.
I would like to go back to a more natural way of life, more closer to the earth as some say over here, but if we did most of the population would be dead, dosent actually concern me that much, we could do with a clean out of the gene pool anyway, a lot of people out there we could do without anyway. a reduction in the global population will ease the pressure on the planets resources. and it would help to reduce climate change by stopping all the pollution that's going on all over the world.
So another foolish old crack pot is saying that we only have a few years left. And to "save" the planet all we have to do is give up our standard of living, our lifestyle and turn over our national sovereignty to the UN. And for what? For a silly theory that can NOT be proven? Follow the money, and question the agenda.
The al gore’s of the world won’t be happy unless we are bunched up together in the city using body heat to keep warm and the only transportation is by foot.

I use wood for heat, I use diesel, gas and propane here and I’m with fault and admit it I’m also sure the do-gooders would love nothing more than we freeze, eat cold food, never bath and walk everywhere we go all the while the do-gooders flying everywhere they go keeping there 1000 light mansion lit as they preach to us about our carbon foot print.

Look at the cost and environmental footprint all this supposed clean energy brings, clean energy is an illusion, all them wind farms aren’t all that clean, are them power lines made in a cold fire? all that metal housing and plastics in making them wind machines aren’t all the clean to manufacture. Look what it takes to make an electric car also take a look at all the deaths to the birds cause by the wind farms and the solar farms in California, it’s a well known and documented ‘secret’ no one wants to hear. Even cooking food outdoors is considered polluting.

I don’t have the answers to these problems but don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining! In the end it still takes oil throughout the process of all this clean energy, it’s absolutely ******** to attack oil all the while promoting an alternative that still uses oil throughout the manufacture process, think lithium is a good alternative? Look at the land that’s been raped to bring us the lithium battery.

The do-gooders ought to go through there home and throw away everything that has petroleum in it, be sure to check the first aid cabinet and if your a high and mighty environmentalist also throw away everything that used petroleum in the manufacture process... grab some big leafs because it’s going to get cold.
Right. I'd like to challenge any true global warming believer to name a single item that isn't touched by a petroleum product.
We'd have to go back to the cave man days to get away from the use of petroleum products.
no not cave man days, more of a pre industrialisation type of lifestyle, cottage industries not huge polluting mega factories.
It's global warming ! But it's getting colder . Thats because of global warming ! But we continually set record cold temperatures . Thats because of global warming! But we have record snow falls. Thats because of global warming!
How can it be global warming if we are heading for another ice age? I didn't say global warming I said climate change!
no not cave man days, more of a pre industrialisation type of lifestyle, cottage industries not huge polluting mega factories.

Correct me if I am mistaken but didn't those cottage industries burn wood and coal to keep the fires burning? Even caveman days burned air polluting fuel--- wood. The only difference between the periods of pollution is the demand (population -- industrial production). Every form of fuel does, have some connection back to a polluting phase in either the collection, refining, manufacturing, distribution, installation process.

I do commend those that put up their own money where their mouths are. Living off grid does stand you in good with being a limited polluter. The governments does not live off grid, has no plans to live off grid but wants to collect money from the citizens ad force them to use much more expensive energy sources, so they can continue to jet across the world. I guess they have not heard of teleconferences. The government is a "Show and Tell" operation. Show them the money and they will tell you what is best for you.

Just on a side note: The French continue to what they do best --- Surrender ---. French President has surrendered to the protesters and repealed the new gas tax. Granted the gas tax was a disaster and should never have been instituted but now the protesters are going to continue making more demands. Going to be fun to watch.
cant say i'm surprised at the comments. an eminent naturalist like David Attenborough who has spent 70years studying nature and all things natural and he gets called a silly old git, well I know what I believe and I think he said we have 15 years to sort out climate change, if we don't extinction wont just be for the animals.
grab some big leafs because it’s going to get cold.

Oh, wait, I thought the leaves were to replace toilet paper! I guess you can't recycle both ways here...

list of the 10 biggest polluters in the world, by country.
note which country is at number 2.:p

That list is a pile of baloney. Meaningless. How can you compare the output of the US vs Iran? Or China vs South Korea? Now take that list, and do a output / person, and it might actually mean something. With that ratio, #8 Saudi Arabia has 17.7 metric tons/person (worst). India (#3) is best at 1.7 MT/person. And China (#1) is actually second best at 7.32 metric tons/person. You can also try comparing the # of square miles of land vs emissions (I bet Canada looks really good there). Or what if you compare GDP to emissions? But you need to have something to factor in size and people. I bet the Vatican looks really good without these factors. And of course how do you verify the emission numbers? But, garbage numbers in, garbage numbers out.
I do think you can rate who produces the most tonnage of pollution. Quantifiers are really not relevant. I don't think it matters if ten people produce 10 tons or if 100 people produce 10 tons, it is still there. The magic question is if the human race is causing the problem (if it exists) and if it is as real as the governments claim, then why are they just tiptoeing around (offering incentive and minor subsidies) and not dropping all else and funding the changes they claim are needed, Either it is a crisis or it is not, can't have it both ways.
I do think you can rate who produces the most tonnage of pollution. Quantifiers are really not relevant. I don't think it matters if ten people produce 10 tons or if 100 people produce 10 tons, it is still there. The magic question is if the human race is causing the problem (if it exists) and if it is as real as the governments claim, then why are they just tiptoeing around (offering incentive and minor subsidies) and not dropping all else and funding the changes they claim are needed, Either it is a crisis or it is not, can't have it both ways.
That's the problem; there is no way to prove either way. "Man" caused global warming is just a throry at this time. I think everyone agrees on natural climate change. It's been going on since the beginning of time. And will continue long after we're all gone. Most of us aren't willing to give up our standard of living, freedom of choice, our national sovereignty or to make sacrifices for an unproven theory. It's ridiculous to even think about it. Again, follow the money and question the agenda and who's pushing it.
It's odd how all this 'climate change' temperatures exactly match the cycles of the sun. Yet they call it 'man-made'? Can anyone tell me which man has the remote control changing the sun? Because the Earth got hot when the sun was active and we didn't do anything special. And it has cooled more in the past 2 years than ever in recorded history as the sun has been at record low activities. Huh.

I sleep just fine based on real scientific evidence. If anyone on that river in Egypt finds that remote control, let me know!
Oh dang, I just thought of the answer! It's Trump! He's the evil man with the remote control for the sun! That's what this whole Mueller investigation is really about, they're trying to find where Trump has hidden the remote for the sun! Trump is so evil. (tin hat time for climate change fools?)
joke all you like. ever since the industrial revolution man has been polluting the atmosphere and the natural environment, as more and more humans come to populate this small rock in space the pollution gets worse, climate change is a result of all that commercial gases escaping into the atmosphere, gases which stop heat from escaping into space, remember CFC's? we had to ban them because they were adding to the overall gas contamination. even "slash and burn" agriculture in 3rd world countries adds to the overall effect.
still I don't suppose i'll convince anyone that dosent want to be convinced, much the same as non preppers wont be convinced but just poo-poo everything. probably time to move on.
Per capita carbon dioxide emissions:

Qatar 39.7 t
Kuwait 24.4 t
United Arab Emirates 21.8 t
Australia 18.6 t
Oman 17.5 t
Turkmenistan 17.5 t
United States 16.1 t
Saudi Arabia 16.0 t
Canada 15.5 t
Russia 12.3 t
Most of us aren't willing to give up our standard of living, freedom of choice, our national sovereignty or to make sacrifices for an unproven theory. It's ridiculous to even think about it

It sounds so rational and logical when you put it that Too bad these two concepts escape most people. Instead, they flip out about the Earth possible warming up 0.8 degrees over 30 years. That is the real figure folks, even from the ones putting forth this nonsense. The data doesn't care about your politics. It is what it is.

Did you guys see the sewage trucks spraying the French palace with raw sewage? Oh that was priceless. Now THAT is a protest! (and someone opened a window during it....better still, the truck went BACK and sprayed said window AGAIN!) LOL....I was dying!

I personally think this is from a different protest in 2014, but I'm trying to find it again to verify.
It's odd how all this 'climate change' temperatures exactly match the cycles of the sun. Yet they call it 'man-made'? Can anyone tell me which man has the remote control changing the sun? Because the Earth got hot when the sun was active and we didn't do anything special. And it has cooled more in the past 2 years than ever in recorded history as the sun has been at record low activities. Huh.

I sleep just fine based on real scientific evidence. If anyone on that river in Egypt finds that remote control, let me know!
Oh dang, I just thought of the answer! It's Trump! He's the evil man with the remote control for the sun! That's what this whole Mueller investigation is really about, they're trying to find where Trump has hidden the remote for the sun! Trump is so evil. (tin hat time for climate change fools?)
Where did you see anything about cooling in the last two years?
“Most of us aren't willing to give up our standard of living, freedom of choice, our national sovereignty or to make sacrifices for an unproven theory. It's ridiculous to even think about it”.
There is no doubt of two things in my mind here. First, I think it’s incredibly naive to not think that all the pollution man has done in the last three hundred years isn’t changing our environment for the worse. Second, people are greedy, 95% of us don’t care about the next generations when it comes to having to give up the comforts of modern life. I am coming to the conclusion that we are on a runaway train wreck and no amount of worry or intervention is going to change it. I am not really concerned about stopping global warming nearly as much as I am in learning to live with its effects.
Where did you see anything about cooling in the last two years?

It helps if you look at more that one source of news. Don't believe all this liberal baloney from MSM.

And this one has some very disappointing graphs (for climate change believers):

It is funny how those that do believe in global warming and have not demanded any of their the governments stop spending on everything except defense and focus on global warming cures. They are also not demanding their governments transfer all the money into replacing all those fossil fuel burning cars with electric cars. Or supplying all the homes with complete solar panel systems, and get the people off of fossil fuel utilities companies. Not one country that signed the Paris Accord or that has signed up for the U.N. proposals have stopped their regular spending to focus on the Global Warming "CRISIS". What does that tell you about it being a CRISIS?

I hear and see a lot of talk about global warming being a crisis but very little real actions except to add more taxes. Even the taxes are not dedicated to replace fossil burning infrastructure, they are just being used as an "INCENTIVE" to change our evil ways. Unless these governments are willing to replace the broken dyke's, sticking your fingers into to holes are useless.
It helps if you look at more that one source of news. Don't believe all this liberal baloney from MSM.

And this one has some very disappointing graphs (for climate change believers):

Funny, heat records were broken each year for several years all over the world. Greenlands ice sheet is melting off at the highest rate ever seen. When you pick a source here and there you can find info to support just about anything. If you look at the overall data you get a better picture.
i'm more inclined to listen to scientists and naturalists who know what their talking about and have been studying this subject for many years.
I ignore politicians, they don't know what their talking about and only want to tax us .
Funny, heat records were broken each year for several years all over the world. Greenlands ice sheet is melting off at the highest rate ever seen. When you pick a source here and there you can find info to support just about anything. If you look at the overall data you get a better picture.


And it looks like your 'data' from 'scientists' support the same conclusion as the articles I referenced. For example, your article's data:
Global All Time Records Summary

High Max High Min Low Max Low Min Precipitation Snowfall Snow Depth
Last 7 Days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Last 30 Days 0 0 4 2 2 2 0
Last 365 Days 213 351 22 29 179 47 0
Month to Date 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Year to Date 213 349 13 26 168 31 0

(data looks better in your article, just click the 'global' tab)
I interpret this to mean the number of record high "high for the day" in the past year at their locations had 213 such events. But they had 351 record LOW "high for the day" events. And they had 22 record high "low for the day" events compared to 29 record LOW "low for the day" events.

Yes, there were more record events on the high temperature for the day, but the majority of those were record LOW temperatures!

Please, pull you head out of your politics and look at the evidence from scientists!
Every year somewhere in the world will have a record high temp and somewhere in the world will have record lows. That's natural. Man has been recording temps for bearly a split second in time compared the world's geological clock. Maybe after we have a couple hundred thousand years of real data we might then be able to see some meaningful trends.
When I look at my thermometer this morning and see it read zero degs I have a really hard time with this global warming BS. All I can say is hurry up.
Where did you see anything about cooling in the last two years?

Plenty of places, but since it goes against the narrative, don't expect it to be shouted from the rooftops.

Overall, sea ice extent during November 2018 increased 3.08 million square kilometers (1.19 million square miles). This is 994,000 square kilometers (384,000 square miles) greater than the 1981 to 2010 average November extent increase.

Or maybe NASA will convince you?

A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.

The research challenges the conclusions of other studies, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) 2013 report, which says that Antarctica is overall losing land ice.

Or others:

Yet places like are forced to stoop to selective terminology to try and state the opposite (see for yourself here)...
Every year somewhere in the world will have a record high temp and somewhere in the world will have record lows. That's natural. Man has been recording temps for bearly a split second in time compared the world's geological clock. Maybe after we have a couple hundred thousand years of real data we might then be able to see some meaningful trends.
When I look at my thermometer this morning and see it read zero degs I have a really hard time with this global warming BS. All I can say is hurry up.
we need to stop calling it global warming although that is what it does, if we don't keep the global increase in temperatures to below an increase of 2 degrees above pre industrial levels then we will see climate change and that is what I call it.

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