Oh, I fully believe we've adversely affected the environment. I simply disagree on the aspect of warming, as the data simply doesn't support it, and after three decades, and investigating the sources of the alarmist claims, etc. it has become clear that this is a hypothetical fantasy.
That has nothing to do with how we are otherwise polluting the planet, nor does it have any bearing on our decision to STOP doing things that do so.
However, BECAUSE this immediate concern is more manufactured than actual, we do have the luxury of being able to phase out, and/or wean off more polluting sources of power over time, versus enacting immediate, ridiculous and job-killing legislation because folks are saying the sky is falling.
Does that clarify the position of the "climate change deniers"?
Oh, and back to the original topic, Paris is still burning. Personally, I think we're witnessing civil war there, but we'll see how much the media covers it (I had to dig for it on CNN's site).... Macron caved on many key points, but there were still widespread protests over the weekend, and many doubt this is over.