Paris is burning

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I quit believing any of these so called scientific studies when two different scientific groups, used the exact same database and came up with completely polar opposite results. My faith is any of these studies is now gone. To me, scientist is now just a fancy way to say paid researcher, who will provide the results you have paid for.
I still say that changes for the worse are coming. I am certain that man is responsible for the suddenness of the changes but that is irrelevant. What is relevant is how can we prep for the more severe weather, rising oceans, droughts and other issues that are happening. My thoughts are focusing more on solutions now for adapting than on condemnation of the reasons causing the issues.
Every time there is a hurricane the media trots out the same lies. Where were they for the 11 years that we had very little hurricane activity? The few reports that mentioned it said that global warming was causing decreased hurricane activity. Now it's causing increased hurricane activity. They count on people having short memories. Well sorry, I REMEMBER!
I see a theme developing, those that agree with the climate change theory are all non American, those that think its a con are all American, I wonder why that is? wont matter much anyway when we are all waist deep in water. sea levels are rising and storms are getting worse, sea temperatures are already rising and we are getting sea creatures around the UK that previously would only be found in warmer waters further south.
I see a theme developing, those that agree with the climate change theory are all non American, those that think its a con are all American, I wonder why that is? wont matter much anyway when we are all waist deep in water. sea levels are rising and storms are getting worse, sea temperatures are already rising and we are getting sea creatures around the UK that previously would only be found in warmer waters further south.

BP, Brent agrees with you and he's an American.

But the real problem for climate change believers is that evidence and real science seems to really disagree with them.
Bigpaul, if I looked outside right now, I might be tempted to think that evidence all around me and plain to see proves that a new ice age is well underway. :D

Another person in a different part of the world might think the evidence all around them and plain to see proves that a world wide drought is underway.

Another person in yet a different part of the world might think the evidence all around them and plain to see proves that the whole world is flooding.

It's called "Anecdotal Evidence"
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the gulf stream is what gives my part of the UK its mild climate, without that we would be in a new ice age, which could happen, all it takes is cold fresh water from the north and the gulf stream would stop in its tracks.
Bigpaul, just be careful what you wish for LOL
I do believe that more particles in the atmosphere trap heat and cause warming, and believe the science leans towards that. That’s not the point specifically for me though. Just the fact that we are polluting the planet at an ever increasing rate as the population grows should be alarming to everyone. Even if man warms the planet by just 1/2 a degree, there is no perfect scientific proof of how that will exactly affect the planet long term. I seem to recall that for years so many shouted about there was no definite proof that cigarettes caused cancer. I don’t think you need exact proof to be convinced that what we are doing isn’t smart long term. The point is we are changing the planet, and looking through geological history, whenever there was a relatively quick change in temperature it did not bode well for all the species. Sure, over millions of years the remaining species adapted, diversified and rebounded, but for the 90% that perished during the event that was little consolation.
I read that the majority of French people support the reasoning behind the protests, but not the violence. I still say that as soon as real bullets are fired against violent rioters, the riots will stop. Quickly. Mind you, NOT peaceful protesters, just the looters and anyone causing damage.
Now here is something to laugh about.

Gas in France is just over $7 a gallon. This 'climate change' tax that they're wanting to add to it is a mere $0.25. Yes, 1/28th increase in taxes.

By comparison, gas here is about $2/gal. This would be like putting a 7 cent tax on gas here. But apparently this is the straw that broke the camel's back in France.
I don’t think this article is set in stone as definitive proof of anything, but do believe it shows how fragile our ecosystem is. Any fast major change has long lasting consequences. Evolution adapts to new situations, but only if it is given time to. When one link of the chain of life on the planet dies off it has ripple effects throughout all the species. When too many links are killed off the whole system collapses. It’s as simple as if all the bees die off and can’t pollinate plants anymore, then all the species that ate those plants begin to die off too.
A Rapid Rise in Temperature Led to the Worst Extinction in our Planet's History - Universe Today - Universe Today
So volcanoes caused the last die off, how much ash deposited into the atmosphere is not mentioned. Just the planet warmed up. Okay and how does the equate the the pollution man is causing. have we blocked out he sun, trapped all gases or was there a combination of solar flares, erupting volcanoes and what every else was happening at the time. Yeah I am sure that if enough volcanoes decided to erupt together, enough poison gases would be generated to cause a mass extinction. How it DIRECTLY attributed to what man is doing now?
So volcanoes caused the last die off, how much ash deposited into the atmosphere is not mentioned. Just the planet warmed up. Okay and how does the equate the the pollution man is causing. have we blocked out he sun, trapped all gases or was there a combination of solar flares, erupting volcanoes and what every else was happening at the time. Yeah I am sure that if enough volcanoes decided to erupt together, enough poison gases would be generated to cause a mass extinction. How it DIRECTLY attributed to what man is doing now?
My point here is we are dramatically increasing the amount of carbon in the air, while cutting down forests and polluting the planet with pesticides and chemicals. This has been done in the very short time of the last three hundred years, geologically the blink of an eye. Any time there is a sudden change in the ecosystem it has ripple effects throughout all the animal species. We are all co dependent on each other. We all hate mosquitoes, but there are many small animals that use them as their food source. Then there are many larger animals that use those as their food source, etc. like I said, life has evolved as a chain. If you break a link, there are enough variations that things adapt. When you break too many links it collapses. Sure the earth is large, but never be so arrogant to think it is beyond the scope of mankind to ruin it. We have been off to a pretty good start in a short time. Anyone who says we haven’t adversely affected our only home in the universe dosent want to think about or accept it.
Oh, I fully believe we've adversely affected the environment. I simply disagree on the aspect of warming, as the data simply doesn't support it, and after three decades, and investigating the sources of the alarmist claims, etc. it has become clear that this is a hypothetical fantasy.

That has nothing to do with how we are otherwise polluting the planet, nor does it have any bearing on our decision to STOP doing things that do so.

However, BECAUSE this immediate concern is more manufactured than actual, we do have the luxury of being able to phase out, and/or wean off more polluting sources of power over time, versus enacting immediate, ridiculous and job-killing legislation because folks are saying the sky is falling.

Does that clarify the position of the "climate change deniers"?

Oh, and back to the original topic, Paris is still burning. Personally, I think we're witnessing civil war there, but we'll see how much the media covers it (I had to dig for it on CNN's site).... Macron caved on many key points, but there were still widespread protests over the weekend, and many doubt this is over.
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Brent, I think you are connecting different dots to form a picture that does not match. Yes humans do and will pollute. Nobody can or does question that fact. There is a difference from man mad climate change and man made pollution. Yes we do cut down trees but we also re-plant trees. We stopped cutting down and burning whole forests to heat our homes. We stopped burning massive amounts of coal to heat our cities. This was all accomplished without the government mandating (outlawing / taxing) these fuels. Good old fashioned capitalist economy accomplished these magic feats. The same will happen with all fossil fuels. Something to think about is not global warming but global winter (mini ice age). When the sun has fewer solar flares and our atmosphere is super clean and does not hold the heat in as well as it used to do, what then my friend? Our fate will be what it will be.
Conservative talk show host Phil Valentine has some movies on the subjects we discuss here.

Check out his site.

Psalm, I guess you've heard him here in Nashville for years. He's syndicated now.

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