Paris is burning

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Yes Phil has alot of good information on many subjects .
I saw where the antifa turds and other leftist groups are attacking the original protesters in France and trying to take over the show in a effort to destabilize and take the country further to the left .
If I was the yellow Jackets, I would stop marching (You won guys) and leave it to the AntiFafa to get put in jail. Make a public announcement of your withdrawal for the protest and force the Antifafa into the lime light on their own. Jm2C
I see a theme developing, those that agree with the climate change theory are all non American, those that think its a con are all American, I wonder why that is? wont matter much anyway when we are all waist deep in water. sea levels are rising and storms are getting worse, sea temperatures are already rising and we are getting sea creatures around the UK that previously would only be found in warmer waters further south.
Simple; Ignorance.
I'm at 5,000' elevation. I don't worry too much about sea level increases.
no neither do I , I am as far away from the coast as I can get without leaving the county, but these sea increases wont just affect the coast they will affect any low lying area inland, we recently saw flooding on the Somerset Levels, that was temporary, this time it will be permanent.

You believe these 'global warming' stories. OK, I get that (I don't agree, but I get that you believe them).

So, can you point to a specific GW prediction/report that you support? How much does it say the sea will rise and in what timeframe? How much do they predict it will go up in 2 years, or in 5 years? Where will this water come from (North Pole, South Pole...)? What is the range of rise that they predict?

My point is this. What would it take for you to not accept these predictions? How wrong do they need to be for you to reject their claims?

I say this because 10 years ago Al Gore & his group predicted the North Pole would be mostly if not completely melted by now and ocean levels would be way up. They were roughly 100% wrong. Yet this same group is now making the same claims of new sea level rises. And you are believing them.

To be fair, let me put in my beliefs. I think the major factor is the sun's activities. As it gets more active, we get hotter. Everything else (short of something like a massive Yellowstone eruption) doesn't have 5% impact compared to the sun. And me driving an extra 100 miles today doesn't matter at all.
I prefer to believe what is said by scientists and naturalists than some guy who says he dosent believe it.
I found a map many years ago that showed a rise in water levels, I forget how high i'll have to dig it out my files again.
the point I was making about The Somerset Levels before was that on this map the water inundated the area and Glastonbury Tor would again be one of the "Seven islands" it was before the Romans and then the monks drained it.
I suppose on an island the size of Britain it will have more of an impact, than the continent of the US, so we tend to take more notice of it.
I prefer to believe what is said by scientists and naturalists than some guy who says he dosent believe it.
I found a map many years ago that showed a rise in water levels, I forget how high i'll have to dig it out my files again.
the point I was making about The Somerset Levels before was that on this map the water inundated the area and Glastonbury Tor would again be one of the "Seven islands" it was before the Romans and then the monks drained it.
I suppose on an island the size of Britain it will have more of an impact, than the continent of the US, so we tend to take more notice of it.

BP, there are scientists on both sides of this debate.

I'm not looking for a map of water 'levels', I'm looking for a documented prediction of how much sea levels will rise and when.

Here is an example. Exactly 10 years and 2 days ago, Al Gore stunned a German audience by telling them that in a short 5 years (2013), the North Pole would be completely melted. He told them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years." That wasn't a water level prediction, but it was a solid prediction with a very measurable expectation. So we look back at the prediction, we look at the facts today, and I don't think anyone can argue that his prediction was 100% wrong. Not a 5% error, not 1%, not 10%: his prediction has 0% correlation, IOW a 100% margin of error. Here's a link:

So can you quote some study or report with specific predictions that are measurable in time and result? By 'time and result', again, look at Gore's statement. He said 5 years (time) and he said 'cap will disappear' (result).

Or even better, can you find a prediction from 5+ years ago that we can evaluate today? I've given an example above with Al Gore showing how wrong they are. Can you point at one that has actually been correct?
excuse me. but Al Gore isn't a scientist or a naturalist is he?
i'll have to go back through my research to do what you ask. make take some time.

Now, now, don't get testy. We both know Al isn't a scientist and didn't do the research. He's just regurgitating the data that "real" climate change scientists are coming up with. Just like the "hockey stick" temperature graph he is famous for. He didn't do the studies, he's just repeating what scientists are claiming.
Al could not figure out how many combination in a pair of dice to get snake eyes. AL picked a platform to pound his chest on and try to stay relevant. He failed on that too.

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