Perimeter Security & Defense

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Awesome Friend
Apr 4, 2017
Near Cadillac, MI
D Day Cricket Clickers.jpg Cricket Clicker.jpg Glow Stick (chem light) Alarm.jpg making-a-trip-wire-alarm-system.jpg D Day Cricket Clickers.jpg Cricket Clicker.jpg Glow Stick (chem light) Alarm.jpg making-a-trip-wire-alarm-system.jpg During and after a serious SHTF incident like an EMP or a terrorist attack. We may loose power and if it is a long term event then generators will eventually run out of fuel, rechargeable batteries will wear out. We just may have to learn to adapt without electricity. Without power then you will not be able to operate electronic communication systems.

For many of us we depend on radios to communicate with others as part of our security protocols. I am going to briefly write about different methods of non electrical communication means and other security methods that may include solar/batteries.

During WW2 at the beginning of D Day. Airborne soldiers behind enemy lines used a cricket children toy to signal friend from foe.. Here is a reproduction cricket clicker that was used during D Day. They are going for $9.99 each or so on eBay depending on the listing.

For an alternative with a much cheaper price, this eBay listing is a dozen children cricket clickers for $4.98 with free shipping. Other listings of the same product were wanting around $8.00 for a dozen. I was impressed with the clickers when they arrived most of the product is made out of metal.

These clicker could be used in the same manner as the WW2 soldiers used them. You can use these assuming you have manpower made up of friends and family members to guard your homestead. If you are smart you will have LP and OP positions to alert you of incoming threats, guards on your entrances and roving guards. These clickers could be issued to your guards so in the middle of the night if they need to challenge someone they can use the clicker and it wont immediately give away their position like a voice will. Then the response will be another clicker.

Other forms of communication could be:

Powerful whistle. Different tweets on the whistle could mean different things or simply the whistle could mean attack or retreat.

Air horns, the kind you buy in the watercraft section of Walmart or whatever store. You can buy them for sport events also. Those would be good for perimeter or gate guards to warn of an unwelcome guest.

Brightly colored flags or arm and hand signals are used in the military when you are at a distance from one and another and you do not want to make noise. These techniques are used while on a security patrol or when your trying to maintain radio silence.

You can get 12ga alarms. The alarm uses a blank round, or a CS teargas round or a flare. Other rounds like buckshot could be used but they will ruin the devise and the fact that setting it up with this type of ammunition is dangerous especially if you have kids in the area. This warning devise is awesome as it can guard your perimeter when you are not right there and alert you when there are intruders.

Smoke Grenades, when I say grenades, I am not necessarily speaking of military smoke, just a smoke generating devise in general. Smoke can be useful for screening troop movements or using a certain color like red, it can be used to order a retreat. There are a couple different types. There is the generally less expensive fuse lit and the pull ignition. The pull ignition is quicker but more expensive and you have to pay for an add on HAZMAT shipping charge. The fuse lit ones you just pay a shipping fee.

Flare Guns, harder to get is the 26.5mm European flare guns and flares. They are getting harder to get and more expensive if you can find them. They manufactured black, blue, orange smoke rounds. Red, red rain, green flares and the best flare is the white illumination parachute flare. These flares really light up the area. If you can find them they will be over $100.00 for a box of 10. Because the military flares are slowly drying up someone decided to make an adapter. You can buy a 12ga to 26.5mm adapter allowing you to use marine 12ga flares and other civilian 12ga flares like red, green, white, blue and yellow. The same as the other devises listed, you can have different meanings for the different color flares or for daytime use you could use the different smoke flares. Note the smoke generated from the flare is not enough for screening movement just for marking a location or for communication purposes. It only lasts for a several seconds. The white illumination parachute flare is basically for self defense purposes. If you think you are being probed or infiltrated then touch off one of these flares and it lights up an acre or two +/-. U.S. Troops are taught to instantly drop prone and keep your shooting eye closed to save your night vision when a flare is illuminating your location. You need to train your prepper group to do the same until they have to fire. Chances are if a marauding group is probing your position. There not going to know what is going on so it will give your people a chance to eliminate the threat to your safety. Just be prepared to pop off another illuminating flare before the other one goes out.

Now some other warning methods that you can use on your perimeter or other tactical locations is solar powered motion activated light. For locations where there is not a lot of sun to recharge the batteries with the solar panel like in a woodline there is a battery powered motion activated light. The one that I have takes 3 or 4 C batteries. On eBay you can find battery operated exterior motion activated alarm. You just have to learn to research a little. It takes time.

I will list some links to companies that I am watching and thinking about ordering from.

12ga booby trap

12ga flare adapter

Do not buy from this company.

Do a search on the net for company reviews and you will know why. Other flares on the market range around $30.

12ga flare

26.5mm flare


I have ordered from sportsmoke before. Everything went well and the product produced a lot of smoke 40,000 cft is a lot of smoke.

Here is a picture of a home made tripwire detonation device. The top part is an electric match like what model rocket hobbist use. I would not take out the 209 shotgun shell primer and replace it with this match. It would create a claymore affect and could hurt some one really bad. Only use this with non harmful stuff like smoke.

To protect the perimeter at night without making noise, use a CHEM Light or a glow stick/snap light. As long as you are in visual range of it of course.

Set the trap with a trip wire attached to the end of release lever. When intruder walks past your perimeter it will release the trap and impact the glow stick causing it to illuminate within seconds. Remember to set up your traps so they are always in your line of vision from your defensive position.

Here is a video showing how it works:

Two different videos 1 showing horizontal and 2 vertical chemlight. I made my rat traps so they will accept a chemlight both ways. You never know when or how you will emplace the alarm. When they go off they make a pretty loud swack and then you see the light. Pretty cool. I buy traps at Walmart for $2. each and at Home Depot for a two pack for $3. something.

Here is a video to make caltrops. You have to have or know someone with a welder. Note that if you want to take out vehicle tires you will need rebar. The nails just don't have the strength for a rapid deflation.

Check out his other caltrop video #2, #3. I like #1 the best for anti personal.

and finally

the Dollar Tree Door/Window home made electronic tripwire alarm. There cheap, you can get the battery's at Dollar Tree also.

D Day Cricket Clickers.jpg

D Day Cricket Clickers.jpg

Cricket Clicker.jpg
My prepping has evolved over the years, and has included many areas of interest. Lately I've been focusing on the probable lack of electricity during an extended emergency. I truly believe security will be a major concern, and this thread on communicating and warning without radios is great. I think batteries will be a thing of the past as well, so good training and effective ways to keep each other informed is important. Thanks!
nothing beats a couple well trained dogs for guard duty

I agree but they are alive so they can break easy. Not always but you pretty much need to have your property fenced in to contain them but it is beautiful if you could see two of them tearing into a bad guy. But if the guy is quick enough and see's the dogs at a great enough distance they can be easily shot. I will stick with mechanical, cheaper and wont break as easy strategies. Just my personal preference.
I agree but they are alive so they can break easy. Not always but you pretty much need to have your property fenced in to contain them but it is beautiful if you could see two of them tearing into a bad guy. But if the guy is quick enough and see's the dogs at a great enough distance they can be easily shot. I will stick with mechanical, cheaper and wont break as easy strategies. Just my personal preference.
we each have a opinion,,,now yes dog can be killed but mechanical's can fail,,,,,the dogs may be killed but not before they sound the alert
My prepping has evolved over the years, and has included many areas of interest. Lately I've been focusing on the probable lack of electricity during an extended emergency. I truly believe security will be a major concern, and this thread on communicating and warning without radios is great. I think batteries will be a thing of the past as well, so good training and effective ways to keep each other informed is important. Thanks!

I am trying to stay as mechanical as possible because batteries will run out but I do have rechargeables and solar chargers and larger solar panels but its all electronic and wont last.

I did forget fish hooks. Take all different size fish hooks and when you know an attack is coming or highly probable emplace the fish hooks onto tree limbs around your property and high avenues of approach. During the day they can probably be spotted by a slow mover but at night or someone moving very quick they cannot be seen. Once an enemy sticks themselves and cannot move you close in.
we each have a opinion,,,now yes dog can be killed but mechanical's can fail,,,,,the dogs may be killed but not before they sound the alert

Yes we do both have an opinion and nobody will be 100% right. I agree they will sound an alarm if you are outside to hear it. If I was a bad guy I would kill the dogs at a distance and then retreat to a hide and observe. Wait several day to several weeks until your guard is down and then probe your perimeter again and again until I am confident I know your strength and your weaknesses. If you have more dogs then do the same as before. You cant kill your mechanical traps and alarms. Yes some will wear out but stuff like caltrops will last years maybe decades and doesn't cost nearly as much to build as it is to buy and train a dog. I'm not saying not to have a dog, just open your options. Heck if I had surplus money(which I don't) and if my wife would let me(which she wont) I would like to have a couple German Shepard's or Rotties.

This right here shows why the importance of OP/LP. You gotta have help guarding the perimeter. You cant lone wolf it and if you try your dead. I know without any hesitation that if I wanted to take out a lone wolf I could, just take time and patience.
fell free to tr
Yes we do both have an opinion and nobody will be 100% right. I agree they will sound an alarm if you are outside to hear it. If I was a bad guy I would kill the dogs at a distance and then retreat to a hide and observe. Wait several day to several weeks until your guard is down and then probe your perimeter again and again until I am confident I know your strength and your weaknesses. If you have more dogs then do the same as before. You cant kill your mechanical traps and alarms. Yes some will wear out but stuff like caltrops will last years maybe decades and doesn't cost nearly as much to build as it is to buy and train a dog. I'm not saying not to have a dog, just open your options. Heck if I had surplus money(which I don't) and if my wife would let me(which she wont) I would like to have a couple German Shepard's or Rotties.

This right here shows why the importance of OP/LP. You gotta have help guarding the perimeter. You cant lone wolf it and if you try your dead. I know without any hesitation that if I wanted to take out a lone wolf I could, just take time and patience.[

feel free to try,just remember you come in kill the dogs now I know you are out there and you have just become the hunted
do you really think anyone is going to sit on their ass and wait on you,,,,,,most of us are going to be hunting the A-hole who killed the dogs

Do you have military experience? I'm not trying to be a smart ass I am genuinely curious. There are military and guerrilla warfare tactics for this. Like I said LP and OP are a really good start. If you have a good team that is trained your F'd if all you relying on is a pair of dogs and a couple people with guns. There is a reason there are snipers in the military that provide overwatch and teams that move very quickly and know each others moves. I would expect you to come out and be looking around.

I'm done with this conversation because it is going South and I'm not going to get in a pissing contest with someone I don't even know. But just keep an open mind.

PS to anyone,
With the way I worded things it was hypothetical. I am not the marauder type. I just know tactics.
Do you have military experience? I'm not trying to be a smart ass I am genuinely curious. There are military and guerrilla warfare tactics for this. Like I said LP and OP are a really good start. If you have a good team that is trained your F'd if all you relying on is a pair of dogs and a couple people with guns. There is a reason there are snipers in the military that provide overwatch and teams that move very quickly and know each others moves. I would expect you to come out and be looking around.

I'm done with this conversation because it is going South and I'm not going to get in a pissing contest with someone I don't even know. But just keep an open mind.

PS to anyone,
With the way I worded things it was hypothetical. I am not the marauder type. I just know tactics.

then you should not talk **** ,,
I'm not pissed off at you but,,,,if you intend to take someone out,you don't alert them that you are around,

2nd,,, plan your attack
3rd ,,,make your strike

if you have any training you can take them out from 600,yrds or better and the dogs will never know you are around
then you should not talk **** ,,

Look if you want to be a prick, I can be a bigger prick. I'm a fighter so I don't back down easy and I tried to make a nice attempt with my last post to leave it alone. You must be a lone wolf because your awful defensive. And the big fricken and last I knew it was a fricken free country, freedom of speech and all that ****. I can say what ever I want as long as it fits into the guidelines. They way your defensive I also bet you have a big fat zero in training or military experience. So your talking **** and you don't know what in the hell your even talking about. You are just thumpin your chest and sticking it out. I loved it when I was a correction officer because the inmates that started that crap almost always started to take their shirt off to fight. As soon as that shirt covered their head they got slammed, never hesitated for that one. So keep thumpin your chest because you look like an idiot!
Look if you want to be a prick, I can be a bigger prick. I'm a fighter so I don't back down easy and I tried to make a nice attempt with my last post to leave it alone. You must be a lone wolf because your awful defensive. And the big fricken and last I knew it was a fricken free country, freedom of speech and all that ****. I can say what ever I want as long as it fits into the guidelines. They way your defensive I also bet you have a big fat zero in training or military experience. So your talking **** and you don't know what in the hell your even talking about. You are just thumpin your chest and sticking it out. I loved it when I was a correction officer because the inmates that started that crap almost always started to take their shirt off to fight. As soon as that shirt covered their head they got slammed, never hesitated for that one. So keep thumpin your chest because you look like an idiot!
Something I forgot to mention is that the best purchase for chemlights/glow sticks for the rat trap is at Dollar Tree. You can buy 6" lights two to a package for $1. I looked on eBay and local and nothing compared. The expired military surplus are still an arm and a leg on eBay. The cheapest I found on eBay was around one dollar each. Walmart has them for around one dollar each.

I tested one and it performed pretty good. I snapped it at 8pm and it produced a good amount of light. I checked it 4 hours later at midnight and it still had the same amount of light. When I got up at 7am it was still lit but not very bright as expected. For what you need it for (rat trap alarms) they are perfect. Something else you can do is use mouse traps(cheaper) and instead of 6" use the bracelet style lights.

The beauty of these things is that your LP/OP can hear the trap go off and know what direction and a few seconds later they can see exactly what direction the offender is coming from.

One thing I neglected to mention is that you want your property posted with warning no trespassing signs regardless of good/bad times, its about liability. But after WROL and you emplace different devises you really should have some type of fencing and have the property posted. You don't want some kid that doesn't know any better getting hurt.
Something I forgot to mention is fish hooks. If you are in a wooded area this is a really good defensive tool. I have been buying fish hooks on clearance from Walmart and other stores from the winter season. I am buying as many medium to large fish hooks as I can get because the front part of my property that borders the road is very thick wooded with a mixture of regular trees, cedar trees and some pine. After a major SHTF as it gets close to WROL I plan on hanging these hooks from tree branches at different height where it will connect with a human.

During daytime there is a good chance that they could be seen but when you are under fire you have to move fast and if your moving fast you wont be seeing something that small when you trying to see where shooters are. Now that was for a stupid marauder. Military usually attack in the dark pre dawn or sometime in the night when the defender is sleeping. If your moving at night your not going to see fish hooks. Even if your blessed to have NVG's the hooks are just going to blend in with twigs. Combine that with your still trying to move quick once someone starts to open fire.

So why hook someone? If your attacker gets hooked he's stuck because of the barbs. If your stuck standing up messing with a fish hook that is in your skin you are easy prey for a defender. I thought about buying steel leaders to make it hard to break the hook off and they are not cost effective. I bought 50lb test fishing line to use with the hooks.

Comments suggestions?
Something I forgot to mention is fish hooks. If you are in a wooded area this is a really good defensive tool. I have been buying fish hooks on clearance from Walmart and other stores from the winter season. I am buying as many medium to large fish hooks as I can get because the front part of my property that borders the road is very thick wooded with a mixture of regular trees, cedar trees and some pine. After a major SHTF as it gets close to WROL I plan on hanging these hooks from tree branches at different height where it will connect with a human.

During daytime there is a good chance that they could be seen but when you are under fire you have to move fast and if your moving fast you wont be seeing something that small when you trying to see where shooters are. Now that was for a stupid marauder. Military usually attack in the dark pre dawn or sometime in the night when the defender is sleeping. If your moving at night your not going to see fish hooks. Even if your blessed to have NVG's the hooks are just going to blend in with twigs. Combine that with your still trying to move quick once someone starts to open fire.

So why hook someone? If your attacker gets hooked he's stuck because of the barbs. If your stuck standing up messing with a fish hook that is in your skin you are easy prey for a defender. I thought about buying steel leaders to make it hard to break the hook off and they are not cost effective. I bought 50lb test fishing line to use with the hooks.

Comments suggestions?
Honestly, it sounds effective the me. I don't thing I would have ever thought of it before. And if shtf never happens then your set in fishing supplies! Sounds a lot less labor intensive than digging a pit with spikes too. Seriously, this stuff may sound barbaric now, but after shtf, if someone is sneaking up at night, I have no sympathy for them as their intentions were not in your best interests.
I thought it was effective also. As your attacker is standing there trying to get a hook out of their face. They are very vulnerable to elimination.

Like you said it's not labor intensive. Depending on the area you want to secure you can do it less than a couple hours.
Something I forgot to mention is fish hooks. If you are in a wooded area this is a really good defensive tool. I have been buying fish hooks on clearance from Walmart and other stores from the winter season. I am buying as many medium to large fish hooks as I can get because the front part of my property that borders the road is very thick wooded with a mixture of regular trees, cedar trees and some pine. After a major SHTF as it gets close to WROL I plan on hanging these hooks from tree branches at different height where it will connect with a human.

During daytime there is a good chance that they could be seen but when you are under fire you have to move fast and if your moving fast you wont be seeing something that small when you trying to see where shooters are. Now that was for a stupid marauder. Military usually attack in the dark pre dawn or sometime in the night when the defender is sleeping. If your moving at night your not going to see fish hooks. Even if your blessed to have NVG's the hooks are just going to blend in with twigs. Combine that with your still trying to move quick once someone starts to open fire.

So why hook someone? If your attacker gets hooked he's stuck because of the barbs. If your stuck standing up messing with a fish hook that is in your skin you are easy prey for a defender. I thought about buying steel leaders to make it hard to break the hook off and they are not cost effective. I bought 50lb test fishing line to use with the hooks.

Comments suggestions?
I've heard of dopers using fish hooks around their pot patches. Where I'm located about all I'd catch would be deer, elk and cattle. My location provides the best security. In a SHTF event it's highly unlikely that anyone would stumble upon my place. We're too far away from any population centers to worry about city dwellers. They'd never make this far.
Depending on the situation and area, Things like trip wire alarm devices, LPOPs and security patrols (depending on the size of your group) can all help with perimeter security. To limit the usage of vehicles into your area you could use 1/4" vinyl coated cable across roads and driveways that is secured with the screw on wire clamps, you can use JB weld on the threads to prevent them from being unsecured. Barbwire can be very effective as tangle foot as I posted above as well as treble hooks hanging at face to torso level on 25lbs spider wire. Any drainage ditches at the end of your driveway or outside of her perimeter that are close to you need to be filled with sharped stakes or rebar, or covered over with well staked down barbed wire or some other way to keep them from being used as improvised fighting positions against you.
You can use 3/4" pipe, similar to a slam fire shotgun but you just have to remember that if you do that it becomes a short barreled shotgun if it's under 18" so just keep it as information until after SHTF.
Yep, pretty much. Prosecutors could probably get you for some type of explosive device if they wanted to play dirty I have gained a lot of knowledge Through The Years from the military and from military literature and other sources too bad most of it can't be used until WROL. I plan but I never assemble.
A little more practical during these less than SHTF days is a driveway alarm. Solar powered, so the batteries never go dead. My unit will handle four sensors, but mine came with just two, which will cover what I want covered. Different alarms for each unit, so you know immediately where you have a problem. It can go off hundreds of times without needing to be reset. I can leave my garage door open now (during the day) without worrying about someone just walking in and helping themselves to my tools. Unit was about $100 delivered.

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