Sorry for the 'Grave Dig' ya'll, but..
Didn't think this little 'alt-idea' warranted a
whole New thread..
Anyhoo, for those who Use the 'Fith-Ops style': etc, of 12 ga Perim-Trip alarm (..and, NOT, herein, debating the
merits of 'Noisy vs Silent Perim-Trips' - this is Just FYI for those who
Use these-types.. Which
Can have 'Other purposes' besides Perim-Alerts, but.. that's
Another thread, still..
I've a few of these 'Fith-Ops trip rigs' / 209-adapters, but I was, let's say.. 'Underwhelmed' by the 209's report.. Soooo... I came up with a 'DIY'd rig' to use 9mm 'PAK' blanks, ie: ..Which are
Much louder than 209s (or even 22-blanks, for that matter..)
Starts with a 'standard aperture' Door viewer, ie:
Defiant Bright Brass 200 Degree Door Viewer 70522 - The Home Depot ..Which, who's 'Face' -
just so happens - to be the Same dia. as a 12 ga. shell's base (well, 'Close enough', anyway.. YMMV, depending on OEM / brand, etc - Might have to 'grind-down the rim-dia' a bit.. But.. IIRC, that one was perfect..
(..and Yes - Also works in those 'Orion' Marine-flareguns, etc..)
- Pop-out the Lenses / Grind-down the front-face 'lens-seat' / rim, there, as-seen, and get yerself a 9mm O-ring, as shown... The 'PAK' round will 'drop right in', ie:
..No, it won't 'seal super-tightly' (doesn't
Need to, like a Real round / projectile does in a barrel..) but again,
Does Need the O-ring in Front of the PAK-round's 'mouth', so it will 'center' / seat-tightly, ie:
..And Yes, that applies to These (the Fith-Ops) style of 12-ga Trip-devices.. (y)
The PAK rounds are a LOT louder than a 209 / 22-blank, less 'fire risk' (for, say, 'Woods-contexts') than a 12 ga load, and Cheaper, overall.
'Why not just bore-out a 209-adapter for these'? Cuz they're not Long-enough to bore-out (with say, an End-mill, so you have a 'Stop' at the end for the PAK-round
To seat into..) so they just fall out.. BTDT.
WARNING: (for anyone Not astute enough to Already know this..) DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE THIS WITH A 'REAL' 9mm ROUND, it WILL
NOT serve as a 'way to make a 9mm out of a 12 ga flaregun' - Gas-pressure, alone, will Blow this (AND the 'viewer-barrel') to smithereens in yer hand, it'll
Never work. You'd stand a better chance of firing a 9 x 19 round out of yer Mouth by gnawing at the primer with yer Teeth.