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Gathering nature's bounty sometimes involves risk.
This Fish Hook cactus is an example. The red fruits are tasty but harvesting is best done carefully.
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Ooh, what does the fruit on that cactus taste like? It looks good. I imagine a good pair of gloves would be needed for picking the fruit.
Those I pick with my Leatherman usually. I'm not very good at describing taste. They are sweet, The outer skin gets leathery after they are on the plant awhile but still very edible. Unlike most fruits these are good on the plant for more than a month before they start to shrivel. They have tiny seeds inside. They taste good enough so I eat them whenever I see them.
First pic is my cat, Bethesda, on top of my door. She couldn't figure out how to get back down. I see the cob webs on the ceiling, but I like spiders because they eat other bugs.
2nd is a bell pepper with a J on it that we found at the grocery store. Had to get a pic before Mom ate it.
It's cold outside, hanging with the pups tonight. There is a wall mounted space heater to the right of the big dog... I got the little pup labor day. He's 6months old now, weighs about 65 pound already.

This afternoon I got an old pc out of the barn to see if it still works. I think it had xp on it, ran when I put it in the barn.

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Peanut, if the PC doesn't run it might need a CMOS battery. Hopefully it will still run. XP wasn't too bad of an OS. Windows ME was absolutely terrible. Beautiful doggies! I love that type of brush too. Got a couple of them for my critters. Had trouble getting the thick fur from my late red dog out though.
One of my sister's friends found a lost dog. They were trying to find the owners and then found the picture of the dog on a missing pets site. This was the pic:

How adorable is that?
Anyway, the friend called the owners and the owners promptly came and got their dog.

Meanwhile, this is the one surviving puppy from the litter I mentioned in another thread. My friend plans to give the puppy to his mom if she survives Covid.

Puppy is about the same size as this rat my cats caught. One of my orange cats was reaching toward it when my brother took the picture. Yeah, I need to vacuum that hallway. LOL. There are no power outlets in the hallway or nearby so I have to run an extension cord to use the vacuum.
I want one of those see-thru umbrellas that fits over you like a cone. When it rains here (rare, luckily), the wind usually blows fiercely as well. Normal flatter-profile umbrellas rapidly invert and even if they're strong enough not to invert, you get your hand tugged every which way. I have not been able to find the domed see-thru umbrellas here. But I didn't look in any Dollar Stores. I'll have to do that.

Using them on those planters is a really cool idea too. We have a short growing season here in Colorado and that would help getting tomatoes and stuff started earlier.

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