I like the look of them, but too much heat loss and too much security risk
Had a bear on the porch last night, where can I get one of those signs?
Our big black bear was on the street in front of the house about 9PM yesterday. We don’t have a sign but I guess he decided not to come calling
I do like large windows, but not high and pointed into the rafters or with plastic tape between the panes. Also, I prefer vertical windows (like most older homes) as opposed to horizontal windows (like many newer homes.). I'm just a picky bugger ain't I?
I saw a few bowls of cotton open this morning... made me think of my family... generations had food on the table because of cotton... Both grandpa's were sharecroppers the year I was born. That soon changed with large JD and IH equipment.
In fact my first good job in highschool was in a cotton gin at night.
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@phideaux I know this sounds like bs but it's true. My mom picked cotton the day I was born. Being 9months she could only scrap around the ends of rows near the wagon, have empty sacks ready etc. They said I was born just after lunch. Heck of a way to get out of picking cotton. That's what my grandpa used to say teasing her... "she just had you to get out of picking cotton"![]()
Speaking of cotton, I just saw this pic yesterday. It was titled "Cotton = winter in the South".
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Actually I am ready for Autumn. I've had enough Summer for this year. I just hope Winter doesn't get here too early but this weekend is suppose to give us a taste of Winter temperatures. My wife is not ready for me to fire up the pellet stove but by Saturday she might change her mind.