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Mount Rushmore, during the time of the Sturgis Rally. I was reading that some people are sick of dealing with all of the motorcycles during the rally. They forget the money that it brings in. College kids sell beverages and other things in roadside stands and make their college tuition money for the year during the rally. People leave town and rent out their homes during the rally.
Mount Rushmore, during Sturgis rally.jpg


..That has Got to be My (Second) Favorite 'Hand-carved Wood Sculpture of All Time', Lol! Was / is located in the Base 'General Store' restroom at Malmstrom AFB up in Great Falls, MT, that I snapped while there on Biz a few years back. Just.. Priceless! :cool:

Most prairie dogs are cute. Destructive, but cute. That one looks more evil than the normal ones.
They may be cute, but they are really destructive. One of my uncles had cattle in a field that some decided to set up residency in. I remember going with him one time where he put poisoned pellets into their holes and covered them up. He was trying to protect his cattle from stepping in the holes and breaking their legs. I have no idea how effective his efforts were.
In South Dakota, prairie dogs make for good shooting practice on Sunday afternoons.
Yes, spelling errors. I just did a copy and paste.

Battle of Little Big Horn, Memoirs of Chief Red Fox (1870-1976) .
"I was six years and fourteen days old at the time of the Custer fight. As it was told to me by my father Chief Black Eagle and my mother White Swan, the sister of Chief Crazy Horse….We left Pine Ridge [Reservation] the eight day of May 1876. Arrived in Montana about June the fifth. My people expected truble they divided up into three different villages. In case of attact they would not be caught in a trap. They knew Custer had left fort Lincoln for the Little Big Horn. Chief Gall and Chief Two-Moons sent word to my uncle Chief Crazy Horse that they were on their way to join him in case of trouble with Custer they hatted him for the killing of the fifty three old women men and children and for burning their village several years before [This is a reference to the battle of Washita River, Nov. 27, 1868] and he Raped Black Kettle fourteen year old daughter she gave berth to a boy who is known as Yellow Hawk that they claim is his son from that attact….
On Sunday morning June 25th 1876 Custer…divided his forces into four groups send Reno to attack my people from the southwest of the Big Horn River. Benteen from the northeast. Godfry and McDugal with the supply train….He told them he would…make the attact at four o'clock….About 2 PM…we heard shots fired later we were told that my father and Chief Standing Bear had blocked Captain Benteen from crossing the river. Ghost Dogs, and Crow King had blocked Reno and his men Stinking Bear had Blocked Godfre and McDougal.
About 3 oclock Custer appeared and my uncle Crazy Horse rode out and then retreated like they were afraid. Custer came riding on then. Chief Gall came out to the left side of Custer and Two Moons and his Cheyenns came to the right of Custer. When Custer seen this he started his charge then he dismounted, placed his men on high grounds his horses placed under senteries the Indians made a curcle around him then rode their horses accross the circle kicking up durt [to] stampead his horses. Then the Indians made their attact. Custer bugle sounded for the sentries to bring the horses but they had been killed his bugle sounded for retreat but…most of his men and horses were killed. some said he was the last one to die but that not true. Captain Kegho was the last man to be killed and his horse Comanche was the only horse alive….my people said no one knows who killed [Custer] or when he fell. they say the battle lasted forty minutes….the Indians had better guns than the soldiers good horsemen and knew the country and planed how to fight the battle…."

Chief Red Fox.jpg
Dog dragged a bunch of laundry onto the floor, made a nest, then dragged in some trash from the kitchen and looked at me all innocent.View attachment 114532
No idea what mix of breeds she is, but she's very sweet.
Very cute, terrier mix, Yorkie or Silkie coloring!
My oldest is going into his senior year and it's time for senior photos. We called around to a few different folks who have done other's photos in the past. Let's just say that the prices we were quoted were just not in the cards for us (lowest price was $350 and the highest was $850). I've been a photography hobbyist since I was in high school, so my wife suggested I should attempt to take them. We took our first set last week, had to get them done before the end of this week to make it for some of the school banners and programs this fall. He was a trooper, it was blazing hot and Dad took him out into the middle of nowhere to get the landscape that we wanted. Here is my boy, photos by this novice:
View attachment 113140View attachment 113141View attachment 113142
Great photos. Good job and handsome young man.
Dog dragged a bunch of laundry onto the floor, made a nest, then dragged in some trash from the kitchen and looked at me all innocent.View attachment 114532
No idea what mix of breeds she is, but she's very sweet.
Looks like maybe a Yorkie mix. I think her face also looks a bit Corgi. But what a cutie.