Tonight, I bought something I’ve needed for a long time… a couple of analog thermometers. The ones I see at the box stores and wally’s are all digital. I got these at tractor supply. Both of them with tax, about $8. They measure temp and humidity.
When I moved back here there was one in the bathroom that had belonged to my grandfather. It made sense… it was the room furthest from any heat source in winter (wood stove). It gave him a good over view of his home’s ambient temp.
A few years ago I got my nephew to pull out my old bath tub and install a walk in shower. Somehow my grandpa’s thermometer got knocked off the wall and broken that week… a shame… It was from the 50’s or 60’s, a cigarette ad on the metal plate, Winston I think. I liked it.
When I moved back here there was one in the bathroom that had belonged to my grandfather. It made sense… it was the room furthest from any heat source in winter (wood stove). It gave him a good over view of his home’s ambient temp.
A few years ago I got my nephew to pull out my old bath tub and install a walk in shower. Somehow my grandpa’s thermometer got knocked off the wall and broken that week… a shame… It was from the 50’s or 60’s, a cigarette ad on the metal plate, Winston I think. I liked it.