priorities & value in hypothetical SHTF scenario

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there's An estimated 2,695,598 residents living in chicago.and Chicago city parks attract an estimated 86 million visitors me,thats about as safe as walking into a bear cave empty handed,knowing very well.that there's a hungry bear in there..

People are products of their environment however Chicago is a city comprised of many diverse close knit micro communities. Every kind of person imaginable is represented in the city but most of them are good people with unique characteristics & capabilities.

There are also many wealthy communities hence some of the most expensive real estate in the country.

Of course there are ghettos and slums but they do not represent the majority. Even within ghettos there are mostly good people.

Most of us are NOT the blood thirsty savages being depicted by some of the members of this forum.
damn this went to hell while I was gone today,,,this has become way to personal here,,,,,those who call a city home are in for a rough ride if the SHTF,,,how many of you have ever watched a city being evacuated because of a Hurricane 20 miles in 2 or 3 hours,that is bad enough but if a nuclear war ever broke out,a lot of those people trying to get out will die right there on the interstate,,it is best to hunker down and wait it out and then get out,,,if the SHTF a city in my opinion is not the place to be,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

toexit troll or not a troll I do not care he is a city guy and he will defend his choice to the end,,,,bigpaul is the opposite dead set in his choice just like me,,,not a problem with either choice,no reason to beat each other up
Personally, I have a feeling we were conflating short-to-medium term SHTF events (which occur fairly frequently) with TEOTWAWKI events, which are rare. I know I was.

In a SHTF scenario where you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, maybe bugging in isn't so bad. I live in the city, and for something where I have to endure a week of deprivation, knowing that it will be over in a week, I can hole up and tough it out. I'm not worried about my neighbors.

In a long term event however, I simply can't see staying put as a viable option. I don't want to get even close to the end of my supplies while living in the city. I'd rather head to the BOL. I won't be going it alone, I'll have relatives there...*all* of whom can shoot.

Now maybe if I didn't already have a place to go where I could be with relatives, I might not cherish the idea of striking out into the unknown...ALA Rick Grimes & Company.

So what I'm saying is, give the city boy a break...
I think we all have our own ideas of what we consider as our ideal place to ride out tough times. I agree with toexist that not all people in cities are bad people. I've seen black people in ghettos with hardly anything to their name being some of the most generous and caring people out there, willing to share with and comfort others. I've also seen white middle class Christians that will step over a hungry homeless person in disgust. There are good and bad people everywhere. My only issue with being in a city is the rate the resources will be used up. There would just be too many people compete ting for the same limited resources. I like my odds in a more rural setting, but that's just my personal thoughts. As far as getting personal and irritated by others opinions, well opinions are like ********, everyone's got one.... Life is too short to take this stuff too personal. Listen, consider, learn, discard what you don't agree with.
To exit, I believe you should live where and how you feel comfortable with. There are no guaranty that something will ever happen in our life time. Some are comforted with just having a couple weeks of supplies to get us thru whatever, others have that along with some seeds tucked away for the just in case scenerio. . .others take prepping very seriously and have the underground bunkers equipped with hydroponics to grow their own food. Then their are others who just enjoy a self sufficient lifestyle because we don't ever want to rely on anyone else to take care of us. It is a lifestyle decision. . . maybe it is right for some but wrong for others. If you feel a need to stay in a city because you want to stay in the action so to speak, than by all means stay there. I am not about to debate on which would be a more survival situation. . . we both have our own opinions about that one. I choose to grow \ raise my own and make from scratch from a prepping aspect but also for the benefit that I know what is & is not in a food product that me and my family eat. There are no guaranties in life, just doing what you feel is right for you and your family.
To exit, I believe you should live where and how you feel comfortable with. There are no guaranty that something will ever happen in our life time. Some are comforted with just having a couple weeks of supplies to get us thru whatever, others have that along with some seeds tucked away for the just in case scenerio. . .others take prepping very seriously and have the underground bunkers equipped with hydroponics to grow their own food. Then their are others who just enjoy a self sufficient lifestyle because we don't ever want to rely on anyone else to take care of us. It is a lifestyle decision. . . maybe it is right for some but wrong for others. If you feel a need to stay in a city because you want to stay in the action so to speak, than by all means stay there. I am not about to debate on which would be a more survival situation. . . we both have our own opinions about that one. I choose to grow \ raise my own and make from scratch from a prepping aspect but also for the benefit that I know what is & is not in a food product that me and my family eat. There are no guaranties in life, just doing what you feel is right for you and your family.

Well said, thank you.
I stopped reading this thread. I don't know if it is just me but I really think this thread turned stupid. Am I wrong?

Ive never understood comments like this. I mean i dont know but if im not interested in something then i dont take part. Maybe its best u read next time or if not're not obligated to respond.

I mean it's not like this thread is blocking your driveway.
i know nothing about Chicago and very little about other American cities, but I was given the impression that Chicago is really run down, didn't I hear that the city council had gone bankrupt or something?
cities in a minor emergency or a short term event will probably be okay, not wonderful but eventually the cities will be the first to be resupplied because that is where most of the population lives, in the UK that's about 80%, but when I talk about SHTF I really mean TEOTWAWKI and there will be NO resupply.
i know nothing about Chicago and very little about other American cities, but I was given the impression that Chicago is really run down, didn't I hear that the city council had gone bankrupt or something?
cities in a minor emergency or a short term event will probably be okay, not wonderful but eventually the cities will be the first to be resupplied because that is where most of the population lives, in the UK that's about 80%, but when I talk about SHTF I really mean TEOTWAWKI and there will be NO resupply.

And the lunatic troll strikes again. What I want to know is if the SHTF...what this mental midget is going to do when his meds run out.
i should say I have seen both sides, I live in a city for over 40 years both man and boy, when I got remarried we moved to a medium sized town in the next county where we lived for 10 years, we then came home to Devon and now live on the edge of a country market town with a low population. I prefer it here, I have been to big cities and people don't have time to be courteous, in fact they jump a mile if you speak to them and they hurry on their way. I know everyone here and I know where they live, a lot I know where they work and what car they drive.
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Ya know Paul, for someone who is supposed to dislike people trolling and getting personal, you sir, are the master. Not just on this thread but for years you have been baiting and goading people into arguements for the sole reason for you to then bleat and play the injured party.
You have been seen off or banned from most UK forums for your bad behaviour, and as far as I know there are only two that put up with you, one of which is yours!
I'd close this thread myself before I let this delusional troll hijack it. Believe it or not some value has been exchanged least in my eyes.
Ya know Paul, for someone who is supposed to dislike people trolling and getting personal, you sir, are the master. Not just on this thread but for years you have been baiting and goading people into arguements for the sole reason for you to then bleat and play the injured party.
You have been seen off or banned from most UK forums for your bad behaviour, and as far as I know there are only two that put up with you, one of which is yours!
its called having an opinion, I have a right to my own whether you agree with it or not, "bad behaviour" yes maybe in the era of the snowflake they class it as that, people are so pathetic these days, which is why I think very few will survive once the emergency arises.
its called having an opinion, I have a right to my own whether you agree with it or not, "bad behaviour" yes maybe in the era of the snowflake they class it as that, people are so pathetic these days, which is why I think very few will survive once the emergency arises.

Listen to this guy. When people hear "prepper" this is the kinda person that comes to mind. This is why I keep my interest in prepping to myself. Many people will automatically assume that you're damaged goods because of people like this.

If u back track through this thread u will see that most have been civil and genuinely attempting to exchange ideas.

Just because he is afraid of his own shadow and a miserable human being...everyone's got to pay.
I'm an ubanite too Toexist and like where I live. I have weighed the pros and cons and for me at this time in my life, I'm exactly where I need to be. I would like to be a bit more self reliant but what I want to do could well be done here as anywhere,more space would be good though, maybe I'll get another allotment;). Whether one is urban or rural really doesn't matter it's that you are prepping at all and have a plan that's got to be a plus.
I'm an ubanite too Toexist and like where I live. I have weighed the pros and cons and for me at this time in my life, I'm exactly where I need to be. I would like to be a bit more self reliant but what I want to do could well be done here as anywhere,more space would be good though, maybe I'll get another allotment;). Whether one is urban or rural really doesn't matter it's that you are prepping at all and have a plan that's got to be a plus.

Thanks Sally, appreciate it. Yea Ive been into firearms for some time. After getting into various YouTube gun bloggers I stumbled upon some prepper related channels. This got me thinking prep.

I think I'm someone whom naturally is curious and often find myself over analyzing all kinds of things... sometimes to a fault.
I will say one thing about this thread. There's been more active participation on this than most. I think there's been some personal jabs that could have been left out, but aren't we here to discuss things and learn new view points and ideas?

Yea I'm pretty stubborn but rest assure I have sincere intentions to learn. Through debating I have picked up quite a bit thus far.
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I have a daughter in Chicago, or a close suburb anyways, for their sake I hope your right about some cities being more stable in an emergency than others. I'd hope they could make it here in an emergency, but that's a lot of road to travel. She describes her area as safe and very family oriented.
One question I have is the gun control there. Do you have to jump thru a lot of hoops to legally own a firearm?
I have a daughter in Chicago, or a close suburb anyways, for their sake I hope your right about some cities being more stable in an emergency than others. I'd hope they could make it here in an emergency, but that's a lot of road to travel. She describes her area as safe and very family oriented.
One question I have is the gun control there. Do you have to jump thru a lot of hoops to legally own a firearm?

You just have to have a clean record. It takes a couple months to get your FOID (firearms license) after submission. To get ur concealed carry license u have to take full 2 day course, pass an easy nra based range test and it helps (optional not required) to get ur finger prints sent through state police which I did. Takes around 2 or 3 months to get ur ccw after submitting.

There is a 3 day wait for handgun and 2 day wait for rifle after purchase required for pickup. A couple elite suburbs banned ownership of certain "assault rifles" but that's about it.

Most of Chicago is extremely safe. There are bad pockets but they're easily avoided. Most of the crime takes place in areas I doubt ur daughter would go anywhere near.

Many of the suburbs of Chicago are some of the safest communities in the country.
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whether a city is safe in an emergency depends on the event, one thing is sure once the electric and the mains go down, very few people will be able to survive, most city apartments and other housing are too close together and have nowhere to grow stuff, once the initial food supply is gone you need to be able to grow at least some of your own food, wherever you live, city, town or country. and of course the knowledge to do so, no point in starting growing SHTF+day 1 if you don't know how!
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