damn this went to hell while I was gone today,,,this has become way to personal here,,,,,those who call a city home are in for a rough ride if the SHTF,,,how many of you have ever watched a city being evacuated because of a Hurricane 20 miles in 2 or 3 hours,that is bad enough but if a nuclear war ever broke out,a lot of those people trying to get out will die right there on the interstate,,it is best to hunker down and wait it out and then get out,,,if the SHTF a city in my opinion is not the place to be,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
toexit troll or not a troll I do not care he is a city guy and he will defend his choice to the end,,,,bigpaul is the opposite dead set in his choice just like me,,,not a problem with either choice,no reason to beat each other up