question(s) for older members

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Awesome Friend
Apr 1, 2017
London, UK

I saw this last night and thought it would be worth sharing.

I too noticed that most of the heavy duty prepper types on the internet are in over 60.

I always thought that when I got older (if I'm lucky enough to) that I would take life less seriously as I aged. Evidently this doesn't appear to be the case. I understand if you have a large family but what if you dont?

I'm not trying to be a smartazz here. I'm legitimately interested in understanding.

I know some of you have prepped pretty heavy for long exended periods of time. I was just thinking if nothing catastrophic happens (no forever life changing event ever occurs in your life time) have you decided what is done with all your remaining supplies?

Do you plan on selling some of your supplies off if/when you reach a certain age?

Do you plan on cutting back a bit if/when you reach certain age?

Or do you plan to maintain steady course?
The reason we live the way we do is because we love the lifestyle of being self reliant. Some of the skills have been taught to the boys when they are interested in something and hopefully down to the grandkids one day. For now, we will continue with what we do, but I'm sure one day we will have to slow down. Hopefully one day one of the boys would like to take over the farm when both of us are gone, but as long as we are able, I feel its important to put seeds in little minds. . . We have so many lost arts that used to be just a part of everyday life. Canning has become just a few now, smoking and salting, even less. Most kids don't even know where food comes from, other than the grocery store. Growing and butchering. Making soap. Even basic sewing. There are so many lesson s that can be taught and passed on.

I have actually thought of this topic as my sweet hunny is in that age group. Most days he is active as ever, but there are a few where he is totally down and its left to me. Do I really want to deal with the bull everyday? There are ways of doing things differently as we get older, you just have to adapt with age. I really do think I will, at least at this time in life as long as I am able to. I kinda got a hard head and if someone tells me I can't. . . . well, that makes me all the more determined. :) I just couldn't see myself ever giving up my independence, which is what I see our home as being.
I'm 52,started somewhat late with this,and if I can keep my health will keep on doing this. just in case!
same goes with my place in the active reserve,as long as I can maintain my health,stamina and so on,will keep on doing that too.
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We started in our 50s as well. We already had a lot of weapons, but not too much food stores, I’d think we have at least a year and a half’s worth of food at this point. It’s even fairly well organized.

Growing up with parents and grandparents that lived through some really hard times, I watched them preserve food, and they were really good at it. Of course, I didn’t pay enough attention to it to matter and that slowed us down some.

I wouldn’t call us over the top, either, we do have a BOL, but we already had it for recreation, so I don’t really count that. We did kinda go overboard with a freeze dryer, but it’s just a way to preserve food.

Perhaps we’ll leave the food to a food bank or something, but we do rotate it. I don’t plan on backing off until they haul me to either a funeral home or a nursing home (hopefully the funeral home).at least it’ll make life interesting for whoever has to deal with it, lol.

Interesting question!
and the responses give alot to me,answers many questions.
once I live through these night shifts and my brain works again I might have new ones ;)

one could think,that living in such a safe Place as I do,there wouldn't be any need for prepping,perhaps it's something that I took from my granny.
Since I'm only 58. I'll answer in 1.5 years. No really, my parents and extended have always gardened and canned food.

I am preparing a binder full of "tips" for my daughter. It's on paper because I don' believe there will be Internet when needed. It details gardening, canning, repairs etc. I'm guessing after I am gone, they will move here because I have it set up for alternate cooking methods, propane hot water, heat, etc. After the gas runs out, the fireplace can be changed to wood. Just jerk out the fake logs.
I just like having the secure feeling that even if everything around us goes to **** that I have enough supplies to help make us more comfortable at least. I’m not really expecting a catastrophic event in my lifetime, and that’s not really why I prep. I am aware that it is a possibility though and am smart enough to never say, “it couldn’t happen here, this is America”. Why do people have a savings account, or insurance? It’s just a form of security that anyone with ones they care about likes having. As far as who gets it when I’m gone, my son isn’t as in to it as I am, but he does see the sense in it. I think one reason he doesn’t prep as much is because he knows I’ve got most of it covered. Smart little turd.....
I just like having the secure feeling that even if everything around us goes to **** that I have enough supplies to help make us more comfortable at least. I’m not really expecting a catastrophic event in my lifetime, and that’s not really why I prep. I am aware that it is a possibility though and am smart enough to never say, “it couldn’t happen here, this is America”. Why do people have a savings account, or insurance? It’s just a form of security that anyone with ones they care about likes having. As far as who gets it when I’m gone, my son isn’t as in to it as I am, but he does see the sense in it. I think one reason he doesn’t prep as much is because he knows I’ve got most of it covered. Smart little turd.....

I wasn't questioning the logic in preparedness. Obviously I would be a big hypocrite if that were the case. I was just curious as too why it appears that the most serious of preppers are older people over 60 years old. This striked me as odd initially.

I mean how many ACTIVE members under 35 year olds are there on this forum? I can't name not one besides myself. Prepping is predominantly on older persons game. I was just trying to understand mindset/logic/rational of older people.

Whenever this is brought up people focus on the young instead of the other way around. I already understand how most young people think.

Thank you for those whom have participated. If anyone else wishes to add 2 cents...the floor is yours.
the mind set and youth,,,,,when we are young we think we are bullet proof and the world is our oyster ,bad **** only happens to the other guy it can't happen to me...............................we get some miles on us and shed the trappings of youth we come to understand that everything is not always going to go our way,so we plan set thing back and prepare for hard times if they should happen,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,that is why I prep,not just for the big SHTF mess but for hard times in general
I wasn't questioning the logic in preparedness. Obviously I would be a big hypocrite if that were the case. I was just curious as too why it appears that the most serious of preppers are older people over 60 years old. This striked me as odd initially.

I mean how many ACTIVE members under 35 year olds are there on this forum? I can't name not one besides myself. Prepping is predominantly on older persons game. I was just trying to understand mindset/logic/rational of older people.

Whenever this is brought up people focus on the young instead of the other way around. I already understand how most young people think.

Thank you for those whom have participated. If anyone else wishes to add 2 cents...the floor is yours.
I think some of it is as GG started with the youth being inclined to believe they are immortal and immune to bad things. The other part is usually the younger people can’t afford to waste money on a hobby..... lol

I saw this last night and thought it would be worth sharing.

I too noticed that most of the heavy duty prepper types on the internet are in over 60.

I always thought that when I got older (if I'm lucky enough to) that I would take life less seriously as I aged. Evidently this doesn't appear to be the case. I understand if you have a large family but what if you dont?

I'm not trying to be a smartazz here. I'm legitimately interested in understanding.

I know some of you have prepped pretty heavy for long exended periods of time. I was just thinking if nothing catastrophic happens (no forever life changing event ever occurs in your life time) have you decided what is done with all your remaining supplies?

Do you plan on selling some of your supplies off if/when you reach a certain age?

Do you plan on cutting back a bit if/when you reach certain age?

Or do you plan to maintain steady course?

Fair question.

I have slowed down a little, it's a matter of course when one gets older but it doesn't change nothing. We have relied on our preps more than I can count. For a lot of us it's a way of life not a hobby, our kids and grand kids are very much part of prepping so what we have is not a waste, we have numerous ways of storing food and don't rely on just one or two ways of preparing and storing food, we keep rotational food sources and non-rotational (long term) and it has come in use more than once. I'm happy doing what we do, the kids and grand kids love it here and love working the property, they all remained here by choice their choice, I'm the only one that doesn't have a job outside the property, I have a grand kid going to veterinary school, my sons are in law enforcement one of them also a log truck driver on his days off, daughters and daughter n laws are in the medical field, my oldest grandson is with a SAR unit here, most of the adult kids are Vets. The kids and grand kids are not oblivious to anything outside the property but they chose to stay here because they love the type of work here and the peacefulness, they all view preps as an insurance policy.

The younger generation tends to rely on technology a little too much, and take the comforts of life for granted, not that it's their fault it's just the way it is today, many of us would call it complacency.
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I guess ill speak on behalf of the young then...

Young people are OVERLOADED with USELESS information today. They have other concerns like....finding a girlfriend, reaching their goals, and purpose.

======> Because the media has become so biased and fear/profit driven...most young people avoid the news. We no longer trust nor take the media seriously. <======

We also have become completely desensitized to violence through video games and entertainment. I remember as a young kid I accidentally watched the beheading of a news reporter on the internet. This shook me to the core. Kids see all kinds of craziness on the internet today.

Most kids are numb to it all. Information is coming from all angles all the time and most of it is negative/fear driven.

I believe the reason why so many older people are afraid is because they have time to focus on the fear mongering media.

The media functions to provoke a negative response in its viewer. It keeps you upset and "concerned".

I don't understand how some of you focus so much time on the media today. That really can't be good for your health.

I read some of your responses to some of the fear mongerers click bait news and i can literally feel your blood pressure going up from here.

I recommend some of you try an experiment. Avoid the news for a week. Then tell me how much better you feel afterwards.
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I guess ill speak on behalf of the young then...

Young people are OVERLOADED with USELESS information today. They have other things to concern themselves with like....finding a girlfriend, reaching their goals, and purpose.

======> Because the media has become so biased and fear/profit driven...most young people avoid the news. We no longer trust nor take the media seriously. <======

We also have become completely desensitized to violence through video games and entertainment. I remember as a young kid I accidentally watched the beheading of a news reporter on the internet. This shook me to the core. Kids see all kinds of craziness on the internet today.

Most kids are numb to it all today. Information is coming from all angles all the time and most of it is negative/fear driven.

I believe the reason why so many older people are afraid is because they have time to focus on the fear mongering media.

The media functions to provoke a negative response in its viewer. It keeps you upset and "concerned".

I don't understand how some of you focus so much time on the media today. That really can't be good for your health.

I read some of your responses to some of the fear mongerers click bait news and i can literally feel your blood pressure going up from here.

I recommend some of you try an experiment. Avoid the news for a week. Then tell me how much better you feel afterwards.
no doubt, the news is full of negative stuff. You have to filter out 10 stories to find one that’s not negative. There is good stuff going on in science and even human interests, there just fewer of them. I agree, focusing on positives in life will make you a lot happier in the long run.
no doubt, the news is full of negative stuff. You have to filter out 10 stories to find one that’s not negative. There is good stuff going on in science and even human interests, there just fewer of them. I agree, focusing on positives in life will make you a lot happier in the long run.

The funny thing is that you don't even need to read the news to get the jist of it through word of mouth today. We're glued to our smart phones 24/7.
Fair question.

I have slowed down a little, it's a matter of course when one gets older but it doesn't change nothing. We have relied on our preps more than I can count. For a lot of us it's a way of life not a hobby, our kids and grand kids are very much part of prepping so what we have is not a waste, we have numerous ways of storing food and don't rely on just one or two ways of preparing and storing food, we keep rotational food sources and none rotational (long term) and it has come in use more than once. I'm happy doing what we do, the kids and grand kids love it here and love working the property, they all remained here by choice their choice, I'm the only one that doesn't have a job outside the property, I have a grand kid going to veterinary school, my sons are in law enforcement one of them also a log truck driver on his days off, daughters and daughter n laws are in the medical field, my oldest grandson is with a SAR unit here, most of the adult kids are Vets. The kids and grand kids are not oblivious to anything outside the property but they chose to stay here because they love the type of work here and the peacefulness, they all view preps as an insurance policy.

The younger generation tends to rely on technology a little too much, and take the comforts of life for granted, not that it's their fault it's just the way it is today, many of us would call it complacency.

I agree most young people my age or younger are living in a kind of bubble compared to previous generations. I think each generation inevitably gets a little weaker but a little more fearless (by default) than the previous...if that makes any sense.
I guess ill speak on behalf of the young then...

Young people are OVERLOADED with USELESS information today. They have other things to concern themselves with like....finding a girlfriend, reaching their goals, and purpose.

======> Because the media has become so biased and fear/profit driven...most young people avoid the news. We no longer trust nor take the media seriously. <======

We also have become completely desensitized to violence through video games and entertainment. I remember as a young kid I accidentally watched the beheading of a news reporter on the internet. This shook me to the core. Kids see all kinds of craziness on the internet today.

Most kids are numb to it all today. Information is coming from all angles all the time and most of it is negative/fear driven.

I believe the reason why so many older people are afraid is because they have time to focus on the fear mongering media.

The media functions to provoke a negative response in its viewer. It keeps you upset and "concerned".

I don't understand how some of you focus so much time on the media today. That really can't be good for your health.

I read some of your responses to some of the fear mongerers click bait news and i can literally feel your blood pressure going up from here.

I recommend some of you try an experiment. Avoid the news for a week. Then tell me how much better you feel afterwards.

"negative/fear driven" You couldn't be more right! Fear is a money making enterprise and another key problem a troubling problem at that "desensitized to violence"

A lot of people do govern their lives by what the read and hear from the media AND social media, I read the news every morning, some things piss me off but doesn't affect me to the point of being upset or distraught, I view the MSM/Alt right news including social media as one pile of **** to put it bluntly, every one of them have agendas that cater to a specific group and much has got to be taken for what it is including the one's I thoroughly enjoy reading.
If I lived in a rural area away from populace (and was semi isolated) and my my only window to the world was the media...i would probably think the world were coming to an end.

Meanwhile no matter what happens life goes on. People are still going out enjoying themselves and handling their business.

Two summers ago I was in Paris when a couple terrorist attacks occurred in France. My family was worried that I was there. Sure there were military police in riot gear every other block. They helped with directions. I even had to evacuate a train once because of an alleged bomb threat on subway (inconvenienced). It was unsettling a bit but I carried about my day and enjoyed myself.

People don't just pause their lives because of this non sense. Life goes on. Most of my fellow Americans should be more concerned about their health. This is a major concern in the states and many don't seem to realize it. Americans are WAY overweight.

All the money and supplies in the world don't mean a hill of beans if you die 20 years prematurely of a heart attack or become diabetic. It's funny...the media doesn't focus too much on this because it doesn't boost their ratings.
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Even when I was young I had the 'prepping' mentality thinking it was a good thing to prepare for the future. I know its not common practise now with the younger ones, but it wasn't for my generation growing up either. The old ways of life have always interested me as a kid. Maybe it was seeing all those abandoned cabins hiking in CO, just picturing what life used to look like at the homestead. Peeking into root cellars and discovering the old square head nails. It just feels like this is the type of life I am supposed to have, if that makes sense. It brings joy to my heart when we have kids over to help and they enjoy it. Not many can say they milked a cow before or held a baby goat. . . . or to teach them the why's of things. Little seeds being planted. . . the oldest of that particular family has grown up now and has kids of his own. He was friends with our boys. Now he has moved off to MS but has a garden, chickens, hunts, put up food. . . all about planting seeds. Most kids don't have the opportunity to experience this kind of lifestyle when young, so they don't know what they are missing either. They probably see it as work without seeing all the rewards it has to offer.
The funny thing is that you don't even need to read the news to get the jist of it through word of mouth today. We're glued to our smart phones 24/7.
I believe technology has a good deal to do with why people are living in the moment and not thinking ahead. In addition to the smart phone there are million TV channels to watch. When I grew up it was channels (2-13).
There are so many different kinds of music now. You can listen to music anywhere. The main source used to be the radio. People become distracted in their own little bubbles that they create. I work with a girl that is 30 years old. She doesn't know any old tv shows like. "Bewitched" she had heard of, " I love Lucy". She had no clue who Charles Manson or Jeffery Dahmer were. I actually worked with another girl (I swear on my mother's grave this is true) she didn't know what the Holocaust was. When I mentioned other key phrases like: WWII, Hitler, Nazi, Auschwitz, she had the blankest look on her face. She told me that she did know there was a WWII, but she didn't know what it was about because it was a long time ago. She was in her twenties. She wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but I was still flabbergasted.
I think there are so many opportunities for people to be distracted and not have to think. The other thing is kids sports. You used to join sports in school in junior high or high school. Now they start young and the parents spend their weekends running from town to town for 2-3 games at a time. They end up in the drive thru for dinner, and then kids do their home work late at night and go to sleep. If there is any spare time, they are linked into a video game. There is no thought to the rest of the world. Kind of scary.

When younger people are approached with politics, there are so many sides that are customized to fit so many different beliefs. They are spoon fed information and they believe it. They have no history to base anything on, no personal experience. They go with what they are told.
Well, I'm in my 40's. So "old" is kind of relative. I plan to maintain as I age, not taper off, though only in so much as I'll pretty much have what we need, hopefully, within the next 5 years. Then, it goes to my kids...maybe. Hopefully, by then they will realize the wisdom. Thought they saw it as we weathered Hurricane Irma, but this generation is so quickly forgetful and on to the next thing.

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