Meet Taylor.
She is 25, a cornhusker
Her favorite color is pink
She loves a good fresh pineapple margarita
Wants to be a nail-art technician
and either beat or let someone else beat a 2-year-old boy so badly that his bowel perforated and a 30cm section of his intestine had to be removed. The boy also had rib fractures that were in various stages of healing...Isn't she just
dreamy fellas...
She's doing ten the hard way in Scott County Prison.
There are sh!tty white people
There are sh!tty black people
There are sh!tty brown people
There are sh!tty yellow people
There are sh!itty red people
There are sh!tty biracial people
This whole narrative of race baiting and racial justice and CRT and 1619...
Taking down Confederate monuments....When BLM desecrates the 54th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Memorial (oh the irony)
Does no one else see what the left is doing to the country?
The #1 National Security Issue to the United States? White Supremacy Groups...WTF???
Kyle Rittenhouse was defending himself against MEN who ATTACKED him!!! Men with serious, felonious, criminal charges. Yet Kyle is charged!
"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps...then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved." Jesse Jackson,1993.
*I've taken care of of an African American woman who delivered her 12th premature non-viable child (the other 11 were not in her care) because she was high on COKE. She didn't give a sh!t what was going on, she just wanted pain meds and "loooovvvvveeeddd sex."
* I've also taken care of a white wife of a professional baseball player who
DELIBERATELY let herself go into preterm labor at 26.5 weeks that the physicians and medications could not stop. We were in one of the best NICU facilites on the West Coast, and she knew her baby would get the best of care- no matter the cost. The best part you ask? I'm in the room doing something, maybe fixing the T.V.? maybe I.V. Pump? and she's talking to her "bestie" who's visiting. "Like why should
I ruin my body I
work so hard to keep in shape when they can keep him here and
he'll be fine, I mean
he's fine!!?" ...OMG, really? Did I just hear this 25 year old size 0 say that OUTLOUD?
Folks, things are only getting worse. At some point, we are NOT GOING to be able to right the ship.
I am in school to become a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, not sure if I want to work with our Veterans or with Children who have been abused and neglected...
Regardless, wanna see "human" FILTH of
EVERY color???
Check out the website:
Crimes Against Children
Affirmative Action did not keep that black or brown student in Med School, His/Her ability to Multitask on 3 hours sleep a night while learning vast concentations of life-sustaining information got them through.
Now if they vomited in the empty skull cavity of their cadaver in gross anatomy, or blew chunks the first time they sat to do a pelvic/gyn exam on a 400 pound sweaty, hairy, unkept, female while finding a dead cockroach under her pendulous breast (which ACTUALLY HAPPENED to my HM2 from Corps School), that's a different story.
Sh!tty people everywhere. I get it.
My Grandparents and Parents called Asians "Orientals"and African Americans "Colored". I understand. Keep your head on a swivel, think 3 steps ahead.
Pray to our Patron Saint of Chaos when he says "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."
With respect,