@Amish Heart I am so sorry to hear that and your wedding ring is so tragic along with the jewellery keepsakes your DH gave you too. Maybe a secure safe would be a good idea considering it sounds like you may live in a rough area.
Hope you get it all back and the perpetrators are caught. I not knowing what a Kimbar 45 is (assuming it is a gun) might be a bit of a problem as you will have to report it to the police along with the ammo stolen too. What a nightmare.
Sc15, I have nothing much to say about the burglary, except that if I had been present there would be blood; maybe mine, but anyway, blood. The Kimber is not just a gun, it is a 'high-end' handgun price-wise. I am guessing that $$ value might even be a hindrance to easy pawning (if you can afford to own a Kimber, you probably have alternatives to pawning it).
Back to the burglary: I think of a 'clean' burglary as a 'taking'; something to guard against, and to resist if possible, but not so very different from what the guvmint does on a regular schedule. A trashed-while-burgled burglary is different; it constitutes gross and grievous injury.