Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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@Amish Heart I am so sorry to hear that and your wedding ring is so tragic along with the jewellery keepsakes your DH gave you too :( . Maybe a secure safe would be a good idea considering it sounds like you may live in a rough area.

Hope you get it all back and the perpetrators are caught. I not knowing what a Kimbar 45 is (assuming it is a gun) might be a bit of a problem as you will have to report it to the police along with the ammo stolen too. What a nightmare.

Sc15, I have nothing much to say about the burglary, except that if I had been present there would be blood; maybe mine, but anyway, blood. The Kimber is not just a gun, it is a 'high-end' handgun price-wise. I am guessing that $$ value might even be a hindrance to easy pawning (if you can afford to own a Kimber, you probably have alternatives to pawning it).

Back to the burglary: I think of a 'clean' burglary as a 'taking'; something to guard against, and to resist if possible, but not so very different from what the guvmint does on a regular schedule. A trashed-while-burgled burglary is different; it constitutes gross and grievous injury.
Yep, the Kimber is a bummer, and the cases of ammo, and my butchering supplies. The jewelry can not be replaced, though. And I rarely wear jewelry, but it was all gifts from my husband, and all of it had memories attached to it. I still do suspect that they'll try again, but next time for them will be incredibly different. If I'm home, I don't think that they'll leave with knees.
Big package night at the grocery store is most annoying. Twice including tonight, I had to make a grocery run early in the week when the super market is restocking from the weekend.

Tonight… do they restock all the pancake and waffle mixes? Of course not! That would make sense! They only re-stock the large packages first.

I needed an 8oz box of pancake mix. Was there an 8oz box of pancake mix on the shelves? Or a 16oz? or a 32oz? Nope… there was only 5lb boxes of pancake mix… Who needs a 5lb box of pancake mix? Aside from a large family or an IHOP no one I know of.

The last time it was baking soda. I needed an 8oz box to put in my fridge for odor control. Did they have small boxes of baking soda on the shelves? Nope! Again… they only had 5lb bags!

The worst part… sometimes it’s 2 or 3 more days before they restock the small packages.

This just makes no sense to me!

Doesn't make sense to you. Might make perfect sense to the person that buys the large packages? :D
A nightmare week. Wednesday night in the ER for a badly needed procedure up in Radiology. Thursday was the best day I’ve had in 30 days. My GI specialist’s assistant told me if I needed to go back to the ER they would repeat the procedure. (my GI guy is on vacation)

Friday pain began to build again. No sleep Friday night. Saturday after lunch I went back to the ER. They thought the procedure on Wednesday caused an internal infection and admitted me.

Early am Sunday the GI specialist on call from my doc’s group told me there was no infection yet they continued to give IV antibiotics until tonight (Monday). He ordered the procedure repeated. Also ordered pain meds, morphine shots in IV, oxy tablets or Xanax to relax, all as needed, my choice. I don’t take pain meds, never requested anything even though I was in pain.

After midnight Sunday night I wasn’t allowed food or water, prep for procedure. After being woken 3 times after midnight for IV’s I asked for and received a Xanax just so I could relax and sleep a few hours. First time in my life I’ve taken a Xanax.

I’ve had CFS for 22 years, stress wreaks havoc on my body, a whole host of symptoms including migraines and days of insomnia just to name 2 of about 20.

Early Monday am, day shift nurses to me I was free to order food, told me there had been no food or water hold placed in my chart. So, the powers that be are a walking cluster… Even the nursing shifts can’t communicate with each other or read a chart either. From bottom to top this entire episode was a farce.

AM Monday the procedure was canceled by some unknown person in Radiology for some unknown reason. No one could tell me who or why. Procedure move until Thursday and discharge was ordered. Meds for home denied.

It took from 7am until 1800 hours to process my discharge. Tonight I sit here at home in extreme pain with no hope of relief until Thursday. At this point I am willing to break one of my own rules… I could use a shot of that morphine about now!

Another perfect example of why I avoid modern medicine like the plague, but sometimes plant medicine needs help. What am I to do? :(
A nightmare week. Wednesday night in the ER for a badly needed procedure up in Radiology. Thursday was the best day I’ve had in 30 days. My GI specialist’s assistant told me if I needed to go back to the ER they would repeat the procedure. (my GI guy is on vacation)

Friday pain began to build again. No sleep Friday night. Saturday after lunch I went back to the ER. They thought the procedure on Wednesday caused an internal infection and admitted me.

Early am Sunday the GI specialist on call from my doc’s group told me there was no infection yet they continued to give IV antibiotics until tonight (Monday). He ordered the procedure repeated. Also ordered pain meds, morphine shots in IV, oxy tablets or Xanax to relax, all as needed, my choice. I don’t take pain meds, never requested anything even though I was in pain.

After midnight Sunday night I wasn’t allowed food or water, prep for procedure. After being woken 3 times after midnight for IV’s I asked for and received a Xanax just so I could relax and sleep a few hours. First time in my life I’ve taken a Xanax.

I’ve had CFS for 22 years, stress wreaks havoc on my body, a whole host of symptoms including migraines and days of insomnia just to name 2 of about 20.

Early Monday am, day shift nurses to me I was free to order food, told me there had been no food or water hold placed in my chart. So, the powers that be are a walking cluster… Even the nursing shifts can’t communicate with each other or read a chart either. From bottom to top this entire episode was a farce.

AM Monday the procedure was canceled by some unknown person in Radiology for some unknown reason. No one could tell me who or why. Procedure move until Thursday and discharge was ordered. Meds for home denied.

It took from 7am until 1800 hours to process my discharge. Tonight I sit here at home in extreme pain with no hope of relief until Thursday. At this point I am willing to break one of my own rules… I could use a shot of that morphine about now!

Another perfect example of why I avoid modern medicine like the plague, but sometimes plant medicine needs help. What am I to do? :(
I know exactly how hard it is to get the help you need. I am so sorry for your pain and difficult situation.
Just to clarify... CFS can be very painful. After 22 years I've learned how to put pain in a box and set it out on the porch. It doesn't bother me out there...I've developed an extremely high tolerance for pain but I guess everyone has their breaking point. Twice yesterday the day nurse asked me "are you sure you don't want a shot of morphine?". I guess I've reached mine tonight.
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@Amish Heart, sorry about the break-in. It doesn't leave one feeling very secure. I think thieves never want a confrontation, that's how they get away with our stuff.
It would be up to you to keep an eye on stuff at pawn shops since the law doesn't have time to do that. The ones in the city are probably a hassle to get to, but that'd be my first place to check.
A nightmare week. Wednesday night in the ER for a badly needed procedure up in Radiology. Thursday was the best day I’ve had in 30 days. My GI specialist’s assistant told me if I needed to go back to the ER they would repeat the procedure. (my GI guy is on vacation)

Friday pain began to build again. No sleep Friday night. Saturday after lunch I went back to the ER. They thought the procedure on Wednesday caused an internal infection and admitted me.

Early am Sunday the GI specialist on call from my doc’s group told me there was no infection yet they continued to give IV antibiotics until tonight (Monday). He ordered the procedure repeated. Also ordered pain meds, morphine shots in IV, oxy tablets or Xanax to relax, all as needed, my choice. I don’t take pain meds, never requested anything even though I was in pain.

After midnight Sunday night I wasn’t allowed food or water, prep for procedure. After being woken 3 times after midnight for IV’s I asked for and received a Xanax just so I could relax and sleep a few hours. First time in my life I’ve taken a Xanax.

I’ve had CFS for 22 years, stress wreaks havoc on my body, a whole host of symptoms including migraines and days of insomnia just to name 2 of about 20.

Early Monday am, day shift nurses to me I was free to order food, told me there had been no food or water hold placed in my chart. So, the powers that be are a walking cluster… Even the nursing shifts can’t communicate with each other or read a chart either. From bottom to top this entire episode was a farce.

AM Monday the procedure was canceled by some unknown person in Radiology for some unknown reason. No one could tell me who or why. Procedure move until Thursday and discharge was ordered. Meds for home denied.

It took from 7am until 1800 hours to process my discharge. Tonight I sit here at home in extreme pain with no hope of relief until Thursday. At this point I am willing to break one of my own rules… I could use a shot of that morphine about now!

Another perfect example of why I avoid modern medicine like the plague, but sometimes plant medicine needs help. What am I to do? :(

:huggs:Peanut sorry your having such a bad time and hope things change for the better really soon.
Dr.s have saved my life and a couple almost killed me so I do understand.
We have to do our own research and if they don't like find one who allows us to be part of our cure.
Good luck.
A nightmare week. Wednesday night in the ER for a badly needed procedure up in Radiology. Thursday was the best day I’ve had in 30 days. My GI specialist’s assistant told me if I needed to go back to the ER they would repeat the procedure. (my GI guy is on vacation)

Friday pain began to build again. No sleep Friday night. Saturday after lunch I went back to the ER. They thought the procedure on Wednesday caused an internal infection and admitted me.

Early am Sunday the GI specialist on call from my doc’s group told me there was no infection yet they continued to give IV antibiotics until tonight (Monday). He ordered the procedure repeated. Also ordered pain meds, morphine shots in IV, oxy tablets or Xanax to relax, all as needed, my choice. I don’t take pain meds, never requested anything even though I was in pain.

After midnight Sunday night I wasn’t allowed food or water, prep for procedure. After being woken 3 times after midnight for IV’s I asked for and received a Xanax just so I could relax and sleep a few hours. First time in my life I’ve taken a Xanax.

I’ve had CFS for 22 years, stress wreaks havoc on my body, a whole host of symptoms including migraines and days of insomnia just to name 2 of about 20.

Early Monday am, day shift nurses to me I was free to order food, told me there had been no food or water hold placed in my chart. So, the powers that be are a walking cluster… Even the nursing shifts can’t communicate with each other or read a chart either. From bottom to top this entire episode was a farce.

AM Monday the procedure was canceled by some unknown person in Radiology for some unknown reason. No one could tell me who or why. Procedure move until Thursday and discharge was ordered. Meds for home denied.

It took from 7am until 1800 hours to process my discharge. Tonight I sit here at home in extreme pain with no hope of relief until Thursday. At this point I am willing to break one of my own rules… I could use a shot of that morphine about now!

Another perfect example of why I avoid modern medicine like the plague, but sometimes plant medicine needs help. What am I to do? :(
That sucks brother. Praying for relief for you
My rant for the day:
Ok, we have clearly moved into the digital age.
Someone, anyone, everyone, please explain to me why...
When the President holds a press conference, all you can hear is the clatter of (obviously-antique) film cameras.
It sounds exactly the same as some news conference LBJ would have in 1963.
The loud clatter of cameras sounds like he's in the room with a herd of damn teletype-machines!
You can hardly hear the guy.
Seriously? Is there some reason newsmen 'newspeople' have not progressed in 50 years?
And don't hand me some security reason either, there are digital HDTV-cameras rolling in the room too, that's why we can hear the racket.
And if you are a newsman with a film camera, there is absolutely no way it can possibly be better than a silent digital camera of today.
And don't tell me that you can upload 35mm film faster than a JPG!
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My rant for the day:
Ok, we have clearly moved into the digital age.
Someone, anyone, everyone, please explain to me why...
When the President holds a press conference, all you can hear is the clatter of (obviously-antique) cameras.
It sounds exactly the same as some news conference LBJ would have in 1963.
The loud clatter of cameras sounds like there is a herd of damn teletype-machines in the roomView attachment 22790 . You can hardly hear the guy.
Seriously? Is there some reason newsmen have not progressed in 50 years?
And don't hand me some security reason either, there are digital HDTV-cameras rolling in the room too, that's why we can hear the racket.
And if you are a newsman with a film camera, there is absolutely no way it can possibly be better than a silent digital camera of today.
And don't tell me that you can upload 35mm film faster than a JPG!
They all still use the Nikons, Sony's and Canons. I just bought a brand new Nikon DSLR and they all still have the shutter sound. Digital doesn't stop the shutter sound. I have a 128 gb card in mine. Makes no difference. They even have a switch that's supposed to quiet the shutter sound. I don't notice one iota of difference. Cell phones are mirror less so they don't make the noise. Most pros prefer mirror types
Today's rant is that I am looking like a teenager with a bad case of acne thanks to the sun cancer cream I am using. My face is itchy and stinging and rather uncomfortable but it will get worse over the coming weeks :( .

The good news is it is destroying the carcinomas on my face and they should be no more in about 3 or more weeks time. Then time to smother sun block on me every time I look like going outside.

Oh the joys of being born to an English father and being born a redhead where my skin glows in the dark at the best of times and my only tan I ever got was when my red freckles joined up in rows.
They all still use the Nikons, Sony's and Canons. I just bought a brand new Nikon DSLR and they all still have the shutter sound. Digital doesn't stop the shutter sound. I have a 128 gb card in mine. Makes no difference. They even have a switch that's supposed to quiet the shutter sound. I don't notice one iota of difference. Cell phones are mirror less so they don't make the noise. Most pros prefer mirror types
The giant question for me is, 'why' at a news conference?
The whole idea is, he is speaking. People should at least be able to hear what he says.
I have a digital camera that takes very high-resolution pictures. It has a 'discreet' setting. It is absolutely silent.
I've even taken pictures at a funeral before and nobody knew because I was even smart enough not to put in in front of my face.
I'm no professional but this stuff is just not that hard.
I wanted this to remember my dad:
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@Supervisor42 a lovely way to remember your father and obviously a military veteran by the flag folding.
It is strange, at events that are about absolutely nothing, you see EVERYONE with a cellphone in front of their face.
100 people were there, nobody took a single picture. (well, me but nobody knew it)
Thats a great picture 42. Wish I had one from when my dad was buried at the local National Cemetary. I was only 5 at the time. Someone got a picture of me standing at his casket, but nothing with the flag. That is very special!
Yep. My dad was a Korea vet. They buried him in one in Columbus Ohio. It's been 25 or so years now and I'm very dissapointed I don't have any pictures. The local VFW took awesome care if him......
Yep. My dad was a Korea vet. They buried him in one in Columbus Ohio. It's been 25 or so years now and I'm very dissapointed I don't have any pictures. The local VFW took awesome care if him......

My dad was killed in Nam 4/1/1966. I remember the funeral. Still get cold chills every time I hear TAPS.
When I started employment (the employer I retired from) I was paying $1 a week for coverage for 4. Just before I retired I was paying $120 a week for coverage for 2.

Told the wife I was planning on retiring at the end of the year (in six months). Anything medical concerns she may have she needs to address before the end of the year. Wife waited until the middle of December to make a Doctor appoint. They refer her to a specialist, and the specialist can't see her until February. Fortunately I hadn't notified my Employer of my retirement plans, I postpone my retirement.

Wife was having problems swallowing. They ran a camera down her throat and conclude it was a food allergy. Gave her a prescription for 40 Mlg of XXX. Wife's monthly cost to have the prescription filled, $10.

Suggested to the wife that since I'm now retiring in June, she needs to go to the local Social Security office and sign up for Medicare, Part A (hospital), Part B (Doctor visits) and Part D (prescriptions). Otherwise she will have no medical coverage. Month of May she drove to the big city and signed up for Part A and B. She said she forgot about Plan D.

June I retired. Work medical insurance is now history. Wife went to town to refill her XXX prescription $750! Her financial situation is about $100 in cash and two maxed out credit cards. She doesn't refill the prescription and comes home to me in a tizzy asking me what she should do (actually hoping I pay for it out of the HSA). I told her to get Plan D! Back to the Social Security office.

She learns (me too) that the Feds don't provide Plan D, she will have to contact a third party insurer. Again she comes home in tizzy, what should "we" do? I reminded her that one of her close girlfriends had recent made the comment how expensive her meds were and how she glad she got Part D coverage. Call the girlfriend and ask!

Wife asked the Pharmacist if there is a generic for XXX. No there isn't, but it is available Over the Counter in 20 Mlg that will cost $20 for a month worth (take two tablets instead of one). This is the option the wife chooses. If it is a prescription the insurance companies will pay the $750 but the will not pay for OtC $20.

We need to vote the Feds noses out of the medical business!
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When I started employment (the employer I retired from) I was paying $1 a week for coverage for 4. Just before I retired I was paying $120 a week for coverage for 2.

Told the wife I was planning on retiring at the end of the year (in six months). Anything medical concerns she may have she needs to address before the end of the year. Wife waited until the middle of December to make a Doctor appoint. They refer her to a specialist, and the specialist can't see her until February. Fortunately I hadn't notified my Employer of my retirement plans, I postpone my retirement.

Wife was having problems swallowing. They ran a camera down her throat and conclude it was a food allergy. Gave her a prescription for 40 Mlg of XXX. Wife's monthly cost to have the prescription filled, $10.

Suggested to the wife that since I'm now retiring in June, she needs to go to the local Social Security office and sign up for Medicare, Part A (hospital), Part B (Doctor visits) and Part D (prescriptions). Otherwise she will have no medical coverage. Month of May she drove to the big city and signed up for Part A and B. She said she forgot about Plan D.

June I retired. Work medical insurance is now history. Wife went to town to refill her XXX prescription $750! Her financial situation is about $100 in cash and two maxed out credit cards. She doesn't refill the prescription and comes home to me in a tizzy asking me what she should do (actually hoping I pay for it out of the HSA). I told her to get Plan D! Back to the Social Security office.

She learns (me too) that the Feds don't provide Plan D, she will have to contact a third party insurer. Again she comes home in tizzy, what should "we" do? I reminded her that one of her close girlfriends had recent made the comment how expensive her meds were and how she glad she got Part D coverage. Call the girlfriend and ask!

Wife asked the Pharmacist if there is a generic for XXX. No there isn't, but it is available Over the Counter in 20 Mlg that will cost $20 for a month worth (take two tablets instead of one). This is the option the wife chooses. If it a prescription the insurance companies will pay the $750 but the will not pay for OtC $20.

We need to vote the Feds noses out of the medical business!
I believe they are actually all getting free meds and other under the table pay-offs to make sure they give the pharmacy companies whatever they want. They are in bed together, IMHO.
My rant for the day:
Ok, we have clearly moved into the digital age.
Someone, anyone, everyone, please explain to me why...
When the President holds a press conference, all you can hear is the clatter of (obviously-antique) film cameras.
It sounds exactly the same as some news conference LBJ would have in 1963.
The loud clatter of cameras sounds like he's in the room with a herd of damn teletype-machines!View attachment 22790 You can hardly hear the guy.
Seriously? Is there some reason newsmen 'newspeople' have not progressed in 50 years?
And don't hand me some security reason either, there are digital HDTV-cameras rolling in the room too, that's why we can hear the racket.
And if you are a newsman with a film camera, there is absolutely no way it can possibly be better than a silent digital camera of today.
And don't tell me that you can upload 35mm film faster than a JPG!

I have decided they are are out to get us in every way they can. Look at the loud UGLY music they put on YTube and in movies now. :ghostly:
And pushing agendas left and right,pun intended.:devil:
Today's rant is that I am looking like a teenager with a bad case of acne thanks to the sun cancer cream I am using. My face is itchy and stinging and rather uncomfortable but it will get worse over the coming weeks :( .

The good news is it is destroying the carcinomas on my face and they should be no more in about 3 or more weeks time. Then time to smother sun block on me every time I look like going outside.

Oh the joys of being born to an English father and being born a redhead where my skin glows in the dark at the best of times and my only tan I ever got was when my red freckles joined up in rows.

I'm holding off on that till late Fall. FU5 I think it is. :huh:

I have light skin too Scandinavian,German and Irish.
I should be living in Canada orIceland.:thumbs:
:huggs:To your dad BacP and to all those who served . I grew up during the Nam war and knew many of them who came back injured and a couple who killed themselves.
War is hell !
There has been no winner in the wars that the U.S. has participated in since I have been alive. No One! Who won the Vietnam war and what did they win? Afghanistan? Iraq? I'll tell you who won and what they won. The elite of the world got lots of our taxpayer money and decreased the population of our men.
There has been no winner in the wars that the U.S. has participated in since I have been alive. No One! Who won the Vietnam war and what did they win? Afghanistan? Iraq? I'll tell you who won and what they won. The elite of the world got lots of our taxpayer money and decreased the population of our men.

The Vietnam War was won by the Vietnamese communist government. It was started by the @$%&$* Johnson administration, who then proceeded to cause the deaths and disfigurement of many thousands of human beings.

The Korean War was won by South Korea and its allies, the major ally being the US of course. It was a win because South Korea remained free - the whole point of the thing from from the ROK/US view. I worked in South Korea for several months in 1988, part of the time in Inchon. The owner of the hotel I stayed at invited me to have dinner with him one evening. He was a teenager when the North Koreans invaded (he was about my age), and described it. He was there when the allies retook Inchon. He expressed his gratitude repeatedly to me, apparently because I was the American present to receive it.
The Vietnam war started long before Johnson but he escalated it greatly. Kennedy was ready to pull out the troops and he was assassinated. Johnson took over and thousands of people were killed for war profits. Bell helicopter made billions and they just happen to be from Texas. Coincidence? NOT likely.
The United States military should only be used to protect America, not to fight endless wars in faraway lands.
If the military is call on to fight, the damn politicians need to shut up, stay out of it and let America win whatever it takes.
Politics cost us lives in every war and that is unacceptable.
Rant over.
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:huggs:To your dad BacP and to all those who served . I grew up during the Nam war and knew many of them who came back injured and a couple who killed themselves.
War is hell !

Thank you Meer.

Weedy, you are dead on the money. Non of the Elite ever fight for anything. They just take take and take some more.
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