Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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That is where I got them when I used them for work. Best deal ever!

Darn, I wasn't smart enough to check the dollar store. I'm guessing I paid to much at the big box store.

Have to be honest here... another rant. I hate shopping at the dollar stores. The isles are 2ft wide... 100's if items are stuffed in my face per square yard of shelving. Items that fall into two categories are in two locations! Give me a break! Put food containers in one location! Put cleaners, paper towels, mops and brooms in one aisle. Not scattered over 4 aisles!

At the store near me mops and brooms share an isle with makeup, lipstick and pancake! They are separated from cleaning supplies by an isle of pet food! DUH? The pet food shares a long isle of panty hose and school supplies... That will make you want to get up early and go shopping! :rolleyes:

Breads are on 3 different isles. Spaghetti is next to the white bread on one isle but chili and spaghetti sauce are on another isle next to the food containers! I think canned tuna and sardines are in between along with a few food containers.


I will add... the people who work there are great at helping me find things!
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Darn, I wasn't smart enough to check the dollar store. I'm guessing I paid to much at the big box store.

Have to be honest here... another rant. I hate shopping at the dollar stores. The isles are 2ft wide... 100's if items are stuffed in my face per square yard of shelving. Items that fall into two categories are in two locations! Give me a break! Put food containers in one location! Put cleaners, paper towels, mops and brooms in one aisle. Not scattered over 4 aisles!

At the store near me mops and brooms share an isle with makeup, lipstick and pancake! They are separated from cleaning supplies by an isle of pet food! DUH? The pet food shares a long isle of panty hose and school supplies... That will make you want to get up early and go shopping! :rolleyes:

Breads are on 3 different isles. Spaghetti is next to the white bread on one isle but chili and spaghetti sauce are on another isle next to the food containers! I think canned tuna and sardines are in between along with a few food containers.


I will add... the people who work there are great at helping me find things!
They do it on purpose. The more you have to wander the aisles the more likely you are to impulse buy or “remember” you need something. Fortunately most of the dollar type store aisles up this way have at least decent widths
Darn, I wasn't smart enough to check the dollar store. I'm guessing I paid to much at the big box store.

Have to be honest here... another rant. I hate shopping at the dollar stores. The isles are 2ft wide... 100's if items are stuffed in my face per square yard of shelving. Items that fall into two categories are in two locations! Give me a break! Put food containers in one location! Put cleaners, paper towels, mops and brooms in one aisle. Not scattered over 4 aisles!

At the store near me mops and brooms share an isle with makeup, lipstick and pancake! They are separated from cleaning supplies by an isle of pet food! DUH? The pet food shares a long isle of panty hose and school supplies... That will make you want to get up early and go shopping! :rolleyes:

Breads are on 3 different isles. Spaghetti is next to the white bread on one isle but chili and spaghetti sauce are on another isle next to the food containers! I think canned tuna and sardines are in between along with a few food containers.


I will add... the people who work there are great at helping me find things!
I find that they are all different in cleanliness and organization. I would imagine the manager for each store can make a huge difference.

There was a drugstore near me that I could not stand. I don't remember the name of it. The carts had poles on them, I guess so that the carts could be more easily tracked. I went into one of these stores, and there was some kind of construction going on. I pushed the cart and came to something horizontal that prevented me from going forward because of that vertical pole on the cart. I turned around and then tried another aisle. Same story. I left the store. A while later, I went to another one of their stores, but again, so frustrating. Also, these stores didn't have aisles that ran east to west, or north to south. All the aisles ran diagonally. You could get lost in there and really have a struggle to get out, especially if you had some sort of mental issues.
I find that they are all different in cleanliness and organization. I would imagine the manager for each store can make a huge difference.

There was a drugstore near me that I could not stand. I don't remember the name of it. The carts had poles on them, I guess so that the carts could be more easily tracked. I went into one of these stores, and there was some kind of construction going on. I pushed the cart and came to something horizontal that prevented me from going forward because of that vertical pole on the cart. I turned around and then tried another aisle. Same story. I left the store. A while later, I went to another one of their stores, but again, so frustrating. Also, these stores didn't have aisles that ran east to west, or north to south. All the aisles ran diagonally. You could get lost in there and really have a struggle to get out, especially if you had some sort of mental issues.

What I don't like is when they stock an item 10 feet up so its impossible to reach. I was reaching for a planter and knocked a pile of them off the shelf and it hit my foot. I hopped up to the register and told them it was dangerous. My foot was black for a week then got lighter colored with time.
Why even bother to put stuff up there since I'm sure 99.99% of Dollar store shoppers can't reach it.
I only shop for food personally, everything else is ordered on Amazon or Ebay, it would take all day if I was to get stuff myself, too far, take too long and the parking is expensive. I also cant stand other people, they bore me with their petty little problems and most are rude anyway.
the only reason I buy food personally is I like to pick what I get, not leave it to some order picker in the supermarket, and the trays they deliver to houses are never washed and they are filthy.
Co-workers who have a problem they want me to resolve but they will not get to the problem and interrupt when I try to ask questions to clarify.

They go in detail why they were up late last night and having problems concentrating at work.
How a unrelated (to the problem) Vender made a mistake a week ago.
They answer a personal call in the middle of our conversation.
And then they get upset with me because I've move on to more pressing problems instead of waiting for them to return from getting more coffee.
Most of my pet peeves are due to rude, self centered people. A lot of people today think they are the most important one alive. They talk on their phones loudly in public places, they drive like no one else is on the road, they let their kids run wild, and the list goes on and on.
I had a woman yell at me for driving the speed limit. She said she was late because of me. I told her she should have left home 5 minutes earlier and she wouldn't be late.
Most of my pet peeves are due to rude, self centered people. A lot of people today think they are the most important one alive. They talk on their phones loudly in public places, they drive like no one else is on the road, they let their kids run wild, and the list goes on and on.
I had a woman yell at me for driving the speed limit. She said she was late because of me. I told her she should have left home 5 minutes earlier and she wouldn't be late.
BL ... you just don’t understand ... they ARE the center of the universe ... and the sun does revolve around them. Apparently you are just inconsiderate of their importance. :)
If you seen any news this week, you have probably seen the story of parents who started brawling at a ball game for 7 year olds. It is all over the local news. I saw a set of parents interviewed. The dad said there were already problems and then a coach dropped the F-bomb and that was it. That was the point of no return. It looks like people might lose their jobs over it. Some are on administrative leave from their jobs for the city of Denver, pending a decision. Five people have been identified and charged. One man in particular is needing to be identified, and it may be because he will face bigger charges. There was one person who was seriously injured.

Over a call by a 13 year old referee. Fox interviewed a 7 year old boy who just wants to play ball.

My son played T ball in 2nd grade. The parents were out of control. One in particular was a pain for everyone including the teenaged ump. The kid finally had enough and ejected the guy. He got a standing ovation from parents on both teams. They guy refused to leave and the police were called. He left before they arrived but the city banned him from all youth activities and he was visited by the police and told he would be arrested. It was great to hear him whine. I felt sorry for his son but in the end the turned out just like his dad.
We were robbed today while I was at work. Broke in through grandson's bedroom window. Destroyed our bedroom. We know for sure they took husband's Kimber 45 that was in his drawer, and a few cases of ammo, and all of my jewelry. Including my wedding ring. Including all the necklaces husband has given me for our Anniversary, which is a lot, since we've been married almost 35 years. I've kind of cleaned up our bedroom. Everything was everywhere. But my walk in closet will take a while to get cleaned. Let's just say I can't walk in it at all. These damned druggies. I HATE this state. I've had enough. Probably an illegal druggie. Had our laptops stacked up to steal, but found our ammo stash. Had to have been on foot, because it appears they only took what they could carry. But my wedding ring. That hurts.
@Amish Heart I am so sorry to hear that and your wedding ring is so tragic along with the jewellery keepsakes your DH gave you too :( . Maybe a secure safe would be a good idea considering it sounds like you may live in a rough area.

Hope you get it all back and the perpetrators are caught. I not knowing what a Kimbar 45 is (assuming it is a gun) might be a bit of a problem as you will have to report it to the police along with the ammo stolen too. What a nightmare.
I hate thieves more than anything else.
Sorry to hear about this.
Losing a Kimber is bad enough but to lose you ring is even worse.
You can almost count on them making a return visit so stay alert.
If your police are anything like here they won't waste any time trying to solve this. Maybe if the gun shows up but even then I wouldn't count on it.
I keep saying I am going to install cameras but just never seem to get it done.
I used to umpire for under 10's boys and 1 largely built girl soccer team and I had to eject parents who got out of hand and told their daughter to kick a boy in the undercarriage which she did. I pulled her off the field and ejected the parents too. Fortunately I had backup from well built fathers from both teams backing me up. It's not the kids you have to worry about it is the out of control parents who think they can do anything and direct their children to do horrendous things.
We were robbed today while I was at work. Broke in through grandson's bedroom window. Destroyed our bedroom. We know for sure they took husband's Kimber 45 that was in his drawer, and a few cases of ammo, and all of my jewelry. Including my wedding ring. Including all the necklaces husband has given me for our Anniversary, which is a lot, since we've been married almost 35 years. I've kind of cleaned up our bedroom. Everything was everywhere. But my walk in closet will take a while to get cleaned. Let's just say I can't walk in it at all. These damned druggies. I HATE this state. I've had enough. Probably an illegal druggie. Had our laptops stacked up to steal, but found our ammo stash. Had to have been on foot, because it appears they only took what they could carry. But my wedding ring. That hurts.
Oh @Amish Heart I am so sorry. I have no words.
We did have the police out, Sewing, and they saw what the druggie did to our bedroom, in all it's glory. Three the mattress on the ground, everything out in every drawer, thrown everywhere. We reported the pistol stolen, and we do keep the serial numbers to all of our firearms, so if they're stupid enough to try to pawn it, it'll be spotted. We do have a safe, but it is full, and I don't keep jewelry in it. Also have cameras, but OOHHH...they weren't on. The neighbor's outdoor cameras were on, but they're checking to see if it picked anything up. Don't think so. We're an acre apart. Probably will want to return for the ammo not taken. Of course, I'll move it this weekend.
Fingerprints on my empty jewelry boxes? Not in our town.
When my husband called them, they wanted to make sure the robber was gone. Doubtful for husband's protection. Our police come after the crime is committed. They file reports. We probably have 3 people on our police force. The DARE officer doesn't count.
Supposedly they'll register the serial number of the pistol as stolen.
Reading books that attempt to dumb down the sciences to where I get the illusion that I understand them, seems to frequently lead to 'break-points' - the message reaches the lift-off point and becomes, well, wrong - the narrative begins to contradict itself. That probably means I missed something in there, or have forgotten it already.

That is annoying of course, but it's still a needed break from reading about a 'civilized' world chock full of the follies of the urbanites who are in charge of it.
My pet peeve for today is DVA and the amount of numbered forms they have for everything known to man kind when it comes to claiming anything. Just to get DH some treatment we have to get their permission and then to have him assessed for PTSD we have to fill out yet another and send that off to get it approved before it is covered. I think if I hear we need another form eg 154A I am going to scream.
We were robbed today while I was at work. Broke in through grandson's bedroom window. Destroyed our bedroom. We know for sure they took husband's Kimber 45 that was in his drawer, and a few cases of ammo, and all of my jewelry. Including my wedding ring. Including all the necklaces husband has given me for our Anniversary, which is a lot, since we've been married almost 35 years. I've kind of cleaned up our bedroom. Everything was everywhere. But my walk in closet will take a while to get cleaned. Let's just say I can't walk in it at all. These damned druggies. I HATE this state. I've had enough. Probably an illegal druggie. Had our laptops stacked up to steal, but found our ammo stash. Had to have been on foot, because it appears they only took what they could carry. But my wedding ring. That hurts.

That's awful!! So sorry it happened, glad you or the kids weren't there.
Big package night at the grocery store is most annoying. Twice including tonight, I had to make a grocery run early in the week when the super market is restocking from the weekend.

Tonight… do they restock all the pancake and waffle mixes? Of course not! That would make sense! They only re-stock the large packages first.

I needed an 8oz box of pancake mix. Was there an 8oz box of pancake mix on the shelves? Or a 16oz? or a 32oz? Nope… there was only 5lb boxes of pancake mix… Who needs a 5lb box of pancake mix? Aside from a large family or an IHOP no one I know of.

The last time it was baking soda. I needed an 8oz box to put in my fridge for odor control. Did they have small boxes of baking soda on the shelves? Nope! Again… they only had 5lb bags!

The worst part… sometimes it’s 2 or 3 more days before they restock the small packages.

This just makes no sense to me!
Big package night at the grocery store is most annoying. Twice including tonight, I had to make a grocery run early in the week when the super market is restocking from the weekend.

Tonight… do they restock all the pancake and waffle mixes? Of course not! That would make sense! They only re-stock the large packages first.

I needed an 8oz box of pancake mix. Was there an 8oz box of pancake mix on the shelves? Or a 16oz? or a 32oz? Nope… there was only 5lb boxes of pancake mix… Who needs a 5lb box of pancake mix? Aside from a large family or an IHOP no one I know of.

The last time it was baking soda. I needed an 8oz box to put in my fridge for odor control. Did they have small boxes of baking soda on the shelves? Nope! Again… they only had 5lb bags!

The worst part… sometimes it’s 2 or 3 more days before they restock the small packages.

This just makes no sense to me!
You can thank Just in Time (to be late) shipping g for that.
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