Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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@Meerkat pretty close here the skin cream is called Efudix but might be called something different in the States.

It was only recently that any of the Vietnam Vets were recognised for what they did in Australia and they were shunned by the public when those that made it home got back. Our RSL president here served in the Corps of Engineers.
@Meerkat pretty close here the skin cream is called Efudix but might be called something different in the States.

It was only recently that any of the Vietnam Vets were recognised for what they did in Australia and they were shunned by the public when those that made it home got back. Our RSL president here served in the Corps of Engineers.

Aussies are no different from Americans in that. Blame the troops for the sins of the government that they voted in. Takes the onus off themselves, they think.. When we complete the evolution into ants under the heels of the plutocrats, they/we will find some place to shift the blame. For practical purposes it is true that 'we are all in this together'. Still, I feel like someone has me by a leg, dragging me down.
@Meerkat pretty close here the skin cream is called Efudix but might be called something different in the States.

It was only recently that any of the Vietnam Vets were recognised for what they did in Australia and they were shunned by the public when those that made it home got back. Our RSL president here served in the Corps of Engineers.

It is the same thing Sewing. :thumbs:
There has been no winner in the wars that the U.S. has participated in since I have been alive. No One! Who won the Vietnam war and what did they win? Afghanistan? Iraq? I'll tell you who won and what they won. The elite of the world got lots of our taxpayer money and decreased the population of our men.

WW1 and WW11 pretty much killed off the majority of Western males what it didn't kill it decreased the life spans from injury. Then Korean and V.Nam and Middle Eastern Wars took millions more.
Nobody counts the men who were sick and injured only the ones who died, may they RIP.
All the while America and Europe were being changed into multicultural diverse anti western male hell holes.
And the new laws have silenced those who speak out about it. Now it is against the law to even speak the truth.
To borrow from G.Carlin, Its one big fat dictatorial club and we ain't in it. semi quote,lol.

If your a believer it seems to be coming to pass for us all.

Here are some photos of FU 5 cream [ kinda wonder about the prefix :ghostly:] .

I'm waiting for Winter after Thanksgiving with family to start mine. And I think I'll do one part of face at a time.
According to these photos the name suits it.


Here are some photos of FU 5 cream [ kinda wonder about the prefix :ghostly:] .

I'm waiting for Winter after Thanksgiving with family to start mine. And I think I'll do one part of face at a time.
According to these photos the name suits it.

OMG! Colorado is the top state for skin cancer and when you live here, you understand how oppressive the sunlight can be. It would have to be a cloudy month here to do this, which is almost non existent.
That warm fuzzy feeling from the hospital I’ve been dealing with…

10 years ago it was one of the best regional hospitals in the south east. My have times changed!

I was supposed to report for an out patient procedure at 0630 yesterday. I found the check in desk at 0600 (I’m always early). I was told to check in again at the imaging department at 0630.

At 0620 the department was still closed, lights off, big metal door over the entrance. A young lady came and sat down a few feet away from where I was waiting.

My dad was with me… I told him to go back up to the first desk for clarification since it didn’t look like the clinic was going to open at 0630. After he left the young lady told me the imaging department didn’t open until 0700. Her ride had to drop her off just after 6am.

I went back up to speak to the first desk. The young man got annoyed with me… Said “Go back down and check in at the imaging department” “They will get you to angio for your heart procedure”

BIG problem… I wasn’t there for a heart procedure. There is nothing currently wrong with my heart nor has there ever been! (knock on wood)

I went back down to see how screwed up the people in imaging were. Thankfully they knew what they were doing, got me checked in and moved to the correct procedure room.

There the nurse running my show asked me a series of questions…

She kept asking me about cancer. I do not have nor have I ever had cancer (knock on wood).

The nurse actually became indignant, she basically accused me of lying about not having had chemo recently!

First they thought I was there for a heart procedure, the nurse running my procedure was sure I had cancer recently…

Yes indeed, that warm fuzzy feeling you get knowing you are in the hands of quality medical professionals who know exactly what is going on! o_O

Here are some photos of FU 5 cream [ kinda wonder about the prefix :ghostly:] .

I'm waiting for Winter after Thanksgiving with family to start mine. And I think I'll do one part of face at a time.
According to these photos the name suits it.

A-Why on earth would you do something like that to yourself. B-If you were doing it why would you save half your face so you could go through the misery again.
A-Why on earth would you do something like that to yourself. B-If you were doing it why would you save half your face so you could go through the misery again.

A-:D cancer can spread to other organs like bone and lung especially.Basil cell not so much but squamous cell is bad about spreading to organs. Thats why they wanted to do the finger nose thing on my nose it is squamous cell.
B- doing this treatment all over at once would mean more side effects like severe headaches, body temp irregularities, mind fog , itching and pain. Some FU 5 side effect is even death.
I'd rather have one part on fire and milder side effects than my whole face on fire at one time.

@Caribou Remember the surgical alternative they gave me? No good choices.
No need and leave that pic up.
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A-:D cancer can spread to other organs like bone and lung especially.Basil cell not so much but squamous cell is bad about spreading to organs. Thats why they wanted to do the finger nose thing on my nose it is squamous cell.
B- doing this treatment all over at once would mean more side effects like severe headaches, body temp irregularities, mind fog , itching and pain. Some FU 5 side effect is even death.
I'd rather have one part on fire and milder side effects than my whole face on fire at one time.

@Caribou Remember the surgical alternative they gave me? No good choices.

Boy oh boy. Take care young lady. Our prayers go with you for a fast recovery.
@Meerkat no I have to say I went for the whole face at once treatment to get it over and done with. It hurts like the be gibbers and they are only going to get me to do it the once. My face looks like day 12 for reference on day 9. The cream is only for pre cancerous growths and mainly for bowen's disease.

When they told me that I needed 4 wisdom teeth taken out and they were going to make an appointment for each extraction I said "Oh no you won't you will take them out all at once in one visit". One lot of pain and one lot of recovery time for 4 teeth.

Have to say I am with @Caribou on getting it over and done with all at once.

@Supervisor42 that is tempting to wear that since I am a glow in the dark redhead. I would have the mask on and the reflected light from my lily white skin inside it would make it glow and look really authentic :) .
@Meerkat no I have to say I went for the whole face at once treatment to get it over and done with. It hurts like the be gibbers and they are only going to get me to do it the once. My face looks like day 12 for reference on day 9. The cream is only for pre cancerous growths and mainly for bowen's disease.

When they told me that I needed 4 wisdom teeth taken out and they were going to make an appointment for each extraction I said "Oh no you won't you will take them out all at once in one visit". One lot of pain and one lot of recovery time for 4 teeth.

Have to say I am with @Caribou on getting it over and done with all at once.

@Supervisor42 that is tempting to wear that since I am a glow in the dark redhead. I would have the mask on and the reflected light from my lily white skin inside it would make it glow and look really authentic :) .

Sewing I understand your choice but mine is to go for the long term.
First my nose of course.
It's marvelous cream @Meerkat and does the job that is intended. I also had a lump on my nose that the doctor was going to cut out but instead prescribed the cream and it is under half the size now. Yep the acronym of the cream name is apt as you squeal with pain after a while putting it on as it stings.

Understand totally @Meerkat and everyone has got to do what is best for themselves.
My rant pales in comparison, I picked up another book with what looked like an interesting story line. I wasn’t three pages into it before there was an unnecessarily explicit sexual scene. I get tired of reading someone else’s fantasy. If they want to write porn for a porn audience that’s their business, but keep it out of other genres please. I’m no prude and what people doing their own bedrooms is between them and God, I don’t need to hear about, read about it or see it.
My rant pales in comparison, I picked up another book with what looked like an interesting story line. I wasn’t three pages into it before there was an unnecessarily explicit sexual scene. I get tired of reading someone else’s fantasy. If they want to write porn for a porn audience that’s their business, but keep it out of other genres please. I’m no prude and what people doing their own bedrooms is between them and God, I don’t need to hear about, read about it or see it.
I agree with you, but my guess is that this sells to many people. I am just not interested at all.
Thank you @Amish Heart and @The Innkeeper I only have two more weeks to go and from what I have read it will look like I had a good acid peel with less expression lines than I had before :D .
Expression lines ... I like that,I have never heard them called anything so gentle before, although I’m sure yours were sweet to begin with
That warm fuzzy feeling from the hospital I’ve been dealing with…

10 years ago it was one of the best regional hospitals in the south east. My have times changed!

I was supposed to report for an out patient procedure at 0630 yesterday. I found the check in desk at 0600 (I’m always early). I was told to check in again at the imaging department at 0630.

At 0620 the department was still closed, lights off, big metal door over the entrance. A young lady came and sat down a few feet away from where I was waiting.

My dad was with me… I told him to go back up to the first desk for clarification since it didn’t look like the clinic was going to open at 0630. After he left the young lady told me the imaging department didn’t open until 0700. Her ride had to drop her off just after 6am.

I went back up to speak to the first desk. The young man got annoyed with me… Said “Go back down and check in at the imaging department” “They will get you to angio for your heart procedure”

BIG problem… I wasn’t there for a heart procedure. There is nothing currently wrong with my heart nor has there ever been! (knock on wood)

I went back down to see how screwed up the people in imaging were. Thankfully they knew what they were doing, got me checked in and moved to the correct procedure room.

There the nurse running my show asked me a series of questions…

She kept asking me about cancer. I do not have nor have I ever had cancer (knock on wood).

The nurse actually became indignant, she basically accused me of lying about not having had chemo recently!

First they thought I was there for a heart procedure, the nurse running my procedure was sure I had cancer recently…

Yes indeed, that warm fuzzy feeling you get knowing you are in the hands of quality medical professionals who know exactly what is going on! o_O
It gets worse when insurance companies get involved. Years ago I was going through some battles after a motor vehicle accident. The insurance company wanted to set up a gynaecologist appointment, the problem is I am a male (not just self Identified, I was born with those parts intact). Fortunately it got resolved after some arguing before I had to go for the appointment
@Peanut how stressful! That is so messed up to think you could have been treated for something you don't have. I suppose if you would have been really elderly they may have gotten away with being wrong. I tend to think the elderly aren't really watched out for sometimes. Be glad you're a youngster. If you're not quite 60 then you're still a young 'un.
@Sewingcreations15 and @Meerkat I hope the best possible outcome for you both. One of my sisters is very fair skinned and still blonde and has had many skin cancers.
@Peanut yes there is a few stuff ups in hospitals I know I worked in one and always asked multiple questions from the patient and identified their names twice to make sure. Just as well you are with it otherwise you would have got tests for something completely different.

Thank you @Patchouli just trying to hang in there at the moment and keep out of the sun which reacts with the cream. I look bad enough just with the cream without it getting redder from sunburn too. Looking a bit like day 14 although the poor lady looks like she has far more lesions on her forehead than myself. It is mainly around my mouth, across the cheeks and a few dots on my temples and forehead.

@Meerkat when are you starting your treatment ?.
@Peanut yes there is a few stuff ups in hospitals I know I worked in one and always asked multiple questions from the patient and identified their names twice to make sure. Just as well you are with it otherwise you would have got tests for something completely different.

Thank you @Patchouli just trying to hang in there at the moment and keep out of the sun which reacts with the cream. I look bad enough just with the cream without it getting redder from sunburn too. Looking a bit like day 14 although the poor lady looks like she has far more lesions on her forehead than myself. It is mainly around my mouth, across the cheeks and a few dots on my temples and forehead.

@Meerkat when are you starting your treatment ?.

Sewing, After Thanksgiving is the plan so far.
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