Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Havasu, almost seems like it's time for a July 4th type cook out complete with flag, patriotic music, and shooting and fireworks for 12 hours or more. On the neighbors side of your house of course. Maybe even broadcast Trumps state of the union speech for her.

Dam lib's piss me off so bad when they get the know it all going. Ain't nobody that smart.

Sentry, It blows my mind when libs talk about how beautiful, intelligent, well dressed, and graceful mike obama is. Have they ever saw a picture of her? Ever heard her speak of anything other than tearing the US apart and telling how ashamed she is to live here? I wish sh'e leave and never show her nasty ass here again.
So tell me @Bacpacker how do you really feel about M Obama? :LOL:

@Sentry18 don't get clippers in a department store. Go to a feed supply - get a good set. I think last I looked they ran about $80. They last much longer.

@Spikedriver I would prefer leather but settled for a $150 pair of Merrill high top style shoes. My last good boots were a $200 pair of hiking boots - only color in my size? You guessed it pink. I got them as I needed them but was hoping for a sensible pair of brown or black boots. I have to go out of the area to find them. There is a neighboring town with a good shoe store (where I got the last pair) but I've not been able to get there during working hours.
Ya know, I get it. I know many do not support this president. I've lived here for 5 years and never spoke politics because I assumed they were Obammie lovers. I pick up their mail and newspapers when they go to their house in Mexico, I water their grass when they are gone, I let the hubby borrow my tools, I trim the hedge on their side of the house, I check their doors and windows around the house while they are on vacation, but because I'm a retired cop and have guns in the house, I can no longer be trusted because of the cop who shot the 6' 5" kid with mental problems after being attacked with his baby in his arms at Costco. Yep, we are now the bad guy.

Well neighbor, you will meet the new bad guy. The one who will no longer wave, no longer trim their hedge, no more water, no tool borrowing, and I hope if attacked they don't come to my door because I will not open it. Yep, meet the new neighbor, "No more Mr. Nice Guy!"
@havasu That is a sad story. It is so unfortunate that we have laws and people to enforce them, then when someone breaks a law nothing is supposed to happen. It's more than just laws, it's society. (Many/most) young people today have grown up without consequences. If they threw a tantrum in the store - nothing. If they cheated on a test - oh well. If they smart off to someone- whatever. There are no consequences. If however, that tantrum earned a swat, the cheating earned a week or two of hard labor, the smarting off earned a black eye, if there were consequences we would probably all be much better off. It's sad that a neighbor can't just be neighborly. For some reason it's become "okay" to be irate. I don't get it.
Funny, Mom was just telling me how much she loved Michelle. I asked her what she loved about her.
She didn't know.
She dresses better than Hillary?:dunno:
(I'm grasping at straws here)o_O
* Nobody panic, they are not plastic straws. They are Eco-Friendly, Biodegradable paper straws made with All-Natural materials sourced from a Carbon-Neutral, Non-GMO, Renewable Resource :-}.
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Maybe that's it. Dresses are better than pantsuits. But what can you do when you have to hide cankles? I don't even know what to call what Merkle wears. A mao suit?

Back to mom...she didn't know why she loved her. Then I told her that Michelle always insults our country, even when she was first lady. And that I couldn't think of anything positive she did or said.
Here's my rant. In almost every state the law (and common sense) dictates that you turn into the closest lane. Yet somehow this concept seems nearly impossible for people to grasp. Well today I watched a guy turning correctly into the right lane, then proceed to use his left turn signal before moving into the left lane. Of course in the process he gets hit by the idiot behind him who decided not to turn correctly and just gun it into the left lane. The cars pull into a parking lot and I follow them in. The driver of car B was shouting at the driver of car A like it was somehow his fault. I was very happy to stop the discussion and wait for the municipal PD officer who responded to accident. I then made sure to announce to both drivers and the PO that it was car B who was responsible. I then provided him my video of the "accident". Thank goodness for the 30 second prerecord.
I then made sure to announce to both drivers and the PO that it was car B who was responsible. I then provided him my video of the "accident". Thank goodness for the 30 second prerecord.
Thank you for that.
I do not believe idiots should be rewarded the few times 'we' cannot successfully dodge their stupidity.
I was once the young guy who was always in a big hurry.
Nowadays, I want a bumper-sticker that says:
"Don't Rush,
Old Age Happens Soon Enough"
The AS “We want your money” PCA!

The only place to take unwanted animals in my county is in one of the small towns. You can only drop off an animal if you can prove you live in the city limits!

The city limits of this town comprises less than 2% of the total landmass of the county.

If you live in the other 98% there is no recourse, no place to take such animals. Yea! AS “We want your money” PCA!

People started dumping cats here about a year and a half ago. My 85yrold dad felt bad for them and started feeding them (big bleeding heart for critters).

This month I made sure I purchased all the cat food he requested, reimbursed of course. He spent $162. His only income is a SS check.

Today he finally saw that he can’t keep doing this. He caught 11 this morning .and late this afternoon I caught 4 more. That’s only about 40% of them and all of these are young and stupid. There are still 10-12 adults around the barn, at least one of them is a Tom. There was 2 Toms but I got one when he started urinating on my porch. Now no cats come anywhere near my porch except the one I had fixed and feed.

I have no choice but make them someone else’s problem.


Coming to the 6 o’clock news near you
If I am in the country and I see a cat, I shoot it. Cat's are the primary predator of young ducks, pheasants, geese, etc. A good cat is a dead cat. In fact some of our local hunting groups own production land and they offer bounties on cats.

Ooooo, I want to visit your part of the country. (I could even bring the cats... )

Remind me never to visit anywhere near you people. Yes, cats are predators for sure and they serve a purpose as do all animals. I bi-passed another thread but I won't on this. I have never seen a cat, unless you are referring to a large one such as a cougar or something of similar size that coincidentally is also a predator, attack and kill pheasants or geese. Even our chickens were able to teach normal size cats to leave them alone. If you are referring to larger cats then I see your point. If you are referring to house cats, you people have some serious issues.

It really is no wonder people see gun owners in the current state we are in. Unless you plan to eat it, there is no need to kill another living being. I am not one to have any feelings hurt but this is over the top and unnecessary. Shameful. Again, if referring to big cats, I can see the point to some degree but then relocation is also a valid answer. I have said my piece and I am sure it is irrelevant but that is truth.
Here in Australia we have feral cats that grow twice the size of normal domestic cats so they can bring down young wallabies, ducks, pheasants and geese but the normal domesticated cat would have trouble due to lack of size and strength. Once cats and dogs turn feral there is no domesticating them here so therefor have to be shot as they pose a threat to livestock.

I do not agree with shooting domestic cats though. Our cat gets rid of venomous snakes, rats and field mice predominantly and that is valuable to us to keep our produce, home and yard safe.
Remind me never to visit anywhere near you people. Yes, cats are predators for sure and they serve a purpose as do all animals. I bi-passed another thread but I won't on this. I have never seen a cat, unless you are referring to a large one such as a cougar or something of similar size that coincidentally is also a predator, attack and kill pheasants or geese. Even our chickens were able to teach normal size cats to leave them alone. If you are referring to larger cats then I see your point. If you are referring to house cats, you people have some serious issues.

It really is no wonder people see gun owners in the current state we are in. Unless you plan to eat it, there is no need to kill another living being. I am not one to have any feelings hurt but this is over the top and unnecessary. Shameful. Again, if referring to big cats, I can see the point to some degree but then relocation is also a valid answer. I have said my piece and I am sure it is irrelevant but that is truth.

I am referring to any unattended cat in the country, feral or otherwise. If people want their pets to survive then they can choose to put collars on them and keep them indoors. If you personally see it or not cats are huge predators and have seriously damaged pheasant (and waterfowl) numbers all over my region, or they did until we started killing them and instantly pheasant (and waterfowl) production improved. There is no shame in killing an over populated nuisance animal. Even our wildlife officers will shoot feral cats. Does not matter if it is a cat, rat, gopher, or whatever. I suppose I could find out if someone is interested in eating those cats. I myself don't care for the taste.
They use to catch the ferrel cats and spay or neuter them set the free. We still have them here and not one has killed our ducks,chickens or domestic cats. We don't have any ducks or many chickens ,only 6 chcikens now.
I can't see cat or dog hinting though.:ghostly:
any cat or dog that hasn't been neutered before SHTF will be breeding afterwards, I know in Crete they used to shoot as many ferrel dogs and cats as they could find in the winter, some always escaped to breed again the next year, they were a nuisance as the tourists used to feed them, obviously wont be doing that post SHTF.feeding them I mean.
Remind me never to visit anywhere near you people. Yes, cats are predators for sure and they serve a purpose as do all animals. I bi-passed another thread but I won't on this. I have never seen a cat, unless you are referring to a large one such as a cougar or something of similar size that coincidentally is also a predator, attack and kill pheasants or geese. Even our chickens were able to teach normal size cats to leave them alone. If you are referring to larger cats then I see your point. If you are referring to house cats, you people have some serious issues.

It really is no wonder people see gun owners in the current state we are in. Unless you plan to eat it, there is no need to kill another living being. I am not one to have any feelings hurt but this is over the top and unnecessary. Shameful. Again, if referring to big cats, I can see the point to some degree but then relocation is also a valid answer. I have said my piece and I am sure it is irrelevant but that is truth.

I had a house cat kill 9 chickens for fun. If a cat or any other animal is harassing my livestock it will be shot.
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