Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Neighbor called the wife. Someone dumped a half grown kitten at the neighbor's house. Would my wife take it? Wife was knocking on the neighbor's door before the neighbor had hung up. Wife tells me its a temporarily situation until she can find someone to take it (yea right. I've heard that story line numerous times).

Today the tree cutting crew arrived. After they took dropped my dead trees and where putting their equipment away I asked if one of them would be interested in a kitten? One said his children would. "BINGO" I thought. I couldn't find that kitten anywhere.

Wife comes home and I told her I had someone interested in the kitten. She gives me the laser death stare and then tells me that the workers children wouldn't take good care of the kitten. Keep in mind she has never met the worker nor his children.
Neighbor called the wife. Someone dumped a half grown kitten at the neighbor's house. Would my wife take it? Wife was knocking on the neighbor's door before the neighbor had hung up. Wife tells me its a temporarily situation until she can find someone to take it (yea right. I've heard that story line numerous times).

Today the tree cutting crew arrived. After they took dropped my dead trees and where putting their equipment away I asked if one of them would be interested in a kitten? One said his children would. "BINGO" I thought. I couldn't find that kitten anywhere.

Wife comes home and I told her I had someone interested in the kitten. She gives me the laser death stare and then tells me that the workers children wouldn't take good care of the kitten. Keep in mind she has never met the worker nor his children.

What is the kitten's name? Do you have other cats? Is it possible that she has no ability to say no to anything? Some people cannot.

Daughter is all about having animals. Her cat of 19 years died last week. I think she had seen it 3 or 4 times in the last 15 years. I had told her that the cat was going to die soon. Okay, nothing.

When she got her first apartment, cat stayed at home with me. Why? She wanted a dog. Dog spends much more time with me than her. If it didn't, it would spend most of its life in a crate. I am not having a dog living its life in a cage.

Recently, she told me she wants chickens. Her current place will not work for chickens. I would love some chickens, but I stay away from home for work too much. It is a pain to have to go home and gather mail and water now. Chickens need attention! When you have ADD (she does!) you have to choose things that you can put down and can come back to in a month or two or 20 and everything is still okay.
Our animal routine takes about an hour and a half each day. Chickens are fairly easy if you just have one run of them. We have 8 runs of them, and then there's the turkey runs (2) and the duck area. Also the dogs and the old man cat. Just figured out that he's 15 yrs old. And the Parrot. And our son has rabbits (4 new babies last week!), and then there's 4 brooders of chicks in my front room (22 of them). Thankfully, the grandkids can handle the feeding if I'm out. Outdoor cats don't last out here at all, either do free range chickens. Too many coyotes, owls, hawks, raccoons, skunks.
That's all well and good for folks that are computer savvy. Most are not, a lot of people have no idea what you just said.
I can do everything you suggested but the number of people I know that can, I can count on 2 fingers.
Most people are stuck with whatever the big players give them. Hate Microsoft? Tough cookies unless you know what you're doing. Want to get rid of blot ware on your phone good luck with that. Your new car has a problem take it to the dealer because most people can't fix it. Shade tree mechanics are a thing of the past for most everything manufactured today from cars to appliances and especially electronics,
The majority of computer problems aren't computer problems they are operator error problems.
I always do a rescue disk on a new PC and if things get real bad I just format and start over from scratch. If I can find the right rescue disk. ;)
That's what my oldest son says.
When I have trouble with phone, laptop or his desk top it's OE problem.
Operator Error, but in all fairness I have a tendency to zap electronics when having seizures.
... Is it possible that she has no ability to say no to anything? Some people cannot.
Daughter is all about having animals. Her cat of 19 years died last week...
I don't like cats.
I never have wanted a cat.
I was never asked if I wanted a cat.
I was 'brought' our daughter's cat.
I never had the chance to say no.
She's 19 years old and will not die!

Every morning, standing with all 4 feet on my chest and yelling in my face at exactly 6:00 am, is my wake-up call.
I open my eyes to her face staring down at mine:ghostly: and her saying:

"Can't breathe, can ya'?"
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What is the kitten's name? Do you have other cats? Is it possible that she has no ability to say no to anything? Some people cannot....

Kitten is unnamed, for the moment.
No I do not have cats. She is down to 7 outside and two inside.
Her yes does not mean yes and her no doesn't mean no.
@The Lazy L congratulations on your new cat :) .

DH can't say no to stray cats that turn up in the yard but in all fairness I can and one is enough. The cat is sort of a therapy cat for DH and curls up with him on his chair and beside him when he is asleep after of course the raucous session of purring and the right amount of attention or she will pull back the bed covers to get to his hand for more pats :) .
I am fortunate enough to have a wife who is allergic to cats. Saved me from being the heartless brute who refused to allow cats into my home. I would rather have a skunk as a pet.
I'm allergic to cats and it didn't save me:rolleyes:.
She lives in my bedroom, litterbox, stinky food, hair everywhere, and all:mad:.

I was told to "just suck it up".:oops:
**** the shots, I had a girlfriend with cats. By all accounts she is doing well, last I heard. Don't know or care about the cats. I went to visit a friend with cats to watch the end of the Iditarod. I stayed one night and then found a B&B. If I had to pick an allergy it would be cats as I don't loose anything.

You can't tell because this is the internet, but I am clapping right now.
I'm allergic to cats and it didn't save me:rolleyes:.
She lives in my bedroom, litterbox, stinky food, hair everywhere, and all:mad:.

I was told to "just suck it up".:oops:

Irony of all ironies… Rag Weed is good for treating pet dander allergies… even cat allergies. :D

I always found this funny but I'm not joking... it's true!
@Weedygarden Allergies this time of year… A lot of people think they are allergic to goldenrod. They aren’t.

Plants with colorful blooms have (relatively speaking) heavy pollen that is to heavy to travel on the breeze. The reason for the colored blooms… to attract insects because they need insects to spread pollen. So, goldenrod pollen doesn’t travel with the wind but it gets the blame for a lot it doesn’t do! By the way, it is also good for cat and pet dander allergies.

Ragweed has green blooms, same color as the stem. It doesn’t need to attract insects because Its pollen is very light and will travel with the breeze.

That said many people who think they are allergic to ragweed aren’t. Because of the size and shape of ragweed pollen it easily gets stuck in nasal passages causing irritation. This irritation causes runny eyes and sneezing, classic allergy symptoms. So, ragweed pollen causes many people allergy symptoms but not a real allergic reaction.

Ragweed is made into a standard 2:1 tincture with 100 proof vodka. Start with a dose of a single drop from a medicine dropper just in case you are actually allergic to ragweed. This advice is sage for all plant medicines…

Dosage is 3 to 5 drops every 4 or 5 hours but no more than 20 drops per days.

Edit... in most places goldenrod and ragweed bloom at the same time... goldenrod gets the blame because people can see its yellow blooms everywhere. Most people wouldn't know ragweed it you beat them with it.

Edit again... there are actually 7 species of ragweed in N. america. There 3 most common species look nothing like each other...
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@Weedygarden Allergies this time of year… A lot of people think they are allergic to goldenrod. They aren’t.

Plants with colorful blooms have (relatively speaking) heavy pollen that is to heavy to travel on the breeze. The reason for the colored blooms… to attract insects because they need insects to spread pollen. So, goldenrod pollen doesn’t travel with the wind but it gets the blame for a lot it doesn’t do! By the way, it is also good for cat and pet dander allergies.

Ragweed has green blooms, same color as the stem. It doesn’t need to attract insects because Its pollen is very light and will travel with the breeze.

That said many people who think they are allergic to ragweed aren’t. Because of the size and shape of ragweed pollen it easily gets stuck in nasal passages causing irritation. This irritation causes runny eyes and sneezing, classic allergy symptoms. So, ragweed pollen causes many people allergy symptoms but not a real allergic reaction.

Ragweed is made into a standard 2:1 tincture with 100 proof vodka. Start with a dose of a single drop from a medicine dropper just in case you are actually allergic to ragweed. This advice is sage for all plant medicines…

Dosage is 3 to 5 drops every 4 or 5 hours but no more than 20 drops per days.

Edit... in most places goldenrod and ragweed bloom at the same time... goldenrod gets the blame because people can see its yellow blooms everywhere. Most people wouldn't know ragweed it you beat them with it.

Edit again... there are actually 7 species of ragweed in N. america. There 3 most common species look nothing like each other...
Thank you! To make the tincture, what part of the plant do you use, flower, leaves, stem, root, all of it? A single drop of the tincture, under your tongue?
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