Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Benadryl and Sominex(the sleep medication) are the same drug used for different reasons. Generic benadryl is about 1/4 the cost of Sominex.
I was aware that they are the same drug. I have often thought that we could use something to help sedate some people in a SHTF situation. This would be it!

I hate people that text you every day just to chat.

Then you have a question , you need an answer, text them, and they fell off the planet ..gaah


This is my boss. When I am with him he will punch a Nun and run over a puppy to make sure he gets to his phone when a text alert goes off. But when I send him a text I will sit from 1 minute to eternity waiting for a response.

I hate people that text you every day just to chat.
Then you have a question , you need an answer, text them, and they fell off the planet ..gaah

I'll go you one better.
I can survive the above because I just call them.
What I cannot stand is when they send you 6 texts in 30 seconds, each with one sentence in them.
You try to read one and the screen goes away saying "1 new text message".
Again, and "2 new text messages" pops up.
And again, <buzz> and again,<buzz> and again <buzz>.
You can't do anything, not reading, not replying, not calling, nothing, because of them 'machine-gun-texting' you

That ever happen to you?

I hate people that text you every day just to chat.
Then you have a question , you need an answer, text them, and they fell off the planet ..gaah

I have a cousin who is also interested in our family history. She will reach out, ask a question, I answer. She may have more questions. I answer. Then when I ask a question, crickets!
I'll go you one better.
I can survive the above because I just call them.
What I cannot stand is when they send you 6 texts in 30 seconds, each with one sentence in them.
You try to read one and the screen goes away saying "1 new text message".
Again, and "2 new text messages" pops up.
And again, <buzz> and again,<buzz> and again <buzz>.
You can't do anything, not reading, not replying, not calling, nothing, because of them 'machine-gun-texting' youView attachment 24081
That ever happen to you?
When I was working at the range my boss asked me why I wasn't at the meeting. I told him I was unaware of any meeting. He informed me that he had texted me. "Oh! Where did you send the text?" "You don't have a cell phone?" I smiled and said no. So, to answer your question, no I have never experienced 'machine-gun-texting', but I did enjoy your story.
Yes I have a few friends who will send multiple texts to me in minutes and it seems like I am the go to for information on everything and anything. To be fair I have some friends who have memory loss and one who is just the sweetest thing but generally scattered in her thoughts :) . I wait for text 3 or 4 and then answer them all in one text :) because I know they will do it.
Yes I have a few friends who will send multiple texts to me in minutes and it seems like I am the go to for information on everything and anything. To be fair I have some friends who have memory loss and one who is just the sweetest thing but generally scattered in her thoughts :) . I wait for text 3 or 4 and then answer them all in one text :) because I know they will do it.
My wife texts you too?
I hate people who use my driveway as their turn around point. I have a driveway camera that is especially sensitive that sends me a notification when a car pulls into the driveway beyond the 'right of way'. So 2am last night I get an alert because some Uber driver could not be bothered to drive the extra 75' to the culdesac loop. I might have to check into the legalities of putting spike strips down at night, with an illuminated "sever tire damage" sign of course.
I hate people who use my driveway as their turn around point. I have a driveway camera that is especially sensitive that sends me a notification when a car pulls into the driveway beyond the 'right of way'. So 2am last night I get an alert because some Uber driver could not be bothered to drive the extra 75' to the culdesac loop. I might have to check into the legalities of putting spike strips down at night, with an illuminated "sever tire damage" sign of course.
Would a driveway gate work? I know it wouldn't in many situations. I ask because I know someone who has a large city property (4 adjoining lots, 2 wide, 2 deep, street to street) with a fairly long driveway. He has had no problems when he keeps his driveway gate closed with people entering (cameras), but when he parked on the street, his car was broken into and several attempts were made to steal it. He also has a driveway that is short and not fenced from the other street, where he would park occasionally. His car was broken into there. Evidently fences and gates did make a difference for his property. When I had my peach tree picked fairly clean, everything that was reachable from the outside was picked, and the ones that were left were inside the fence and unreachable. So for some people, fences and gates do make a difference.
Would a driveway gate work? I know it wouldn't in many situations. I ask because I know someone who has a large city property (4 adjoining lots, 2 wide, 2 deep, street to street) with a fairly long driveway. He has had no problems when he keeps his driveway gate closed with people entering (cameras), but when he parked on the street, his car was broken into and several attempts were made to steal it. He also has a driveway that is short and not fenced from the other street, where he would park occasionally. His car was broken into there. Evidently fences and gates did make a difference for his property. When I had my peach tree picked fairly clean, everything that was reachable from the outside was picked, and the ones that were left were inside the fence and unreachable. So for some people, fences and gates do make a difference.

I am sure driveway gates are illegal. We have a city ordnance for just about everything and 4,000 extras just in case.

Our drive way is long enough to park 3 full size SUV's bumber to bumper between the garage and the sidewalk with enough room to parallel park. It is also wide enough to park 3 more next to them and open all the doors wide. But my issue is why not just drive up to the turn around? It's only 1 more house down and you have a nice big paved circle.

The good news about my street is that we have plenty of bright street lights and I have convinced all my neighbors to run 1800 lumen LED dusk/dawn front and back 'porch' lights all of the time. The cost is negligible and it makes our neighborhood far less inviting for thieves and vandals.
My driveway is 1/4 mile long , and you can't see my house on the hill from the entrance....but if anyone comes all the way up the hill...when they reach the top , motion sensor flood lights come on , and light up the area like a stadium.

Good for us at night when we arrive..not so good for uninvited critters 4 leg or 2 leg.

Forgot to mention the cameras.

Edit... update at 8:23... I managed to get all 6 cows out of the highway and up to the barn. Dad, bless his heart was wandering around with a bucket and flashlight... I know he can't see crap at night. I told him where to stand as a blocker and we managed to get them into the 2 acre bull pen.

My nephew and both his boys arrived and we managed to get them into the corral.

My grt nephew separated cows from calves to wean them at the other farm. He brought the cows up here... At least now they are in the corral. With feed and water they will settle down in a couple of days...

I knew they wouldn't stay in that pasture...

Let the doctoring begin! I think I stepped in every fireant bed on this hillside... oh goody!
Edit... update at 8:23... I managed to get all 6 cows out of the highway and up to the barn. Dad, bless his heart was wandering around with a bucket and flashlight... I know he can't see crap at night. I told him where to stand as a blocker and we managed to get them into the 2 acre bull pen.

My nephew and both his boys arrived and we managed to get them into the corral.

My grt nephew separated cows from calves to wean them at the other farm. He brought the cows up here... At least now they are in the corral. With feed and water they will settle down in a couple of days...

I knew they wouldn't stay in that pasture...

Let the doctoring begin! I think I stepped in every fireant bed on this hillside... oh goody!

You know we're getting too old for that ..

I have cows across he road, in pasture, and the fences are almost on the ground.
The guy that owns them lives about 3 miles away...

I don't even bother with them anymore.

Cows in a freezer don't fart. If you care about our environment in the slightest you'll package them up and put them in your freezer. I know it is expensive to run a freezer but you must sacrifice for the children.
I rented my pasture to a guy and the first thing I told him was I will not chase animals that get out. He takes care of the fence and so far his animals are not escaping.
The neighbor on the other side has goats and the small ones have found a hole just big enough for them to get through and into my pasture. I need to get someone to translate so I can tell him to fix his fence. Maybe when his goats don't come home at night he will figure it out.
Cows in a freezer don't fart. If you care about our environment in the slightest you'll package them up and put them in your freezer. I know it is expensive to run a freezer but you must sacrifice for the children.

Back when I was growing 2 big gardens, it did cross my mind.

We do lots of shooting on my place...
How was I to know a beef was behind them bushes.:ghostly:

Unless they get close to the house now, I don't even call him anymore.

I do have a BB gun that sends back across the road. Like a bee sting I guess.

A wrist rocket slingshot works really well and has more range than the bb pistol I have... whats the old song? Move along little doggies!

When I was a kid I had a great uncle that carried a homemade sling shot in his pocket at all times. He was amazing with that thing. It's the only thing he used for squirrel and rabbit hunting. Anyway, his cows were bad to stick their heads through the fence by the highway. He could hit a cows horn at 50yrds, simply amazing. They'd yank their heads back real quick.
Edit... update at 8:23... I managed to get all 6 cows out of the highway and up to the barn. Dad, bless his heart was wandering around with a bucket and flashlight... I know he can't see crap at night. I told him where to stand as a blocker and we managed to get them into the 2 acre bull pen.

My nephew and both his boys arrived and we managed to get them into the corral.

My grt nephew separated cows from calves to wean them at the other farm. He brought the cows up here... At least now they are in the corral. With feed and water they will settle down in a couple of days...

I knew they wouldn't stay in that pasture...

Let the doctoring begin! I think I stepped in every fireant bed on this hillside... oh goody!
What I want to know is why did you put the nephew and his boys in the corral :D:D

I am reminded of the time years back when I visited my parents farm. The neighbours emus escaped and were all over the highway. Of course we went to help, now at that point other team maybe in a zoo I had never seen an emu. My hat of choice in those days was an old Australian army bush cap (with one side up). My father who had been known to stretch the truth a time or two for fun and effect told the neighbour I was an expert on emus. We consulted for a few moments, I concocted a simple herding plan and we drove them back onto his property. It was a textbook perfect cattle drive, a real expert couldn’t have done better. The neighbour still talks about the time his birds escaped and the was lucky enough to have an expert passing by. My father never told him the truth.
A long time friend gets cancer. I'm at the hospital every day for weeks. He gets released, apparently fine, and goes on vacations, restores cars, hangs out with others but never a call to me.
Two years later, guess what? Yep, he has cancer again. His wife screams at me for not keeping in touch. Well, that hit a nerve so I told her among other things, that a phone calls both ways. Now I feel guilty, but he seems just like a fair weathered friend. My sister dies, never got a call, but now that he is sick again, am I suppose to drop everything to help him?
A long time friend gets cancer. I'm at the hospital every day for weeks. He gets released, apparently fine, and goes on vacations, restores cars, hangs out with others but never a call to me.
Two years later, guess what? Yep, he has cancer again. His wife screams at me for not keeping in touch. Well, that hit a nerve so I told her among other things, that a phone calls both ways. Now I feel guilty, but he seems just like a fair weathered friend. My sister dies, never got a call, but now that he is sick again, am I suppose to drop everything to help him?

Sounds like he is the opposite of a fair-weather friend. Relationships are a two way street and they require effort by both participants. While I would empathetic to his situation, he decided to live his life without you and your companionship. Sounds like how things worked out was on him. I would not own that or accept the guilt from it.
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