Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I am currently still hot from an angry phone call to the elementary school, who apparently decided to post a picture of my son on their Facebook page after I explicitly forbid it. I was nice to the secretary but the principal got an ear full. He had taken it down before I was even done lecturing him about predators and personal safety. He is new to the school district and I am sure 5 second after the call people were like "Oh no, not Sentry18's child". I have a reputation in the educational community of being a "difficult parent" with friends and resources. I wear it like a badge of honor.
A long time friend gets cancer. I'm at the hospital every day for weeks. He gets released, apparently fine, and goes on vacations, restores cars, hangs out with others but never a call to me.
Two years later, guess what? Yep, he has cancer again. His wife screams at me for not keeping in touch. Well, that hit a nerve so I told her among other things, that a phone calls both ways. Now I feel guilty, but he seems just like a fair weathered friend. My sister dies, never got a call, but now that he is sick again, am I suppose to drop everything to help him?
Good rant.
Don't feel guilty.
I pruned a ton of chronic "can you help me?" people when I retired and moved.
Guess what, never heard another single word from any of them because they knew I couldn't shovel their $^^t for them anymore.
I am very tight-lipped about my capabilities since I moved to my 'undisclosed-location' and I live in peace:D.
What I want to know is why did you put the nephew and his boys in the corral :D:D
They deserved it... :D

My uncle had the farm to the west of ours when I was a kid… He had fences 50, sometimes 60 years old and in really bad shape. There would be a strand of barbwire hanging from one post, maybe 2 from the next post…

There was a running joke around the community… people would sometimes stop at our house and say “Sam’s cows tripped and fell out of the pasture again”. :D

All his wire was hanging so low cows didn’t “get out”, they “tripped and fell out”!

I always thought that was sooo funny, of course my uncle didn’t. :D
I live in an area that has a lot of Hispanic immigrants, both legal and illegal. Have you ever seen a Mexican fence? It's built out of whatever can be scrounged up. Tree limbs are popular, as are pallets. The fence where the neighbors goats get through is made up of just about every scrap thing he can find. There are tree limb posts, 2x4 rails and even a steel wall stud. Some posts are held up with sticks propped against them.Some barbed wire, some chicken wire, some chain link. It's a mess but it was cheap and it keeps most of his goats in. When he had cattle they were always getting out and he had to chase them. I think that's why he switched to goats.
A few years ago his barn burnt down and all his baby goats died along with several big goats.
Stick to your guns Sentry. It's good to be the annoying parent. Keeps them on their toes. I'm forever complaining to the public school. Most of the time it doesn't do much good, but they do know I'm watching out for my grandkids.

No worries, I won't be backing off anytime soon. I hope when my youngest graduates the school board throws a huge party in celebration that I am out of their lives.
What i n the heck is going on with our fruits and veggies!
I just peeled a pear after washed it and dipped it in vinagar and it looks like some nutcase beat the mortal hell out of it!:ghostly:Bruised badly and it ain't cheap either.
Meantime we have a pear tree that we just work for that won't produce mature fruit. I call it our welfare tree. Its cared for but doesn't produce.:(
I am currently still hot from an angry phone call to the elementary school, who apparently decided to post a picture of my son on their Facebook page after I explicitly forbid it. I was nice to the secretary but the principal got an ear full. He had taken it down before I was even done lecturing him about predators and personal safety. He is new to the school district and I am sure 5 second after the call people were like "Oh no, not Sentry18's child". I have a reputation in the educational community of being a "difficult parent" with friends and resources. I wear it like a badge of honor.

If you ain't difficult you ain't paying attention.:thumbs:.
In the mid 1980s I told the teachers no sex ed for my kids. So I singed the form to find years later my two girls didn't turn it in. Said no way would they sit in the boring library while it was being taught.
A long time friend gets cancer. I'm at the hospital every day for weeks. He gets released, apparently fine, and goes on vacations, restores cars, hangs out with others but never a call to me.
Two years later, guess what? Yep, he has cancer again. His wife screams at me for not keeping in touch. Well, that hit a nerve so I told her among other things, that a phone calls both ways. Now I feel guilty, but he seems just like a fair weathered friend. My sister dies, never got a call, but now that he is sick again, am I suppose to drop everything to help him?

I have a long time friend I met in the early 70s. She is also a rainy day friend who seldom calls past 20 years, yet she is now sick and so I called her and told her if she needs to talk no matter what time to call me. No call yet.
No worries, I won't be backing off anytime soon. I hope when my youngest graduates the school board throws a huge party in celebration that I am out of their lives.
More than once teachers and I had a go round. When my eldest was in grade 9, his marks were great except for phys. Ed, which seemed very low. He was active in all the school sports teams as well as extracurricular sports so it seemed odd to me. The parent teacher interviews were in the gym and the phys Ed teacher was in his office attached to the gym.

Now I am a firm believer that if my kids were messing up let’s deal with it and get it corrected, so I met with this teacher and asked the questions. He told me he predetermined the averages for the grade at the beginning of the year and marked students up or down accordingly. I expressed displeasure. He told me my son got a zero for not participating in a particular event (for which he had a doctors note, he had bronchitis and was told no running that week). I again expressed displeasure, I asked if a child was in a wheel chair and unable to run would he give them a zero? He said yes. I told him that was a ludicrous policy. He then told me that he lowered the marks on any student who participated in out of school sports so they didn’t get an attitude. I asked did my son have an attitude problem? No but he lowered his mark in case. By this point the volume in the room was increasing somewhat.

I asked to see my son’s records and was told he didn’t keep any, he remembered everything at every event about every student. I told him I was a nationally certified baseball coach, coaching at the provincial level and I needed records with less than 30 players and said that there was no way he remembered everything about all 450 students who went through in a year. I questioned his competence and integrity. By now it had gotten very loud and we were standing with just the desk separating us. The entire gymnasium has gone deathly quiet. The only question was going to be which of us came over the desk first. My wife had her hand on my shoulder attempting to keep me from doing something really stupid. The principal appeared and took us to his office to defuse the situation. I explained my concerns. The teacher was instructed to keep records. Next report card same issue. Back to the principal, I sat there as the teacher explained that his house had been burgled on the one day he took the records home and the only thing stolen were the student records. Mark adjusted. The teacher moved to a different school for the next year.

Hey, if my kids deserved bad marks, let’s get it fixed. If they didn’t don’t mess around. After the first episode many of the teachers tiptoed around. As an aside at the time of the first go round, when we stepped into the gym ... most of the parents clapped. Apparently I wasn’t the only parent to have a problem with that teacher.
A long time friend gets cancer. I'm at the hospital every day for weeks. He gets released, apparently fine, and goes on vacations, restores cars, hangs out with others but never a call to me.
Two years later, guess what? Yep, he has cancer again. His wife screams at me for not keeping in touch. Well, that hit a nerve so I told her among other things, that a phone calls both ways. Now I feel guilty, but he seems just like a fair weathered friend. My sister dies, never got a call, but now that he is sick again, am I suppose to drop everything to help him?
There are people who I have had similar experiences with. After the fact, I wondered if they would rather I hadn't been there?
My daughter and I have this kind of thing in many situations. We are good friends to have, because we will help people out in serious situations and in good times, but people forget it is a two way street. We both get phone calls to help with this or that. The older I get, the less I keep up with people who feel like users, who have no real interest in me, just what I can do for them.

One person would come from out of town and stayed with us, but wanted to tell us to be quiet in our house when it suited her and other things, as though we were her visitors. She had had little contact with me, except to tell all about what wonderful things she had been doing in "newsletters". One day, after years, she wants me to go to Mexico and help her set up an after school learning center. Nope, not happening. I did not even respond. About a year later, she sends a PM on Facebook that she doesn't have a current email address for me, re-iterating she wants me to come help her. No response from me, because I know it would be me there, being bossed around, with a to do list that would never end. Why in the world would I agree to that? I wouldn't and I didn't.
We HAD an Assistant Pastor that complained to me that they had been there for a year and no one from the church had invited them over to visit. I asked the AP how many had they invited? I got a blank stare in return.

Wife has a great nephew that is current the guest of a State Prison for the next few years. GN complains through his grandmother (my SIL) that we don't write letters to him. He has never written or called us. Only time the SIL talks to us is when she wants us to do something for her.

Wife's "best" friend will agree to date, time and place for them to meet to catch up on each others life events. On the agreed date the friend will call to cancel. Visiting a child or getting groceries instead.

At one of the competitions I partipate in I'm the long lost buddy of another competitor until a higher ranked competitor arrives. Then I'm ignore. I feel sorry for people like that.
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My Dad used to have a few standard rules: We invite you to our house and then we never invite you again until you have invited us to yours. Ditto with traveling. We travel to see a relative and we were never going there again until they came to see us. The only exception was my one Aunt & Uncle who were dairy farmers and had a very hard time getting away.
my main rant would be the way other people drive, too fast and over the speed limit, secondly hogging the middle and outer lane of the motorways, the third would be the use of hand held mobile phones whilst people are driving which is totally against the law but we don't have enough cops to do anything about it.
My sister called today and tried to make me feel guity for not calling our father on his birthday. My birthday, the kids birthdays, 2 severe bouts of pneumonia, Christmas, the youngest kid in and out of the hospital with her heart/health issues and not one phone call from him. The phone works both ways and my childhood made it clear to me where his priorities are and its not his kids.
I hate dealing with billing department of any doctor or hospital.

They just go by codes.

My authorization papers cover every code known to mankind, yet this one doctor that peeked his head in the door of my room and said " hi, how are you " when I was in for knee surgery in July. Sent ME the bill for $548.00 .
Now I got to get VA back involved.

Not a fun day.

My sister called today and tried to make me feel guity for not calling our father on his birthday. My birthday, the kids birthdays, 2 severe bouts of pneumonia, Christmas, the youngest kid in and out of the hospital with her heart/health issues and not one phone call from him. The phone works both ways and my childhood made it clear to me where his priorities are and its not his kids.

Yeah, that would be a hard pass from me. If you don't want to keep in touch with me and mine then don't expect me to reach out to you.
They deserved it... :D

My uncle had the farm to the west of ours when I was a kid… He had fences 50, sometimes 60 years old and in really bad shape. There would be a strand of barbwire hanging from one post, maybe 2 from the next post…

There was a running joke around the community… people would sometimes stop at our house and say “Sam’s cows tripped and fell out of the pasture again”. :D

All his wire was hanging so low cows didn’t “get out”, they “tripped and fell out”!

I always thought that was sooo funny, of course my uncle didn’t. :D

My uncle, who with his son, had 2600 acres, had a full time hired man whose main work was fence maintenance. Fencing is the least desirable work on a farm or ranch.

I have no idea why, but my grandfather and a neighbor had a double fence along one pasture line, with about 6 feet in between. No one ever talked about that double fence. I just know it existed and there must have been a story behind it. Many people use one fence between them, both doing maintenance and sharing expenses.
My uncle, who with his son, had 2600 acres, had a full time hired man whose main work was fence maintenance. Fencing is the least desirable work on a farm or ranch.

I have no idea why, but my grandfather and a neighbor had a double fence along one pasture line, with about 6 feet in between. No one ever talked about that double fence. I just know it existed and there must have been a story behind it. Many people use one fence between them, both doing maintenance and sharing expenses.

We use to put double fences to keep studs away from mares. Bulls away from cows.
They get too close...one fence wouldn't stop them.:dunno:

My uncle, who with his son, had 2600 acres, had a full time hired man whose main work was fence maintenance. Fencing is the least desirable work on a farm or ranch.

I have no idea why, but my grandfather and a neighbor had a double fence along one pasture line, with about 6 feet in between. No one ever talked about that double fence. I just know it existed and there must have been a story behind it. Many people use one fence between them, both doing maintenance and sharing expenses.

There could have been an unused road easement. Our desert place is like that. There is "supposed" to be a road next to our place and an alley behind us. That puts the side neighbors fence 20 ft from ours and the back neighbors fence 15ft from ours.
My rant. For the last 5 years, I have used ADT for my alarm system, but lately, I've been getting false activations. I called for a free service call and the kid comes yesterday. He said they have a new, "state of the art system" which he recommends I ask for. Of course, I would need to sign another 2 year contract. He recommended I call the "LOYALTY" department and he was sure they would help me. I spoke to Shanique, and I asked to speak to the loyalty department. I was put on hold for 15 minutes and the same voice of Shanique came on and asked "can I help you?" She identified herself as Orangello, but it was Shanique. She said to upgrade would cost me $500. I was not happy with paying out that price, so I asked to speak with her manager. I was put on hold for another 20 minutes, and Shanique answered, but this time she said her name was Tangello. I played the game and said the $500 was the best she could do and would not budge. I said I was going to Vivint if she couldn't beat the price and she said "OK, good luck", then hung up on me.

I called Vivent, and within 5 minutes, they sold me on their new alarm system. It helped when they saw that my son had added me as an emergency contact with Vivint. Because of this, the price was dropped to $0 out of pocket money, and they are setting up my new system, adding a few more contacts, adding 4K cameras, adding a touch screen on the wall where I can view what the 4K cameras can see outside, various panic modes, two way communication on the screen and the cameras, all for free, and the same price as ADT.

I called Shanique on a recorded like telling her their loyalty department sucks, and I was cancelling their service tomorrow, since Vivint will be up and running tomorrow afternoon.

Rant off
I called Shanique on a recorded like telling her their loyalty department sucks, and I was cancelling their service tomorrow, since Vivint will be up and running tomorrow afternoon.

Now send them a thank you card every year on this date telling them how much you love Vivint and thanking them for being so awful that they got you to switch. :D
I lost a watermelon. How the HECK does someone lose a watermelon? It wasn’t a big melon, maybe 9” in diameter. My nephew emailed and said he might come down last weekend and watch the game on tv. Last week at the market I bought a few items, one was a watermelon for the game.

There is a pouch on the side of the bag I keep my pistol in, it’s in which ever truck I’m driving. Any receipt I get goes in that pouch, no matter if it’s for a soda at the gas station. Once a week I go through them. The melon was on the receipt, I remember the melon now.

I’ve looked everywhere, it’s not in the house, it was too big to roll up under the couch! It’s not in either truck or the beds of the trucks.

How the HECK does someone lose a watermelon or forget they bought one? My best guess is that I left it in the buggy when I put my groceries in the truck. It’s either that or a bunch of mice burglars broke into my house and stole it!

I hit the big Six Zero and my brains start leaking from my ears when I shower? If it gets worse than this I don’t want to see 61. :rolleyes:
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