Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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It's a socially addictive drug for sure. You walk into the Parenting group at our church and there are so many gourmet coffee cups in there you would think they were sponsoring the event. Mostly mom's but a lot of dad's too. Then some of them will complain about money troubles. o_O

The average 25-35 year old American spends $2,008 on coffee a year. That's insane. I am glad I don't drink coffee, or beer, or wine, or...

That's nuts! I mean, that's almost my Dr Pepper budget! Just kidding, I don't spend near that much....
I don't drink coffee, pepsi's are 33 cents each. If I go anywhere I toss a couple of freezer paks in a little cooler and bring a water I filtered, a lemonade, or soda. I try to keep my beverage costs to less than $30 a month. I need to start making tea but can't seem to find one I really like or that the sugar doesn't settle out of.

Don't get me wrong... I like most teas... just can't find the one that makes me go "wow!".

Bill Miller's sweet tea. Wonderful stuff!!
Bill Miller's sweet tea. Wonderful stuff!!
Best ice-tea I ever had was as a teenager.
It was plain old Lipton tea bags but made with unchlorinated artesian well water and mint that I had picked and crushed only minutes earlier.
I think the water used may be as important as the tea used as well as the process; never put mint in hot tea.

(of course this was before we had air-conditioning too:rolleyes:)
Yesterday I was sitting in my car at the grocery store. I saw 2 women probably in their 20's with a guy in the backseat. The driver open her door and set 2 large mostly empty Starbucks cups on the ground and closed the door. The guy in the backseat handed forward 2 new ones. I was glaring right at them expecting them to drive off and leave them. The 2 women got out and picked up the cups and went inside with a bag of change. Minutes later they returned with a few dollars in hand. I tell you I wanted lose my mind. They had $20 in Starbucks in hand and we're cashing in coins. What is in Starbucks heroin? WTHeck.
Years ago when we were selling Girl Scout cookies outside of grocery stores, I found out where the cheapest and best coffee was at that time, 7-11. I just do not buy coffee out very often, so I haven't gotten any in there for many years. Their coffee was fresh every half hour, and was very inexpensive, far less than a dollar. On the cold days, standing outside trying to sell cookies, one adult would go buy a hot beverage for each person there. Girls got hot chocolate.

For me now, if I need or want coffee, which is rare after I've let home for the day, I get a senior coffee at McDonalds. I believe it is around 50 cents. You can see I don't remember the price, so it has been a while.

Yes, the people who drink the most Starbucks are often the ones who have a money problem. I am so amazed at all the people who have a go cup from somewhere that costs them close to $5 a cup. Call me cheap.

Sentry, your church could have a coffee bar. Different groups who might be trying to make money for a missions trip or other could run the coffee bar. I know a few churches who have them in their fellowship halls and sell coffee, etc. before and after services.
Like @Sentry18 neither of us drink coffee, tea (unless herbal), beer, wine, spirits and the list goes on. We do buy the occasional soft drink to support the local RSL club and other than that we pack our rain water in a 10 lt container in the car with cups and if we want a soft drink while traveling we pack a cold bottle from home and take it with us.
I worry about that phrase, "do something". The govt might start a disaster and wait for the citizens to plead to "fix it" by allowing a dictator to do whatever he wants. I hope we never get to that point, but a lot of citizens like to be taken care of and told what to do.
Maybe Congress should just do it's "limited" job.
Ask the democrats to do something and they tell you that they have done something. They passed two anti-gun bills and one gun ban with a magazine ban attached. Then they are in the (continuing) process of impeaching a president. That's real hard to do without a crime being committed. But the will continue to try...
The last time I took an interstate battery back there was almost 2 years left on the warranty. The auto parts store pro-rated the time I'd used it... I've never taken a battery back anywhere when that wasn't the case. This particular store is owned and run by my cousin who always treats me right... I've gotten just over 5 years on the interstate battery in my old truck now... A year past the warranty...

So, if I got out of Cosco with a new battery for $5 bucks... I'd have no problem with that.

At my cousin's store he'd even install it for me.

Edit to add... I've never shopped cosco so I don't know if they have their on warranty system... I'm just going by whats normally done at an auto parts store.

edit some more... just checked, both walmart and cosco seem to have their own warranty systems. I guess everything changes...

You'd have to read the fine print on that cosco warranty that I'm sure you folded with any other parts warranty you've replaced and keep in your glove box... ;)
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I believe it was YouTube where I learned about a 80 (?) year old lady. She had purchased new a 1940 (?) car in her young years. When a car part needed to be replaced so purchase parts with lifetime warranties. She kept the receipts for the parts in a three ring binder. Years latter when that same part needed to be replaced again she take her three-ring binder with her and get the part replaced for free PLUS a new warranty on the new part!

Over the years the local mechanics started to going way and beyond to help her along with her getting free parts. I'll see if I can find the source and edit this post with a link.

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My rant. For the last 5 years, I have used ADT for my alarm system, but lately, I've been getting false activations. I called for a free service call and the kid comes yesterday. He said they have a new, "state of the art system" which he recommends I ask for. Of course, I would need to sign another 2 year contract. He recommended I call the "LOYALTY" department and he was sure they would help me. I spoke to Shanique, and I asked to speak to the loyalty department. I was put on hold for 15 minutes and the same voice of Shanique came on and asked "can I help you?" She identified herself as Orangello, but it was Shanique. She said to upgrade would cost me $500. I was not happy with paying out that price, so I asked to speak with her manager. I was put on hold for another 20 minutes, and Shanique answered, but this time she said her name was Tangello. I played the game and said the $500 was the best she could do and would not budge. I said I was going to Vivint if she couldn't beat the price and she said "OK, good luck", then hung up on me.

I called Vivent, and within 5 minutes, they sold me on their new alarm system. It helped when they saw that my son had added me as an emergency contact with Vivint. Because of this, the price was dropped to $0 out of pocket money, and they are setting up my new system, adding a few more contacts, adding 4K cameras, adding a touch screen on the wall where I can view what the 4K cameras can see outside, various panic modes, two way communication on the screen and the cameras, all for free, and the same price as ADT.

I called Shanique on a recorded like telling her their loyalty department sucks, and I was cancelling their service tomorrow, since Vivint will be up and running tomorrow afternoon.

Rant off

Just a footnote... Vivint came to my house and installed their highly sophisticated (junk) alarm system. He installed what looked like a toy camera, all made in plastic, and I asked the installer if this was the 4k system camera that Vivint was promoting. He was very embarrassed and said that Vivint does not offer a 4k camera, and was just a sales pitch. The feee installation actually turned into a 5 year credit card payment, at the tune of $1400. In 24 hours, the system went down 3 times, and the camera went offline 4 separate times. I called an independent alarm company who said it didn't matter to him, but cancel that Vivint contract before 72 hours. He also told me to look at the "Yelp" reviews, and see this company has a "one star" rating.

I cancelled the contract, called ADT back and low and behold, I spoke to Shanique. She remembered me well, but I could tell that someone else was listening on the line. She told me if I purchased one camera, the company would install three cameras. Total installation cost was $466, and with only a 2 year contract, rather than Vivint's 5 year contract. My brand new system was installed 2 days ago, and we are now happy campers and have the latest and greatest system out there.

I know lots of folks here wouldn't think of installing an alarm, but California is way different. Homeless (criminal vagrants) folks wander the streets, high on either heroin or methamphetamine, and break into houses to get their next fix of dope. Our useless Governor has emptied most jail cells, and crime is running rampant. Governor Newsom, please go to ____, and quit destroying this beautiful state!
I know lots of folks here wouldn't think of installing an alarm, but California is way different. Homeless (criminal vagrants) folks wander the streets, high on either heroin or methamphetamine, and break into houses to get their next fix of dope. Our useless Governor has emptied most jail cells, and crime is running rampant. Governor Newsom, please go to ____, and quit destroying this beautiful state!

I was fortunate enough to install my own system when remodeling the house, before we even moved in. But even though we don't live in California or a high crime area, pretty much every LEO I know has some kind of home security system. Even if it's just a DIY wireless set up with motion detectors. I always tell the kids that the alarm is not to keep people out of our house, but to give me time to act before they have the chance to invade our space.
Best ice-tea I ever had was as a teenager.
It was plain old Lipton tea bags but made with unchlorinated artesian well water and mint that I had picked and crushed only minutes earlier.
I think the water used may be as important as the tea used as well as the process; never put mint in hot tea.

(of course this was before we had air-conditioning too:rolleyes:)

Rememebr the big attic fans that cooled the whole house?
I'm sick of the useless Congress doing absolutely nothing positive for our country.

Sick of it.

Do something ..

Join the crowd Jim. I'm sick of being sick of them. Only hurts us and makes us good people turn on each other if we don't watch it.
I get mad then feel bad for taking it out on others. especially my friends aand allies.
Went to start my truck and the 9 month old Interstate battery was dead as a doornail. I took it back to Costco for an exchange, but they charged me an additional $4.85 because the battery prices went up. Anyone else think this is unreasonable?

we don't manufacture our products.

As ifi don't have enough trouble something is going on with my web. It wants to copy everything!:mad: or once I finaaly post it takes me to another dang site!o_O
If I correct my many typos it starts taking aqay letters and words. :rolleyes:
I was fortunate enough to install my own system when remodeling the house, before we even moved in. But even though we don't live in California or a high crime area, pretty much every LEO I know has some kind of home security system. Even if it's just a DIY wireless set up with motion detectors. I always tell the kids that the alarm is not to keep people out of our house, but to give me time to act before they have they chance to invade our space.

We hav e dogs and a old alram
Went to start my truck and the 9 month old Interstate battery was dead as a doornail. I took it back to Costco for an exchange, but they charged me an additional $4.85 because the battery prices went up. Anyone else think this is unreasonable?
I would have spoken to the manager and they would have known I was not happy.
Contact Costco corporate and see what they have to say.
The battery in my truck just died one day. It went from starting the truck to nothing. I have a jump box I carry all the time so I was able to get it started.
I called the dealer to see if it was under warranty, which I knew was a long shot, it wasn't.
The dealer checked the entire charging system and installed a new battery for $129. Best deal ever from a dealer.
My cousin's Toyota truck battery did the same thing. It just died without warning.
I suspect all the electronics in the newer vehicles will shut down without the proper power.
This morning I actually had to go to the hospital as an outpatient just so they could ask me if I understood what was going to happen next week when the real outpatient procedure will happen. Wasted 5 hours of my time, screwed up my meal times (something critical for people with CFS). I wasted gas on a 90-mile round trip. I was so rushed leaving home this morning I forgot medicine I was supposed to take at a certain time... now my meds are all screwed up!

When ALL OF IT could have been handled with a phone call... them-"know whats going to happen next week" me-"Yep"... Them-"thank you, bye".

At least that was how it was handled last week when my doctors people called with the exact same question! gaahgaahgaah
What a day for you, Peanut. I know a lot about wasting time in hospitals.
We have Simply Safe, installed ourself after the big break in this year. Works easy. Motion cameras everywhere. They call immediately before calling police, even if we see the cat set it off. Cat has to go in the garage when we leave the house. No exceptions. Also have a few independent motion alarms. Not fun if I forget to turn one off. Walked into man cave to put something away, didn't realize one was put in there. About lost my hearing for the day. Told my husband that I'll be walking around with noise cancelling muffs on. I have claimed the remote off switches.
My alarm system came from Harbor Freight, cost me about $20 counting batteries. A motion detector watching the approach to the stairs, a receiver on my bedside stand. There's nothing I much value in my home except me and my guns and computers, and all of us are upstairs at night. The way things are located, with a few seconds warning I can see the top of the stairs and the landing, and the bogey man can't see me. Bang-bang, then I will call the cops and the meat wagon.

I test the alarm pretty regularly - by forgetting it's on.
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