My rant about dripping water above was just the start of a nightmare. Something happened yesterday that hasn’t happened in 40 years.
The house sits into a hillside on top of a wet weather spring. The sump pump is set up to handle big rains, 5 inches are no problem if it falls continuously. Much of it drains around the house through a pipe in gravel buried beside the foundation.
Starting early yesterday… we got an inch of rain… couple hours later, another inch… couple or 3 hours later another inch… etc… about 5 inches total over 15hours. It didn't run off... It soaked into the ground in the 20 acres behind the house. 26K gallons = 1 inch of rain on 1 acre... you do the math...
You get the picture… All that rain soaked into 200yrds of gentle slope towards the upper fields that feeds the wet weather spring. The gravel and pipe couldn’t handle 100,000 gallons plus of water converging about 10pm last night. It filled the block of the entire back wall of my downstairs unit. The back wall was sealed by professionals but the pressure and weight of all that water was to much and started flooding my house.
First you will see in the photos that I’m prepared pretty well for leaks, even major ones. Everything along the back wall is in heavy plastic containers or raised up on cement blocks, brick, shelving or pallets. Not my first rodeo in this house!
I only lost 3 cardboard boxes in the white floor room. They contained sealed #10 cans which are water proof. Who cares about cardboard boxes.
The real damage is my bedroom… 12x12… all that carpet I bought and put down last winter when I should have been in the hospital.
I noticed the disaster happening about 10pm but still didn’t realize how bad it was, after all, it’s been at least 40 years since this happened. I still lived at home then, 70’s.
I started moving items while mopping…
At midnight I woke up dad (85yrold). I needed someone to keep the sump pump running continuously while I mopped. In the white/green herb room I mopped up 5 1/2 gallons of water off the floor in 3 hours… The sump was running but the strange grey hand pump in the pump room takes the water down in the cavity another 3 inches. I carried 54 gallons of water out in 6-gallon pails while mopping and moving stuff.
At 2:30 I was completely exhausted… I sat down and ate a whole summer sausage, 2 packs of ritz crackers w/mustard and had a pepsi.
Dads sleeping now, he’ll be up by 7 to get his great grandsons up here to take over for me… I have it under control for now.
The real concern is the 400sqft+ of laminate flooring I had put down last spring. If the water makes it out of the 12ft deep back rooms then the laminate is toast.
When the boys get here they will rip all the carpet out of my bedroom and spread it in the shop to dry, hopefully… I laid cash out… there are storage units 7 miles down the road… anything of value… long term foods, ammo etc some furniture goes also, at least a 1000lbs of stuff.
They are going to do all this while fans and heat are cranked… keeping the water at bay…
I’m going to try to sleep in recliner in the living rm during all this. Most of you know I haven’t been doing well… wasn’t going to write about it but… between august 8th and last Tuesday I’ve lost 67lbs. the last 2 weeks I’ve been losing muscle mass. My weight has stabilized though… about 158. This was the last thing I needed.
I’m going to crash and burn for the next week or 10 days… will check in from time to time… probably will sound incoherent. I so tired now I'm not sure what I'm ranting about other than the whole situation...
Oh! Best part... last night the weatherman said the big rains don’t get here until noon today… Oh Goody!