Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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@Terri9630 There are times when being blunt is the right way to go. I would have just told him he was a lazy ****** and that he wasn't invited back until he grew a work ethic and some manners. My oldest daughter had a few boyfriends I didn't care for, they knew without question how I felt.

Yep, 2 grown daughters myself. I hear ya. Been there, done that...
Having an appointment ...then sitting and waiting for 30 minutes past your appointment time before you ever see your car rolling in from the parking lot.

Same goes for doctors , low life self centered bunch of turdcutters.


I hear ya Jim, I hate waiting when you have an appt. too!

I will offer some insight on the Dr.s office I worked at. The internist I worked for was a busy dude. Follow up appts were 15 min, new patients and male physicals were 30 min and female physicals were 45min........timing decided by insurance companies. Sometimes he'd see up to 30 patients a day. I worked my tail off when I was in that office. On the bright side, time flew by for me! However, do you think all patients show up on time? Oh, NO. And it's not typically just one person throughout the coarse of the day.....it's several. Even if only 4 people that day (which was typically a low number) show up 10 minutes late it throws off the whole day b/c with only 15 minutes for most appts, there's nowhere to make up that time. If they were more than 10 minutes late the Dr. had to refuse to see them b/c it put him behind, even though that was very clear in the policy. Plus, the nurse has to get vital signs before the doc can see them, which takes more time when they show up late b/c this was generally done when the patient shows up 10 minutes early, which was also clear policy. If he could put them in the schedule somewhere else, he would, but with his hectic schedule that didn't happen often, even when he skipped lunch, as he often did just to try to get back on schedule for the afternoon.

So, not only are the patients scheduled behind that person seen late, but sometimes the patient that may have caused the whole issue was PO'd b/c they didn't get seen.:rolleyes: Oh how I've seen the tempter tantrums thrown over that! In addition, people expect to get their one problem (that they are there to see the doc for taken care of) also bring a whole litany of other things as well. The dude has 15 minutes and he is expected to renew prescriptions, monitor labs, monitor symptoms, diagnose new conditions, order tests, update medical records, and be cordial to all. Is it any wonder there are medical errors? He's retired now, but he owned and operated his own practice for many years. There's a reason you hardly ever see private practice much anymore. The stresses put on him were just getting unrealistic, especially with more and more bureaucratic red tape being thrown at him every year.

Really, I don't like waiting either. But sometimes it's not the doctors fault. I know not all docs are like the guy I worked for, but it is something to take into consideration. Sometimes it's that guy or gal walking out the door (as you walk in) that caused your wait.

Dang.....good thing I'm in the rant thread huh? LOL! This rant is aimed at everyone who shows up LATE for their appointments!:cool: You're giving us early birds frustrations we don't deserve!o_O
I understand the late people and scheduling. The main one I've had an issue with was the cardiologist that did my daughters tilt table test. Her first apt to go over the test procedure.... No show. I took the afternoon off and got to his office 20 min early to do the paperwork. The secretary looked at me funny and said he wasn't coming to town today. Didn't his other office call to reschedule?:mad: nope! Had to reschedule for his out of town office which meant taking the whole day off of work and pushed the test back 3 weeks. He's the only one in this area who does this test so... Her apt was at 8. First one of the day. He was 2 HOURS late because he took his in-laws out to breakfast! The day of the tilt table test he was 3 HOURS late. The nurse went and got some food for the kid because her blood sugar was dropping and it would have affected the test results. She didn't want me to have to reschedule the test again and said the Doc does this $#;& all the time. The kid failed the test in 4 minutes. He gave us a diagnosis and prescription and said to come see him next week to set up her treatment. Nope. I went to our cardiologist and gave him the info and asked about the prescription. He said to fill it and wasn't happy that the Dr had wanted to continue treating his patient when she had only been sent for the test.
For real...some people..

Where did all the keys come from?

Since everything got moved because of the mini-flood I've been stumbling into many things long forgotten as I move, sort, toss and re-arrange everything in the house.

I had to write it out as a excel table but... I should only have 35 keys, period. I'm missing 3 of the 35.

I still have over 100 and they were scattered in every room in the house. At least now they are all in one place.

Maybe it's sort of like the tooth fairy except every time I lose a hair, the hair fairy leaves another key! :mad:

Where do they all come from? o_O

I hate to be late for anything. If I'm not 15 minutes early I get antsy. My brother and my daughter have never been on time for anything. I always tell them an hour early for arrival times and they are still a few minutes late.
I have a coffee can with a bunch of keys. I found the keys to my Dad's truck. He died 16 years ago and the truck was sold soon after that.
I hate to be late for anything. If I'm not 15 minutes early I get antsy. My brother and my daughter have never been on time for anything. I always tell them an hour early for arrival times and they are still a few minutes late.

I used to get rides as a kid from a neighbor who was always 10 minutes early. It is ingrained in me to be early. My daughter had a friend whose family is always late. Always! Daughter is always late. She did not get that from me. But it frustrates me!

Having minority teachers was a BIG thing to the Hispanic principal, especially during Affirmative Action. African American teacher was 20 minutes late to everything, even getting to school in the morning and back to class after lunch. Principal began holding faculty meetings until AA teacher showed up, "out of respect." In the previous years, meetings always started when they were scheduled, no matter who was not there. When principal began holding up meetings, I asked her if we were being punished for being on time? Should we leave and come back at 4:20? She was no dummy, but I guess had to have it pointed out to her that she was encouraging this behavior, for one "special" person. AA teacher would also leave school during lunch break and was notorious for being late coming back, having her assistant take up the slack for her going to the credit union, picking up her dry cleaning, or whatever. One day the principal had finally tuned into this. Not sure how that happened. One day assistant was lining up the students after lunch to take them back to class, when teacher should have been there, but was not. Principal showed up and had the assistant and the students wait for teacher. About half an hour late, in comes teacher, wondering why her students weren't in class. I wasn't there, but I heard about it, maybe even from AA teacher.
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I used to get rides as a kid from a neighbor who was always 10 minutes early. It is ingrained in me to be early. My daughter had a friend whose family is always late. Always! Daughter is always late. She did not get that from me. But it frustrates me!

Having minority teachers was a BIG thing to the Hispanic principal, especially during Affirmative Action. African American teacher was 20 minutes late to everything, even getting back to school in the morning and back to class after lunch. Principal began holding faculty meetings until AA teacher showed up, "out of respect." In the previous years, meetings always started when they were scheduled, no matter who was not there. When principal began holding up meetings, I asked her if we were being punished for being on time? Should we leave and come back at 4:20? She was no dummy, but I guess had to have it pointed out to her that she was encouraging this behavior, for one "special" person. AA teacher would also leave school during lunch break and was notorious for being late coming back, having her assistant take up the slack for her going to the credit union, picking up her dry cleaning, or whatever. One day the principal had finally tuned into this. Not sure how that happened. One day assistant was lining up the students after lunch to take them back to class, when teacher should have been there, but was not. Principal showed up and had the assistant and the students wait for teacher. About half an hour late, in comes teacher, wondering why her students weren't in class. I wasn't there, but I heard about it, maybe even from AA teacher.
My wife who taught for 40 years worked at a school that had it's clocks set 10-minutes fast. If you were on time, you got a tardy slip. Kids learned fast that being on time meant you showed up 10 minutes early.
School is there to teach them good habits that will pay off later in life. It's a shame that the 'race' stuff is mixed in your situation where people get a pass on being late and not setting a good example for the children.
I guess the worse part, is all of the kids watching the teacher get off with no repercussions, teaching them that behavior like that is OK.
They already need a lot of help, but not of this type:(.
(wife was retired for over a year before her clocks were no longer set to 'school-time':rolleyes:.)
My Dad's boss called one morning to see if dad was coming to work. Mom said he was supposed to be there at 6 AM. Boss said yes but it was already 5:30 and he wasn't at work yet so he was worried. Dad had a flat, changed the tire and still got to work 15 minutes before he was scheduled. I guess that and the Navy is where I got my early arrival attitude. The military takes a real dim view of being late.
My dad was a stickler for being early. I learned it well and taught my daughter the same. My dad always wore a watch. he had wind up clocks that he would check a couple times a day.
When he died, at the funeral home, there was a clock above his casket. I was the first one there as I had made all the arraignments. He had his watch on his wrist, his pipe between his fingers all was well till I looked up at the wall and there was that clock, with the wrong time on it. Not a major issue to most. That was the only problem I had with anything. The funeral director was super nice about it and had the clock running and on time when everyone else came for visitation.
Damn! Now my eyes are leaking.
My wife who taught for 40 years worked at a school that had it's clocks set 10-minutes fast. If you were on time, you got a tardy slip. Kids learned fast that being on time meant you showed up 10 minutes early.
School is there to teach them good habits that will pay off later in life. It's a shame that the 'race' stuff is mixed in your situation where people get a pass on being late and not setting a good example for the children.
I guess the worse part, is all of the kids watching the teacher get off with no repercussions, teaching them that behavior like that is OK.View attachment 29285 They already need a lot of help, but not of this type:(.
(wife was retired for over a year before her clocks were no longer set to 'school-time':rolleyes:.)
I moved from conservative North Dakota to teach in an inner city school in Denver. I was naive about a number of things when it comes to race and many other things, even though I had previously lived and taught in the inner city in Kansas City. I was more experienced with African Americans than I was with Hispanics. I have stories for days about how wrong some things were IMHO. Values are so different across different groups of people. Our principal was a lying, manipulative, New Age, lesbian, hispanic woman who had taken an active part in writing bilingual training for teachers in Denver Public Schools. I had not even heard of New Age. I had no experience or first hand experience with lesbians. I had no experience with any hispanic cultures. I was a young blue eyed, blonde, divorcee with a young child. I was viewed as the enemy. The assistant principal was as narcissistic as you can be. I was such an outsider before I started the job.
I think the reference was to an area where the majority of the people were Mexican.
Like Little China, Little Italy, or Little Mexico.
We had those areas on the Aircraft Carrier after the CO allowed people to bunk where they wanted to.
It took about 3 days and we were completely segregated. As a white guy, you did not venture into some areas like the ghetto, or little Mexico.
When I worked in Houston, I was told that was the term for the Latino neighborhood.
I have never heard that term used. In Denver Public Schools, the pc term was Hispanic. I have since been told that the pc term was Latino. My principal also used the term Chicano. PC or not, there are various terms that are used.
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