Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Hope you do, too, Phideaux.
My Aunt Sylvia shares a room (permanently) in the medical side of Mennonite Manor, where my mom lives. Mom has her own apartment that's not in the medical side. She visits her sis every day for hours. Moms a talker. And she doesn't come up for air, ever. She just told me that Aunt Sylvia's roommate has been moved.
So I hope you don't get a talker. A 2 am coffee drinker would be better.
Well, I had a rant, a little one. I went to the desk after 3 1/2 hours. Lady said I was next. I watched as they called in 4 more patients, then I blew it. I stormed back to the front desk, and asked why 4 more people just went in to see the doc. She gave some lame excuse so I thanked her.... for confirming that I will soon be changing from the HMO I currently have, to a PPO, where I can choose my own doctor, and it won't be this one.
Hope you do, too, Phideaux.
My Aunt Sylvia shares a room (permanently) in the medical side of Mennonite Manor, where my mom lives. Mom has her own apartment that's not in the medical side. She visits her sis every day for hours. Moms a talker. And she doesn't come up for air, ever. She just told me that Aunt Sylvia's roommate has been moved.
So I hope you don't get a talker. A 2 am coffee drinker would be better.
You may have misunderstood.
Phideaux was just being considerate:).
Can you just imagine the person on the other side of the screen?

"Have you ever shot a 45-70"? [long list of gun models follows]
"What's your favorite auto-pistol?" [long list of gun models and calibers follows]
"Do you have trouble putting the last rounds in a 30-rd mag?" [long list of different caliber rounds follows]
"What scope do you sight best thru?" [long list of different scope make and models follows]
"What powders are your favorites when you reload?" [long list of different gun powders follows]
"Do you shoot much? I do" [very long list of gun models and types follows]
"Do you think Epstein committed suicide?" [long list of facts disproving it follows]

<four hours later>
You may have misunderstood.
Phideaux was just being considerate:).
Can you just imagine the person on the other side of the screen?

"Have you ever shot a 45-70"? [long list of gun models follows]
"What's your favorite auto-pistol?" [long list of gun models and calibers follows]
"Do you have trouble putting the last rounds in a 30-rd mag?" [long list of different caliber rounds follows]
"What scope do you sight best thru?" [long list of different scope make and models follows]
"What powders are your favorites when you reload?" [long list of different gun powders follows]
"Do you shoot much? I do" [very long list of gun models and types follows]
"Do you think Epstein committed suicide?" [long list of facts disproving it follows]

<four hours later>
Them:View attachment 29327

That's a hilarious scenario..



I have had that , one sided, conversation.


I would have a captive audience.

Maybe the nurses will talk to me.

Now I'm excited about going to the hospital.

:fun fun:

...Maybe the nurses will talk to me.

Now I'm excited about going to the hospital.

:fun fun:

Well when you show them what you have made of your first replacement, they will be pleased.
Too many people just skip the "PT" (pain & torture) and end up just as cripple as when they started.
I'm sure seeing one return that they put $65,000 of work into, was just wasted, de-motivates them.
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Well when you show them what you have made of your first replacement, they will be pleased.
Too many people just skip the "PT" (pain & torture) and end up just as cripple as when they started.
I'm sure seeing one return that they put $65,000 of work into, was just wasted, will de-motivate them.

Yep, back a couple weeks ago I went back to see the surgeon.
Pre op for this one.

I asked him if ever took a good look at his handy work...so
He looked it over (3 months out).
He actually was laughing and truly excited to see how great a job he did.

He said if he didn't know any better , he'd swear it was a year out.

He was sincerely happy to see it .

That's why I'm a repeat customer next week.

So 11 months ago I bought an Acer laptop. Historically all I have ever purchased was HP, but the price was right so I went for it. I have already had to replace the power supply, and now the screen is going out. It will just randomly go grey with black lines for seemingly no reason. Sometime I can reboot and fix it, other times I have to close and open the lid repeatedly to get it back to normal. It will happen if I am holding it, using it on the table, or not even touching it. So I go to put in a support ticket to have it repaired and they website claims denied my claim saying it is out of warranty. The one year warranty has ended after 11 months!? I call customer support and they tell me if I read the fine print I will find that it is a one year warranty by all claims have to be filed within 10 months of the purchase date. Seriously!? So now they are saying to repair it I need to pay to ship it to them, pay for the repairs, and pay to have it shipped back. Screw that. I will toss it in the dumpster before I give them any more of my money. If I can't get it fixed locally I will go shopping for another HP. Either way I will put Acer on my never-again list.
Yesterday was a call from the granddaughter's lawyer, asking why things are taking so long with granddaughter's guardianship. Told her I didn't know. We had the interview, house inspection, and fingerprints, all with glowing reports from New Mexico. We have a conference call tomorrow with the case workers in California and the current foster parents. The lawyer said she'd check all around and find out.
So today I get a phone call (after 1 1/2 hours being drilled on by the dentist) from the New Mexico social worker that inspected us. She said she got a call from California today requesting we now have a "home study". Those words mean to do the process to become foster parents. I told her that I have told everyone 100 times that we will not be foster parents, we will be guardians. That we are already guardians of the twins and have been for almost 5 years. Everyone I've talked to in California and New Mexico I tell we will not be foster parents under any condition. They are sick of me telling them that.
So I told her thanks for all the hard work she did with us. I'm sad and sorry it had to end like this. That we love our granddaughter and hopefully we've made enough of an impression on her little 8 yr old life that she will remember and know where to look for us when she becomes an adult, after she has been adopted out. She seemed shocked and asked why I wasn't trying. I told her that that's all we've been doing the past 5 months, is trying our hardest. But trying does not mean submitting to the state. There is a difference. Then I sat down an wrote an email to our granddaughter's lawyer. Asking her what the point was to the teleconference tomorrow. Was it just to deny guardianship? Also asked that she still will be allowed to visit Thanksgiving for the week and Christmas for the two weeks, before she is put up for adoption. No response yet. The state of New Mexico tried something similar with the twins at the very last minute...the morning we were supposed to get them. They called and requested we agree to give up our firearms and turn in our concealed carry licenses. My husband said no. A few weeks later we were in front of a judge being granted guardianship. I am wondering if this is the states last push. Or are they serious?
So 11 months ago I bought an Acer laptop. Historically all I have ever purchased was HP, but the price was right so I went for it. I have already had to replace the power supply, and now the screen is going out. It will just randomly go grey with black lines for seemingly no reason. Sometime I can reboot and fix it, other times I have to close and open the lid repeatedly to get it back to normal. It will happen if I am holding it, using it on the table, or not even touching it. So I go to put in a support ticket to have it repaired and they website claims denied my claim saying it is out of warranty. The one year warranty has ended after 11 months!? I call customer support and they tell me if I read the fine print I will find that it is a one year warranty by all claims have to be filed within 10 months of the purchase date. Seriously!? So now they are saying to repair it I need to pay to ship it to them, pay for the repairs, and pay to have it shipped back. Screw that. I will toss it in the dumpster before I give them any more of my money. If I can't get it fixed locally I will go shopping for another HP. Either way I will put Acer on my never-again list.

Your state might be interested. If yo want to spend the time, you could inquire at the office of the Secretary of State.
Yesterday was a call from the granddaughter's lawyer, asking why things are taking so long with granddaughter's guardianship. Told her I didn't know. We had the interview, house inspection, and fingerprints, all with glowing reports from New Mexico. We have a conference call tomorrow with the case workers in California and the current foster parents. The lawyer said she'd check all around and find out.
So today I get a phone call (after 1 1/2 hours being drilled on by the dentist) from the New Mexico social worker that inspected us. She said she got a call from California today requesting we now have a "home study". Those words mean to do the process to become foster parents. I told her that I have told everyone 100 times that we will not be foster parents, we will be guardians. That we are already guardians of the twins and have been for almost 5 years. Everyone I've talked to in California and New Mexico I tell we will not be foster parents under any condition. They are sick of me telling them that.
So I told her thanks for all the hard work she did with us. I'm sad and sorry it had to end like this. That we love our granddaughter and hopefully we've made enough of an impression on her little 8 yr old life that she will remember and know where to look for us when she becomes an adult, after she has been adopted out. She seemed shocked and asked why I wasn't trying. I told her that that's all we've been doing the past 5 months, is trying our hardest. But trying does not mean submitting to the state. There is a difference. Then I sat down an wrote an email to our granddaughter's lawyer. Asking her what the point was to the teleconference tomorrow. Was it just to deny guardianship? Also asked that she still will be allowed to visit Thanksgiving for the week and Christmas for the two weeks, before she is put up for adoption. No response yet. The state of New Mexico tried something similar with the twins at the very last minute...the morning we were supposed to get them. They called and requested we agree to give up our firearms and turn in our concealed carry licenses. My husband said no. A few weeks later we were in front of a judge being granted guardianship. I am wondering if this is the states last push. Or are they serious?

That's awful. I don't know why they do stupid stuff like that.
That's awful. I don't know why they do stupid stuff like that.
I do.
California is doing everything they can to keep from losing a future taxpayer.
You think all of those homeless people are paying taxes?
Illegal immigrants suckling the public dole pay any?
That 8-year-old is their last hope.gaah
Deer hunting season opened last Saturday, so the deer are running crazy.
So at night I drive very alert
And a little slower on these country back roads, 50 mph instead of 60.

Coming home tonight about 8:30.
Idiot in pu truck is following really close..
Sure nuff I suddenly see a buck standing in the middle of the hwy...I hit my brakes the idiot came within inches of rear ending me, after sliding sideways..

My rant...stay off my rear bumper

My rant...stay off my rear bumper

....or kiss may a**!

I need a bumper sticker that says that.
This place down here is the worst for tailgaters.
When I can read their windshield sticker that says "Next oil change due at 42,685 miles", they may be too close:rolleyes:.
Since I know I can jam my brakes and let them eat my back bumper and it won't cost me a dime except for time (which I got PLENTY of:eek:), I do think about it sometimes.
But I have sympathy for them because I remember when I was a young guy, with my a** on fire
The local police department where I used to live was the worst for tailgating. They tried to get you to speed up so they could write you a speeding ticket.
They did that to my wife and she just kept at the speed limit so he stopped her because her taillights were too bright. Then the cop went back and did the very same thing to her sister. SIS told the cop what she thought of him in very explicit language and she was ticketed for her taillights. went to court and still had to pay a fine. That town has a reputation for being a speed trap. All the police new drove SUVs every year.
The local police department where I used to live was the worst for tailgating. They tried to get you to speed up so they could write you a speeding ticket.
They did that to my wife and she just kept at the speed limit so he stopped her because her taillights were too bright. Then the cop went back and did the very same thing to her sister. SIS told the cop what she thought of him in very explicit language and she was ticketed for her taillights. went to court and still had to pay a fine. That town has a reputation for being a speed trap. All the police new drove SUVs every year.

There is a little town about 15 miles from here that has two intersecting highways running through it. They have 2 full time and 1 part time police officers and 2 decked out Dodge Chargers. Their PD is open about 12 hours a day and all they do is run radar on that highway and write traffic tickets. Anything else happens and the call ends up with the Sheriff's Office or my department. The Sheriff complained so now they contract for 40 hours a week of Sheriff's patrol in that town even though they have 3 of their own officers! That speed trap must be a gold mine for them.
There is a little town about 15 miles from here that has two intersecting highways running through it. They have 2 full time and 1 part time police officers and 2 decked out Dodge Chargers. Their PD is open about 12 hours a day and all they do is run radar on that highway and write traffic tickets. Anything else happens and the call ends up with the Sheriff's Office or my department. The Sheriff complained so now they contract for 40 hours a week of Sheriff's patrol in that town even though they have 3 of their own officers! That speed trap must be a gold mine for them.

Graft is an oldfashioned word, I don't see it in print much anymore. Sometime when I can't find anything else to do, maybe I'll look it up. Probably doesn't apply to municipalities anyway . . .
Sorta same topic, just a gripe for me, but my little town is trying to grow, so about 3 years ago they made the hwy going into or leaving town a divided 4 lane hwy ,about 1 1/2 miles long,.. that's fine ...but, leaving town side speed limit is 55 coming into town it's 45..

Yep same hwy one side has one limit and other side has another limit..

How does that make sense...

Speed trap ...

There is a little town about 15 miles from here that has two intersecting highways running through it. They have 2 full time and 1 part time police officers and 2 decked out Dodge Chargers. Their PD is open about 12 hours a day and all they do is run radar on that highway and write traffic tickets. Anything else happens and the call ends up with the Sheriff's Office or my department. The Sheriff complained so now they contract for 40 hours a week of Sheriff's patrol in that town even though they have 3 of their own officers! That speed trap must be a gold mine for them.
PD still allowed to keep a dollar for every traffic ticket?
Been at the eye doctor for a check up for 3 hours, and yet to see the doctor. Should I raise hell, walk out, or wait to yell at the doctor?

I don't advise getting on their hit list. Mine said where did you hear that 'Youtube'? I was really mad so I told her maybe if she did more Youtube she would be informed, she said "I'M done With YOU". I tried to make it up to her but she was too mad.
Now I have new dr. I told hubby to nudge me if I even think of speaking to this one.
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