The word of the day “Resting!”
It started Tuesday afternoon when I went to Wally’s the second time to get dad a prescription for pain. When I got back I saw that 7, not 3 or 4, but 7 people had called dad to see how he was doing.
I listened to a few of the messages. Every one of these people knew dad had to be driven home sick and in pain from the hospital the night before. Every one of them knew I had to drive him back to the ER at 3am. At least 3 of them knew there was a problem getting him pain medication.
The picture… dad had a raging kidney infection, was in severe pain, had gotten little or no sleep in 30 plus hours… Yet all these people decided the best thing to do was CALL him to see how he was DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was it idiot day and everyone forgot to tell me? When I got home with his meds the first thing I did after hearing a couple of the messages was unplug the phone!
Today… the 4th day into this health issue someone called dad’s hospital room (one of the people from Tuesday). I answered the phone. They repeatedly they asked in various ways… My replay was always the same… He’s resting!
They finally asked to speak with him… My reply… No, He’s resting! 5 times I had to tell this idiot “He’s Resting”!
A little later while dad tried to eat lunch I walked down the hall to check on mom. I gave her the high lights of these idiots who don’t know how to care for someone who needs rest. I even gave her the name of the last moron who called.
Her… “You weren’t ugly to them, were you?” (she knows me

Me… “If I wanted to be ugly I’d order them a “word of the day calendar” for next year… With the word “Resting” on every single day for the entire year!”
All those messages… several calls at the hospital these people would express the same sentiment “We were thinking of Mr. peanuts dad!”
Bull crap! If they were thinking of him they’d shut the F up and let the man REST!
I feel better now!