Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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When people hate their lives, the only way they can feel better is to elevate themselves or drag everyone else down. Guess which one is easier?

Well I just had a chat with my male nurse that I had yesterday , and we laughed and made it a good day. I was glad to see him back today.. He gave me the low-down on that hell nurse. She doesn't have a very good reputation as being nice or kind.
So , it wasn't just her having a bad night.
She gone now, and I'm happy again.
I will be released late today.

I may in a joking way just say " hey sweet pea you ain't listening these days , how'd I end up with somebody else's order"...
Here's what I would do: Plan to go to "Restaurant B" from the beginning. But go to her restaurant, "Restaurant A" a little bit earlier than normal dinner. When she gets your order wrong, be very polite, and while laughing, say, "Oops, this is not what we ordered." Hopefully she would then offer to replace the dinner. But tell her, "I'm sorry, but we're rushed for time tonight and don't have time to wait." Then get up, apologize (for what? - nevermind, just apologize to appear humble) ... leaving money to pay for the dinner on the table. Hopefully she would refuse that, but be expecting to lose it anyway so you won't be disappointed. Then move on to "restaurant B", which is where you planned to eat all along. Maybe that experience will humble her enough so that she doesn't repeat the error.
You're more patient than I am. I would have fired her, told her to get out of my room and never come back.
I once picked up the phone in my wife's room and asked the hospital operator for the hospital CEO. When she asked me who was calling I told her a very mad patient's husband. The nurse was standing there the whole time. I didn't get the CEO but I did get the patient liaison and she was quick to respond. She came to my wife's room, listened to what we had to say and we never saw or heard from the nurse again.
You have to advocate for yourself in a hospital. When my wife was in one I stayed with her almost around the clock because she would just go along with whatever they did or said. I have met quite a few hospital security people but my wife is still alive and kicking so it was worth it.
You should call the hospital patient liaison and tell them exactly what happened and let them know you are not happy. Also when you get a survey asking you to rate your stay let them know.
The only way that nurse will change is for people to speak up.
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You're more patient than I am. I would have fired her, told her to get out of my room and never come back.
I once picked up the phone in my wife's room and asked the hospital operator for the hospital CEO. When she asked me who was calling I told her a very mad patient's husband. The nurse was standing there the whole time. I didn't get the CEO but I did get the patient liaison and she was quick to respond. She came to my wife's room, listened to what we had to say and we never saw or heard from the nurse again.
You have to advocate for yourself in a hospital. When my wife was in one I stayed with her almost around the clock because she would just go along with whatever they did or said. I have met quite a few hospital security people but my wife is still alive and kicking so it was worth it.
You should call the hospital patient liaison and tell them exactly what happened and let them know you are not happy. Also when you get a survey asking you to rate your stay let them know.
The only way that nurse will change is for people to speak up.
I have done similar for my wife before. Makes folks mad, but they are getting paid to care of the patients. Not mistreat them. Always go out of my way to thank the good ones as well.
You're more patient than I am. I would have fired her, told her to get out of my room and never come back.
I once picked up the phone in my wife's room and asked the hospital operator for the hospital CEO. When she asked me who was calling I told her a very mad patient's husband. The nurse was standing there the whole time. I didn't get the CEO but I did get the patient liaison and she was quick to respond. She came to my wife's room, listened to what we had to say and we never saw or heard from the nurse again.
You have to advocate for yourself in a hospital. When my wife was in one I stayed with her almost around the clock because she would just go along with whatever they did or said. I have met quite a few hospital security people but my wife is still alive and kicking so it was worth it.
You should call the hospital patient liaison and tell them exactly what happened and let them know you are not happy. Also when you get a survey asking you to rate your stay let them know.
The only way that nurse will change is for people to speak up.
So many people lose sight of the fact that the patient is always in charge. They ARE the customer.
They feel weak and powerless because they are made to believe they are at the mercy of the healthcare provider.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
If a big bill is hanging in the balance, they don't want you to have a single valid gripe.
It's a good thing Phideaux didn't tell the Dr he needed 'hell-nurse' to massage his feet to relieve stress.
When it comes to losing a $150K payment, or a foot-massage, I'd bet she would give a good one:D.
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When my dad was in the hospital decades ago, I came to visit and I could hear his lungs gurgling when walking in the door. From an overload of IV fluids. The nurse was standing right there, and I pointed out the problem. She said, "Oh, I can't change that without a doctors orders." So I said, "Well, luckily I can then." And I walked over and slowed down the IV drip rate and upped his oxygen. The nurse said, "I'm going to have to go get the doctor." To which I replied, "Good, that's what I was hoping you'd do in the first place, since you're so clueless."

I'm normally a very nice and friendly guy. But don't put anything stupid between me and the correct thing to do. In this case, that intervening thing happened to be a nurse. I can't believe she didn't know better. That's a big part of their job - evaluate medical orders, treatment, response and make or suggest changes as needed. My wife is constantly getting paged when a nurse sees something and wants a new order, or a change to an existing one. Yes, she occasionally has to deal with nurses who are clueless, but the majority of them are quite good.

Anyway, once the doctor got to my dad's room, they agreed that what I did was correct. I'm not a nurse, but I was a paramedic at the time, so not totally clueless. I will usually defer to the staff if they are doing something wrong, but it's a minor thing that really won't harm anything. Considering how far this fluid overload had gotten over who knows how long a time (that doesn't happen instantaneously), it was not a minor thing.
I don't ever let my husband be in the hospital alone. I stay overnight, too, and only leave if youngest daughter relieves me. It is amazing how many screw ups I've caught. And simple stuff, like getting water, emptying a urinal, getting insulin before food makes a difference. Love having our pharmacy daughter with me, and she usually will come right away. They can make a mess with medications in ER.

25Oct the flood started… Earlier that evening I noticed water leaking through the ducting of the new HVAC unit… It’s BACK! Leaking all over the new shelving I just put up.

I had the company who installed the system come out after the leak appeared weeks ago. I found the logic of their representative lacking to say the least. He didn’t want to come inside the house to see where the water was appearing. Instead he just put caulking around the ducting on the outside of the house.

I questioned this approach at the time, he tried to give me a song and dance routine but seriously lacked rhythm…

Guess I was right. After all the turmoil we’ve experienced starting that night… and this shows up again! I’m more than a bit annoyed! :waiting:

25Oct the flood started… Earlier that evening I noticed water leaking through the ducting of the new HVAC unit… It’s BACK! Leaking all over the new shelving I just put up.

I had the company who installed the system come out after the leak appeared weeks ago. I found the logic of their representative lacking to say the least. He didn’t want to come inside the house to see where the water was appearing. Instead he just put caulking around the ducting on the outside of the house.

I questioned this approach at the time, he tried to give me a song and dance routine but seriously lacked rhythm…

Guess I was right. After all the turmoil we’ve experienced starting that night… and this shows up again! I’m more than a bit annoyed! :waiting:
That's the last thing you need to deal with now.
Ahhhhhh.....nurses in a hospital.:confused: Kinda like......life is like a box of chocolates.....ya never know what you're gonna get.:D I've worked with them all. I'm not as intersted in a nurses demeanor (although thoughtful and pleasant is a definite advantage) but more-so their talent. I was actually in the hospital the last couple of days visiting a family member. There's all kinds of things I saw that I didn't like, but overall things were good. For certain if I had an issue with a nurse I would not hesitate to call the hospital operator and page the nurse supervisor if there was an issue. That is what they are there for. The issues will not be corrected unless someone brings it to their attention. Just be aware though that there IS a nursing shortage, so what the hospital will actually do about a particular nurses' demeanor is likely minimal, but even if the nurse was notified of the issue by a supervisor, she may think twice about it.

However, I have found it's better to put him/her on the spot at the time of the incident. Maybe say "I'm sorry, but did I do something to offend you?". Some may go so far as to say "who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?" LOL! Either approach, depending upon how you want to handle the situation, would likely get some sort of response right then and there. Nurses are no better or worse than any other person.....they deserve the same demeanor that they give.....whatever that may be. That's how I handled it in the hospital.....the patients got the chipper nurse Angie until they decided to push things too far.....then you got what you gave. They still received competent care, but no smile or pleasantries. It was no different than when I waitressed. I was not there to be someones verbal punching bag. Clearly patients are not at their best when they are in the hospital so they do get a considerable amount of leeway......but there is a line. As the professional being paid to do a job, the initial chipperness is your responsibilty (nurse).....until it gets pushed too far. Thankfully that was not an issue very often, but when it was, a confident matter-of-fact conversation would often do the trick.

Plus, you can always request a different nurse if you think you are getting substandard care. If that is the case, do not think twice about it! You deserve good care!
Plus, you can always request a different nurse if you think you are getting substandard care. If that is the case, do not think twice about it! You deserve good care!
Most nurses know they don't have to do that much to make a person's stay in the hospital bearable.
They easily become angels from heaven.:)
Others realize just how little it takes to put the patient into a 'living-hell' in order to prove their 'superiority' in the situation.
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Most nurses know they don't have to do that much to make a person's stay in the hospital bearable.
They easily become angels from heaven.:)
Others realize just how little it takes to put the patient into a 'living-hell' in order to prove their 'superiority' in the situation.
This is true in many professions. You can have integrity and do your best with a good attitude or be a horse's behind.
I went to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get yet another license because they now give my driver's license to illegal aliens, no questions asked. But the old licenses were not verified identity, so if you want to fly, you need the upgraded verified driver's license, and a cost of $28 to me. Well, I played the game and got my new license. Problem is, I no longer have my motorcycle endorsement as I did with the old license, so guess who has to go back and stand in line for another 2 hours?
I went to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get yet another license because they now give my driver's license to illegal aliens, no questions asked. But the old licenses were not verified identity, so if you want to fly, you need the upgraded verified driver's license, and a cost of $28 to me. Well, I played the game and got my new license. Problem is, I no longer have my motorcycle endorsement as I did with the old license, so guess who has to go back and stand in line for another 2 hours?

That sucks. I know because it happened to me once (the motorcycle endorsement part). When they say look the license over when they hand it to you, don't just glance at it. I learned that the hard way.
I went to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get yet another license because they now give my driver's license to illegal aliens, no questions asked. But the old licenses were not verified identity, so if you want to fly, you need the upgraded verified driver's license, and a cost of $28 to me. Well, I played the game and got my new license. Problem is, I no longer have my motorcycle endorsement as I did with the old license, so guess who has to go back and stand in line for another 2 hours?
The business of having these long lings has been ridiculous for too long. Colorado decided to do something about it. The last time I went to get my driver's license renewed there was one person ahead of me. After I got my license taken care of, I walked next door to get the tags for my plates. I did not spend even a half an hour there total for both services.
I have a friend (former colleague) who had a defective heart valve and had surgery about 6 weeks ago. I talked to her today and she told me about some things that have happened. When the surgeon had her opened up, he tried to fix the defective valve (I believe it was a valve, I keep imagining a tube), which was what the surgery was for. He realized that the valve couldn't be repaired. He called the lead cardiologist, a narcissistic horses behind, evidently, and told him he thought the repair wasn't going to work. The lead told him to just do the repair and sew her back up and wait to see what would happen in the coming days. The surgeon told the lead he was going to over-ride that decision and replace it instead. Surgeon replaced the valve. Surgeon then called friend's sister, her next of kin, to report about the surgery, and the change in what happened, including the conversation with the lead cardiologist.

The lead was friend's cardiologist, but certainly not the only cardiologist in town. He was not in the room during the surgery. Friend has seen surgeon since surgery and has requested a new cardiologist.

Because of her open heart surgery, there are all kinds of follow up appointments. One visit included a meeting with a nutritionist. The push is to change her diet to a plant based diet including lots of legumes, little or no meat and fat, even suggesting she consider being a vegetarian. When friend asked about protein, the nutritionist said she could get protein through soy and other beans. Friend has Crohn's and has had many problems with her gut with what she can and cannot eat her whole life. She has had a limited diet and the list of what she ate for years was very short. Still is. She has worked with a couple of people to expand her diet to improve her gut and other health and has lots of money invested in trying to get healthier including a Weston Price trained practitioner. One of the things that the Weston Price people are strongly against is soy. Friend did the GAPS diet, and now eats eggs, meats, veggies cooked and juiced and very little more than that. She does eat toast with butter, but not often. She never eats out because of her health issues and diet. She was really outraged by the diet suggestions.

I could hardly comprehend it because I have known her and her journey for several years. If she had a heart condition based on her diet, that would be one thing, but it was a defective valve. She watches her weight, swims almost daily, does yoga and other exercise classes. She is not a junk food junkie, never has been. She is not over-weight because she is careful.

They don't hand out the licenses here anymore. They mail them now and fixing mistakes is a pain.
That's the Federal thingy - using the driver's license as a junior grade passport requires 'regional' fingers in the process. It's the infamous federal ID card, come in the back door. Communist and fascist regimes have similar regs for people control.
That's the Federal thingy - using the driver's license as a junior grade passport requires 'regional' fingers in the process. It's the infamous federal ID card, come in the back door. Communist and fascist regimes have similar regs for people control.

They started it before the new I'd stuff. Since before 2014 anyway when my oldest got her first license.
I was raised that everything thing had a place and when you was done using it it went back to its place.

Wife's spare car key she keeps in a small basket on her kitchen desk. When "we" have company she clears her desk off by putting everything on top of the clothes washer. Sunday I went to get the key because we use her car to go to church. Desk is cleared so I head to the wash room. Nope no basket, no key. I finally find the basket with the key in it on the dinning room table.

Now some may suggest that I just ask the wife where the key was in the first place! From my past experience she will have no idea and she'll end up flustered because she would not know either.
My system involves putting stuff I will want to use in a week or so in a special place, so I will know its location. Hah. So, now I am supposed to write myself a note. Hah.
I suspect my problem is that my brain is already stuffed full; no more room to put anything and have it stick. Well, maybe there just ain't any stickum.
I just had someone knock on my front door, at least twice. There is a sign on my front door, "If I am not expecting you, I won't answer the door." So when I heard the second knock, I thought I would go see if it was one of my neighbors, who all have my phone number, may be alerting me of something. Nope! When I looked out the door, there is a man standing there looking around to see what there is. He was not on my front porch, or I would never have opened the door. I was not happy to see him and he knew it. He apologized for bothering me, but said he collects stuff to donate. b.s. I happened to have a shelf out there that I want to give away. I told him, his bothering me is not the problem. The problem is his snooping around on my property. He apologizes for bothering me. I said, "I saw you looking around." He says, "I thought maybe you might have something out back that I could have. I was going to go look." FLAMES out my ears! I held up my hand like a gun, pointed at him and told him he never wanted to do that! I told him this is private property and he is trespassing and trespassing on my property is not safe for him, again showing my hand like a gun and being dramatic with it. He backed way up, because he got the message. I didn't even have a gun with me, but I should have. I told him to take the shelf. Nope, he was going to leave. He backed out the gate and got out of here, hands in the air as though a real gun was pointed at him. Love that the hand like a gun and my tone convinced him that he shouldn't mess with me or mine.

I know there are people who snoop around. Others talk about stuff being missing from their porches and yards, some of it being seemingly inconsequential like a candle or lamp. I have metal plant stands, metal outdoor furniture, smokers, grills, and other stuff that scrappers could add to their scrap to sell. Because of trying to block Crosby in or out of certain locations, I have some obstacles to get into my back yard from the front. I am sure that snoopers are aware that having to move trash bins, gates, and other obstacles makes my backyard less accessible and the noise would serve to alert me or neighbors.
wow weedy.sounds like you got off easy on that one.yes you should of had a gun on you.
Thank you. Yes, I should have had a gun. I get so few visitors and I had just gotten home from a dog walk, so I was a little off guard. That is the danger, being distracted. I hope he passes on not to mess with me. I was livid with him. I am sure my blood pressure skyrocketed. It also confirms for me that even though it looks messy in my side yard, having my trash and recycling bins, the gate, and a few other things really does slow down snoopers and potential thieves. I am still kind of amazed that my hand like a gun got a message through to him. We should all remember that, that it doesn't necessarily have to be a gun to get the message across, but a real gun would have been even more effective.
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