Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Retail stores, usually grocery stores, are a totally different kettle of fish. I will be polite, but a pretty audible "Excuse Me" with a facial expression where I am trying to say "You are blocking the aisle, and I would like to get through." It usually works. I would like to think that people aren't intentionally trying to be rude. It is inadvertent, and they move pretty quickly.

The annoying part is when you meet up with them in another aisle, and they are doing the same thing.
Try being overly nice, smile, say hi. They won't block you in the next aisle, they'll see you coming. Had a conversation with a mom with 3 little girls in tow, one pushing a basket, mom pushing a basket with a baby seat and her little son in it. So they were a looonnngg train maneuvering around the store. So when we were trying to get around each other, I complimented her on how well behaved her kids were. She talked about how some people don't understand them and having so many. Told her we had five, and yes, I'd bring them shopping. She homeschooled, told her we did, too. Saw her smiling all through the store.
I'll hold the door for people, too, but prefer to see when a man is polite enough to do it.
Try being overly nice, smile, say hi. They won't block you in the next aisle, they'll see you coming. Had a conversation with a mom with 3 little girls in tow, one pushing a basket, mom pushing a basket with a baby seat and her little son in it. So they were a looonnngg train maneuvering around the store. So when we were trying to get around each other, I complimented her on how well behaved her kids were. She talked about how some people don't understand them and having so many. Told her we had five, and yes, I'd bring them shopping. She homeschooled, told her we did, too. Saw her smiling all through the store.
I'll hold the door for people, too, but prefer to see when a man is polite enough to do it.

Amish Heart: With all due respect we are talking about different types of people. Parents with children; someone helping an elderly person; handicapped people; nice people in general there is never any problem. I am polite. They are polite back. It is the rude, inconsiderate people that get my goat. There is no doubt in my mind you are kind to them as well. My patience wears a little thin.

By the way. I hold the door for everybody, especially for women, and more especially for women with children.
Amish Heart: With all due respect we are talking about different types of people. Parents with children; someone helping an elderly person; handicapped people; nice people in general there is never any problem. I am polite. They are polite back. It is the rude, inconsiderate people that get my goat. There is no doubt in my mind you are kind to them as well. My patience wears a little thin.

By the way. I hold the door for everybody, especially for women, and more especially for women with children.

Some parents with kids in stores !:devil:. Hubby and I were standing line at cash register at Walmart. A woman with her 6 or 8 yr. old was teaching her kid how to count change and I had to pee reallt bad [ don't use public rest rooms at Walmart ].
So after about 6 minutes of the "lesson " I got rude as she was.Told her to take the kid outside for the money counting lesson. She replied back TRAILOR TRASH We were well dressed and didn't look like trash maybe it was the southern accent?:dunno:.
Anyway hubby said, right in front of the idiot " how does she know we live in a trailor!:eyeballs: Now I was maddr at him than the Yankee in the store.:waiting:.He was laughing and thought it was funny.:huh:. He had a long trip home. :rolleyes:
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Some parents with kids in stores !:devil:. Hubby and I were standing line at cash register at Walmart. A woman with her 6 or 8 yr. old was teaching her kid how to count change and I had to pee reallt bad [ don't use public rest rooms at Walmart ].
So after about 6 minutes of the "lesson " I got rude as she was.Told her to take the kid outside for the money counting lesson. She replied back TRAILOR TRASH We were well dressed and didn't look like trash maybe it was the southern accent?:dunno:.
Anyway hubby said, right in front of the idiot " how does she know we live in a trailor!:eyeballs: Now I was maddr at him than the Yankee in the store.:waiting:.He was laughing and thought it was funny.:huh:. He had a long trip home. :rolleyes:
LOL! Your husband is a man after my own heart (Hmm, is that a common saying anymore?). Only I wouldn't be laughing until we got outside. Some times I have to fake a coughing jag to hide the grin though. I'd like to blow my nose on my shirtsleeve, but that might be going too far, eh? My oldest brother was skilled at pinching one nostril with a finger and sending a booger clear out of the other, but that wouldn't be good indoors.
Jeez, sorry to get carried away like that, Meer. Vermont Hillbillies tend to have a crude sense of humor.

"Trailer trash" is an uncommon phrase in my neck of the woods, but I don't know why that is. There are trailers enough.
So now our latest and greatest climate expert is Greta Thunburg, sort of an Al Gore wanabe? I know humans can do all kinds of bad things to the environment, but no one has the power to also melt the polar caps of Mars or a moon around Saturn due to having a gas guzzling vehicle, do people really believe that the planets makes a perfect orbit around the sun? Of course this is the truth, "Inconvenient Truth", that no one wants to admit. One other thing, has everyone forgotten about the Ice Age? Seems to me that if we hadn't had some major "Global Warming", we'd all be living close to the Equator, oh and by the way, what caused that warming period? Camp fires? Or is it just another way to control the masses by taxes and laws laid on common people that those in power will never be effected by, it really matches what the Bible has to say about having the people deal with heavy burdens, while the upper crust doesn't even lift a finger. Luke 11:46, Matt. 23:4, sounds a lot like Al Gore and his ilk.
I must learn to ignore stupid things on farcebook.
Cornbread aint done.jpg
Just a snippet here...

Hasn't it been discussed forever , that the shape of a football is designed to be hard to grasp and handle easily.

Why must all medical pills be so similar to that same shape..
Gosh, if I threw away every pill I have dropped , I wouldn't have much left.

Disc shaped, egg shaped, round shaped ,football shaped, elongated shaped , and usually slick.

I don't have an answer, but my big fangers just don't work .


Jim, I believe this was a result originally for easier identification for those with vision impairment. I too wish they were more uniform size. Some of my little pills falls through the cracks between my fingers and get lost as they roll 28' feet away from where they dropped.
Tiny little pills in a childproof bottle that I break in half to get the right dosage.
The pharmacy does put double sided lids on for me now so I can just screw it off instead of standing on my head, facing south, on the full moon and press, swear and twist to get the other cap off.
I learned to do it that way watching my grandson open one for me. :)
I don't know about y'all....but I'm about to puke or throw a shoe at my tv.

For a solid week I've seen and heard all the crap about Harry and Meghan and the royal family I want to.
It's sickening....WHO CARES.

Enough is enough ..and this is headline news ? GEEEZE.


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Like a magician, they always use sleight of hand. While you're looking at one hand you completely miss what the other hand is doing. Same thing with so-called news.
That's why I never listen to, read, or watch the national news and rarely local news. Everything is presented with an agenda and it's all suspect.
The tendency is to habitually watch the news that matches your own preferred agenda. That's like experiencing life with one eye and one ear closed; everything is in mono. I'm elderly enough to remember my amazement with the stereo-opticon.
I don't own a TV, don't listen to the radio unless there is a power outage and get all the news I need by looking out the window and visiting with my wife and kids.
I do have some sources for international news. Most of it comes through military or diplomatic channels. I get uneasy when they agree.
I don't know about y'all....but I'm about to puke or throw a shoe at my tv.

For a solid week I've seen and heard all the crap about Harry and Meghan and the royal family I want to.
I can't blame them.
They have figured out that if you're a 'Royal' it doesn't matter how rich you are, you can't live an extravagant lifestyle without public damnation:(.
The only thing worse than not having a bunch of money, must be having a bunch and not being able to spend itgaah.
Being obligated instead to give speeches daily at places like "The Extraordinary Toenail Clippers Convention" must get old after a while.:rolleyes:,
(Probably where the phrase "A royal pain in the a**" originated):D
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I get my news from a wide variety of sources online. Even then I tend to be very skeptical.
Here is why I don't trust the media.
6 companies own 90% of the media in the US.
The author James Lee Burke has his protagonist in a novel (A Louisiana cop) say "The discrepancy between the real world and how the world is reported by the media is enormous, and I've always believed this is why most news people drink too much."
A new experience today… My mom had to go to town to get her hair done whether she felt like it or not and get a few groceries.

I needed a few groceries, start cooking some yummy food would do wonders for my flu bug.

Having learned in the past my mom is really a secret blond I knew to write my grocery list in such a way so no that there could be no misunderstandings or mistakes.

The first section of my list was titled “produce/bakery/deli”, every item in the first section could be seen from the fruit rack at Wally's. How could someone possibly screw that up.. right?

Mom's knee replacement is healing nicely but is still sometimes painful. She heard Wally has personal shoppers now. Fair enough, she could sit and rest while someone shopped.

My list… part of the first section…

Produce, Bakery, Deli

1) loaf of Italian bread

2) pie, 8-inch, peach or cherry…

3) shredded lettuce in a bag

4) green onion

5) dozen or so oranges

6) strawberries

7) you get the idea.

This is where the personal shopper made the first mistake… He got the Italian bread but did he walk the 10ft to get a fresh pie? NOOOO! That would have been to simple! He went all the way over to the frozen food section and got a frozen pie! There was not a frozen food section on my list! I didn't write "frozen pie" on my list. If you order pie at a Diner do you expect a piece of frozen pie or fresh pie. Where do they hire these idiots!

I made my list blond proof… I should have made it idiot proof!

The reason I bought a new stove… My oven is broken! Now I have a pie I can’t cook!

Next time I’m a wally’s I’m taking photos of the entire grocery section. If I send another list for a personal shopper it will be a list of photos’ stapled to large pieces of paper! Maybe they can’t screw that up!

Welcome to personal shoppers at Wally's!
...Having learned in the past my mom is really a secret blond I knew to write my grocery list in such a way so no that there could be no misunderstandings or mistakes....made it idiot proof!...

Wife's side does Christmas lists. Our first married year the wife asked me for a list to give to her family. I open the Sears Craftsman catalogue and marked some tools plus...I wrote a list with page number, Item number, description that matched the catalog's description and price. Gave the catalogue and list to the wife. As simple as I could make it.

One of the items I listed was a four foot black level to match my other levels. I received a bright orange non-Craftsman.

Another item on my list was an aluminum square. I received a non-Craftsman steel square.

Evidently my list wasn't Blonde or Idiot proof (or too much trouble for the giver?).

I appreciated the thought and sincerely thanked the givers. Every year after that I ask for a gift card for the Big Box lumber store.
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The longer I sit here the more incredulous I become… In what twisted parallel universe does “Get me a pie from the Bakery” mean go to the frozen food section and get me a frozen pie?

Simple english comprehension is beyond these people so I’m still going with large color photo’s next time… :rolleyes:
Geesh, Peanut. I'd make you a pie if you were closer.
Even granddaughter knows how to make a pie.
That's lesson #1 in Granny's cooking school, is pie making.
Lesson number 1 over here's is scrambled eggs (on accident or on purpose???). Pie is lesson number 2 :)
I've always liked making pies, but I don't eat them.
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