Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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So we moved into our new home. Our fridge had been in storage for a couple years on account of us living off grid in an RV during construction. Anyway we had problems with it getting too cold but were trying to work through it. We made an appointment with a service next week. Well tonight about 11:15 I heard a gush of water for a few seconds. I was half asleep and thought it was the ice maker filling. After about a half hour I decided I couldn't go back to sleep without a snack. Good thing I did. It turns out the water filter froze or just broke. The noise was all the water rushing out after it finally pushed the door open. I am guessing it was about 15 gallons we cleaned up. In the end we were just thankful it didn't run all night.
Oh, man, LL. No raisin cream pie, peanut butter pie, custard pie, german chocolate pie, chocolate cream pie???
Maybe you like cake then.
I like cake - preferably with little or no frosting. I like cookies- PB or good spiced cookies are my favorite. Also a treat for me is a good savory bread with rosemary or a yummy Mediterranean flavor of nearly any sort
Note: This conversation is about a new refrigerator that "we" bought almost 2 years ago.

I'm downstairs in my den working on a story for Homesteading forum. Wife is upstairs in the kitchen

Wife: There is no ice in the ice maker. Did you turn it off or something?
Me: Yes I turned it off.
Wife: Why? I wanted ice.
Me: Bucket was overflowing.
Wife: Well there isn't any ice now.
Me: My fault. I'll come up and turn it back on.
Wife: Can't I just flip the wire thing down like our old refrigerator?
Me: Yes you can.
Wife: Don't I have to push the "on" button too!
Me: What "on" button?
Wife: There is a "on" and "off" button on the outside of the refrigerator. That's for the ice maker.
Me: No. All you have to do is gently flip the wire down that's over the ice bucket. Just like the old one.
Wife: The "on off" buttons are right beside where the drinking water and ice is dispensed. Are you sure that isn't how to turn the ice maker on and off?
Me: Yes I'm sure. Just flip the wire down like the old refrigerator.
Wife: Then what are the "on off" buttons for?
Me: They turn the night light on or off.
Wife: Are you sure they are not for the ice maker?
Me: Yes Dear, I'm sure.
Wife: Well how was I to know!?!?
Me thinking: You could have read the owner's manual like me, noticed the light bulb icon over the buttons or pressed the "on" button to see what happens.

I figure her question is rhetorical so I don't answer and go back to writing the story.
A rant kept clean?
that deserves a rant just on that topic alone. who ever heard of a ___ rant beng clean? I mean..If it is a TRUE rant then it can not be thought out
it is a rant...LOL

Anyway. My Rant is about the New T-shirts that have hit the market and the inked label instead of a sewn label.
this really ..OH..Keep it clean...upsets me.
I get up before the wifey. and being the considerate little Hobbit that I am. I try and not wake her. In the dark, or with light from the bathroom. I can see the tag. Slip a t shirt on and am good to go.
with the Inked tag. You can not see the ......thing. so you wind up with a 50/50 chance of putting the shirt on backwards.
then having to remove it and do over
This upsets me
A rant kept clean?
that deserves a rant just on that topic alone. who ever heard of a ___ rant beng clean? I mean..If it is a TRUE rant then it can not be thought out
it is a rant...LOL

Anyway. My Rant is about the New T-shirts that have hit the market and the inked label instead of a sewn label.
this really ..OH..Keep it clean...upsets me.
I get up before the wifey. and being the considerate little Hobbit that I am. I try and not wake her. In the dark, or with light from the bathroom. I can see the tag. Slip a t shirt on and am good to go.
with the Inked tag. You can not see the ......thing. so you wind up with a 50/50 chance of putting the shirt on backwards.
then having to remove it and do over
This upsets me

Frodo I do understand your questioning the ' keep it clean ' but because some ' will take the nasty ' it to the limit so it is important to ' krrp it clean'. :I agree:
I have lots of rants about the cheap pieces of work running our clothing companies today.
What gets to me the most is to save a couple pennies on material the waist is too short from crotch to navel and the sleeves and panys are often too short .
If I wanted a pair of hip huggers I'd buy a pair of hip huggers!!:waiting:
A rant kept clean?
that deserves a rant just on that topic alone. who ever heard of a ___ rant beng clean? I mean..If it is a TRUE rant then it can not be thought out
it is a rant...LOL

Anyway. My Rant is about the New T-shirts that have hit the market and the inked label instead of a sewn label.
this really ..OH..Keep it clean...upsets me.
I get up before the wifey. and being the considerate little Hobbit that I am. I try and not wake her. In the dark, or with light from the bathroom. I can see the tag. Slip a t shirt on and am good to go.
with the Inked tag. You can not see the ......thing. so you wind up with a 50/50 chance of putting the shirt on backwards.
then having to remove it and do over
This upsets me

You are a very lucky guy if your T-shirt being on backward is the biggest thing to upset you. :)
I put mine on backward about half the time and I just turn it around and continue on with my life.
On the plus side, the printed tag does not scratch your neck so it's a win for me.
A rant kept clean?
that deserves a rant just on that topic alone. who ever heard of a ___ rant beng clean? I mean..If it is a TRUE rant then it can not be thought out
it is a rant...LOL

Anyway. My Rant is about the New T-shirts that have hit the market and the inked label instead of a sewn label.
this really ..OH..Keep it clean...upsets me.
I get up before the wifey. and being the considerate little Hobbit that I am. I try and not wake her. In the dark, or with light from the bathroom. I can see the tag. Slip a t shirt on and am good to go.
with the Inked tag. You can not see the ......thing. so you wind up with a 50/50 chance of putting the shirt on backwards.
then having to remove it and do over
This upsets me
In the dark - hold the shirt by each shoulder seam on either side of the collar (neck hole). The front will be low, the back high. You're lucky to be a guy. Womens' Tshirts have spandex in them so cling and are almost as comfortable to running into a spiderweb. I try to find boys' Tees.
The longer I sit here the more incredulous I become… In what twisted parallel universe does “Get me a pie from the Bakery” mean go to the frozen food section and get me a frozen pie?

Simple english comprehension is beyond these people so I’m still going with large color photo’s next time… :rolleyes:

Peanut: I think you are making the dangerous assumption that this Personal Shopper can read. You are lucky they could read "PIE".

I agree with your rant 1000%, and that is why I always do my own shopping. On the lighter side, but in the same vein: A wife told her husband " Go to the grocery store, and get a loaf of bread, and if the have eggs get a dozen. " The husband came home with a dozen loaves of bread. The wife asked, " What the heck is this? " The Husband replied, " They had eggs." He did exactly what he was told.

All in how you take things. Remember this one: A (fill in the blank with your favorite dummy) calls the fire department " My house is on fire. Come put it out. " The fireman asks, " How do we get there? " The Dummy replies " What happened to that big red truck you used to have? "
Standing in line to check out...
And the person in front of me knows the cashier...and, they are discussing recipes, or hair colors, or kids sports...

Yep ..this irritates me.


Look on the bright side Jim, at least the rude fool won't inssult and the wife side with her.:mad:

I don't like it either but since I got out of the trailor nobody has called me trailor trash now that we move into the house'. I'm like hubby know ' how'd they know I 'DON'T ;live in a trailer anymore? :confused:
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Angry, and justifiable so… Since the first week of November I’ve dropped off and picked up several dozen prescriptions for my parents at WM in the little town. There always seems to be some kind of issue. On less than 5 occasions there has been no problem of any kind. Those were for me. I only take two meds, both are common for folks over 50 and cheap.

This afternoon I asked for a prescription of mine to be refilled. I was told at the time it would take between 1 and 1.5 hours to be filled as they were short handed.

BS… There were 3 people working in the pharmacy as usual. The rain was pouring outside… Nothing I could do but wait.

It wasn’t ready at the one-hour mark. It wasn’t ready 30 minutes later. I was frustrated, starting to get angry.

At the 2 hour and 13-minute mark I was paged, my prescription was ready, or so I thought.

In fact, it wasn’t ready. They only had 3 pills out of the 60 my prescription called for. They were so generous… gave me the 3 pills for free… after waiting for 2hours and 13-minutes.

I had 3 days’ worth of pills I left at home and brought them the empty bottle so there would be no mistake.

At this point I was so angry I could no longer speak. Thankfully the rest of the employee’s comments only required a yes or no. I could still nod or shake my head!

They knew the moment I gave them the empty pill bottle at the drop off window they were out of this medication (except for the 3 pills). They verified my information, the prescription etc. Did they bother to tell me they were out of this medication? NO!!!!!!!!!!

These imbeciles made me wait 2hrs and 13 minutes to find out.

This is beyond poor service! These are incompetent fools who should be fired for their display of stupidity.

The idiot at the pickup window didn’t even bother to apologize. WHOOPIE! They gave me 3 pills… THAT MAKES UP FOR THE WAIT. She actually said “We are giving you the 3 pills for free” as if that had some meaning, made everything okay!

I would have already changed the pharmacy I use if it weren’t for the fact my parent’s insurance forces them to use WM. I’d be making two stops instead of one! I haven’t decided what I’m going to do. I need to first find out my options… But they haven’t heard the last of this… If I have to make an appointment with the store manager and complain in person I will do so! These imbeciles need to be fired and escorted out of the building, preferably in the rain! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Angry, and justifiable so… Since the first week of November I’ve dropped off and picked up several dozen prescriptions for my parents at WM in the little town. There always seems to be some kind of issue. On less than 5 occasions there has been no problem of any kind. Those were for me. I only take two meds, both are common for folks over 50 and cheap.

This afternoon I asked for a prescription of mine to be refilled. I was told at the time it would take between 1 and 1.5 hours to be filled as they were short handed.

BS… There were 3 people working in the pharmacy as usual. The rain was pouring outside… Nothing I could do but wait.

It wasn’t ready at the one-hour mark. It wasn’t ready 30 minutes later. I was frustrated, starting to get angry.

At the 2 hour and 13-minute mark I was paged, my prescription was ready, or so I thought.

In fact, it wasn’t ready. They only had 3 pills out of the 60 my prescription called for. They were so generous… gave me the 3 pills for free… after waiting for 2hours and 13-minutes.

I had 3 days’ worth of pills I left at home and brought them the empty bottle so there would be no mistake.

At this point I was so angry I could no longer speak. Thankfully the rest of the employee’s comments only required a yes or no. I could still nod or shake my head!

They knew the moment I gave them the empty pill bottle at the drop off window they were out of this medication (except for the 3 pills). They verified my information, the prescription etc. Did they bother to tell me they were out of this medication? NO!!!!!!!!!!

These imbeciles made me wait 2hrs and 13 minutes to find out.

This is beyond poor service! These are incompetent fools who should be fired for their display of stupidity.

The idiot at the pickup window didn’t even bother to apologize. WHOOPIE! They gave me 3 pills… THAT MAKES UP FOR THE WAIT. She actually said “We are giving you the 3 pills for free” as if that had some meaning, made everything okay!

I would have already changed the pharmacy I use if it weren’t for the fact my parent’s insurance forces them to use WM. I’d be making two stops instead of one! I haven’t decided what I’m going to do. I need to first find out my options… But they haven’t heard the last of this… If I have to make an appointment with the store manager and complain in person I will do so! These imbeciles need to be fired and escorted out of the building, preferably in the rain! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Perhaps online pharmacy and can over night them if need be or just plan a little further in advance for mail time o_O. If you meet with the mgr., tell him/her your hourly rate and that you expect that much in return. Our ongoing joke about WMart is that they have to have a morning lobotomy to work there. Not helpful I know.
Find a way to complain via email. The store should get a demerit for it from corporate.
Our daughter is at a Walgreens Pharmacy. Someone complained on line that they were angry her store didn't sell alcohol on Christmas Day. Her store doesn't carry alcohol, not all Walgreens do. Didn't matter. Her store got a demerit from corporate.
Teen granddaughter says $15 is missing from her desktop in her room. Of course, workmen have been all over the house today. Don't know what to tell her, except lock her bedroom door when she leaves. Shame. She is on a rant because she has decided to join the track team, wants to start tomorrow, can't tell me when it ends, doesn't have a ride home, can't say if there's meets on the weekends and if they take a bus or a parent needs to take them. Is angry because she is asking a friend to borrow track pants (sweats), and her friend is about a size 2, and granddaughter is about a 10. I pointed this out, and I'm in the doghouse. She has sweats, but says they are "baggy". I think that's the point. Grandson just said goodnight and remembers he has a 3 and a half hour drama rehearsal after school tomorrow, so he had to ask sis to do his chores. She is fuming.
Hubby retired in Dec and received his last check the first week of Jan. He was supposed to have access to his 401k (gov version of it) Feb 1st and get his unused leave pay today along with his first retirement pay. We haven't received any of it yet. The lady handling his paperwork hasn't returnd phone calls or emails. We are ok but when the paperwork/pmts are supposed to be done,it should be done!
Peanut: I would take it up the chain. Start with the Store Manager; then his boss; then his boss' boss. Take it all the way up to the Board of Directors. Scathing phone calls and letters. EVERYBODY should know how bad their service is. Wouldn't be a bad idea to talk to the local newspaper or post it on Social Media if you use it.
Find a way to complain via email. The store should get a demerit for it from corporate.

Did they give you any kind of receipt with the pills? If so, use that receipt to give feedback. I did that once and got a call from the store with an apology and they also sent me a gift card in the mail. I don't remember what the incident was, but at least I got to vent to the store mananger. I'm quite certain after getting that earful, whatever the issue was (I can't remember now) it was probably addressed. Maby not, but the vent to the manager was worth leaving the feedback......the gift card was just a bonus.
IMHO folks need to step back a bit and take a big breath.

Over a 2 hour wait for a partial prescription, yes I’ll agree the wait wasn’t ideal. We do live in a country that medicine is usually available on a “fast food” basis. We know where we are sleeping tonight, have food on a table and aren’t hiding for total fear if a government.
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Anyway. My Rant is about the New T-shirts that have hit the market and the inked label instead of a sewn label.
this really ..OH..Keep it clean...upsets me.
I get up before the wifey. and being the considerate little Hobbit that I am. I try and not wake her. In the dark, or with light from the bathroom. I can see the tag. Slip a t shirt on and am good to go.
with the Inked tag. You can not see the ......thing. so you wind up with a 50/50 chance of putting the shirt on backwards.
then having to remove it and do over
This upsets me
I really prefer the painted on label. The separate little piece of fabric is irritating to me and I usually try to cut them out.
IMHO folks need to step back a bit and take a big breath.

Over a 2 hour wait for a partial prescription, yes I’ll agree the wait wasn’t ideal. We do live in a country that medicine is usually available on a “fast food” basis. We know where we are sleeping tonight, have food on a table and aren’t bidding for total fear if a government.

It isn't the wait, LazyL. It is the service. When they say it will be an hour, and it ends up being 2 1/2 hours something is wrong. What could possibly take so long? It wouldn't have taken 5 minutes to know they didn't have the inventory to fill the order. Peanut was far more patient than I would have been. That Store Manager should have gotten an earful that day.
Peanut was far more patient than I would have been. That Store Manager should have gotten an earful that day.
Me, too. I once took off work to go to the doctor. That is not easy for many people. When I got there, I was told the doctor was backed up and it was going to be a couple hour wait! They got an earful, and then mocked me about not being a patient patient! Why do they think anyone and everyone is less important than they are?

@Peanut, I wouldn't have been quiet! In situations like this, I come across in a not nice way. Sometimes they need to figure it out and be more considerate. I don't get many prescriptions, but I always have a long wait. They always have a line, but never have enough chairs for the people who are waiting. I cannot imagine being someone who has young children and lots of demands on their life. I have tried various options for prescriptions. It seems to me that pharmacies are all busy, and if they aren't, they probably don't last long.
IMHO folks need to step back a bit and take a big breath.
Over a 2 hour wait for a partial prescription, yes I’ll agree the wait wasn’t ideal. We do live in a country that medicine is usually available on a “fast food” basis.

It wasn't the wait... It was the fact they knew they couldn't fill the prescription and THEN made me wait over 2hrs to tell me.

I had the option at the start to just drop off the prescription and pick it up at a later date which is the choice I would have made IF THEY HAD TOLD ME THEY COULDN'T FILL IT!

It's about a 40mile round trip drive to the little town. THAT'S why I choose to wait and get it that day, an extra $5 in gas to come back. Like most folks I have to count pennies! If waiting 1.5hrs saves me $5, annoying sure, but why not wait if I had nothing pressing to do.

Now, not only am I out and extra $5 for gas, I've lost 2hrs and 13 minutes of my life I can never get back!

And the topper! This is a very, very common med for folks over 50. It should have been in stock!

Edit to add...

EVEN WORSE! I just checked the prescription bottles. WM counted these 3 pills as a filled prescription! This means 60 days sooner than planned I'll probably have to make an appointment and see the doc... I have medicare and it's after the first of the year... $200 bucks out of my pocket to see the doc.

This just keeps getting better! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Lets see, now I'm out $205, 2hrs and 13 minutes because some IDIOT didn't tell me they were out of this med!
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Peanut: I have discovered something about wally world that might interest you.
Call the 800 corporate number and complain. WM is a pissy company that does not like complaints. They will pass the negative call down the line.
Complaining in store is useless. But the instore management is afraid of corporate,
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