Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Possum grapes. Are prolific on my place. Every year I INTEND to gather enough for making jelly. Every year the critters beat me to them.

I've never done it but have heard of it being done.... If you have plenty try to cultivate a vine just like you'd cultivate a wild muscadine vine. Find a small one growing on something small and build an harbor around it.

It's said to be that simple... Once growing on an arbor they are much easier to protect from critters with deer netting and the like.

I only have one possum grape vine, its old and growing to the top of a 50ft sweetgum. I check around it every year looking for a small one to trans plant.
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Month of February.

Family Member: When are you going to do mom's taxes?
Me: Before April 15th.
Family Member: Why are you waiting so long?
Me: Do you have all of mom's tax receipts?
Family Member: All but one.
Me: Well then.
Family Member: I open a on-line account for mom, you need to go there and get the receipt.
Me: What's the username and password?
Family Member: For what?
Me: For the on-line account you want me to get the receipt from.
Family Member: There isn't any...I don't know, I didn't write it down, I don't remember.
Me: Then I can't access the websight.

Next day.

Family Member: Guess what came in today's mail! The receipt we've been waiting on!
Me: Good. I'll be there Saturday to pick it up with the rest of mom's tax papers.
Family Member: Then when are you going to do mom's taxes?
Me: Before April 15th.


Family Member: What are you doing here?
Me: Picking up mom's tax papers so I can do her taxes.
Family Member: Well they aren't all here yet.
Me: I thought you said the last paper we were waiting on was delivered by mail?
Family Member: It was but it isn't right. I compared in with the end of the 2019 year end statement and they I'm not sure they match.
Me: With mom's small income it really isn't that critical.
Family Member: I called them and they are going to double check their records to see which is correct. We'll wait to see what they find.
Me: Oh..........okey........dokey....
Family Member: You know taxes are due by April 15th?
Me: Yep...
I am sick of being called a Boomer in a derogatory way. Anyone else hearing this? By young people. When they think you are stupid.
Saw a youtube I thought was stupid:
Pandemic Grocery Prep - BEST Canned and Preserved Foods at the Store
FlavCity with Bobby Parrish.
Now HIM I would call Boomer, but he's not old enough.
I am sick of being called a Boomer in a derogatory way. Anyone else hearing this? By young people. When they think you are stupid.

The youth claim that Boomer is their response to older people using Millennial in a derogatory manner. In reality they are just tired of having their constant lack of intelligent thought, work ethic, morality, etc. pointed out to them and are lashing out. I blame their parents.
Today is Missouri's Primary Election.
I have been contacted by several idiots running for office.
I promptly reported said idiots to the National No Call Lists.
And to the Missouri No Call lists.
If I should find out the local county clerk's office gave out my phone number.
Somebody's ass will be mine.
My number is unlisted for a reason
Did you use your phone number at all when you originally registered? Since I am politically active in my city, I can go to my local Registrar of Voters and pay to get your email address, your phone number, your address, when you last voted, and if you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent. I can spend a few hundred and get your entire city records.
I am sick of being called a Boomer in a derogatory way. Anyone else hearing this? By young people. When they think you are stupid.
Saw a youtube I thought was stupid:
Pandemic Grocery Prep - BEST Canned and Preserved Foods at the Store
FlavCity with Bobby Parrish.
Now HIM I would call Boomer, but he's not old enough.

Amish its better than what many of the Scandinaians call old people " useless eaters".
First ever discussion board I got on when I first came online in 1998 had alot of europeans on it.
Most of the youth today don't care for old people at all.
One of our grands ask her grandpa to put new headlight on her car. She bought those new really bright ones that blind the heck out of you [ should be outlawed ,imo] and while he was installing it she said and I quote" I like these lights,they blind old people"..:mad:Her ' old ' grandpa just looked at the clueless 25yr old.
Did you use your phone number at all when you originally registered? Since I am politically active in my city, I can go to my local Registrar of Voters and pay to get your email address, your phone number, your address, when you last voted, and if you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent. I can spend a few hundred and get your entire city records.
I'm with you MO. What part of NO CALL don't you understand? It isn't No Call except for … Not that I would be surprised that the Politicians would write themselves an exemption. I want to hear from them even less than the other numbskulls that call trying to sell me something.

Almost anyone you call now says are you 'your name' at 'your adress' .
Nothing is private anymore.
Who is teaching these young, don't care, lab techs how to draw blood for lab tests these days ?

I been going to VA lab , same lady , in her late 50s now, for 20 + years , never even know when she sticks me , I swear.

1 day and night in hospital , both arms arm so sore and swollen , they are savages. I told one ...go back to school...it hurt like hell.


Today is Missouri's Primary Election.
I have been contacted by several idiots running for office.
I promptly reported said idiots to the National No Call Lists.
And to the Missouri No Call lists.
If I should find out the local county clerk's office gave out my phone number.
Somebody's ass will be mine.
My number is unlisted for a reason
Unfortunately, political calls are exempt from the do not call registry.
You don't really think the politicians would include themselves, do you?
The Do Not Call Registry
There are some exemptions to the Do Not Call rules. Because of the limits to FTC’s authority, the Registry does not apply to political calls or calls from non-profits and charities (but the Registry does cover telemarketers calling on behalf of charities). Also, calls from legitimate “survey” organizations are not covered because they are not offering to sell anything to consumers. Finally, calls are permitted from companies with which you have done or sought to do business. Specifically, a company can call you up to 18 months after you last did business with it.
Finally, calls are permitted from companies with which you have done or sought to do business. Specifically, a company can call you up to 18 months after you last did business with it.
Excellent point that needs to be brought up.
So many people don't realize when they see, Just text 'The winner of tonights The Voice Challenge' to 87664 they are putting their phone number on a list that CBS can sell to anyone that is a
marketing partner
Congratulations! You are now off of the 'do not call' list because YOU 'called' them.
Add to that, every stupid contest that you only have to send a text to enter, and presto, most people are no longer on the "do not call" list because of this loophole.
Who is teaching these young, don't care, lab techs how to draw blood for lab tests these days ?

I been going to VA lab , same lady , in her late 50s now, for 20 + years , never even know when she sticks me , I swear.

1 day and night in hospital , both arms arm so sore and swollen , they are savages. I told one ...go back to school...it hurt like hell.

View attachment 36672


Jim that looks like pin prinks compared to what they did to both of my arms.Both were almost solid black with 3 huge knots. Includingthe wrist artery they went into to place the $50,000 a piece stents.

One of the nurses said " my God they have butchered your arms,there is no sense in this" .It has been 22days anf still a little swelling from the blood they took every 2 to 4 hours for 5 days!
I had 4 places on my right hand alone,and 7 on right arm including arteriy hadto be changed 4 times.

I wish we had raken pics. Whatthey did was on purpose,althoughthey blamed it on coronavirus panic plus flu casesand nurse shortages who didn't get any rest.
One came in and went nuts on me about smoking on the grounds a block from hospital.She almost cried and said she just losther son and doesen'y ned any crap from me. If I go outside with monitor on one more time she will not allow me back into the hospital [ her I understood somewhat, I was totally wrong for going out with monitor on}.

A one male nurse who gave me hate looks and had beard like like a muslom. He caused a lot of bleeding.

Anyone who thinks this is all exauation may find out the hard way one day it is true.

Worse thing you can do is have { SUPPLEMENTAL INSURENCE } they will XRAY your ass to kindom come and take moe blood than Dracular from you.
The doctors at most hospitals don't give a damn about your care. Once they got the $100,000 fo the two stents and all the test some of them also have interest in you can drop dead for all they care.
I'm being nice and no saying half of what I'd like to.

I just hope they didn't put something else ino me.
Who is teaching these young, don't care, lab techs how to draw blood for lab tests these days ?

I been going to VA lab , same lady , in her late 50s now, for 20 + years , never even know when she sticks me , I swear.
It is an art for sure. Some of the biggest mistakes newbies make is.....they don't take the tourniquet off after the vein is punctured. If the veins are fragile, that back pressure is enough to blow the veins. In fact, with some patients, it's best to poke without the tourniquet at all, so-as not to blow the veins. It takes practice and knowing the patient to determine if that's the case, which is more difficult to do these days since most caregivers no longer have a relationship with their patients.

Also, when the draw is complete, it's important to apply good pressure to the insertion site after removing the needle AND lift the arm up to stop the bleeding, especially if patients are on blood thinners. I used to have the patients keep pressure on with the gauze and elevate, while I was preparing their specimens to go to the lab. Those couple of minutes can make the difference between having a goose egg vs. just having a small puncture spot. It's pure laziness not to do that.

There are some patients who are just gonna bleed or get welts. Sometimes the vein is torn and there's not a lot you can do about that. Typically it's patients who get poked a lot or have fragile veins. But, those seasoned nurses/lab techs know to make a swift insert and not root around for the vein.....get in, get the flash, take off the tourniquet, get your vile, and get out! Make it quick and make it smooth. Then....pressure and elevation! Even if your nurse/phlebotomist doesn't apply pressure and suggest elevation, I suggest you take the lead and do it yourself. Sadly, that's kinda like what healthcare has come to today.......kinda like the self checkouts.:rolleyes:
It is an art for sure. Some of the biggest mistakes newbies make is.....they don't take the tourniquet off after the vein is punctured. If the veins are fragile, that back pressure is enough to blow the veins. In fact, with some patients, it's best to poke without the tourniquet at all, so-as not to blow the veins. It takes practice and knowing the patient to determine if that's the case, which is more difficult to do these days since most caregivers no longer have a relationship with their patients.

Also, when the draw is complete, it's important to apply good pressure to the insertion site after removing the needle AND lift the arm up to stop the bleeding, especially if patients are on blood thinners. I used to have the patients keep pressure on with the gauze and elevate, while I was preparing their specimens to go to the lab. Those couple of minutes can make the difference between having a goose egg vs. just having a small puncture spot. It's pure laziness not to do that.

There are some patients who are just gonna bleed or get welts. Sometimes the vein is torn and there's not a lot you can do about that. Typically it's patients who get poked a lot or have fragile veins. But, those seasoned nurses/lab techs know to make a swift insert and not root around for the vein.....get in, get the flash, take off the tourniquet, get your vile, and get out! Make it quick and make it smooth. Then....pressure and elevation! Even if your nurse/phlebotomist doesn't apply pressure and suggest elevation, I suggest you take the lead and do it yourself. Sadly, that's kinda like what healthcare has come to today.......kinda like the self checkouts.:rolleyes:

@angie_nrs , thank you.
The young ladies that took my blood, weren't even close to anything you described.
The last one even laughed and said "wow did you see that, your blood just squirted all over me" , when she removed the needle , blood was all over my arm, bed ,and her.

At one point I looked and there was nothing flowing in the tube, and she was moving the needle all around trying to get flow...took it out restuck it to get flow, and I have easy, great veins.

I've never had such incompetence.

Good lord.:oops: So sorry you had to go thru that Jim.:( If the "caregiver" you described had put the gauze on the insertion site before taking the needle out completely, there'd never be blood squirting anywhere. I'm holding my tongue here not to call her some names that are swimming around in my head. Just amazing.........
Good lord.:oops: So sorry you had to go thru that Jim.:( If the "caregiver" you described had put the gauze on the insertion site before taking the needle out completely, there'd never be blood squirting anywhere. I'm holding my tongue here not to call her some names that are swimming around in my head. Just amazing.........
She's the one I told her she needs to go back to school.
Look I have been thru so much pain in my life , this is like swatting mosquitos, but there's really no reason to have even that small pain...



Back when the world and I were young, my sister and brother and I used to drive into the hills to a place we knew where wild purple grapes grew along side the road. Fox grapes, we called them. Too bitter to eat from the vine, but the jelly was - was really, really good.
Rats. How come a great memory makes my heart ache?
I've never had them but have read that you can smell them when they are ready for pickin'.

Unfortunately, political calls are exempt from the do not call registry.
You don't really think the politicians would include themselves, do you?
The Do Not Call Registry
There are some exemptions to the Do Not Call rules. Because of the limits to FTC’s authority, the Registry does not apply to political calls or calls from non-profits and charities (but the Registry does cover telemarketers calling on behalf of charities). Also, calls from legitimate “survey” organizations are not covered because they are not offering to sell anything to consumers. Finally, calls are permitted from companies with which you have done or sought to do business. Specifically, a company can call you up to 18 months after you last did business with it.
Anytime I share any of my info., I state I am to receive no marketing of any kind, they don't have permission to call or email, and none of my info. is to be shared. I'm sure to get the reps. name prior to sharing info. Then depending upon the response, I have once or twice added, if my information is compromised, you'll be immediately turned into the BBB. This typically works well even with gov. agencies because those intellectual millennials don't realize it's also a gov. agency.:rolleyes:
I've never had them but have read that you can smell them when they are ready for pickin'.

Anytime I share any of my info., I state I am to receive no marketing of any kind, they don't have permission to call or email, and none of my info. is to be shared. I'm sure to get the reps. name prior to sharing info. Then depending upon the response, I have once or twice added, if my information is compromised, you'll be immediately turned into the BBB. This typically works well even with gov. agencies because those intellectual millennials don't realize it's also a gov. agency.:rolleyes:

They also don't realize they are dooming heir futures to be PC,they will have to live with the decisions made by the commies they support.
Did you use your phone number at all when you originally registered? Since I am politically active in my city, I can go to my local Registrar of Voters and pay to get your email address, your phone number, your address, when you last voted, and if you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent. I can spend a few hundred and get your entire city records.
I never register my telephone number.
Am I the rude , cranky one here ?

But, when I'm at a restaurant, eating my meal , and an acquaintance is leaving , spots me , comes over and wants to talk, while my meal is sitting there getting cold,
Not to mention I'm hungry.

I hate that. So most of the time we go out of our area to eat because of this.

Am I rude to ignore them , a little , and eat.?

Am I the rude , cranky one here ?
But, when I'm at a restaurant, eating my meal , and an acquaintance is leaving , spots me , comes over and wants to talk, while my meal is sitting there getting cold,
Not to mention I'm hungry.
I hate that. So most of the time we go out of our area to eat because of this.
Am I rude to ignore them , a little , and eat.?
Just talk with your mouth full a bunch and they will get the hint.
Mferrmmp? Murffllem cormaffle fur thuffer berfelferf!
They will wander off after they ask you to repeat it for the third time and it sounds exactly the same.

...not that I have ever done that :rolleyes:.
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