Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Haven't decided what I'm gonna do today.
May drown a worm or two...testing the waters.

May pull left rear wheel off Vette , to get to power antenna to see if I can fix it or have to order one, and detail that wheel while it's off.

May start getting my ground ready for tomato And pepper plants. Small area near house.uuggh use a shovel.

May drag out the rototiller and work on getting it running. Hasn't run in 5 years.

May move more firewood to wood shed. Got about 6 more ricks to move.

May sharpen blades , change oil in zero turn. Have to move Caddy out of shop to get in in to hoist.

Doubt if I'll just sit and do nothing. That's not heart healthy, and causes my belly to enlarge.

Another isolated day..day 18 .

IMHO, the heroes are the people who are still going to work, to take care of the rest of us, doctors, nurses, medical personnel, grocery store workers, food industry people who are still working to make food in this healthcare crisis.

Weedy I agree more so with this than the other,although both sides have a point I lean more towards your opnion.
Now if we could just put more of "us" to work instead of brining in more future unhealthy dependents to replace our own work force.
Americans remind me more of the Animal Farm mentality everyday. No longer individual free thinkers we are now collective idolators. And antone who gets out of step with this PC is the enemy.IMO
My Dad kept the feral cat population under control when he was alive. His preferred method was a 20 gage pump. He used the same method on the pit bulls the gangbangers let run free at night. Those dogs killed 1 calf and tore another one up so bad he had to kill it. The gangbangers knew what happened but they were a little afraid of Dad so it was just forgotten.
I was getting overrun with feral cats and then a coyote showed up and the cats all disappeared almost overnight.
We have never raised chickens because of my wife. She would just make them all Democrats. I would have to feed them, provide their housing, their healthcare, and they would just lay around all day. :)
I have heard of two incidents, and I am not sure where. I think my wife told me one happened here to a friend of a friend. Here is a link for one:

The second one some young person licked the handle of the shopping art an elderly person was using. If that happened to me I would surely be arrested and put in jail. It is hard to fathom how stupid these people are. What kind of parent raises an idiot like that? My first inclination is that no punishment is cruel and unusual enough. My second inclination is to infect them with the virus, and let them rot.

Par for the course is all I can say.

Haven't decided what I'm gonna do today.
May drown a worm or two...testing the waters.

May pull left rear wheel off Vette , to get to power antenna to see if I can fix it or have to order one, and detail that wheel while it's off.

May start getting my ground ready for tomato And pepper plants. Small area near house.uuggh use a shovel.

May drag out the rototiller and work on getting it running. Hasn't run in 5 years.

May move more firewood to wood shed. Got about 6 more ricks to move.

May sharpen blades , change oil in zero turn. Have to move Caddy out of shop to get in in to hoist.

Doubt if I'll just sit and do nothing. That's not heart healthy, and causes my belly to enlarge.

Another isolated day..day 18 .


I know how you feel ,us too Jim. We just take it a moment at a time .
Weedy I agree more so with this than the other,although both sides have a point I lean more towards your opnion.
Now if we could just put more of "us" to work instead of brining in more future unhealthy dependents to replace our own work force.
Americans remind me more of the Animal Farm mentality everyday. No longer individual free thinkers we are now collective idolators. And antone who gets out of step with this PC is the enemy.IMO
I for one have never liked the slackers, those who do little or nothing. I have never been a fan of the dependent type, who want the world to take care of them. Working in the inner city, I saw plenty of people who always had a reason why they didn't work. Don't work, don't eat!
I got a problem with gigolo cats. Keeps me supplied in Barn cats though. I do keep them thinned out , or they would take over.


LOL, just got what yall are saying.

There is a state back east somewhere that is have a month of free fishing- no license required. Washington and Oregon have banned all recreational fishing until further notice- because being in the middle of nowhere with nobody within casting distance might evidently contaminate someone even if you’re healthy 😡.
Also keep seeing things that truckers are now heroes or the grocery store attendant etc. The real heroes are those folks who are not able to work right now who will still pay their bills and not go looking for handouts because they thought ahead. They will be the first ones wanting to get back to work also. Okay thank y’all for letting rant.

LadyL I do understand what your sying too,I think. And yes the ones staying home instead of runnign out doing nothing but caring for thmeselvs are types o heros too. But the ones on the front lines in all of this are risking more than nayone.
Working much harder and caring so those of us who choose can stay home in relative safety. Trcukers are having it rough out there now too. But not as rough as medcial personel and LEO.
LOL, just got what yall are saying.

LadyL I do understand what your sying too,I think. And yes the ones staying home instead of runnign out doing nothing but caring for thmeselvs are types o heros too. But the ones on the front lines in all of this are risking more than nayone.
Working much harder and caring so those of us who choose can stay home in relative safety. Trcukers are having it rough out there now too. But not as rough as medcial personel and LEO.
Yea, I just meant the medical personnel are receiving a paycheck and a good one to boot. Those being forced to stay at home may or may not be getting a paycheck.
And an update to my above rant. Gov. I extended the no hunting or fishing for the month of Apr. This is not about public wellness!
...chickens ... wife. She would just make them all Democrats. I would have to feed them, provide their housing, their healthcare, and they would just lay around all day.

My wife does yours one better. I pay for the feed, feed, provide, water, healthcare and collect the eggs. Wife then gives the eggs away to her friends or if she sells them she pockets the money!
I had planned to smoke a pork butt tomorrow. I bought a small pork butt day before yesterday, the 29th. The sell by date was yesterday, the 30th. It looked good in the package, didn't give it another thought.

Tonight I mixed up my brine, going to brine it overnight. I got the pork butt out of the bottom of my fridge and opened it on the counter.

IT STANK UP my whole kitchen, almost made me gag! It still looked good but it reeked!

So much for a smoked pork butt for dinner tomorrow evening! And a wasted $9. For it to stink this badly it was bad before it left the store.

How did they still make the meat look good in the package? *$#%&@ thieves! They shouldn't be allowed to get away with this kind of carp!
I had planned to smoke a pork butt tomorrow. I bought a small pork butt day before yesterday, the 29th. The sell by date was yesterday, the 30th. It looked good in the package, didn't give it another thought.

Tonight I mixed up my brine, going to brine it overnight. I got the pork butt out of the bottom of my fridge and opened it on the counter.

IT STANK UP my whole kitchen, almost made me gag! It still looked good but it reeked!

So much for a smoked pork butt for dinner tomorrow evening! And a wasted $9. For it to stink this badly it was bad before it left the store.

How did they still make the meat look good in the package? *$#%&@ thieves! They shouldn't be allowed to get away with this kind of carp!
They flood the inside of the wrapper with nitrogen.
It's a shame you tossed the wrapper. Sometimes if you look you can see that one label has been applied over another.
If you peel the top one back and reveal the earlier date on the one underneath, they will happily refund your money to take it out of your hands because it is a CRIME to do that! o_O
Since it's a "rant" post, here's mine. I am a 70-something American, loyal to my flag, Constitution, and government, and all I hold dear, including the 1st & 2nd Amendments. We are involved in a war against an unseen and deadly enemy that loves to kill people my age. All of the scientific and medical community are literally working at the risk of their own lives to find a solution. There's a lot of guesswork going on, but we have learned that staying away from each other has helped slow down the progression of the virus until a vaccine or cure can be found.

Now the "punchline," if you will: People like these in the photo from a Michigan demonstration make me ashamed of being a gun owner. They are clearly being led by a political ideology that understands neither science nor medicine. Yeah, we all want everyone back to work and earning food and shelter...but if you are dead, or your open activities killed your children, parents, or grandparents, what difference does it make that you were able to go get a haircut?

This rant may get me run off this forum and maybe ruin some wonderful relationships I have with forum members...but so be it.

gun nuts.JPG
Since it's a "rant" post, here's mine. I am a 70-something American, loyal to my flag, Constitution, and government, and all I hold dear, including the 1st & 2nd Amendments. We are involved in a war against an unseen and deadly enemy that loves to kill people my age. All of the scientific and medical community are literally working at the risk of their own lives to find a solution. There's a lot of guesswork going on, but we have learned that staying away from each other has helped slow down the progression of the virus until a vaccine or cure can be found.

Now the "punchline," if you will: People like these in the photo from a Michigan demonstration make me ashamed of being a gun owner. They are clearly being led by a political ideology that understands neither science nor medicine. Yeah, we all want everyone back to work and earning food and shelter...but if you are dead, or your open activities killed your children, parents, or grandparents, what difference does it make that you were able to go get a haircut?

This rant may get me run off this forum and maybe ruin some wonderful relationships I have with forum members...but so be it.

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I don't think you're totally wrong. I don't believe the government should be quarantining those who are not sick or who haven't had a known exposure to those who are sick. But by the same token, just because something shouldn't be restricted, doesn't mean it is wise to do it...
I don't think you're totally wrong. I don't believe the government should be quarantining those who are not sick or who haven't had a known exposure to those who are sick. But by the same token, just because something shouldn't be restricted, doesn't mean it is wise to do it...
One of the problems is that there have not been adequate or accurate tests to know who is carrying the virus and who isn't. Last week, the cousin of a friend of mine died from the virus. He had been tested for it and the test came back negative. He didn't feel well, and probably had symptoms, but the test was wrong.
Has anyone here known someone who died from this flu? I haven't, not one. I've only heard of one infant who died nation wide in a news story no one else reported. The two people I know who actually had it recovered without issue. I'm starting to think this isn't anymore serious than the regular flu...

For a month now I've been reading about death numbers being padded to make it look worse than it is, especially in New York, Chicago and other democrat bastions. If that be true then the real danger is over reaching governors, not the folks protesting them.

Since there is conflicting information I guess we'll have to wait to see what the real numbers actually are. I certainly don't believe the mainstream media. They are trying their hearts out to make it look terrible, anything to make trump look bad before the fall election.

Before we have the real verifiable data... I'm not in a rush to judge either side in this matter..
. Our town/zip code still shows 0 cases of anyone even testing positive.
But you must fear, and you must OBEY!
It's the only way they can control every single thing you do.
There are already some that have gone on record saying that this will never end.
It is the new 'normal'.
All I have to say is those people are Americans and they have the right, literally, to do exactly what they are doing. Agree or disagree, that is irrelevant. Even when people and groups I despise protest, I can appreciate that they are doing what our founding father's died to protect and preserve for all of us. In this particular case, if I was under the thumb of a matriarchal dictator trying to strip me of my rights, I would probably be out there with that group.
I am a 70-something American, loyal to my flag, Constitution, and government, and all I hold dear, including the 1st & 2nd Amendments.
Having said that how do you reconcile the things being done to people that have broken no law or injured no person?
The Constitution does not have a pause clause. It applies at all times, even now. If we allow some petty politicians and the news media to control the entire country we have lost our rights.
If someone is concerned about being around other people they have the right to stay home.
This is no different than gun control. Punish everyone because of the actions of a few.
I go where and when I choose. I do not wear a mask and I do not believe the story being pushed. We are being lied too.
People like those in the photo from a Michigan demonstration have had enough of a tyrannical government and are pushing back.
Also Fundy you will not be run off the forum. Most of us are adult enough to disagree and still remain civil. If you lose friends over your comments then you didn't really lose a friend.
Fundy, I am even more geezerly than you, agree pretty much completely with the way Vermont's governor has handled the state 's response to the pandemic, and have said so. And I'm still here.

Those folks in Michigan are are reacting to a nutcase governor who thinks she was elected be Tyrant, like happened in a few Greek city-states around three thousand years back. One of 'em out of the bunch turned out to be a "benevolent tyrant", but still . . . . Anyway, Michigan will straighten itself out before all the lights go dim.
Since it's a "rant" post, here's mine. I am a 70-something American, loyal to my flag, Constitution, and government, and all I hold dear, including the 1st & 2nd Amendments. We are involved in a war against an unseen and deadly enemy that loves to kill people my age. All of the scientific and medical community are literally working at the risk of their own lives to find a solution. There's a lot of guesswork going on, but we have learned that staying away from each other has helped slow down the progression of the virus until a vaccine or cure can be found.

Now the "punchline," if you will: People like these in the photo from a Michigan demonstration make me ashamed of being a gun owner. They are clearly being led by a political ideology that understands neither science nor medicine. Yeah, we all want everyone back to work and earning food and shelter...but if you are dead, or your open activities killed your children, parents, or grandparents, what difference does it make that you were able to go get a haircut?

This rant may get me run off this forum and maybe ruin some wonderful relationships I have with forum members...but so be it.

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I don't think so,I'm still here.Most of us don't always agree but we are accepting if you can take the heated disagreements now and then we always get back to being cyber buddies.
Has anyone here known someone who died from this flu? I haven't, not one. I've only heard of one infant who died nation wide in a news story no one else reported. The two people I know who actually had it recovered without issue. I'm starting to think this isn't anymore serious than the regular flu...

For a month now I've been reading about death numbers being padded to make it look worse than it is, especially in New York, Chicago and other democrat bastions. If that be true then the real danger is over reaching governors, not the folks protesting them.

Since there is conflicting information I guess we'll have to wait to see what the real numbers actually are. I certainly don't believe the mainstream media. They are trying their hearts out to make it look terrible, anything to make trump look bad before the fall election.

Before we have the real verifiable data... I'm not in a rush to judge either side in this matter..

No tellign but till I'm sure I'll be careful. Not only do I not trust them but I think they are out to get us and destroy this nation.
This rant may get me run off this forum and maybe ruin some wonderful relationships I have with forum members...but so be it.
I believe it is important to have good discussions about your views, our views. I have learned a lot this way. Not everyone will agree with you, but in this forum, if you are not decent, you will be gone. Sharing your ideas and opinions in a decent way, without attacking others is what is important, IMHO.
I believe it is important to have good discussions about your views, our views. I have learned a lot this way. Not everyone will agree with you, but in this forum, if you are not decent, you will be gone. Sharing your ideas and opinions in a decent way, without attacking others is what is important, IMHO.
Yep, sometimes a 'civilized argument' expands a worldview, causes a 'holey crap I didn't think of that' moment. Well, the holey crap moments come pretty seldom; but honing your points happens more often, because you learn more about where the other person, um, went astray.

Gotta use some care though. Can say 'You are wrong, because . . .". Can't put "damfool' in there though, unless you are referring to yourself.
lil loser
Obviously, this Covid-19 scare has run its course. I got a call from my dentist saying it is now ok to go there today to get my bi-annual teeth cleaning done.

Back when the AIDS 'epidemic' was the big scare people were purchasing their own dental tools to bring to appointments. Not sure if thats still an option. If so may not be a bad idea till we know what is really going on.
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