Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Obviously, this Covid-19 scare has run its course. I got a call from my dentist saying it is now ok to go there today to get my bi-annual teeth cleaning done.
I am not so sure it has completely run its course. What I think is that people are used to a certain income, and that is what is the drive to get back to work.

I do think we are going to see more waves of Covid-19. I am still mostly staying home, but I have days when I just want to go to the store and buy my own eggs, my own salsa, my own whatever.
My rant for today:
I don't celebrate another country's holiday

My rant for today:
I don't celebrate another country's holiday

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Cinco de May is not another country's holiday, it was essentially created in America to sell beer. However If it wasn't for the foundation of this holiday most forum members would be saying the creed of the confederacy instead of the pledge of allegiance. Furthermore Old Glory would likely not be flying over this nation. I will proudly celebrate every aspect of the rich history & heritage of the USA. Whether it was the Mexican army saving us from a French invasion, the Russians pushing us into space, or the German's developing most of our technological advancements.
Cinco de May is not another country's holiday, it was essentially created in America to sell beer. However If it wasn't for the foundation of this holiday most forum members would be saying the creed of the confederacy instead of the pledge of allegiance. Furthermore Old Glory would likely not be flying over this nation. I will proudly celebrate every aspect of the rich history & heritage of the USA. Whether it was the Mexican army saving us from a French invasion, the Russians pushing us into space, or the German's developing most of our technological advancements.

Sorry Sentry but those are all half truths and lies taught to your generation by the infiltration of commie professors and even well meaning decieved grade school teachers books. Take a good look at who was in control of Harvard, Yale and other higher learning institutions since the late 1950s and 60s up till now.
They also changed the facts about slavery and other popular lies that got us to become the self laothing, worshipers at the alters of PCisms. That is no more American holiday than Halloween is a Christian holiday.
Talk about a #$%. Early this morning a nurse called. Seems the doctor who was going to remove dads chest tube wrote a last minute order. He wanted dad to have a covid test before the procedure. He was concerned since home health care people and therapists have been coming here to work with dad. He also rescheduled dads procedure until late Friday after the test results get back

Folks here in the rural part of the state get the 3-day test. It was not possible to get someone to come out here. So, I had to get dad to the hospital in the little town to get swabbed. I couldn’t get dad in any vehicle he or I own, tried each of them. Sorry, I can’t dead lift a 200lb man into a vehicle like I would a child.

So, I had to call the ambulance service. They came and carted him to the hospital, then brought him home. Of course, he was exhausted by the ordeal.

Problem, every day this week home healthcare workers will be here to work with dad or mom. This doctor must have been recently employed by the VA. Only a federal bureaucrat could conceive of an exercise this stupid and pointless.
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Sorry Sentry but those are all half truths and lies taught to your generation by the infiltration of commie professors and even well meaning decieved grade school teachers books. Take a good look at who was in control of Harvard, Yale and other higher learning institutions since the late 1950s and 60s up till now.
They also changed the facts about slavery and other popular lies that got us to become the self laothing, worshipers at the alters of PCisms. That is no more American holiday than Halloween is a Christian holiday.

I suggest you visit your visit your local library. You will find a lot of factual historical data on the battle of puebla, the civil war, and other related topics. I know, I did a research paper on when I attend my very conservative college using the library as there was no internet at the time. No communists were present in the library either. No one from Harvard either.
I suggest you visit your visit your local library. You will find a lot of factual historical data on the battle of puebla, the civil war, and other related topics. I know, I did a research paper on it in college using the library and not the internet. No communists were present in the library either. No from Harvard either.

Ok just for you I will do more research on the topic.But even so until the Mexicans start celebrating the 4th of July I will pass on that particular foreign holiday.
This is an internet reference, but it's accurate:

Cinco de Mayo is More Popular in the United States than in Mexico

Our first surprising fact is that the holiday celebrating Mexican heritage is actually a bigger deal in the United States than it is Mexico. Cinco de Mayo or the “Fifth of May,” was more of an inspiration for Mexican-Americans living in the States during the Civil War era. In fact, Cinco de Mayo is not celebrated all that much outside of Puebla and parts of Mexico. The world’s largest Cinco de Mayo party is held in Los Angeles. President Franklin Roosevelt’s “Good Neighbor Policy” in 1933, intended to improve relations with Latin American countries, helped pave the way for Cinco de Mayo to become a national holiday.

Beer Companies Made Cinco de Mayo a Big Deal

It wasn’t until the 1980s that the holiday began to transform into the cultural and culinary event that it is today. Thanks to marketers, especially marketers for beer companies, the commercialization of the day took shape. Beer companies saw this day as an untapped opportunity to promote their products when others were not. Marketed as a day for drinking, Cinco de Mayo celebrations take place at nearly every bar and at many restaurants. Corona is one of the major players in Cinco de Mayo advertising, as they were one of the first beers to be promoted as the beer to drink for the holiday. Now, we see advertising ramp up at the beginning of May each year, as along with the Kentucky Derby, it kicks off the summer selling season.

. He was concerned since home health care people and therapists have been coming here to work with dad. He also rescheduled dads procedure until late Friday after the test results get back
... So, I had to get dad to the hospital in the little town to get swabbed. I couldn’t get dad in any vehicle he or I own, tried each of them. Sorry, I can’t dead lift a 200lb man into a vehicle like I would a child.

So, I had to call the ambulance service. They came and carted him to the hospital, then brought him home.
Let me get this right. You have multiple home-health aides and therapist coming to visit him and NONE are capable of running a swab around in his nose, so you had to take him in an ambulance to the hospital to find someone that can... run a Q-tip?
Yep. This is the right thread. gaah
an ambulance to the hospital to find someone that can... run a Q-tip?
Yep. This is the right thread. gaah

Forum rules preclude me from saying what I really think about this situation... :mad::mad::mad:

Home care people will be here tomorrow after his test today making the reason for the test a moot point! This is beyond stupid!

The fact he had to go in ambulance to find someone to operate a Q-tip is a separate but equally stupid issue.
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Talk about a #$%. Early this morning a nurse called. Seems the doctor who was going to remove dads chest tube wrote a last minute order. He wanted dad to have a covid test before the procedure. He was concerned since home health care people and therapists have been coming here to work with dad. He also rescheduled dads procedure until late Friday after the test results get back

Folks here in the rural part of the state get the 3-day test. It was not possible to get someone to come out here. So, I had to get dad to the hospital in the little town to get swabbed. I couldn’t get dad in any vehicle he or I own, tried each of them. Sorry, I can’t dead lift a 200lb man into a vehicle like I would a child.

So, I had to call the ambulance service. They came and carted him to the hospital, then brought him home. Of course, he was exhausted by the ordeal.

Problem, every day this week home healthcare workers will be here to work with dad or mom. This doctor must have been recently employed by the VA. Only a federal bureaucrat could conceive of an exercise this stupid and pointless.

So sad that a sick old man has to go through this PC BS . Looks to me like they are trying to kill off the old and sick and I also read that the damn swab itself has the virus in it and seeing what I have seen out of " some " medical staffers I don't doubt anything.Not taking away from the doctors who care but they seem to be getting further and further apart. Most are not even born here in this nation like the doctors of my generation were.Our meds are 90% made in China. So sorry Peanut.Hope you can gind help soon for your dad.
in 1988 my mother told me to get her out of that hospital away from a couple people who scared her.So I took her home and even the horrific pain of lung cancr she would not let me take her back to stay even one night that could better control her pain.I was younger than most only 38 and so was she so its really almost impossible for us seniors to do it. Praying for both of you.
Forum rules preclude me from saying what I really think about this situation... :mad::mad::mad:

Home care people will be here tomorrow after his test today making the reason for the test a moot point! This is beyond stupid!
Everyone has become demon-possessed with testing. Testing, testing, testing.
Nobody will stand up and say "you know, a week later, the test results are meaningless, right?"
Suppose I test negative today and get infected tomorrow. A week later, I'm positive.
Exactly how meaningful are the test results from last week? Useless. The notes say I'm negative even though I am not.
The reverse is also true. If I test positive this week and the next week I'm negative, what use are the results from the first test? Useless. I'm negative now!!!
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I do have to say this, 2 of the most caring and best doctors I ever had were foreign born. But that's not always the norm.
yah, me too. my cardiologist from Pakistan, his fill-in partner too. A pediatrician from India. Great people. I am not so fond of most of the white American male doctors. They actually kind of creep me out. That's a rant right there.
My rant for the day: none. I don't have any. See above.
Oh, except for the video Curmudgeon posted earlier today about the doctor who was arrested and her life ruined because she KNEW STUFF. Happy that she has written a book and is taking names and kicking butt. I HOPE.
Working from home the past two months I spend a huge amount of time on the phone. I make and receive literally dozens of phone calls every day.

What I am so tired of hearing is the recording: " For the letter Q press 7 and for the letter Z press 9." What else would I press? I have never seen a keypad where the Q wasn't on the number 7 or Z on the number 9. It makes the recording which is already painfully long even longer. gaahI know it will never change. It just makes me crazy. My cross to bear. Thanks for listening.
There is no real dichotomy of thought there, because for those people there is no 'sacred'. They call for strict distancing because they fear for their own lives, not human lives in the abstract They don't celebrate the death of fetuses, they see them only as inconveniences. Most of the times one of them speaks of 'we', (s)he means 'me'. They wish to live in an anthill, but they are not cognizant of the inhuman surrender of 'selfness' an anthill requires.
And you are right; "The whole thing is sick."
Late last night and I'm driving home. I wait for a red light before looking who had sent me a email. Pastor asking if I can run the video camera Wednesday evening. I hand my phone to the wife and ask her to reply with a "Yes". Wife wants to know what she should say. I say, "Just say 'Yes". Wife wants to know if there is anything else I want her to say? "No just send 'Yes'. I thought I was clear the first time...

I endorse a $100 check. Paper clipped to the folded check I attached this note: "Deposit $100 into savings. XXXXXXX-XX (savings account number). I then drive to the Bank's drive up. Place my folded endorsed check with the attached note into the canister and press the button to send it to the Teller. Over the intercom the Teller asks me if I want to deposit the check? "Yes" I reply. Then the Teller asked me which account I want to deposit it in? "Savings" says I. I know the Teller read my note because he didn't ask me what my account number.

Does simple things confuse people?
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yah, me too. my cardiologist from Pakistan, his fill-in partner too. A pediatrician from India. Great people. I am not so fond of most of the white American male doctors. They actually kind of creep me out. That's a rant right there.
My rant for the day: none. I don't have any. See above.
Oh, except for the video Curmudgeon posted earlier today about the doctor who was arrested and her life ru
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Meerkat. Last night in a new post which I deleted, never posted, I typed in some of the various positions in the government, just for fun, and elected you Speaker of the House with Bacpacker as President and Peanut Secretary of Agriculture. Amish Heart Secretary of Labor. I should get off this thread because I'm having too much fun.
Meerkat. Last night in a new post which I deleted, never posted, I typed in some of the various positions in the government, just for fun, and elected you Speaker of the House with Bacpacker as President and Peanut Secretary of Agriculture. Amish Heart Secretary of Labor. I should get off this thread because I'm having too much fun.
Aha! All of those posts are filled with women? . . . ! Darn good idea!
. I then drive to the Bank's drive up. Place my folded endorsed check with the attached note into the canister and press the button to send it to the Teller. Over the intercom the Teller asks me if I want to deposit the check? "Yes" I reply. Then the Teller asked me which account I want to deposit it in? "Savings" says I. I know the Teller read my note because he didn't ask me what my account number.
There's a reason for that.
I was curious when every encounter with the bank drive-thru seemed to be more complicated than necessary.
When they ask you an unnecessary question, you instinctively turn to the speaker (which has the video camera above it) and answer.
They have to catch a clear video of your face with audio of your voice.
If you give them one without the other, the stupid questions will continue.
No, they are not that stupid. They just have to have rock-solid proof of who made the transaction for their superiors.
Just yesterday I deposited a pretty big check in my bank drive-thru. I answered the "deposit it?" question.
Back comes the deposit slip without my driver's license. An oversight? Naa, they do hundreds of these every day.
Did they get a good video shot of my face with my voice afterwards? Yes.
Or I would still be waiting.
Meerkat. Last night in a new post which I deleted, never posted, I typed in some of the various positions in the government, just for fun, and elected you Speaker of the House with Bacpacker as President and Peanut Secretary of Agriculture. Amish Heart Secretary of Labor. I should get off this thread because I'm having too much fun.

Patch, so let me get this straight in my mind. I'm prez and Meer is Speaker? If thats true does she get to give me crap like Nancy does Trump? dancing chicken
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