Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I hope you have a great Mother's Day Meer. Hope you only do the things you feel like doing. I am happy to not cook at all today. Husband went through a Twister's Drive Thru and brought home breakfast burritos. Girls will be cooking this evening.
I need to call my mom. She will rant.

I'm not your mother Amish but hope your day is good and you don't get a call from your real mother if it upsets you.
Mothers Day! When did it become a day that everyone celebrated ,it use to be a day to thank your own mother not every mothers on earrh. Since when did your wife, daughter,aunt,cousin, friend become a special mother to you?
It takes away from your mother when she is no more special than any othe mother on this day.

It is not personal anymore or special day for your mother if its not personal!
I get up to a phone call [ that puts me on hold while the toons answer calls wishing them happy mothers day when its not their mother ] a FakeBook Happy Mothers Day that always turns into a free for all for everyone on the post to start wishing each other Happy mothers day,how many damn mothers can you possibly have?
Its more like the other mothers than yours. I almost put up a cuss word for it.
Then daughter gets mad if I tell her to call me after she wishes all her friends happy mothers day while I sit on hold and listen to damn texting, talking,etc,etc,etc,.
Hubby gets up and wishes me happy mothers day on faakebook so another celebration I'm not even half ass involved in.
I saw Mothers Day is now MF Day.
There was a high end restaurant in Denver that served free Mother's Day brunch for years. A retired woman I know from church who really never held a job (she told me, she was the family baby who never grew into a responsible person), who has never married nor had children, got a ticket to the Mother's Day brunch and went! She was in a small group I was in from church, actually a couple groups. And whenever we had gatherings where there was potluck, she wouldn't contribute any food, but would take a bunch of containers to fill up to take home. One way of looking at people is that there are givers and takers. She was definitely a taker, every chance she got.
I hope you have a great Mother's Day Meer. Hope you only do the things you feel like doing. I am happy to not cook at all today. Husband went through a Twister's Drive Thru and brought home breakfast burritos. Girls will be cooking this evening.
I need to call my mom. She will rant.

Nice gesture :huggs: Amish,but wrong mother.:peace:
The twins are "doing" what's supposed to be called school on the computer right now. So far we've put up with teachers not showing up at their scheduled time or at all, teachers complaining about their lives, math teachers telling them to just do online math games, and teachers pretending they are shrinks and having them talk about their feelings for an hour. I saw grandson watching a documentary during classtime today on overpopulation. Basically saying that theirs not enough resources for humans, talking about alternative food (bugs, too), Agenda 2030 junk. Asked what class that was for and he said geography. I told him that it was a classic example of indoctrination, and had nothing to do with geography. He showed me the class syllabus.
Only 7 more days of this junk. But it might end sooner. Granddaughter said her English teacher said if they turned in their "how they feel about covid" paper, then that's all she had for them. Buh Bye.
🤨 Rant for the day! 😠

Since this whole pandemic hit my people and I have been working harder and longer than normal, while other departments in the area have stepped back and are doing the bare minimum and pretty much only when people's lives are at risk. We keep getting calls for service that we normally wouldn't, and as a result we are facing COVID-19 exposures and dealing with mental health calls while they hide in their departments watching movies, making TikTok videos, driving by birthdays parties with flashing lights, and eating free food donated by businesses that want them to post about it on Facebook for free advertising. Well now I found out that these scared-to-go-outside departments are also demanding hazardous duty pay "for being on the front lines" of the pandemic. I called a few city counselors and county commissioners today to make absolutely sure they knew my position on that. Every penny they receive is harardous duty pay because they chose to be LEO's and not chiropractors, landscapers, or ballerinas. I also told them we were done taking calls in the city unless every single one of their officers showed active on a call.
🤨 Rant for the day! 😠

Since this whole pandemic hit my people and I have been working harder and longer than normal, while other departments in the area have stepped back and are doing the bare minimum and pretty much only when people's lives are at risk. We keep getting calls for service that we normally wouldn't, and as a result we are facing COVID-19 exposures and dealing with mental health calls while they hide in their departments watching movies, making TikTok videos, driving by birthdays parties with flashing lights, and eating free food donated by businesses that want them to post about it on Facebook for free advertising. Well now I found out that these scared-to-go-outside departments are also demanding hazardous duty pay "for being on the front lines" of the pandemic. I called a few city counselors and county commissioners today to make absolutely sure they knew my position on that. Every penny they receive is hazardous duty pay because they chose to be LEO's and not chiropractors, landscapers, or ballerinas. I also told them we were done taking calls in the city unless every single one of their officers showed active on a call.
It is terrible when people think they need to get paid when they are not doing the job they were hired to do, especially public servants.

I knew a guy, years ago, who had two full time jobs, but only worked 8 to 5. He went to one job in the morning and the other job in the afternoon. I have no idea how long he played that game. Guess what? They were government office jobs! Not even trying for hazard pay, just figured out to work around the system.
The twins are "doing" what's supposed to be called school on the computer right now. So far we've put up with teachers not showing up at their scheduled time or at all, teachers complaining about their lives, math teachers telling them to just do online math games, and teachers pretending they are shrinks and having them talk about their feelings for an hour. I saw grandson watching a documentary during classtime today on overpopulation. Basically saying that theirs not enough resources for humans, talking about alternative food (bugs, too), Agenda 2030 junk. Asked what class that was for and he said geography. I told him that it was a classic example of indoctrination, and had nothing to do with geography. He showed me the class syllabus.
Only 7 more days of this junk. But it might end sooner. Granddaughter said her English teacher said if they turned in their "how they feel about covid" paper, then that's all she had for them. Buh Bye.
I'm liking the little rocker since I'm hoping I become numb with all the news for awhile.:peace::thumbs:
🤨 Rant for the day! 😠

Since this whole pandemic hit my people and I have been working harder and longer than normal, while other departments in the area have stepped back and are doing the bare minimum and pretty much only when people's lives are at risk. We keep getting calls for service that we normally wouldn't, and as a result we are facing COVID-19 exposures and dealing with mental health calls while they hide in their departments watching movies, making TikTok videos, driving by birthdays parties with flashing lights, and eating free food donated by businesses that want them to post about it on Facebook for free advertising. Well now I found out that these scared-to-go-outside departments are also demanding hazardous duty pay "for being on the front lines" of the pandemic. I called a few city counselors and county commissioners today to make absolutely sure they knew my position on that. Every penny they receive is harardous duty pay because they chose to be LEO's and not chiropractors, landscapers, or ballerinas. I also told them we were done taking calls in the city unless every single one of their officers showed active on a call.

Sentry in 90% of humans thats what happens,they take the path of least resistance for themselves making others take up their slack. Hope it gets better fo you.
It is terrible when people think they need to get paid when they are not doing the job they were hired to do, especially public servants.

I knew a guy, years ago, who had two full time jobs, but only worked 8 to 5. He went to one job in the morning and the other job in the afternoon. I have no idea how long he played that game. Guess what? They were government office jobs! Not even trying for hazard pay, just figured out to work around the system.

My best friends close relative is retired office FBI gets $75,000 plus great benefits for life. Most of her family is in FBI or CIA. Liberal snobs,one was detail for Billy the Kid Clinton,imagine what stories he could tell.She doesn't say much about them rhough,just trips to DC are not fun for family events like liberal ' sacrificial ' weddings for their daughters.
The twins are "doing" what's supposed to be called school on the computer right now. So far we've put up with teachers not showing up at their scheduled time or at all, teachers complaining about their lives, math teachers telling them to just do online math games, and teachers pretending they are shrinks and having them talk about their feelings for an hour. I saw grandson watching a documentary during classtime today on overpopulation. Basically saying that theirs not enough resources for humans, talking about alternative food (bugs, too), Agenda 2030 junk. Asked what class that was for and he said geography. I told him that it was a classic example of indoctrination, and had nothing to do with geography. He showed me the class syllabus.
Only 7 more days of this junk. But it might end sooner. Granddaughter said her English teacher said if they turned in their "how they feel about covid" paper, then that's all she had for them. Buh Bye.
I know a few teachers I worked with would be no shows, or do little if they were there.
Won't school and life be so different when you move to Kansas? They are in for an adjustment, aren't they?
They will be. Going from a High School with 2,000 students to 150. That's 4 grades. Little granddaughter going from 350 to 65. Kansas is already saying that school may not open in the fall. So they may be homeschooling without the computer. Ha. Their biology teacher today said that if they at least have a 59%, there's no need to continue after today. He considers 59% as a passing grade.
They will be. Going from a High School with 2,000 students to 150. That's 4 grades. Little granddaughter going from 350 to 65. Kansas is already saying that school may not open in the fall. So they may be homeschooling without the computer. Ha. Their biology teacher today said that if they at least have a 59%, there's no need to continue after today. He considers 59% as a passing grade.

Look on the bright side, another few months of the kids not being brainwashed by D.E..
🤨 Rant for the day! 😠

Since this whole pandemic hit my people and I have been working harder and longer than normal, while other departments in the area have stepped back and are doing the bare minimum and pretty much only when people's lives are at risk. We keep getting calls for service that we normally wouldn't, and as a result we are facing COVID-19 exposures and dealing with mental health calls while they hide in their departments watching movies, making TikTok videos, driving by birthdays parties with flashing lights, and eating free food donated by businesses that want them to post about it on Facebook for free advertising. Well now I found out that these scared-to-go-outside departments are also demanding hazardous duty pay "for being on the front lines" of the pandemic. I called a few city counselors and county commissioners today to make absolutely sure they knew my position on that. Every penny they receive is harardous duty pay because they chose to be LEO's and not chiropractors, landscapers, or ballerinas. I also told them we were done taking calls in the city unless every single one of their officers showed active on a call.

It is sad but not surprising. Integrity is a word that has been lost from our vocabulary. Everybody is trying to work the system that is filthy corrupt, and do as little work as humanly possible.
It is sad but not surprising. Integrity is a word that has been lost from our vocabulary. Everybody is trying to work the system that is filthy corrupt, and do as little work as humanly possible.

PCism is no better for one tribe than the other. Peopel are afriad to speak out and thats probably wise in most cases but when it comes ot you very existance is not the time to turn a blind eye to the facts.
You got that right, Weedy. I pretty much knew where the twins were academically after working with them myself for a number of years. The last two years at public school have been a waste of time for them. Little Granddaughter and I have been working on 2 digits times 1 digit, and when she mastered that, we started working on 2 by 2. A bit more challenging for this third grader who was told she wasn't good at math. Ha. It's just that she excels in reading.
When are we going to learn that this Whitehouse is spending more money than clenton and obama put togerher.
I would say spending liek a drunken sailor but sailors don't have printing presses so they run out of money. We just keep getting more in debt.
Somebody needs to tell Trump to stop this. He is losing voters.
Just got a #$!#%&%! dang light bill from the NWO pushing technocrats!!
They are charging us $53cextra a month for Opt Out Smart Meter! Usually between $45 -$70 a month,according to how much heat or cold suffering we do to keep it down.
I guess they have to do it and we have to get use to new changes but they said $30 not over $50!Wonder if oen of these damn smart spying appliances told them we moved our bed away from meter yesterday'I'm only half kidding'.
Meanwhile the best fruits, meats is being delivered to those who won't work all over the country while we skimp on things.
and this is what they call 'republicans '? Our kids will never recover from this BS system being set up. If it ain't one giving it all away its the other one. MIddle income families are suffering like crazy what few there are left that is.
How much longer can they support the worlds poor before they just give up? Nothing is free ,somebody has to labor to produce it.
Just got a #$!#%&%! dang light bill from the NWO pushing technocrats!!
They are charging us $53cextra a month for Opt Out Smart Meter! Usually between $45 -$70 a month,according to how much heat or cold suffering we do to keep it down.
I guess they have to do it and we have to get use to new changes but they said $30 not over $50!Wonder if oen of these damn smart spying appliances told them we moved our bed away from meter yesterday'I'm only half kidding'.
Meanwhile the best fruits, meats is being delivered to those who won't work all over the country while we skimp on things.
and this is what they call 'republicans '? Our kids will never recover from this BS system being set up.
So, are you about ready to break out that solar set-up you've been sitting on for years?

I chose the other way years ago: "If you can't beat 'em, own 'em".
Today, they pay me 3-times what I pay them per month.
So, are you about ready to break out that solar set-up you've been sitting on for years?View attachment 42485
I chose the other way years ago: "If you can't beat 'em, own 'em".
Today, they pay me 3-times what I pay them per month.

SuperV our solar is small, two 290 watts each panels ,6 Trojan T 105 batteries Mr Meer usses in his golf cart that are about 5 or 6 yr.s old.Of course the last T 105s lasted us 13 years. Some were still ok we traded in for core charge,saved alot of money on them.
SuperV our solar is small, two 290 watts each panels ,6 Trojan T 105 batteries Mr Meer usses in his golf cart that are about 5 or 6 yr.s old.Of course the last T 105s lasted us 13 years. Some were still ok we traded in for core charge,saved alot of money on them.
So, those panels out in the sun earning their keep, or still sitting in storage?
I won't share my 'former-professional' opinion of Trojan 105's.
But I can say that anything to store power in is better than nothing.
Real power:

@phideaux Is the guru on that stuff.

* The 2 visible batteries are in addition to the 6 in the 36 volt cart to make 48 volts.
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@Amish Heart caught myself highjacking another thread,so I came down here to rant,to finish our chat.
Grandaughters court case worker hates her and all whites who haave decent parents .Soher and the white liberal court cordinator or whateve the old fool is are always lloking fro something to ' catch 'them in. She throws up grandaughters parents to her all the time sayin things like " these other drug addicts don't have" rich mams'giving the mmoney and big homes ot live in" Hell no they don't because they don't have parents who work! Atlanta was taken over by the Jessy Jacksons, Al Sharptons 50 years agoi and it spread out inot the sububs.

I can't fix mistakes it erases ltters letters.
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That's a bear to have to deal with. Dealing with the local group here for guardianship was no fun, either. It's a liberal state, and it was very apparent to social services that we swung hard the other way. They were very biased when dealing with us, and I did my best to stay indifferent. Funny, last Thursday I got a call from them assigning us our "caseworker". Told the guy that I didn't know what he was talking about. The judge signed us for guardianship the first of the year. I guess the caseworker here forgot to sign us out. She texted soon after and asked if all was going well. Done with them. Really glad all that we had to do for California was write essays and talk to them on the phone.
I have to vent about a liberal councilwoman in my city, who is also a neighbor of mine. I have always supported and respected her because national politics should never be involved in local city politics. In fact, she is running for mayor and asked me to be on her committee to get elected, and sit in on her "think tank" meetings. Well, she decided to join 3-4 recent BLM protests, which in itself i really don't care, but she chose to commit career suicide by marching thru our city yesterday with about 500 people, with many holding signs saying "F*** The Police".

Well, that was the last straw for me. I was a police officer for 25 years, my son is a 20 year veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy, His wife (my daughter in law) is a 19 year Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy, my son in law is a 15 year veteran of the California Highway Patrol.

I can not and will not support a lady who parades around town with idiots holding these signs. I text her last night asking if she was also going to attend the funeral marches for the 5 officers that lost their lives this week as a result of these BLM protests, and she said, "Sure, when are the marches?" My response to her was, "Since they do not fit her agenda, there is no marches for these lost officers."

It went south from there, and although she has apologized all morning to me, I'm done with her.

Thank you for letting me vent.
I have to vent about a liberal councilwoman in my city, who is also a neighbor of mine. I have always supported and respected her because national politics should never be involved in local city politics. In fact, she is running for mayor and asked me to be on her committee to get elected, and sit in on her "think tank" meetings. Well, she decided to join 3-4 recent BLM protests, which in itself i really don't care, but she chose to commit career suicide by marching thru our city yesterday with about 500 people, with many holding signs saying "F*** The Police".

Well, that was the last straw for me. I was a police officer for 25 years, my son is a 20 year veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy, His wife (my daughter in law) is a 19 year Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy, my son in law is a 15 year veteran of the California Highway Patrol.

I can not and will not support a lady who parades around town with idiots holding these signs. I text her last night asking if she was also going to attend the funeral marches for the 5 officers that lost their lives this week as a result of these BLM protests, and she said, "Sure, when are the marches?" My response to her was, "Since they do not fit her agenda, there is no marches for these lost officers."

It went south from there, and although she has apologized all morning to me, I'm done with her.

Thank you for letting me vent.

SMH. I would walk away from that too. We need more politicians with true conviction and less who pander for votes.
Sleep number can kiss my butt. So we go to purchase our third bed. The first I8 was great. The second RV version was a waste don't bother. Anyway they have this new technology that tracks how well you sleep, the temp, what number is best for you and you use your phone as the remote e.t.c. You are getting a sleep study every night. Sounds great right? I said where does all this Information go. Oh it is stored in the cloud. I said so you are gathering data on millions of Americans for free. What about my privacy. Oh it just shows up as a guy in Oregon. Really you mean you don't have my address? No thanks. She says well you can turn that part off. Okay but we don't have internet or wifi. She assured us it would work on blue tooth. By the way a remote is no longer included with the $4,000 bed it's an extra $40.

So we ordered it. Somewhere along the way my wife called the store and corporate and again were assured it would work on Bluetooth. A week later the delivery guy calls he is an hour away. Asks if we downloaded the app e.t.c. we said yes but do not have wifi. He said it doesn't work like that. We asked if he has a remote. He doesn't. Really you deliver beds all day and you don't carry one just in case. They really go out of thier way to push the use the app thing. So we got it set up with 50% firmness while we wait for our now complimentary remote. Martha falkers.
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