Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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We have ordered groceries on line three or four times. The orders have never been right. First time we got something extra. The other times items have been left out. We didn't order hen's teeth or something that could have been out of stock. These were staples. Why is this so difficult?

People who don't care; are poorly trained; unsupervised; and not held accountable for screwing up. If things ever get back to normal, whatever that is, I will have a face-to-face meeting with the manager.
We have ordered groceries on line three or four times. The orders have never been right. First time we got something extra. The other times items have been left out. We didn't order hen's teeth or something that could have been out of stock. These were staples. Why is this so difficult?

People who don't care; are poorly trained; unsupervised; and not held accountable for screwing up. If things ever get back to normal, whatever that is, I will have a face-to-face meeting with the manager.

We have found that places that suddenly adopted online ordering and delivery/pickup during the shutdown are not NEAR as adept at the process as the places who have been doing it for years are. Not only in the process itself but in the hiring and training of staff. Believe it or not when things were at their worst, Walmart was the most accurate and reliable of the bunch.

We have also found that sometimes (but not always) it's worth the risk to allow substitutions. More times than not we get a different brand or larger container for the lower price. A few times we have been left scratching out heads, likes wondering how someone can think that Diet Pepsi is a good substitute for Coke Zero. I couldn't even find any homeless people who would drink that stuff.
Our on line service sometimes offers substitutions, so you may be able to choose. Just curious, were you offered a substitute, or did they send Diet Pepsi on their own? I wouldn't expect Coke Zero to be out of stock.

Most of our errors were omissions. They either left items out or sent the wrong thing. It is extremely annoying. I agree. They are new to this, but I expected more, and IMHO these are careless mistakes that could easily be corrected.
Our on line service sometimes offers substitutions, so you may be able to choose. Just curious, were you offered a substitute, or did they send Diet Pepsi on their own? I wouldn't expect Coke Zero to be out of stock.

Most of our errors were omissions. They either left items out or sent the wrong thing. It is extremely annoying. I agree. They are new to this, but I expected more, and IMHO these are careless mistakes that could easily be corrected.

They did it on their own. 😒 Coke is very popular around here, Pepsi less so. Coke products run out of stock even during non-pandemics. Especially around big events or holidays.

Omissions drive me nuts. Especially when I drive to the store and the item that was "out of stock" is sitting right there on the shelf.
My rant is people who need help and don't ask for it yet take it out on others.
Also this weeks rant is about how our so called sheriffs allow this nations couties to go to hell.
And I thought of another thing today while reading about the cop whi shot the thugs in the back,I feel it was wrong but he deseves a trial and VAIL BOND.I also though of what he is going through in jail instead of a treatment facility for temp insanity.
Imagine what those KITCHEN CONS ARE FEEDING THIS cop! I'd be very afraid of that meal.
My rant for today is that I just went outside to mow the lawn and it started raining.

For myself, I'm taking a break from the media. Too much drama and I'm honestly sick of hearing about it. First, COVID, then riots. I'm going back to simpler times until/unless this **** gets within 20 miles of me. I just checked our zip code again for # of COVID cases. It never got up to 5 cases since this whole thing started.
For myself, I'm taking a break from the media. Too much drama and I'm honestly sick of hearing about it. First, COVID, then riots. I'm going back to simpler times until/unless this **** gets within 20 miles of me. I just checked our zip code again for # of COVID cases. It never got up to 5 cases since this whole thing started.
After 3 solid months of the daily "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" crap

It does get a bit old.
You can only cry 'wolf' for so long and people start to ignore you.
Cruising on the interstate at 75 mph.
Speed limit is 70.
I'm in left lane cause right lane is doing 60.
Idiots come up , get on my bumper , I move to right lane , let em go by, 80,85,90 mph ,crazy.
They let me know I'm #1 with the middle finger....go figure.

I'm gonna start driving the backroads , only takes a few minutes longer.

Cruising on the interstate at 75 mph.
Speed limit is 70.
I'm in left lane cause right lane is doing 60.
Idiots come up , get on my bumper , I move to right lane , let em go by, 80,85,90 mph ,crazy.
They let me know I'm #1 with the middle finger....go figure.

I'm gonna start driving the backroads , only takes a few minutes longer.


It's moments like these that make having an unmarked police car the sweetest thing in the world. I love the look on their face when I walk up and say "Weren't expecting a police car huh?".
Cruising on the interstate at 75 mph.
Speed limit is 70.
I'm in left lane cause right lane is doing 60.
Idiots come up , get on my bumper , I move to right lane , let em go by, 80,85,90 mph ,crazy.
They let me know I'm #1 with the middle finger....go figure.

I'm gonna start driving the backroads , only takes a few minutes longer.


I'm to old/cranky/indifferent to deal with folks like that.
These days, I set my cruise control to the posted speed limit and camp in the right lane.
I rarely have to deal with morons like that anymore.

Added bonus: I rarely have to touch my breaks at all...
I'm PO'd at the hubby right now. He totally ignored OpSec and was showing a guy around the one garage where I have LTS at to show him the motorcycles. *sigh*
Now I have to find covering which I never thought I'd have to do because "nobody but us went in there". geesh

I swear when it comes to money his head just goes goofy. He's so money hungry. Always has been and if he has a chance to make money he doesn't think about anything but that. It has driven me nuts for 40 years now.

I really am pizzed at him over this. In this day and time and the stuff going on he shouldn't have done it. Just brought the bikes out to the guy.🤬

Alright I'm done. Didn't help to get off my chest though 😒
I'm PO'd at the hubby right now. He totally ignored OpSec and was showing a guy around the one garage where I have LTS at to show him the motorcycles.

I feel your pain. Hubs used to not care who saw whats in the barn. It drove me nuts! I finally had a heart to heart with him and told him how personal it was to me. Hubs likes to chat with people, but after our 'talk' he finally realized how important it was to me, so he respects my privacy about this now. I do my best to keep things covered, in totes, or otherwise hidden so that he can go about his space without worrying about OPSEC. It's not just about LTS stuff b/c I don't have a ton of that kind of stuff anyways. It's more about privacy and stuff that has value. When people know you have stuff they would like to have.....you always risk someone just taking something from you. Who knows what one person might tell someone else that you don't even know. Like....I remember Jack saying that John had a (fill in the blank) in his barn/house and it was really cool! The next thing you know, your barn/house has a target on it.

One thing that helped us was I finally got a designated room to put all my stuff and I keep that door locked so nobody can accidentally wander in there. I have everything in there from sentimental trinkets to collectable comics to canned goods to extra ammo to books to.....well, you get the idea. It's MY room with MY stuff that makes me happy. Stay out!
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So much for common decency.
Been going on at least a year now. Started with another set of new rental neighbors. They change out every few months but nothing other than the people change. The last set had one younger fellow who thought it was a great idea to share his “music” with a lot of bass with the neighborhood. We’re in the country so sound travels well anyways. Mainly us, we’re down wind, got the brunt of it. All hours of the day and night. Multiple times of asking them to turn it down only for it to start back up again.
They scrambled out in the middle of the night the night before an “incident” with law enforcement. Things were quiet for a bit then a bunch of new groups would come in and out at random. Groups would come to party for a few hours playing their music very loud drink for a while then leave. Last month or so we’ve been “blessed” with two new guys coming in and out (among other random people) creating all kinds of noise (burning out and blasting bass music).
Have called the sheriff multiple times in the last month and sometimes they come out and ask them to shut it down only for them to return the next day and repeat. Looks like they are fixing the inside up now and moving stuff in but no one is staying there still.
The constant wake ups from windows and walls rattling is beyond wearing on me. The sheriffs take so long to get here that its almost pointless to call them. They seem to not care much anyways. Seems we have no options but to constantly be disrupted by these rude individuals who clearly know they are above the laws and can do whatever they want with zero consequences.
Land owner just says to contact the sheriff if we have a problem.
9:30 pm and the music has just started bumping yet again.
So frustrated and tired.
@Double R An elderly couple a few miles down the road had the same problem... Good people, I've know them most of my life as has many of the families out here.

It was really sad... the sheriffs department said the party people living there must have left candles burning during a trip to town. That house burned to the ground... shame. :rolleyes:

On the bright side it was a lot quieter out here after that.
@Double R An elderly couple a few miles down the road had the same problem... Good people, I've know them most of my life as has many of the families out here.

It was really sad... the sheriffs department said the party people living there must have left candles burning during a trip to town. That house burned to the ground... shame. :rolleyes:

On the bright side it was a lot quieter out here after that.

This whole thing is sure taking a toll on my health. It just doesn’t end. We have a day sleeper and a night sleeper in the house. It’s unreal at this point and all the other neighbors are far enough away that they can stand it for the most part. Our old farm house makes it worse for us.
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This situation... an elderly couple had passed. Their kids sold the house to a realty company 50 miles away. This company would rent the house to anyone. It was one druggy group after another renting it. People had lawnmowers stolen... you know the drill.

The last druggies who lived there threatened an elderly widow who caught them going through her out building... lets just say her grandson (who has been in prison himself) wasn't too happy with this.

No one had to ask who did it... and the sheriffs department knew better than to ask. They were happy they wouldn't be getting anymore calls about that address.
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We can usually tell the druggies from the illegals. No teeth and pitted faces vs when the sheriff does make it out certain ones flee as quickly as possible and either don’t come back or don’t make noise as to draw attention in the future.
This one guy who’s been causing trouble lately has made an effort to make a lot of noise. Crank the stereo up as he’s pulling up and leave the doors open and crank it up so high they all have to yell at each other to talk. The other truck/guy has settled down after the last time the sheriff was out.
It’s just an investment property to the land owners. They have a lot of them around. They don’t care what happens to the place or who stays in it. Definitely don’t care about the neighbors. Makes me wish I hadn’t been such a good neighbor and run off people who were breaking in when they first got the place. They thought they’d bought a gold mine. We knew city wasn’t coming any farther out for a long while. They thought they’d be able to flip it quickly.
...Seems we have no options but to constantly be disrupted by these rude individuals who clearly know they are above the laws and can do whatever they want with zero consequences.
Land owner just says to contact the sheriff if we have a problem....

Log (and physically record) the date and time of every time you are negatively affected by the acts of your Landlord's tenant. More logs you have the better before the next step.

The next step. Pay an Attorney to send the landowner a letter explaining the next step will be charging the landowner with maintaining a private nuisance.

The final step will be to follow though with charges if there is another nuisance after your attorney's letter was sent.

Evil (in this case nuisances) only triumph when good men fail to act.

"A few examples of private nuisances are: vibration, pollution of a stream or soil, smoke, foul odors, excessive light, and loud noises. Private nuisance lawsuits typically arise between neighbors, with one property owner being negatively affected by the acts of his or her neighbor."
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