Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Taking a break from painting yesterday,
wife is resting from canning green beans.

There is suppose to be a Jason Bourne movie on.
it went to commercial, I counted , yes counted , 19 commercials...

I went back to painting.

That is why I record the few shows I want to watch. My DVR even has a skip the commercials button.
My 2 rants:
I think I mentioned awhile back that my brother was laid off from his work without even being told. He's never received anything in writing or verbally from his employer to inform him that he's not employed but his health insurance told him he's not employed & canceled on him. He's got COPD, high blood pressure, & diabetes (insulin resistance). His meds are incredibly expensive without insurance. I'm trying to find out if it is even legal for his employer to lay him off without notice like that. It has him fairly depressed so he's barely coming out of his room.

The other is that I nearly popped my tire on someone's giant spikey hubcaps when trying to navigate through a parking lot. I didn't get a photo, but they have these huge spikes sticking out farther than their mirrors that stick out beyond the parking space lines on both sides. I've seen this vehicle around for over a year & I don't know how it can be legal. Someone could get seriously hurt on those things.
Re your brother's situation, I am of course unable to help - unless you have not explored the hossibility of assistance from your state. Being a Vermonter, I know that the office of the Vermont Secretary of State is often willing to offer advice - and sometimes something more concrete.

Re that devil-car, I will only note that I carry a framing hammer in my vehicle, in the knowledge that a framing hammer is handy for jobs other than framing
I was thinking of my neighbor growing up. We lived 7 blocks from school, not really too far, but we often caught rides with these neighbors, especially when there was lots of snow and it was really cold. They were never late for anything, and in fact were usually 5 to 10 minutes early. That is how I like to be.

Daughter is never on time. Once when she was 3 or 4, I got her up and she wouldn't get dressed, like many times before. I prompted her and prompted her. Finally, I picked her up, wrapped a blanket around her, carried her and her clothes to the car. I started the car and then went to scrape the windows. When I got back in the car, daughter was dressed. Wish I could say she always got dressed and ready in a timely fashion after that. Nope.

I know a woman who is never on time for anything and was an hour late for her own wedding. It was absolutely predicted that she would be at least an hour late, so it was no surprise or concern.
We arrive at church at starting time. I drop the wife and kids off at the main door before I park the car. Inside the wife is "visiting" so I help the kids get their coats off and take them to Sunday School. Adult SS teacher is in the middle of opening prayer so I wait until he's done before entering the classroom. Wife arrives a few minutes later.

Wife says we are always late because I don't help to get the children ready. OK. The following Sundays I get the kids up, get them breakfast, wash-up and dressed. We are sitting in the car ready to go...waiting...waiting...we still arrive at church at starting time.

Then we move 10 miles closer to church. Kids are grown and gone. We now arrive five minutes after the starting time. I refused to go to Sunday school this late because the Teacher feels obligated to start the lesson over for the late comers (I believe this rude to the Teacher). I'm sitting in the sanctuary before the service starts. Wife misses the announcements and opening prayer to appear during the opening song.

I know she can be on time if she chooses to because when the TV show Dallas was on she'd come flying home and rush to press the RECORD button on the VCR to tape the show. She never missed the opening.
I wonder why this is? Does she have ADD? This is part of my daughter's problem, I think. Also, my daughter is probably one of the most social people anyone will ever meet, so if there is someone to talk to, she is talking to them. Add the ADD in that, and there you go!
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We spent 3 days in Ventura, Ca. It was a great, cheap trip, stayed at a Holiday Inn Express and even took my dog. We rented an electric Duffy boat yesterday and looked at all the houses on the water in their harbor. Also looked at lots of boats for sale. We just came home and it is 102 degrees, and I want to return. That is my rant for the day.
I ranted on another thread about a realator. I said we refused to sign with her and we really aren't looking to sell. I got in from weeding the garden and milking the cow last night, around 9 pm. Around 9:30 I go hunting for my phone because I need to set a wake up alarm for the morning milking.

There is a text message on my 'dumb' phone, sent at 7:05 pm. It is that person saying she has booked a showing for 1-2 pm today. 🤬👹

I left her a reply......I just came back from putting a chain and lock on the gate. I have a very long drive, but can watch the show from an upstairs window. Just to be safe, the cows and two bulls will be let loose in the fenced on both sides driveway. The fencing is electric with warning signs.

When her tourist clients drive 2.5 hours from the big city expecting play time on a farm and really not interested in buying it, they can whine at her. I won't be answering my phone. The next time, she gets a cease and desist letter sent to her affiliated real estate company and the licensing board, at their expense.
Wow, Clem, and you don't even have your place up for sale? We're still volleying back and forth a little bit, about the yard, and they want to close next week, the day we leave. So the last stuff on ours, from the buyer said: to close a week earlier, to remove chicken houses, rabbit hutches, greenhouse, in ground planters, and any fallen tree branches or plant matter. So we countered with the in ground planters and branches will not be moved, and we'll take $1K off the price. Now they want $2K off. Evidently they want to cement the acre of land to put their "toys" on.
Amish Heart

No, we are not listed for sale and never have been. I think these self serving city twits think they are being clever by taking covid holidays on farms. They don't have a clue about the disruption they cause nor do they care.

It wouldn't surprise me to find out the (I am beginning to think fake realator) is collecting fees for "showings" and may be advertising on a chinese language site. This would explain a lot.

The amish lads that came last time, came back and apologised for being part of the mix up. They brought dad and uncle along, and we had a good talk with them. They are going to check out if they can subdivide into three farms so they can build two more houses. We told them the farm wasn't actually up for sale, but we would be open to the idea if they come up with a fair offer later on when the boys get married.

There are a lot of amish moving in on this road and they would be a good fit. They drive by regularly, so they have permission to drop in. They have a key to the gate because they have been vouched for by my neighbors and will be doing roof repairs to the old barn.
Wow, Clem, and you don't even have your place up for sale? We're still volleying back and forth a little bit, about the yard, and they want to close next week, the day we leave. So the last stuff on ours, from the buyer said: to close a week earlier, to remove chicken houses, rabbit hutches, greenhouse, in ground planters, and any fallen tree branches or plant matter. So we countered with the in ground planters and branches will not be moved, and we'll take $1K off the price. Now they want $2K off. Evidently they want to cement the acre of land to put their "toys" on.

It amazes me that people these days think they get to change the contract after the fact. They have been taught that a contract is merely a suggestion.

I think that if we eventually sell this place, I will go back to my roots. I will be so far off grid, that even the bears will have a tough time finding what's left of my old carcass.
Another weird thing is that the buyers real estate guy only does business after 9pm. So there is a lag in correspondence all the time. Drives our agent nuts. Their rant for the day would be that we refuse to put a pending sign up on the for sale sign. We live on a heavily traveled road, and figure if they muck around enough, we'll just say no. I've told our agent I've had enough of people in our house till we leave next Monday. And they can't have the keys till we're funded.
...the buyer said: to close a week earlier, to remove chicken houses, rabbit hutches, greenhouse, in ground planters, and any fallen tree branches or plant matter. So we countered with the in ground planters and branches will not be moved, and we'll take $1K off the price. Now they want $2K off...
...And thus it begins.
I ranted on another thread about a realator. I said we refused to sign with her and we really aren't looking to sell. I got in from weeding the garden and milking the cow last night, around 9 pm. Around 9:30 I go hunting for my phone because I need to set a wake up alarm for the morning milking.

There is a text message on my 'dumb' phone, sent at 7:05 pm. It is that person saying she has booked a showing for 1-2 pm today. 🤬👹

I left her a reply......I just came back from putting a chain and lock on the gate. I have a very long drive, but can watch the show from an upstairs window. Just to be safe, the cows and two bulls will be let loose in the fenced on both sides driveway. The fencing is electric with warning signs.

When her tourist clients drive 2.5 hours from the big city expecting play time on a farm and really not interested in buying it, they can whine at her. I won't be answering my phone. The next time, she gets a cease and desist letter sent to her affiliated real estate company and the licensing board, at their expense.
But somehow, you must not have been firm about it. If you have let people come look around, but you are not selling, they think that you will sell and they won't stop until you are firm about it.

I get several notices a month from people looking for homes to buy, or I did before the pandemic. They are not looking for a home to live in. They are looking for property to develop and make some money. They are like slimy lawyers, imho. These notices usually go in the trash. The same people keep sending their request to buy notices. Once in a while, I get a postcard saying, this is our third attempt to contact you. We need to hear from you. It goes downhill fast for them from that point. I call, and I am as obnoxious as can be. I am anything but kind. "How dare you harass me about my home, where I live. How dare you insist that I contact you. How dare you this, how dare you that. If I hear anything from you again, I am going to file charges for harassment. " One woman told me I couldn't talk to her like that. "I just did and if I ever hear from the likes of you again demanding that I need to respond to your demand this will seem mild." I have also told people that if and when I want to sell my home, the asking price will be $5 million. My property is not worth that on the current market, and they know it. But I do know that they are trying to find older people to get over on. They are trying to find anyone to get over on.
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My rant involves people who say.......I'm not (insert word like racist)......and then continue on to say something completely contrary to what they just claimed they were not. Just saying I'm not stupid......but then continue on, to say something stupid......does not work. I spoke to a liberal family member this weekend and he tried to use this tactic. I pointed out his hipocracy, but I don't think he understood what I was saying. :rolleyes: I just looked at his wife, rolled my eyes, and shook my head.
My rant involves people who say.......I'm not (insert word like racist)......and then continue on to say something completely contrary to what they just claimed they were not. Just saying I'm not stupid......but then continue on, to say something stupid......does not work. I spoke to a liberal family member this weekend and he tried to use this tactic. I pointed out his hipocracy, but I don't think he understood what I was saying. :rolleyes: I just looked at his wife, rolled my eyes, and shook my head.

Just like when people say "I believe in the 2nd Amendment, but..."

Look, you either believe in the 2nd amendment AS WRITTEN (and understood in the context of the time it was written in) or you don't.

Sometimes I want to reach through the screen and slap some sense into people...

My rant involves people who say.......I'm not (insert word like racist)......and then continue on to say something completely contrary to what they just claimed they were not. Just saying I'm not stupid......but then continue on, to say something stupid......does not work. I spoke to a liberal family member this weekend and he tried to use this tactic. I pointed out his hipocracy, but I don't think he understood what I was saying. :rolleyes: I just looked at his wife, rolled my eyes, and shook my head.

I've yet to hear any lib admit to their hypocracy. EVER. They are the most 2 faced group of people in the world, well maybe 2nd to the muzzie's. But it is close. They will never hold a true debate about facts. All they can do is spout talking points.

I dearly love trolling them. :clapping:
I've yet to hear any lib admit to their hypocracy. EVER. They are the most 2 faced group of people in the world, well maybe 2nd to the muzzie's. But it is close. They will never hold a true debate about facts. All they can do is spout talking points.

I dearly love trolling them. :clapping:
It's funny you should say that. He was talking crap about DJT and I asked him where he heard things that he truly believes. He said he watches the news....LOL! I said, "well, that's your problem right there." "Turn off your friggin TV and go online and research truth for yourself." Of coarse then he says....."yeah, it's all truth on the internet." I retort back to him that at least on the internet you're going to see both sides and not just one, which is ALL you get on the "nightly news." I told him he was being lazy by not researching for himself to formulate an opinion. He says he doesn't have time. Yes.....he really does. I changed the subject b/c I could see it was going nowhere good and I wanted to salvage a nice visit out of it.
My rant involves people who say.......I'm not (insert word like racist)......and then continue on to say something completely contrary to what they just claimed they were not. Just saying I'm not stupid......but then continue on, to say something stupid......does not work. I spoke to a liberal family member this weekend and he tried to use this tactic. I pointed out his hipocracy, but I don't think he understood what I was saying. :rolleyes: I just looked at his wife, rolled my eyes, and shook my head.

In todays world a white pseson can't speak without being accused of something. Hate is worse tha never.
The number for my cell phone used to be someone else's number. The person who used to have my number, about 15 years ago, must have had some big issues and defaulted on many things. I have been getting phone calls for years, asking for him. I started out being patient and telling the caller that this was no longer his phone number, being asked if he was there, in spite of what I had just said. Then I started being not so nice and telling the callers that they were harassing me and I would deal with them in court, because they kept calling me. Then I just stopped answering calls from unknown numbers. Today, I decided to answer a call from an unknown number, one that has been calling me for months, but I have never answered and they have never left any messages. "Is William there?" "Whose calling?" "This is a confidential call for William Blah!" "How many times do I have to tell you that this has not been his number for more than 15 years? XXXXXXXXX" "Have a nice day."

This guy must owe some big money for people to keep harassing me who now has his former number, 15 years later. If I knew what to do to stop all these calls, I would have done that 15 years ago!
Hate is worse tha never.
I don't really believe that. I think MSM wants us to believe that. I get along with folks in my world just fine. I have not seen any hate in my world......except on TV. Granted, my world is pretty small and I stick pretty close to home.....and yes, there are people who annoy the heck out of me, but no hate.
I got a new phone and a new number and while they were finishing the paperwork it rang. Some girl asking for Jose, I told her she had the wrong number. That night I received around 10 calls from different women. Seem I had the local Latin Lover's number. I went back to the cell company and made them change the number. My wife was not amused when I said maybe I should just keep the number.
I don't really believe that. I think MSM wants us to believe that. I get along with folks in my world just fine. I have not seen any hate in my world......except on TV. Granted, my world is pretty small and I stick pretty close to home.....and yes, there are people who annoy the heck out of me, but no hate.

I see your taking this as if I'm talking about minroty's only,which I'm not, nor am I saying they are nessasary the ones hating, but if you don't agree they'll consider you ' the hater'.. Some of the biggest haters are those whites who are trying to prove how 'tolerant' they are and how prejudice, bigoted, racist you are. I'm not into changing or controlling anyone like the libs and those they use to make themsleves feel good while putting others down.
When we go out which is never lately but when we did everyone was nice to us except a few.
Including those who wear BLM t-shirts,but bet that would all change if we wore a MADA T-shirt.That is what I'm trying to say anyway.
I see your taking this as if I'm talking about minroty's only,which I'm not,
Nope, I didn't take it that way at all. In general, in my neck of the woods, I haven't seen hate. I've seen stupidity, incompetence, and idiocy......but I haven't seen the hate that MSM tells me is apparently here. I know there is no hate in our household either, regardless of how much MSM wants there to be.
Nope, I didn't take it that way at all. In general, in my neck of the woods, I haven't seen hate. I've seen stupidity, incompetence, and idiocy......but I haven't seen the hate that MSM tells me is apparently here. I know there is no hate in our household either, regardless of how much MSM wants there to be.

I think your right AngieN, we don't see it either just the wild ones in the street, but sometimes we do get that ' look'. Not often.
Just a further statement on the hypocrisy of the left. Did anyone else see this last night? BLM protesting in front of a Church. I thought I heard that it was a Baptist Church, not that it matters. You probably never saw it on the lame stream media.

Let's just imagine for one second that it was a Black Baptist Church, and the protesters were wearing white robes, and hoods. You think that would get some press coverage? :dunno:
I have a friend that constantly corrects everything I say.
He just can't accept anything I put forth, he has to try and make it sound bad, and change it.
Like he wants to argue, like he lives to argue.

I'm thinking about not being his friend anymore.

Is that a rant ?

I suppose.
But I'm probably wrong.

Jim gaah
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