I ranted on another thread about a realator. I said we refused to sign with her and we really aren't looking to sell. I got in from weeding the garden and milking the cow last night, around 9 pm. Around 9:30 I go hunting for my phone because I need to set a wake up alarm for the morning milking.
There is a text message on my 'dumb' phone, sent at 7:05 pm. It is that person saying she has booked a showing for 1-2 pm today.

I left her a reply......I just came back from putting a chain and lock on the gate. I have a very long drive, but can watch the show from an upstairs window. Just to be safe, the cows and two bulls will be let loose in the fenced on both sides driveway. The fencing is electric with warning signs.
When her tourist clients drive 2.5 hours from the big city expecting play time on a farm and really not interested in buying it, they can whine at her. I won't be answering my phone. The next time, she gets a cease and desist letter sent to her affiliated real estate company and the licensing board, at their expense.