Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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What kind of music do they play? If it's Rap, get you some really good speakers and set them up in their direction and crank up some old time country, or better yet some opera at full volume. They'll get tired of it and either turn theirs down or move on.
But I like the resolution Peanuts neighbor came up with. Ends the problem right now.
What kind of music do they play? If it's Rap, get you some really good speakers and set them up in their direction and crank up some old time country, or better yet some opera at full volume. They'll get tired of it and either turn theirs down or move on.
But I like the resolution Peanuts neighbor came up with. Ends the problem right now.
Oh, opera at full volume when all is quiet over there...which would mean they'd be trying to sleep. I see possibilities of backfire. Lots of animosity.
If you didn't live in that state, if you didn't live out in the boonies, I'd think of moving out that way so as to keep things a little quieter in your corner, Double R.
What kind of music do they play? If it's Rap, get you some really good speakers and set them up in their direction and crank up some old time country, or better yet some opera at full volume. They'll get tired of it and either turn theirs down or move on.
But I like the resolution Peanuts neighbor came up with. Ends the problem right now.

It’s Hispanic music. Trumpets and stuff. Some sort of Spanish rap too.
It’s funny you say that. Just today I told hubby I was going to do Phantom of the opera in the field right towards them if they didn’t stop.
i wish it would end right now
Oh, opera at full volume when all is quiet over there...which would mean they'd be trying to sleep. I see possibilities of backfire. Lots of animosity.
If you didn't live in that state, if you didn't live out in the boonies, I'd think of moving out that way so as to keep things a little quieter in your corner, Double R.

They leave once they are done drinking and stuff. None of these groups live there. At least not yet. Some of them have been working on the place since the Leo’s and previous “guests” tore it up pretty good.
ya the state thing makes it very difficult. These people are the only ones with “rights” at this point.
We would welcome any of y’all with open arms and beef 🥩 😬
Yesterday I was driving home on a divided road with 2 lanes in both directions and signs that say "slower traffic keep right."

I was in the left lane and came up to a young guy on a crotch rocket just ahead of a car in the right lane. Well he started showing off swaying from the left to right side of his lane (no safety gear mind you lol) and then decides to slow down so the slower car in the right lane is actually farther ahead.
I don't feel like playing these games with the numb skull so I go in the right (slow) lane behind the car and as soon as i do he THEN guns it and flies up. Again not wanting to play the game I decide to stay in the right lane and just watch the numb skull.
Then I see IT....the punks shirt was blowing in the wind and exposed over half his back where you could see an IWB holster with a pistol grip sticking out (5 o'clock carry).
HE WAS GIVING THE GUN COMMUNITY A BAD NAME!!! That's what really bugs me. I didn't do anything and got home and ready for work.

As I was leaving my place down the road I see two cop cars almost blocking a drive way to a bar. I look in and two officers are talking with THAT guy and he looks nervous.🤣 I didn't call the cops but clearly someone did. Since I had to go I didn't see the end but I hope the kid learned his lesson especially if you are going to exercise your right that was hard to get.
OK I'm done. Lol
The saga continues.
Today the dreaded black truck showed up among other vehicles but shockingly kept the music off. He ended up leaving and all was quiet. Relief! Finally! Nope. 9:30pm the music started from the other truck. Quiet enough headphones could cover it ok. Lots of loud talking going on but again not terrible. But knew there was quite a few people there. Then at 10:38pm the shooting started. Several of the shots while I was on with the sheriffs department. I’m sure they couldn’t hear it on their end. They kept asking if i was sure it was gunfire. I’m positive i know the difference. Now normally I wouldn’t care if people were shooting safely and it’s not uncommon to shoot a varmint in the country but this definitely isn’t what was going on and there is no safe way to shoot over there. This was definitely a pistol. Plus at this point I flat don’t trust them. The shooting got me calling the sheriffs again. This late is ridiculous.
The sheriffs showed up just as the truck was pulling out to leave. Amazing they actually got here before they left. The other cars had left already. They questioned him for a bit and all seemed very nice and courteous and amazingly this gentleman spoke very good English. That was a surprise. I overheard him say (the wind blows our way) that he would be staying here from now on but I couldn’t hear enough to know if that’s what he said or was talking about that place. He has been the one working there a lot lately and been pretty quiet so we figure he was a worker. He left and the sheriffs left. Thought maybe that was it for the night and praying he got the message from the sheriff that they will be called for being ridiculous. An hour later I hear bass coming down the road and think oh goodness here we go again. The music shut off as soon as he pulled up to the gate and he pulled in turned around and it’s been silent. He’s definitely staying there tonight so I’m guessing he’s the new tenant. Praying with all my heart he got the message the sheriffs hopefully gave and he will no longer be a problem. I’m not sure how much longer the sheriffs will be willing to “help”. I don’t know if they have to come out or not. I’m very frustrated and tired. This just continues to take a toll on me. I know better but I’m praying it will settle down now............
We had the weirdest experience today. We were set up to leave for a couple hours this morning (9am to about 11am) for home inspection. The prospective buyers, our agent, their agent, and the inspector were to be here. So around 11:30 we come back to meet the washer guy who is delivering the washing machine. There were people everywhere. The prospective buyers had grandma and grandpa, 2 different contractors, an interior designer, a stucco guy, the inspector, their agent, and the husband and wife. Evidentally, they were using the time to also talk about add ons and total house renovations. They were here from 9-2. OMG. They don't close until the 17th. I have never in my life heard of buyers sending people over for renos before they even own the house. They were all terribly rude. We leave in 11 days. Don't care what the inspector found, but we're not paying for anything or having any work done. From the sounds of it, they want to put a couple hundred thousand in total remodeling and add ons. I'm sure we'll get a request to pay for stuff, and it's an absolute no. Our last agreement was at a fair price as is. I told husband that if any more decorators, remodelers come to the door I will tell them to go away. Grandpa came back in a little bit ago for more photos. He told me that I should see all the renos when they are done. I told him we were moving. Out of state. He asked if we were ever coming back. I said Never. Still fuming.
We had the weirdest experience today. We were set up to leave for a couple hours this morning (9am to about 11am) for home inspection. The prospective buyers, our agent, their agent, and the inspector were to be here. So around 11:30 we come back to meet the washer guy who is delivering the washing machine. There were people everywhere. The prospective buyers had grandma and grandpa, 2 different contractors, an interior designer, a stucco guy, the inspector, their agent, and the husband and wife. Evidentally, they were using the time to also talk about add ons and total house renovations. They were here from 9-2. OMG. They don't close until the 17th. I have never in my life heard of buyers sending people over for renos before they even own the house. They were all terribly rude. We leave in 11 days. Don't care what the inspector found, but we're not paying for anything or having any work done. From the sounds of it, they want to put a couple hundred thousand in total remodeling and add ons. I'm sure we'll get a request to pay for stuff, and it's an absolute no. Our last agreement was at a fair price as is. I told husband that if any more decorators, remodelers come to the door I will tell them to go away. Grandpa came back in a little bit ago for more photos. He told me that I should see all the renos when they are done. I told him we were moving. Out of state. He asked if we were ever coming back. I said Never. Still fuming.
That can drag on for months.
They tried that BS when I sold our house in AL.
Told the guy I was selling it at a huge discount so none of the mortgage company inspection crap would happen.
They sent out an inspector with a robot to photograph the crawl-space underneath and a drone to photograph the roof.
Called the buyer and told him that I would pay for the 'inspection' because I was not selling him the house.
I walked next door to my neighbor and told him what I was asking for the house.
His reply:
"I'll just write you a check".
Done it in 3 days, start to finish, including the the new deed. It's called a cash sale.
No commission for anybody 😣.
So many people line up with their 'cup' to get some of the gravy whenever there is a house sale, it has become obscene.
Don't forget, you CAN just say no.
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We had the weirdest experience today. We were set up to leave for a couple hours this morning (9am to about 11am) for home inspection. The prospective buyers, our agent, their agent, and the inspector were to be here. So around 11:30 we come back to meet the washer guy who is delivering the washing machine. There were people everywhere. The prospective buyers had grandma and grandpa, 2 different contractors, an interior designer, a stucco guy, the inspector, their agent, and the husband and wife. Evidentally, they were using the time to also talk about add ons and total house renovations. They were here from 9-2. OMG. They don't close until the 17th. I have never in my life heard of buyers sending people over for renos before they even own the house. They were all terribly rude. We leave in 11 days. Don't care what the inspector found, but we're not paying for anything or having any work done. From the sounds of it, they want to put a couple hundred thousand in total remodeling and add ons. I'm sure we'll get a request to pay for stuff, and it's an absolute no. Our last agreement was at a fair price as is. I told husband that if any more decorators, remodelers come to the door I will tell them to go away. Grandpa came back in a little bit ago for more photos. He told me that I should see all the renos when they are done. I told him we were moving. Out of state. He asked if we were ever coming back. I said Never. Still fuming.

Amish those 'rude' people would have been ask to leave. Sorry you had ot go thru it. At least you told granpaw,lol. Some peopel are just mean and self centered.
We already have a signed offer from them as is and for a set price. We pay for well and septic inspection, and any problems with either of those two things. They close on the house they're selling in 5 days. They close on this house in 15 days, although they keep asking if they can close sooner (no). What bothered me was it was supposed to be a two hour home inspection that they pay for. Instead it was that and contractors and designers and relatives, and they don't own the place. They were here 5 hours. They turned two air conditioner units to 65 degrees and had the front door open, garage doors open and open to the house. I would think they can't march thru their "people" until they actually own it. Our doorbell rang, and the guy even tried to answer my door. The deal stands as is, with a deadline of tomorrow, or we say no. The agent doesn't believe we will have any problem selling. We own it outright, so no sweat off our back, no mortgage to pay.
Funny thing is, they're tearing out all the renos we did this last spring. The master bath....we had a marble shower put in, walk in with fancy glass to the outside wall. I heard the wife say they will tear that out and the jacuzzi tub, because her and hubby like to take a shower together so it needs to be 3 times that size. Ha Ha. We heard a little too much info today. If they do end up buying it, I will not bother with any more touch ups. They are completely remodeling anyway.
Our first house we sold to a real nice couple. They found out their "pre-approved" mortgage loan meant they were pre-approved to apply for a mortgage. This moved our agreed closing date out 30 days. This put the couple in a bind to move in ASAP. They asked if they could start moving in before closing. We had already moved out so it wouldn't be a problem unless...I told them "no" but I gave them a remote for the garage door opener so they could use the garage for storage.
Our first house we sold to a real nice couple. They found out their "pre-approved" mortgage loan meant they were pre-approved to apply for a mortgage. This moved our agreed closing date out 30 days. This put the couple in a bind to move in ASAP. They asked if they could start moving in before closing. We had already moved out so it wouldn't be a problem unless...I told them "no" but I gave them a remote for the garage door opener so they could use the garage for storage.
For me it was the opposite.
I got the house sale done so fast, it was before our move out was completed.
I offered to pay the new owner rent until I got my butt out.
We settled on me keeping the utilities paid up for a month. :thumbs:
That was nice of you to let them use the garage. We've been asked by them twice to move the date to the 14th, but we're holding to the original 17th. And they don't get the keys till the 20th, because we won't be funded till the 20th. The house was only on the market 3 weeks, they wanted a 3 week close. Because we have a pending on it, no one else wants to look. We leave on the 13th, but just wanted some pad time, just in case. Husband was jokingly saying we should of charged them a day's rent for today, they were here all day.
A friend's husband died.
Today was his funeral was today.
His oldest grandson showed up wearing a Black Lives Matter T Shirt, under his suit jacket.
His grandmother whom I served with, had him lean down while she smacked him upside the head.
How dare he disrespect his grand father, her on this day.
The oldest grand son probably was 35 or 40 years old.
She told him she was ashamed of him for showing so little respect for his grand father.
My friend and her newly deceased husband were black.
Most of the pall bearers were black, but a few were white.
But we all served together over the years.
This oldest grand son tried to get a response out of one of the white pallbearers by calling us everything but a white woman.
But the grand mother, my friend got a hold of that oldest grand child and turned him every which way but loose.
I don't particularly see color of your skin, what I see is how you respect your elders, take care of your children, how you treat animals and how you respect and care for our flag.
Such sadness, so thoughtless, so much ignorance among our young and not so young.
Ok here I go... We were stupid enough to go into Wally today. Oh My Gosh!
People are just eat up with the dumb. Virus is running wild in Texas. Other than hubs and I maybe 5 or 6 others wearing masks. Six feet ? These folks won’t give you 1 foot. I needed a few things grabbed them paid and left. I will not be making this mistake again. I will just mail order or do without.
I don't particularly see color of your skin, what I see is how you respect your elders, take care of your children, how you treat animals and how you respect and care for our flag.
Such sadness, so thoughtless, so much ignorance among our young and not so young.
I wish I had words that would brighten your day, Mo. I could quote the saying that ends with "carborundum", but sometimes trying to follow that advice makes my jaw muscles ache.
Just thought this fit right here...

Thank you all for your words of encouragement.
Thank you for letting me vent..
And yes, I was the white pall bearer he was trying to harass.
His brother, told him he was very lucky he was standing.
And that I had the control I had.
Because he too had served with me, and that I don't take no crap from no body.
But out of respect for my friend and respect for the deceased(my last commanding officer), I didn't put him on the ground in cuffs.
Because he certainly didn't earn my respect with his behavior.
My 2 rants:
I think I mentioned awhile back that my brother was laid off from his work without even being told. He's never received anything in writing or verbally from his employer to inform him that he's not employed but his health insurance told him he's not employed & canceled on him. He's got COPD, high blood pressure, & diabetes (insulin resistance). His meds are incredibly expensive without insurance. I'm trying to find out if it is even legal for his employer to lay him off without notice like that. It has him fairly depressed so he's barely coming out of his room.

The other is that I nearly popped my tire on someone's giant spikey hubcaps when trying to navigate through a parking lot. I didn't get a photo, but they have these huge spikes sticking out farther than their mirrors that stick out beyond the parking space lines on both sides. I've seen this vehicle around for over a year & I don't know how it can be legal. Someone could get seriously hurt on those things.
We arrive at church at starting time. I drop the wife and kids off at the main door before I park the car. Inside the wife is "visiting" so I help the kids get their coats off and take them to Sunday School. Adult SS teacher is in the middle of opening prayer so I wait until he's done before entering the classroom. Wife arrives a few minutes later.

Wife says we are always late because I don't help to get the children ready. OK. The following Sundays I get the kids up, get them breakfast, wash-up and dressed. We are sitting in the car ready to go...waiting...waiting...we still arrive at church at starting time.

Then we move 10 miles closer to church. Kids are grown and gone. We now arrive five minutes after the starting time. I refused to go to Sunday school this late because the Teacher feels obligated to start the lesson over for the late comers (I believe this rude to the Teacher). I'm sitting in the sanctuary before the service starts. Wife misses the announcements and opening prayer to appear during the opening song.

I know she can be on time if she chooses to because when the TV show Dallas was on she'd come flying home and rush to press the RECORD button on the VCR to tape the show. She never missed the opening.
We arrive at church at starting time. I drop the wife and kids off at the main door before I park the car. Inside the wife is "visiting" so I help the kids get their coats off and take them to Sunday School. Adult SS teacher is in the middle of opening prayer so I wait until he's done before entering the classroom. Wife arrives a few minutes later.

Wife says we are always late because I don't help to get the children ready. OK. The following Sundays I get the kids up, get them breakfast, wash-up and dressed. We are sitting in the car ready to go...waiting...waiting...we still arrive at church at starting time.

Then we move 10 miles closer to church. Kids are grown and gone. We now arrive five minutes after the starting time. I refused to go to Sunday school this late because the Teacher feels obligated to start the lesson over for the late comers (I believe this rude to the Teacher). I'm sitting in the sanctuary before the service starts. Wife misses the announcements and opening prayer to appear during the opening song.

I know she can be on time if she chooses to because when the TV show Dallas was on she'd come flying home and rush to press the RECORD button on the VCR to tape the show. She never missed the opening.

Priority,lol. My moher was always late so much so her mother told her " you'll be late for my funeral" sure enough we were late for grandma's funeral.
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