Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I have a friend that constantly corrects everything I say.
He just can't accept anything I put forth, he has to try and make it sound bad, and change it.
Like he wants to argue, like he lives to argue.

I'm thinking about not being his friend anymore.

Is that a rant ?

I suppose.
But I'm probably wrong.

Jim gaah
I knew a woman like that when I was in college. She was so smug and always knew better than me. There was the constant put down, not just for me, but also for my roommate. My roommate, a soft spoken and naive girl really got sick of the condescending behavior. Now in retrospect, I have realized that she is a narcissist.
@The Lazy L and @Weedygarden
After giving it some thought, and after I had read something that made me think about it...I know several people quite well, family and a friend, who have always been late for everything. ALWAYS.
I realized that it is or was anxiety on their part but you would really have to look closely to understand their behavior and associate it with anxiety. One of them was never on time for any family function and ALWAYS late for work. For family functions, we're talking 1 to 2 hours late. Work half hour or more late.
One was just always pokey about getting things done, an awful procrastinator, which included procrastination about getting ready.
And another who didn't seem to be bothered about keeping track of time EVER, which made her late for anything always. It seemed like an uncaring or inconsiderate move on all their parts, but after a while...years of it...something else is going on there. All seemed to live on a different time plane.
Today's peeve is people not knowing how to social distance.

I was in a shop today and a shopper and her child were snugged right into my back as I was at the checkout so I said sorry but I am immune suppressed and you are supposed to be standing way back there on the dot. They did move back but you could tell they were not amused.

What part of millions of adverts on tv do they not understand about social distancing that they all have to stand on top of everyone ?.
I have a friend that constantly corrects everything I say.
He just can't accept anything I put forth, he has to try and make it sound bad, and change it.
Like he wants to argue, like he lives to argue.

I'm thinking about not being his friend anymore.

Is that a rant ?

I suppose.
But I'm probably wrong.

Jim gaah

I wouldn't consider that person a friend. I moved out of my Mother's house a long time ago, and for good reason. At least when she was correcting me I knew she loved me.

Is this person a lawyer? IMHO they were born arguing with the doctor that delivered them. It's not your mother-in-law is it?

This is him ...

And I will be walking away.

I was behind a car with the blinker on this morning, for many miles. When I am driving and I use my blinker, I hear it ticking and ticking. So a person who is driving for many miles with their blinker on, can't hear it? Maybe the radio is on too loud? Maybe they are deaf? Maybe they are so out of it they shouldn't be driving? Maybe their blinker is stuck? Maybe they don't care that their blinker is blinking? Maybe they need to lose their license because they are no longer competent?
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This is him ...

And I will be walking away.


I walk away for awhile but unless it is real bad I come back later when the ycool down but the ones who can really get to me is family. Can'r walk away from them but I just consider the times an what people deal with now. my firend can peeve me too but can't leave her alone after 60 years since we were kids
I was behind a car with the blinker on this morning, for many miles. When I am driving and I use my blinker, I hear it ticking and ticking. So a person who is driving for many miles with their blinker on, can't hear it? Maybe the radio is on too loud? Maybe they are deaf? Maybe they are so out of it they shouldn't be driving? Maybe their blinker is stuck? Maybe they don't care that their blinker is blinking? Maybe they need to lose their license because they are no longer competent?

Weedy youmean that was you behind me?:peace::confused2:I have a silent sneaky blinker, it makes peolel blow their gorn at us and shoot birds.:oops:
I was behind a car with the blinker on this morning, for many miles. When I am driving and I use my blinker, I hear it ticking and ticking. So a person who is driving for many miles with their blinker on, can't hear it? Maybe the radio is on too loud? Maybe they are deaf? Maybe they are so out of it they shouldn't be driving? Maybe their blinker is stuck? Maybe they don't care that their blinker is blinking? Maybe they need to lose their license because they are no longer competent?
I haven't heard my turn signal 'ticking' for several years. But I learned to glance at the 'information' panel every few seconds long ago - before 'warning lights'. The warning then was the slant of a 'needle'.
I haven't heard my turn signal 'ticking' for several years. But I learned to glance at the 'information' panel every few seconds long ago - before 'warning lights'. The warning then was the slant of a 'needle'.

I'll have to rememebr to do this instead of watching that fool doing 80 mph while pulling into us to change lanes as we are changing lanes or the madmax behind me wanting me to get up to 60 in 2 seconds.:ghostly:My little linker light is small and dull. I need one of those plastic magnifing sheets truckers use to see their speed, and gages. Looked for one for decades in truck stops still haven't seen one last I looked several years ago.
There should be heads up displays in cars like in fighter jets. All the important information displayed right in front of your eyes. I know some cars have it but all of them should. I had an app on my phone that would reflect on the windshield and give my speed and GPS data but it only worked when it was dark out and I rarely drive at night anymore.
Like VT I haven't heard my blinker in years but my wife is quick to tell me it's on.
I learned long ago that just because there is a light blinking on a car it does not mean they are turning.
I drive like nobody else is paying attention. That really helped when I rode a motorcycle.
Grandson (15) is making me nuts. I gave him instructions to dump out the stock tank planters and spread the soil around, stack the planters and put them in front of the garage door for the pod. He asked me what to use to spread the soil around (really?) and I told him to take a walk around and he'll find something. I look outside and he is spreading big piles of dirt with a stick. There is a shovel near the wall. The stick is not working well. I tell him to get a shovel. He said he didn't know. Next I take him to his bathroom and tell him to empty all the cupboards and drawers, put the towels in the hallway against the wall, put his hygene stuff in his room on his closet shelf. I show him. He comes back 10 minutes later and asked me what he is supposed to do with the stuff. He doesn't listen.
Grandson (15) is making me nuts. I gave him instructions to dump out the stock tank planters and spread the soil around, stack the planters and put them in front of the garage door for the pod. He asked me what to use to spread the soil around (really?) and I told him to take a walk around and he'll find something. I look outside and he is spreading big piles of dirt with a stick. There is a shovel near the wall. The stick is not working well. I tell him to get a shovel. He said he didn't know. Next I take him to his bathroom and tell him to empty all the cupboards and drawers, put the towels in the hallway against the wall, put his hygene stuff in his room on his closet shelf. I show him. He comes back 10 minutes later and asked me what he is supposed to do with the stuff. He doesn't listen.

Long as playing dumb works he will work it. I tell daughter to stop giving instructions and start taking things away.:dunno:
Grandson (15) is making me nuts. I gave him instructions to dump out the stock tank planters and spread the soil around, stack the planters and put them in front of the garage door for the pod. He asked me what to use to spread the soil around (really?) and I told him to take a walk around and he'll find something. I look outside and he is spreading big piles of dirt with a stick. There is a shovel near the wall. The stick is not working well. I tell him to get a shovel. He said he didn't know. Next I take him to his bathroom and tell him to empty all the cupboards and drawers, put the towels in the hallway against the wall, put his hygene stuff in his room on his closet shelf. I show him. He comes back 10 minutes later and asked me what he is supposed to do with the stuff. He doesn't listen.

It is a well known fact there is nothing on the planet that is lazier than a teenage boy. Maybe a little enticement: Lunch will be served when you complete the task correctly, or you will get your computer/phone back when you have done the job correctly. Good Luck! I raised one and that was enough. You are earning your place in Heaven.
I was behind a car with the blinker on this morning, for many miles. When I am driving and I use my blinker, I hear it ticking and ticking. So a person who is driving for many miles with their blinker on, can't hear it? Maybe the radio is on too loud? Maybe they are deaf? Maybe they are so out of it they shouldn't be driving? Maybe their blinker is stuck? Maybe they don't care that their blinker is blinking? Maybe they need to lose their license because they are no longer competent?

Its possible that their blinker doesn't make noise and the dash light is hidden by the steering wheel. It happens to me at times in my old jeep.
Grandson (15) is making me nuts. I gave him instructions to dump out the stock tank planters and spread the soil around, stack the planters and put them in front of the garage door for the pod. He asked me what to use to spread the soil around (really?) and I told him to take a walk around and he'll find something. I look outside and he is spreading big piles of dirt with a stick. There is a shovel near the wall. The stick is not working well. I tell him to get a shovel. He said he didn't know. Next I take him to his bathroom and tell him to empty all the cupboards and drawers, put the towels in the hallway against the wall, put his hygene stuff in his room on his closet shelf. I show him. He comes back 10 minutes later and asked me what he is supposed to do with the stuff. He doesn't listen.
I learned a long time ago, that some people can only get one instruction at a time, sometimes two. Anything more than that and it is best in writing. If there is a a routine with instructions, like there is in classrooms, it helps many (clean off your desk, wash your hands, get your lunch box and get in line).

It also may be that with all the changes going on in your life, grandson is a little off and distracted.
Possibly, but he wouldn't dare act like that around his papa. It gets ridiculous sometimes. I do understand the difference between some learners...visual, verbal, and do my best to instruct. He usually has a bad attitude when it comes to helping out, and shortcuts because he is just that way. I told him the rest of the day if I have to say it more than once, then he is grounded for the evening. Now that did get a response.
.. I told him the rest of the day if I have to say it more than once, then he is grounded for the evening. Now that did get a response.
I'm living proof that this works on the hardest, hard-headed, ADD kids.
The words I never wanted to hear my mom speak, "Now, what did I just say?"
Wrong answer =

My hearing was fine, but my listening improved greatly.
I watched people 'talking' to their kids from toddlers to teens since I was a kid myself.
I realized that the kid doesn't care why it can't get its way. It gets on my nerves to see my griwn kids 'explaining' why they don't like the acions of their kids. Like tellign a kid why not to play in the street. Maybe tell them once they could be run over. Next time they are i nthe street its time to show them why by desipline. Our punisihment was a whipping some punishment was restriction or loss of previledge.
Today is so much different and parents don't have many allies.
I didn't have the luxuary of all that jazz raising kids and helping mama raise her 2 .
In the military they don't stand around all day talking to the soldiers, they give commands and thats it. Imagine a sargent 'explaining' why he want a soldier to do something. No ADD soldiers.
Everything is taken down , can't put up flags, can't sang national Anthem, can't say pledge of allegiance.

Can't can't can't....

But they can paint large sign, BLM in the middle of 5th Ave in New Dork.

I'm pissed.


Something evil came this wat is all I can say. Put a complacent spell over Americans in the late 50s. But it had been around for decades even then.
My rant: sleeplessness! At least I have the weekend off. I had plans too. And have to get up in less than 5 hours. Nothing exciting tho. Second time this week I've been like this.
It's an indication that you "have something on your mind", Patch. [Analysis provided gratis. Which indicates its value.]
I lay down am out in about a minute every time, much to my wife's envy. She will say something and I jump. Then she says there is no way you were asleep already. Uh yes I was. Unfortunately sometimes I do wake up about 3:30 and and have trouble getting back to sleep. Or an hour before my alarm that's no fun.
My rant: sleeplessness! At least I have the weekend off. I had plans too. And have to get up in less than 5 hours. Nothing exciting tho. Second time this week I've been like this.
Get like that too occasionally @Patchouli and last night was one of the night's where I laid there looking up at the ceiling and curtains for quite some time but finally did get to sleep.
I hate it when I can't sleep and it seems to come in streaks. I have read that eating nuts in the evening helps. I have wondered what else a person could eat that would help us sleep. Daughter and I would often have warm milk and honey at bed time to help us sleep.

My biggest time of not being able to sleep was when I was going through menopause. I learned that caffeine really interfered with my ability to sleep at night. I started drinking decaf coffee for a number of years. Eating chocolate anytime during the day also really interferes with my ability to sleep at night.
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