Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I always told my wife having kids is just like living in a wolf pack. They are constantly challenging you for the Alpha position. They can move up in the pack simply by wearing you down and they know it.
The Alpha pair must present a united front or they won't be Alpha for long.
There are many families these days where the children challenge the parents and the parents seem to think it is all okay and then defend themselves. When I was a kid, challenging or even questioning something got me in big trouble. When I was teaching, I had many such students who would challenge what I said early on in their time with me. My usual response to be challenged about what I had said or decided was "I'm not arguing about it. This is how it is going to be." Once in a while, a very diplomatic student would make a suggestion. A suggestion is done in a way that doesn't challenge authority, but gives an idea. I never saw myself as an authoritarian, although teachers have to be, to a certain extent, but I gave my students an opportunity to bring up ideas and suggestions in our weekly class meetings.
Sometimes I can't get to sleep and other times I can't stay asleep and sometimes it's both.
After laying in bed for an hour I finally just get up. Once I wake up I know I will not go back to sleep no matter what time it is so I just get up.
I take Melatonin at night and it seems to help some.

Same here, wake up , no matter what time....just go ahead and get up.

It's ok if it's 7am , but 4am is too early.

I'm with you on that. if its before 5am I try for a few minute to go back to sleep but if not I go ahead get up .Naps are not going to happen for me usually, so I stay up till bedtime.Uusally I go to slep in a few minutes though.I'venever take na sleeping pill except in hospital when they forced it.
Took dad to the hospital today for an outpatient procedure. Get this… the same hospital he spent a week in last December and the same one he’s been to twice for outpatient procedures since April. He spent all of January and February in a different facility owned by the same healthcare system which owns the nursing home he was in after that. They all share the SAME computer system. A doctor or nurse in any of their facilities came pull up the same patient records!

We go in the back today with the nurse. She starts asking the same questions he’s been asked over and over again.

She asks “Your parents are deceased?”
“Yes” he said… (the man’s 86 years old)
“You had two sisters and they are both deceased? she asked…

At this point I asked “Isn’t this already in the computer system?” She said “I’m just checking his history to be sure there have been no changes”.

I said “No, no change” “His sisters are still as dead as they were last time you asked!”

She failed to see the humor in my response…

I hate hospitals… the filter on my mouth was never very good and it’s deteriorated with age… 🙄
Took dad to the hospital today for an outpatient procedure. Get this… the same hospital he spent a week in last December and the same one he’s been to twice for outpatient procedures since April. He spent all of January and February in a different facility owned by the same healthcare system which owns the nursing home he was in after that. They all share the SAME computer system. A doctor or nurse in any of their facilities came pull up the same patient records!

We go in the back today with the nurse. She starts asking the same questions he’s been asked over and over again.

She asks “Your parents are deceased?”
“Yes” he said… (the man’s 86 years old)
“You had two sisters and they are both deceased? she asked…

At this point I asked “Isn’t this already in the computer system?” She said “I’m just checking his history to be sure there have been no changes”.

I said “No, no change” “His sisters are still as dead as they were last time you asked!”

She failed to see the humor in my response…

I hate hospitals… the filter on my mouth was never very good and it’s deteriorated with age… 🙄

Peanut my filter is shot too, which can be dangerous in dr. office. I just called the eye doctor a liar and then I'm going back to let him do surgery, no.
We drove 45 miles one way so my wife could sit in the truck with a tablet and video conference with a gastro doc she has never seen before. He asked all the same questions they always ask because he apparently doesn't have any of her records even tho he works for the same place she has been to before. There was NO good reason to go to his office. It could have been done from home. The only reason I can think of is he can now bill her insurance and if it had been on the phone maybe he couldn't. As expected he had no solutions to her problems. He said it's probably IBS so he's ordering some meds of some kind and said come back in 4 weeks. Her pain level is a constant 5 or 6 and spikes to a 10 or higher but oh well come back in 4 weeks.
To make it even worse I forgot the freeway was closed because of a culvert washing out. It took me 45 minutes to travel 8 miles around the closed place. On the way back home I wanted to stop at a local gun store but then I remembered he's closed on Mondays. Today sucked. I think it's time for a nap.
Took dad to the hospital today for an outpatient procedure. Get this… the same hospital he spent a week in last December and the same one he’s been to twice for outpatient procedures since April. He spent all of January and February in a different facility owned by the same healthcare system which owns the nursing home he was in after that. They all share the SAME computer system. A doctor or nurse in any of their facilities came pull up the same patient records!

We go in the back today with the nurse. She starts asking the same questions he’s been asked over and over again.

She asks “Your parents are deceased?”
“Yes” he said… (the man’s 86 years old)
“You had two sisters and they are both deceased? she asked…

At this point I asked “Isn’t this already in the computer system?” She said “I’m just checking his history to be sure there have been no changes”.

I said “No, no change” “His sisters are still as dead as they were last time you asked!”

She failed to see the humor in my response…

I hate hospitals… the filter on my mouth was never very good and it’s deteriorated with age… 🙄
I have always hated them. I hate the incompetence. I once told my dentist, after spending a summer trying to figure out why I hurt from tuckpointing my house, "A person could die trying to get help, because everyone is asleep at the wheel." He agreed.

I went and had something done, maybe MRI, and in 3 weeks had a follow up visit to read the results in another office, but same building. In three weeks, I went to my appointment and the results had not been delivered. I arrived at the appointment and was told they couldn't see me because they didn't have the results. I was not happy. I told the receptionist to call and tell them I was on my way to pick up the results. I went down two floors, got the envelope and went back up to where my appointment was.

I went to a dr. appointment and when I got there, they told me it had been so long since I had been there, I needed to fill out a form again. I questioned it, and sat down and filled it out. Turns out, they had misplaced my file, but didn't want to tell me they were the incompetent ones. More than incompetency, I hate being lied to. While I was in the exam room, I think it was my doctor who told me that they couldn't find my file. I told her, that is one thing, but then for the office staff to lie about it is worse.

I have more stories! The problem I have is by the time they are ready to take my blood pressure, it is guaranteed to be up because of them!
We drove 45 miles one way so my wife could sit in the truck with a tablet and video conference with a gastro doc she has never seen before. He asked all the same questions they always ask because he apparently doesn't have any of her records even tho he works for the same place she has been to before. There was NO good reason to go to his office. It could have been done from home. The only reason I can think of is he can now bill her insurance and if it had been on the phone maybe he couldn't. As expected he had no solutions to her problems. He said it's probably IBS so he's ordering some meds of some kind and said come back in 4 weeks. Her pain level is a constant 5 or 6 and spikes to a 10 or higher but oh well come back in 4 weeks.
To make it even worse I forgot the freeway was closed because of a culvert washing out. It took me 45 minutes to travel 8 miles around the closed place. On the way back home I wanted to stop at a local gun store but then I remembered he's closed on Mondays. Today sucked. I think it's time for a nap.

I feel bad for your wife. My wife deals with that too. Dr's have never really done much to help her overall. But once she got an infection in her gut that put her in the hospital for a week. Keep a close eye out for that. Her white blood count (I think) was 31,000 when they first took it. Normal is around 10,000. She got sevearly dehydrated by the time we got her in the ER.
My wife had a gall bladder test. Supposed to be an outpatient deal. In and out in a few hours. She spent 7 days in the hospital because she got an infection and then Pancreatitis. I heard later that the hospital she was in had not been cleaning their endoscopy cameras properly and a lot of people got infections. Then she had C-Diff about a month later. Doctors and hospitals can kill you if you aren't careful.
My wife had a gall bladder test. Supposed to be an outpatient deal. In and out in a few hours. She spent 7 days in the hospital because she got an infection and then Pancreatitis. I heard later that the hospital she was in had not been cleaning their endoscopy cameras properly and a lot of people got infections. Then she had C-Diff about a month later. Doctors and hospitals can kill you if you aren't careful.

In 1984 A gallstone lodged in my gallbladder and almost killed me with pancreatitis! They called in the preacher for my last rights,said I would be dead before morning.
I say get that sucker OUT! Most peopel ive without theri gallbladder anyway an live long lives.
In 1984 A gallstone lodged in my gallbladder and almost killed me with pancreatitis! They called in the preacher for my last rights,said I would be dead before morning.
I say get that sucker OUT! Most peopel ive without theri gallbladder anyway an live long lives.
The stone probably lodged (got stuck) in the Common Duct. It's shared by the pancreas and the gall bladder and the liver. Stuff backs up, including liver bile, and gets the pancreas annoyed. You don't want your pancreas to get annoyed. If it gets so annoyed that it quits, you're a goner.

Diagnosis is pretty easy I guess, because you poop comes out gray (the red bile is missing).

In my personal experience the gall bladder had already been removed, but the surgeon left some stones in the bladder's duct. "Couldn't see in there, too much blood." [Oh, well OK then]. The stones eventually made it to the common duct
The stone probably lodged (got stuck) in the Common Duct. It's shared by the pancreas and the gall bladder and the liver. Stuff backs up, including liver bile, and gets the pancreas annoyed. You don't want your pancreas to get annoyed. If it gets so annoyed that it quits, you're a goner.

Diagnosis is pretty easy I guess, because you poop comes out gray (the red bile is missing).

In my personal experience the gall bladder had already been removed, but the surgeon left some stones in the bladder's duct. "Couldn't see in there, too much blood." [Oh, well OK then]. The stones eventually made it to the common duct

In the late 1960s and early 1970s the gyn's were after all womens female organs eveyon above 20 seemed to need a historectomy' I ran out of those offices and kept mine,since I was already fixed no more kids at 21 but what they should have been after was the gallbladders.
it's 1:45 AM , why can't I go to sleep?:(
🤣 I should have went to bed about an hour ago but don't feel like it. Then again this isn't crazy for me since I'm a bit of a forced night owl. All I can say is careful with screens (PC, TV, or Cell) the light will mess you up and make it harder to sleep. It helps if you turn down the brightness.
Do you have exciting things planned for tomorrow? That will usually mess me up a bit.
If it gets to a point of ridiculous I will take some CBD oil and then within 20 mins I get relaxed and can usually count sheep.
Good luck worse case scenario tomorrow you will be exhausted and probably sleep like a rock.
Good luck and good night.
I have no excuse not to go to bed and things that need to get done. Since your up already why not look outside and see if you can see the stars or the moon. Some times its little things like that I don't appreciate that are calming if I'm awake and not doing anything anyway.
Good night.
I share all of your pain having to deal with the Health Care system. I am in good health, but my wife has had all of the problems you have all shared. Part of the reason for all of the redundant questions, and searching for records IMHO, is liability. Whether it is doctors, or hospitals, or whatever provider I would think they ask the questions because if they don't it will be used against them in court. I don't blame the doctors as much as I blame the lawyers and the courts.

What is more alarming is that there are around 200,000 deaths per year in hospitals attributed to preventable causes. Funny/Odd how you never hear about this.
I was napping the other day and woke up to my wife talking loudly on the phone. She had called her aunt Jaime to tell her happy B day. It may also be her last phone call to her. Aunty Jaime steered the conversation to politics. Asked my wife if she watched George Floyd's funeral. My wife lost it, bringing up all of the people who couldn't have a funeral for family or even a wedding. Yet the George had thousands of people and live coverage. Aunt Jaime said well didn't you watch the footage of him dying. She said no and I didn't watch any other horrible deaths either. The aunt and uncle sit in front of the TV drinking from the cool aid fire hose. 😡
And that is how Aunt Jaime ruined a perfectly good nap!
Today is one of those days. I knew it was going to go wrong when I spilled bacon grease. The little pull string on one of my hearing aids broke off so I had it repaired. Picked it up this morning and the first time I pulled on the string it came off so the Audiologist said it would have to be returned to the manufacturer which means I'll be without it for a month.
Then I get home and the house isn't very cool. Very little air is moving from the AC unit. I disassembled the AC duct and found the cooling coils are iced over because they are plugged with dog and cat hair that got past the filters. There are 2 filters and it still didn't stop the pet hair. Today is supposed to be in the 90s and this weekend in the 100s. I'll let it thaw out and clean the coils and hopefully, it should be good.
I am going to spend the rest of the day sitting in my chair and do nothing waiting for this day to pass.
Today is one of those days. I knew it was going to go wrong when I spilled bacon grease. The little pull string on one of my hearing aids broke off so I had it repaired. Picked it up this morning and the first time I pulled on the string it came off so the Audiologist said it would have to be returned to the manufacturer which means I'll be without it for a month.
Then I get home and the house isn't very cool. Very little air is moving from the AC unit. I disassembled the AC duct and found the cooling coils are iced over because they are plugged with dog and cat hair that got past the filters. There are 2 filters and it still didn't stop the pet hair. Today is supposed to be in the 90s and this weekend in the 100s. I'll let it thaw out and clean the coils and hopefully, it should be good.
I am going to spend the rest of the day sitting in my chair and do nothing waiting for this day to pass.
My daughter would have an incident early in her day and then say, "My day is ruined." I used to tell her "No, just this part didn't go as planned." When the school day was over, she would have saved up all of her frustrations from the day and let me hear about them. I learned to ask her, "What was the best part of your day?" To this day, she still asks me this about things. "What was the best part of your trip?"

I say all of this, but I had a student who would become a mad man a couple times a week, acting crazy like a bull, yelling, chasing, turning over desks and having everyone cowering. When I would finally get him removed from the classroom when he was like this, I was done, emotionally exhausted.
Here's my rant for the day......even though my day is going pretty good:)

WHY do online retailers insist on customers searching the net for coupon codes? Why can't they just put their best price out there and leave it at that? That's one of the reasons I love Aldi. They have the best prices on their items and I have only seen a $5 coupon on their flyers maybe 3 times in all the years I've shopped there and those are usually only on grand opening dates. I love getting the best price and NOT having to scour to find coupons.

I have to buy a vet Rx dog food for one of my dogs and the price has gone up $7 per bag since December. Buying online is always cheaper than buying it at the vet office. After scouring the net and finding a different retailer for the food, I saved some money, but it took a while to get everything sorted out. It would be sooooo much easier if all these retailers just put their bottom price on the bags to begin with. I bought 2 bags from one retailer and one bag from another to maximize coupon code savings. When they are delivered, I'm going to see if I can repeat my best deal and get another bag or two here before fall. I want to be fully stocked for the winter so that I won't have to lug those bags thru the snow and won't have to repeat this mess until next spring or summer, since I doubt I'll find a better price any time soon.
The thing of running late is one of my pet peeves. I always try to be a bit early or at least on time. I hate being late. My mother claims she hates being late but she takes forever to get ready. I don't know how it can take someone so long to brush hair. I run my fingers through my hair and I'm done. I really don't care. LOL. I can get up and be out the door in under 3 minutes. Mom will take 30 minutes. My brother used to take longer- it took him awhile to put his shoes on for some reason.

One of my biggest peeves with punctuality is when I'm giving people lifts & they ask me to be there at a certain time to pick them up & then aren't ready to go. My friend's ex used to pull that all the time. Hell, she would call me an hour before I needed to wake up to remind me that I was supposed to pick her up. I had some choice words for her as I had never been late picking her up & I have an alarm to set. I could understand her calling if I was late. Then when I got there, she wasn't ready & we ended up being 15 minutes late. One time she had me drive her for an appointment and she didn't even know the actual address of the place & hadn't confirmed that she even had an appointment. When she got there, they refused to see her-- and we're talking about a 2-1/2" hour drive. I would also tell her that I would give her a lift but not her bratty kid bc she would always give him some kind of snacks (cheetohs or doritos) after I told her not to bc I didn't want him eating in my car and he peed his pants in the vehicle before & he was generally a total brat. I don't like kids & don't have the patience to deal with them-- but she would almost always end up bringing the kid along & I should have told her to stuff it & ditched her, but I didn't want to cause problems for my friend.
The worst was my friend's grandfather though. I had to wait 2hours past the time he asked me to arrive to pick him up before he was ready & because he was late for his appointment, they put him as the very last patient of the day so we sat in the doctor's office for 4 hours. It was a 2hour drive to get there so I was not a happy camper.

Clem, do you have a link to the other thread where you talked about the real estate agent? I'm curious on the full story for that. I would be extremely irritated if someone was trying to show my place to buyers when it wasn't for sale. I'd put up a "NOT for sale" sign & tell that real estate agent that she was committing fraud by advertising a property she had no rights to as being for sale & was bringing/sending people over for showings w/o the owner's permission. Maybe you can ask the local police if it is a crime bc it is a form of harassment, but it's also fraud. I'd send a cease and desist notice via text to her (if you already haven't).

Back when my father first died & we had to make adjustments to the bank accounts (removing his name from them etc), a nosy blabbermouth bank teller started telling people in the area that we were selling our house (which wasn't true) so we were having people come over uninvited to ask about buying it. It was absolutely not the right time for it & I ended up calling the bank to complain (because I was told which teller was blabbermouthing). I told them that the bank teller had no business discussing a customer with other people & giving them minsinformation/gossiping & we didn't appreciate having people coming by & bothering us when we were trying to mourn.
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