Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I have to vent about a liberal councilwoman in my city, who is also a neighbor of mine. I have always supported and respected her because national politics should never be involved in local city politics. In fact, she is running for mayor and asked me to be on her committee to get elected, and sit in on her "think tank" meetings. Well, she decided to join 3-4 recent BLM protests, which in itself i really don't care, but she chose to commit career suicide by marching thru our city yesterday with about 500 people, with many holding signs saying "F*** The Police".

Well, that was the last straw for me. I was a police officer for 25 years, my son is a 20 year veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy, His wife (my daughter in law) is a 19 year Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy, my son in law is a 15 year veteran of the California Highway Patrol.

I can not and will not support a lady who parades around town with idiots holding these signs. I text her last night asking if she was also going to attend the funeral marches for the 5 officers that lost their lives this week as a result of these BLM protests, and she said, "Sure, when are the marches?" My response to her was, "Since they do not fit her agenda, there is no marches for these lost officers."

It went south from there, and although she has apologized all morning to me, I'm done with her.

Thank you for letting me vent.

Good for you! You do not need this neighbor for a friend.
I have to vent about a liberal councilwoman in my city, who is also a neighbor of mine. I have always supported and respected her because national politics should never be involved in local city politics. In fact, she is running for mayor and asked me to be on her committee to get elected, and sit in on her "think tank" meetings. Well, she decided to join 3-4 recent BLM protests, which in itself i really don't care, but she chose to commit career suicide by marching thru our city yesterday with about 500 people, with many holding signs saying "F*** The Police".

Well, that was the last straw for me. I was a police officer for 25 years, my son is a 20 year veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy, His wife (my daughter in law) is a 19 year Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy, my son in law is a 15 year veteran of the California Highway Patrol.

I can not and will not support a lady who parades around town with idiots holding these signs. I text her last night asking if she was also going to attend the funeral marches for the 5 officers that lost their lives this week as a result of these BLM protests, and she said, "Sure, when are the marches?" My response to her was, "Since they do not fit her agenda, there is no marches for these lost officers."

It went south from there, and although she has apologized all morning to me, I'm done with her.

Thank you for letting me vent.

Havasu you should have knoewn anyone who is a lib isn't on a sane persons side. But I do also understand you have to deal with the devils at times there is no escaping it. Be safe.
Sometimes what you say isn't really what some think your saying. Sometimes its is joking but there is also a time to joke and a time not to joke.Now a days seems like there is never a time to kid around.People are all too uptight right now and rightfully so, and I'm one of them.
I have to vent about a liberal councilwoman in my city, who is also a neighbor of mine. I have always supported and respected her because national politics should never be involved in local city politics. In fact, she is running for mayor and asked me to be on her committee to get elected, and sit in on her "think tank" meetings. Well, she decided to join 3-4 recent BLM protests, which in itself i really don't care, but she chose to commit career suicide by marching thru our city yesterday with about 500 people, with many holding signs saying "F*** The Police".

Well, that was the last straw for me. I was a police officer for 25 years, my son is a 20 year veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy, His wife (my daughter in law) is a 19 year Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy, my son in law is a 15 year veteran of the California Highway Patrol.

I can not and will not support a lady who parades around town with idiots holding these signs. I text her last night asking if she was also going to attend the funeral marches for the 5 officers that lost their lives this week as a result of these BLM protests, and she said, "Sure, when are the marches?" My response to her was, "Since they do not fit her agenda, there is no marches for these lost officers."

It went south from there, and although she has apologized all morning to me, I'm done with her.

Thank you for letting me vent.
Argh. It's another instance of political non-think,, Mark. The Middle Left is pretty far left, and the Middle Right is about equidistant right, and politicians who want to 'move up' must feel the magnet-like pull to where the votes are. Your councilwoman May be 'campaigning' instead of thinking. Um, and that's giving her the benefit of the doubt.
All right @Cnsper! I have a bone to pick with you! All of a sudden in the last week I keep seeing ads online for fish. Fresh fish, frozen fish, eat more fish... I know you tricked Google into forcing ads onto my laptop with your fish selling trickery. 😁
Yes, it is amazing to see how it works. Most people don't understand.
If you reply to a thread, it searches for keywords and logs them.
If I reply to a post about water heaters, I will see ads about water heaters for a week.
I did a google search for the Zinger® powered chair because I couldn't remember the name.
Every google ad I saw for the next month was for it.
Still, it was much better than Depends® or "ugly toenail fungus" o_O . Those ads are bad.
If you are brave, just quote this message in a reply
I dare ya'!
I never see ads for anything. I guess my blockers are doing their job.
Well that takes all the fun out of it! :(
I've been watching ads for Bobcat tractors for the last week. (not bad)
And I now know the Mrs has ordered cat food because they are now all for Petco®.
(we're at the same IP address).
I don't have a problem with ads (unless they take the whole screen) because that is what pays for 99% of the 'free' content online.
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I have a rant that is really making me crazy lately! WHY are people conflating racism with our American flag?????? I just don't get it. That flag represents those who serve, have served, and possibly died in our forces for the citizens of our nation. WTH does that have to do with racism???? I see all skin colors stand up and fight (and even die) for our flag. My love of country has nothing to do with any other PCism PERIOD.

If people want to protest against racism or any other ism.....so be it. But do so without disrespecting our flag. The ignorance of this whole thing just makes me crazy. I know it's probably planned this way, to perpetuate more division in our country. It confuses the idiots like Kapernick (who did it as a publicity stunt) and that ignorance spreads (mostly via the fanned flames from MSM) and catches fire by anyone who feels wronged in any way. It's just infuriating! That flag did not wrong YOU.....take your gripe to the right arena. I love this country so much that I'm taking this personally, but I don't know how not to. The disrespect and ignorance is just mind numbing. Someone talk me down........
. The disrespect and ignorance is just mind numbing. Someone talk me down........
I'm sorry, I can't help talk you down.
America was known as the great melting pot years ago.
The flag is what unites us together.
Protest everything you want... but disrespect the flag, and you should prepare to lose your citizenship.
If you hate America that much, we will give you a one-way free ride to any country you (or us) choose.
We have thousands weekly, climbing walls, crossing deserts, risking their lives, to take your place for a chance to be an American.
Burn the flag, get a free plane ticket! Should be a law.
We'll fill in for you:
... liberal councilwoman in my city, who is also a neighbor of mine. ...she is running for mayor and asked me to be on her committee to get elected, and sit in on her "think tank" meetings. ...she chose to commit career suicide by marching thru our city yesterday with about 500 people, with many holding signs saying "F*** The Police".

Well, that was the last straw for me. I was a police officer for 25 years, my son is a 20 year veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy, His wife (my daughter in law) is a 19 year Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy, my son in law is a 15 year veteran of the California Highway Patrol....

Might me the reason she asked you to be on her election and "think tank" committees, to claim the police support her.
My neighbor has her daughter and son staying with her for awhile. The son is a big 10 year old. We were visiting the other day and I asked the boy if he wanted to make some money doing yard work. I said I had about a half day of work and would pay $40 or $50. That is $10 or $12 an hour depending on how hard he worked. It is also about $7 if he goofs off which is why I tend to pay by the job. I believe it teaches the value of hard work. His response was no thanks. His mom looked at me and shrugged. In my day my mom would have replied he will be there in the morning, no charge. Never forget kids today are at least partly the result of parents today.
I have a rant that is really making me crazy lately! WHY are people conflating racism with our American flag?????? I just don't get it. That flag represents those who serve, have served, and possibly died in our forces for the citizens of our nation. WTH does that have to do with racism???? I see all skin colors stand up and fight (and even die) for our flag. My love of country has nothing to do with any other PCism PERIOD.

If people want to protest against racism or any other ism.....so be it. But do so without disrespecting our flag. The ignorance of this whole thing just makes me crazy. I know it's probably planned this way, to perpetuate more division in our country. It confuses the idiots like Kapernick (who did it as a publicity stunt) and that ignorance spreads (mostly via the fanned flames from MSM) and catches fire by anyone who feels wronged in any way. It's just infuriating! That flag did not wrong YOU.....take your gripe to the right arena. I love this country so much that I'm taking this personally, but I don't know how not to. The disrespect and ignorance is just mind numbing. Someone talk me down........
I won't try and talk you down. But I will climb up there with you.
I know too many folks that wore or still wear the uniform protecting this great country. If I ever saw anyone disrespecting the flag in my presence, I most likely would end up in jail.
My neighbor has her daughter and son staying with her for awhile. The son is a big 10 year old. We were visiting the other day and I asked the boy if he wanted to make some money doing yard work. I said I had about a half day of work and would pay $40 or $50. That is $10 or $12 an hour depending on how hard he worked. It is also about $7 if he goofs off which is why I tend to pay by the job. I believe it teaches the value of hard work. His response was no thanks. His mom looked at me and shrugged. In my day my mom would have replied he will be there in the morning, no charge. Never forget kids today are at least partly the result of parents today.
And this child will always be a lazy person, waiting for someone to do for him. Too many mothers wait hand and foot on their children, rather than teaching them to do for themselves. The mother is doing her son a disservice and probably has all of his life. He is probably one of the children who never does homework, unless mommy is sitting right there, giving him the answers and in some instances, doing it for him. When I was a child, I was always looking for ways to make some money, and never passed up an opportunity to make some.
My neighbor has her daughter and son staying with her for awhile. The son is a big 10 year old. We were visiting the other day and I asked the boy if he wanted to make some money doing yard work. I said I had about a half day of work and would pay $40 or $50. That is $10 or $12 an hour depending on how hard he worked. It is also about $7 if he goofs off which is why I tend to pay by the job. I believe it teaches the value of hard work. His response was no thanks. His mom looked at me and shrugged. In my day my mom would have replied he will be there in the morning, no charge. Never forget kids today are at least partly the result of parents today.

Every single day (except Sunday) my kids get up and do their chores. They each have a list of daily expectations and failure to do so results in consequences. When they finish their chores and their daily learning assignments, they then have "opportunities". Chores are how they pay us back for your food & shelter, learning assignments is they keep their summer brains engaged, opportunities are how they make extra money. And even then we treat them as part time jobs. You must work hard, you must complete the task, and you must complete the task in the time allotted; otherwise you don't get paid. As soon as they are old enough to get an actual part time job, they are expected to get one and start saving. Two of my kids had enough money in the bank to cover two years of post high school education by the time they were 18. I take no credit for their accomplishment, but I definitely laid the frame work for them to excel. Its not called raising children, its called raising future adults.

Sounds like the Mom up above is going to be taking care of that kid for a long time.
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I think I have said it here before, but it is worth repeating: Anyone who disrespects the flag has never received a folded one.

I would happily join the rest of you in jail if we see it. Given today's climate we won't be there long. If you can burn down a building and walk away scott free I don't think any LEO's will care if we beat the XXXX out of some ****** who desperately needs it.
I think I have said it here before, but it is worth repeating: Anyone who disrespects the flag has never received a folded one.

I would happily join the rest of you in jail if we see it. Given today's climate we won't be there long. If you can burn down a building and walk away scott free I don't think any LEO's will care if we beat the XXXX out of some ****** who desperately needs it.

Morgan you put the exact quote I was thinking when I wrote my post. I have been handed a folded one. 3 actually. Dad, Great Uncle, and Father in Law. I'll be damned if I'll stand by watch that crap and not at least get the crap kicked outta me for trying to stop it.
Morgan you put the exact quote I was thinking when I wrote my post. I have been handed a folded one. 3 actually. Dad, Great Uncle, and Father in Law. I'll be damned if I'll stand by watch that crap and not at least get the crap kicked outta me for trying to stop it.
Save room for me in the jail!
My dad and his flag:

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I think I have said it here before, but it is worth repeating: Anyone who disrespects the flag has never received a folded one.

I would happily join the rest of you in jail if we see it. Given today's climate we won't be there long. If you can burn down a building and walk away scott free I don't think any LEO's will care if we beat the XXXX out of some ****** who desperately needs it.

I certainly would find a reason to be somewhere else.

I believe fully in the 1A. But if the 2A can have "reasonable regulations" and those are not infringements. Then we can certainly have a reasonable regulation for disrespecting the flag that doesn't infringe on the 1A.
I believe fully in the 1A. But if the 2A can have "reasonable regulations" and those are not infringements. Then we can certainly have a reasonable regulation for disrespecting the flag that doesn't infringe on the 1A.
Discussion = on.
Yes. There is a law that I cannot douse my dog with gasoline and light it on fire.
This does not inhibit my right of free speech.
So you are telling me that anybody's curr-dog is more important than the most important symbol of our great nation?
Lighting the dog on fire = illegal.
Lighting the American flag on fire = legal?
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Got subs out a couple weeks ago. Went in, girl has mask below her nose, like, touching her lips. I said your mask isn't covering your nose. She looked at me like ...you know what I mean. Then, they got my order wrong. I live close enough that I drove back. Then, they gave my wrong order to a guy in line behind me, GAVE IT TO HIM. Made me a new one. I said, "now I'll be taking a free drink and a bag of chips with that too. Give me a cup."
Yes, I did. I'm telling yall what. I've about had it up TO HERE with little scheisters getting every thing wrong. Punks.
Got subs out a couple weeks ago. Went in, girl has mask below her nose, like, touching her lips. I said your mask isn't covering your nose. She looked at me like ...you know what I mean. Then, they got my order wrong. I live close enough that I drove back. Then, they gave my wrong order to a guy in line behind me, GAVE IT TO HIM. Made me a new one. I said, "now I'll be taking a free drink and a bag of chips with that too. Give me a cup."
Yes, I did. I'm telling yall what. I've about had it up TO HERE with little scheisters getting every thing wrong. Punks.
A friend of mine went to pick up food and the person who was getting it together had her mask on her chin! Friend told server she wasn't taking food that server had been breathing on and that masks are not to be worn on our chins, but to cover our noses and mouths. Then she walked out without any food, because once you get fussy at someone preparing your food, you have no idea what else might happen to it.
Ordered food out a couple months ago, brought it home, looky there, fried and battered shrimp instead of grilled. Called them up, made the complaint and asked him what he could do to resolve the incorrect order. Yay, they made me the right shrimp and I picked it up. He was nice and very apologetic. The way it should be when they get something wrong. True, we should always check before we walk or drive away.
Tonight at the drug store I wasn't handed my change. I said, um. I gave you $2, you gave me no change. "Oh? didn't I?"
Doesn't that sound dumb?
"Hm. i don't know what's wrong with me," she said.
I muttered uh huh.
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