Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Sorry that happened to you Weedy. I'm sure that guy was up to no good. I even carry a gun outside to feed the chickens. And if I'm in the front/side yard, the door is locked and I'm carrying. Otherwise it's on me or on the counter when I'm inside. I once had a guy try to rush up to me when I was loading groceries in the trunk at Sams Club. I turned around and starting yelling at him to back off now. I was armed, but thought I would try that first. He threw his hands up and said, "Crazy Lady, I was just going to help you". Ha Ha. He was not.I saw him walk from a Kohls Parking Lot into the Sams parking lot.
I like your finger gun.
Thank goodness you weren't near a school. They will have you arrested for brandishing a finger gun. ;)
I thought about that, but what if I had had a real gun out there? And what if I had found him in my backyard and pulled a gun on him? We are supposed to be able to protect ourselves, but then again, we are not allowed to fire guns in the city. (unless we are one of the young thugs who are frequently doing so)
I posted I bought a new printer not long ago. While at the store I had the salesman (kid) give me a rundown of the basic functions and describe the bells and whistles.

THIS KID left out the fact that my new printer has 2 paper trays! How does one leave that fact out of “Basic Function”? Please! Do these kids get paid in PopTarts or something?:rolleyes:

I was trying to print to an index card and the printer kept giving me the error message “There is no paper in the rear tray!”

What Rear Tray? o_O

A hint for @VThillman Sometimes I’ll want to carry on or about my person a short list of user names and passwords when traveling. I’ll print them in the smallest font possible on a portion of an index card. I’ll cut away the unused portion of the card.

A simple way to encode such information… Since I just changed my base I’ll give my old one away. I have a pretty good working knowledge of 300-year-old Irish fiddle tunes. I create a text file of my usernames and passwords in a very long continuous line of letters and numbers. I insert words (some in Gaelic), musical notes in a favorite song or other bits of info easily recognizable to me but not to the general public. This inserted info are line breaks between real usernames and passwords.

I can look at my tiny card, which looks like long string of gibberish to anyone else, and know how to log in or otherwise access any number of accounts. Is this method safe? I would ask… just how many lovers of old Irish fiddle tunes would want to crack my account just to log into Homesteading and Country Living? o_O

I’ve found this method to be effective over the years… If you are worried about others finding account info just pick an obscure subject you happen to know a good deal about and use it to break up account info you might carry in your wallet. You don't have to remember/memorize a list of usernames or passwords that get changed fairly often... You only have to recognize words about a favorite obscure subject or hobby.
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People driving on my back bumper at night really gripes me..and when they have their bright lights on...

Wish I had a switch...

I thought about that, but what if I had had a real gun out there? And what if I had found him in my backyard and pulled a gun on him? We are supposed to be able to protect ourselves, but then again, we are not allowed to fire guns in the city. (unless we are one of the young thugs who are frequently doing so)

1. "Him" was across a river, yelled at you that he was going to kill you but had no obvious weapons to carry out that threat. Displaying your firearm could get YOU arrested.
2. "Him" was across a river, yelled at you that he was going to kill and he was displaying a knife. He has threaten you and has the means. He does not have the opportunity (too far away to use a knife). If you display a firearm your action could get YOU arrested.
3. "Him" has crossed the river to your side, still has the knife displayed and is running towards you. When he is within range to possibly throw his knife at you, shoot him. Self Defense.
People driving on my back bumper at night really gripes me..and when they have their bright lights on...

Wish I had a switch...
View attachment 31101
I like that! People will ride bumpers when it is icy too. When I can, I pull over and let them past. Some people want to hit their brakes. Nope, not me. I am not trying to cause an accident. I might step on my brakes just enough so the brake lights come on, but never to scare them or possibly have an accident.

A hint for @VThillman Sometimes I’ll want to carry on or about my person a short list of user names and passwords when traveling. I’ll print them in the smallest font possible on a portion of an index card. I’ll cut away the unused portion of the card.

A simple way to encode such information… Since I just changed my base I’ll give my old one away. I have a pretty good working knowledge of 300-year-old Irish fiddle tunes. I create a text file of my usernames and passwords in a very long continuous line of letters and numbers. I insert words (some in Gaelic), musical notes in a favorite song or other bits of info easily recognizable to me but not to the general public. This inserted info are line breaks between real usernames and passwords.

I can look at my tiny card, which looks like long string of gibberish to anyone else, and know how to log in or otherwise access any number of accounts. Is this method safe? I would ask… just how many lovers of old Irish fiddle tunes would want to crack my account just to log into Homesteading and Country Living? o_O

I’ve found this method to be effective over the years… If you are worried about others finding account info just pick an obscure subject you happen to know a good deal about and use it to break up account info you might carry in your wallet. You don't have to remember/memorize a list of usernames or passwords that get changed fairly often... You only have to recognize words about a favorite obscure subject or hobby.

Thanks, Peanut. I do believe I can work something out based on that principle.
I don't need to carry it with me - because I am free of cellphone entanglement. :Thankyou:
IMHO this is appropriate for this time of year. What really annoys me is people waddling through parking lots right in the middle of a lane. They are like frickin' geese. They waddle until they reach their destination completely clueless to the number of people they are inconveniencing. WALK OFF TO THE SIDE!! gaah HOW HARD IS THAT!! I want to pull up behind them and blast an air horn. Cruel. I know.
You could 'police' the acorns, then plant them along your property 'back line', 30 feet apart. in only 50 years or so you might have Mighty Oaks.
Squirrel Heaven?

Good idea VThil,.:great: Of course our squirrels are already in paradise here. But I might just plant acorns for future generations .:gardening:
People driving on my back bumper at night really gripes me..and when they have their bright lights on...

Wish I had a switch...
View attachment 31101
I was behind a slow-moving van with a car between us. The car was not tailgating the van but the van driver apparently didn't like his bright headlights. So the van drive turned on a really bright light and blinded both of us. I laughed pretty hard when the car in front of me turned on his blue light and pulled the van over. I'm guessing the van driver did not get away with a warning.
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IMHO this is appropriate for this time of year. What really annoys me is people waddling through parking lots right in the middle of a lane. They are like frickin' geese. They waddle until they reach their destination completely clueless to the number of people they are inconveniencing. WALK OFF TO THE SIDE!! gaah HOW HARD IS THAT!! I want to pull up behind them and blast an air horn. Cruel. I know.

I think people live in their own self focused world. They have not even thought it through, because the world revolves around them! It is the same when people stop to talk, in a doorway where other people keep trying to pass through! Or when they block the aisle in a store with their shopping cart. I had a shopping list that I deliberately didn't grab a couple of things recently because of people blocking the aisle. Some days I feel more patient than others and some days, I want to be in and out quickly.

I was driving up the alley. A woman walking a dog was coming down the alley, just at the entrance at the other end. She walked in the middle of the alley, a fairly wide alley. I drove slowly up the alley and when I got to her I smiled. She gave me a mean look and said, "You could have waiting for me to throw my bag away." I didn't know she was the center of the universe! I also didn't know she was throwing a bag away, or what she was doing. She could have been walking her dog down the alley because people do. Actually, there was plenty of room and SHE could have gotten over and we would have both had room to do what we wanted to do. Nope. It was all about her!

There was a study done a while ago that showed that if people know someone is waiting for their parking spot, they are slower in exiting said spot than if no one is waiting. Me, me, me!
I was behind a slow-moving van with a car between us. The car was not tailgating the van but the van driver apparently didn't like his bright headlights. So the van drive turned on a really bright light and blinded both of us. I laughed pretty hard when th car in front of me turned on his blue light and pulled the van over. I'm guessing the van driver did not get away with a warning.

Good time to remember " vengence is Mine sayeth the Lord". I try to think of this saying often but fail too often.
I think people live in their own self focused world. They have not even thought it through, because the world revolves around them! It is the same when people stop to talk, in a doorway where other people keep trying to pass through! Or when they block the aisle in a store with their shopping cart. I had a shopping list that I deliberately didn't grab a couple of things recently because of people blocking the aisle. Some days I feel more patient than others and some days, I want to be in and out quick

I was driving up the alley. A woman walking a dog was coming down the alley, just at the entrance at the other end. She walked in the middle of the alley, a fairly wide alley. I drove slowly up the alley and when I got to her I smiled. She gave me a mean look and said, "You could have waiting for me to throw my bag away." I didn't know she was the center of the universe! I also didn't know she was throwing a bag away, or what she was doing. She could have been walking her dog down the alley because people do. Actually, there was plenty of room and SHE could have gotten over and we would have both had room to do what we wanted to do. Nope. It was all about her!

There was a study done a while ago that showed that if people know someone is waiting for their parking spot, they are slower in exiting said spot than if no one is waiting. Me, me, me!

Weedy next time you get one of us taking up aisle [I get lost in time in a grocery] just cough and act real sick ,you'll have the whole aisle to yourself, thats when I can really move is under threat.
I was behind a slow-moving van with a car between us. The car was not tailgating the van but the van driver apparently didn't like his bright headlights. So the van drive turned on a really bright light and blinded both of us. I laughed pretty hard when th car in front of me turned on his blue light and pulled the van over. I'm guessing the van driver did not get away with a warning.
There was a highway patrolman in South Dakota that was notorious for his antics. He would leave his bright lights on and blind people who were driving towards him. It is a classic thing to set your lights on bright and then back to dim to remind the approaching car that his lights are on bright. I never got busted, but many people told about getting tickets from this guy for that very thing. As a civilian, there was no recourse, but as a LEO, he got away with this for years. I have no idea if he ever got busted for it. Not likely, because who else would have been out driving in the middle of the night who could have busted him?
Weedy next time you get one of us taking up aisle [I get lost in time in a grocery] just cough and act real sick ,you'll have the whole aisle to yourself, thats when I can really move is under threat.
I usually say, "Excuse me," then they move over and I can get past.

Many years ago I was at a Michael's store with my daughter. A girl stood in the aisle, blocking it. I said, "Excuse me" several times and she looked at me, kind of defiantly. Finally I said, "Move." Her mother came from around the corner and said, "Don't talk to my daughter that way." I believe it was a setup. I believe the mother was actually teaching her daughter how to do what she did. WTH?
I usually say, "Excuse me," then they move over and I can get past.

Many years ago I was at a Michael's store with my daughter. A girl stood in the aisle, blocking it. I said, "Excuse me" several times and she looked at me, kind of defiantly. Finally I said, "Move." Her mother came from around the corner and said, "Don't talk to my daughter that way." I believe it was a setup. I believe the mother was actually teaching her daughter how to do what she did. WTH?

Good for you ,I do the same thing. And people do it to me too, but I just move and apologize for forgetting I wasn't the only one i n the store. I don't get out much so I can get into invesingatg store items.

Mama use to drive me nuts in a store! She did the same thing I do now. Guess its pat back time for being rude to her. I use to wonder what was so interesting in those items,now I know, nothing but its fun looking.
IMHO this is appropriate for this time of year. What really annoys me is people waddling through parking lots right in the middle of a lane. They are like frickin' geese. They waddle until they reach their destination completely clueless to the number of people they are inconveniencing. WALK OFF TO THE SIDE!! gaah HOW HARD IS THAT!! I want to pull up behind them and blast an air horn. Cruel. I know.

And in store aisle too! Waddling to the left I'll pass them on the right...nope they cut in front waddling to the right now...I'll ...nope now they've got the whole aisle block as they stand there figuring out what store they are in, why they are here and what they are looking for.

"Excuse me!" Wife says with my height, black leather jacket, dark sunglasses and sober facial expression I can be very intimating.
If they don't move after an excuse me, I've been known to step up next to their cart and bump it with my hip to get what I need. Most back away then. Of course with a 6-4 Yeti looking thing there, well like lazy said, Intimidating.
Funny thing though I am constantly asked to get an item off the top shelf for folks. Little old ladies more than any, but some guys and younger ladies to.
And in store aisle too! Waddling to the left I'll pass them on the right...nope they cut in front waddling to the right now...I'll ...nope now they've got the whole aisle block as they stand there figuring out what store they are in, why they are here and what they are looking for.
For the middle of the aisle people I will pretend to squeeze by (even though it's obvious there isn't enough room) slowly sideswiping their cart and knocking stuff off the shelf. The only thing that scares stupid people, is the possibility that there may be someone more stupid than them in their little world:eek:.

The ones that really get me are the "cart on one side of the aisle, idiot on the other". Since it completely blocks the aisle, I push my cart right up to the idiot regardless which side they are 'homesteading'. And stare at themo_O.
This way they don't have to move their precious cart, just their keester.:D
Grocery-store aisles are not that difficult people, try to stay conscious:rolleyes:.
For the middle of the aisle people I will pretend to squeeze by (even though it's obvious there isn't enough room) slowly sideswiping their cart and knocking stuff off the shelf. The only thing that scares stupid people, is the possibility that there may be someone more stupid than them in their little world:eek:.

The ones that really get me are the "cart on one side of the aisle, idiot on the other". Since it completely blocks the aisle, I push my cart right up to the idiot regardless which side they are 'homesteading'. And stare at themo_O.
This way they don't have to move their precious cart, just their keester.:D
Grocery-store aisles are not that difficult people, try to stay conscious:rolleyes:.

Some people are too stupid to be in a store.:rolleyes: So when the hits my buggy I just smile and apologize to them then be on my way.Find another item to investigate.:D
It's not like us 'stupid people ' do this all the time but now and then we are not that aware of time. :oops:
Some people should wait till they have more time to shop. Or take it out on the ones who sent them to that store instead of harmless oldsters.:antiqueauto:.

SuperV hope we never meet in a store and if we do me and my buggy are together aand I'm not having a senior hour. ,:D but your a funny guy so all is good.:cool:
IMHO this is appropriate for this time of year. What really annoys me is people waddling through parking lots right in the middle of a lane. They are like frickin' geese. They waddle until they reach their destination completely clueless to the number of people they are inconveniencing. WALK OFF TO THE SIDE!! gaah HOW HARD IS THAT!! I want to pull up behind them and blast an air horn. Cruel. I know.
My wife is guilty of that at times. She just gets in her own little world thinking about other things. When she realists what she is doing she moves and apologizes. When I'm with her and she does it I just tell them "she drives the same way". That always get me in trouble but it's funny.
My wife is guilty of that at times. She just gets in her own little world thinking about other things. When she realists what she is doing she moves and apologizes. When I'm with her and she does it I just tell them "she drives the same way". That always get me in trouble but it's funny.
You married my wife's clone.
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