Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Rant......I'm so tired of businesses becoming more like a nanny state!

So, I go yesterday to get my oil changed and get snow tires put on. I have a coupon for a free oil change at a dealership. I called earlier in the week to make an appt. but they said no appt. was needed.....just come in the late afternoon Tues-Thrus. OK, so I show up at 1:30 and there was a looooong wait. I said I would come back later. In addition, they also said they needed an appt. to put on snow tires. Ug! They didn't mention that on the phone. I came back at 3.....not only was the wait still long, but they said they would not be able to do it that day b/c they were too busy. So, I went to the 10 minute oil change place and just paid for the oil change, which is what I probably should have done in the first place.....no fuss, mo muss. I will be giving away that "free" oil change coupon to my son.....and tell him to make an appointment, even if they tell him he doesn't have to. He lives in that town, so it won't be nearly as inconvienent for him.

Then I stopped at 4 different places to get my snow tires put on. Nope! Here's my rant........I really wanted the tires put on since I made a special trip to get those things done with my car. So, I stop at Walmart. They said they would not put on just front snow tires. They have to put on 4 snow tires or they won't do it at all! WTH??? They said that sometimes the front will grip and the back will slide out so they won't do it. Hmmmm.....interesting, since I've only had snow tires on my front wheel drive car for many years and have never had a problem. I'm well aware that snow tires don't mean I can drive however I want in the snow and ice. I get snow tires on so that I can get around in the snow better, like a snow covered driveway, NOT so I can stop on a dime in the snow! There was another tire store that also wouldn't do just front tires. They wanted to charge $375 for rear tires too, but they could get me in right away. LOL! Uh, no thanks!

I went to 2 other places in town that would do the front tires only, but both were too busy to get me in. At one place I went to, I asked if they would do just the front tires. She said "no problem". She said we do what the customer wants. People have been putting just front snow tires on front wheel drive cars for years and all of a sudden, that has become taboo (as she rolls her eyes about the other places that require 4)? She said, it's your car.....we'll do what you want. I very much appreciated her response, as I was honestly almost starting to believe the other BS that I was told the rest of the day. I'm going to go back to the place that will do what I want on another day. The front tires on my car has worked just fine for as long as I've had it, so I'm not going to change it now. Especially considering that I watch the weather and don't go out when the weather is awful anyways.
so, I stop at Walmart. They said they would not put on just front snow tires. They have to put on 4 snow tires or they won't do it at all!
That's been the Standard Story for at least a decade - wanting the non-drive wheels to stick, for stability in snow. Far as I know, it's "strongly recommended", not law or regulation, in Vermont (we do get snow).

Folks who tend not to travel back roads or steep hills in winter are apt to run "all-season" tires all around.
That's been the Standard Story for at least a decade - wanting the non-drive wheels to stick, for stability in snow. Far as I know, it's "strongly recommended", not law or regulation, in Vermont (we do get snow).

Folks who tend not to travel back roads or steep hills in winter are apt to run "all-season" tires all around.

I don't typically go to WM for anything car related (or much of anything else if possible), so this was news to me. I would understand and probably appreciate it if they would say "strongly recommended", but it is their policy they they will only put on 4 snow tires. The lady at the tire store I went to said that they would rather see folks drive around with 2 snow tires than none at all, which is where I'm at right now. I agree with her 100%. I do understand that clearly 4 would be better than 2.....but if I only want 2 and it works for me, then I should be allowed to do that.

I will go back to the store that normally services my car (in a different town) for the tire change. I just wanted to get it taken care of while I was out and about. Instead of getting snow tires on, I got a rather frustrating education.:rolleyes:
After two weeks of every manner of deviltry coming my way...

Off to the big box store this morning. I need a new circular saw to finish a wheel chair ramp… (mom’s having knee replacement surgery Friday).

I got my old one in the early 90’s, craftsman 7 1/4”. A bearing is worn out on the motor shaft. I tried the “find any part” websites on the net. No one even recognizes the model number. I bought it CA, go figure, probably a special model that only emits rainbow colored ozone when running.

Despite the fact they’ve been promising to build one for the last 5 years dad’s grandchildren/grtgrandchildren never got around to it. When I called them on it last week… NOW I’m the bad guy. To be fair a grtgrandson brought the lumber dad ordered up here on a trailer. He didn’t unload it but he did park the trailer carefully before he left. :rolleyes:

What was I doing the last 2 weeks? Let’s see, a cow and calf killed by coyotes, floods, lighting, trees down on fences from high winds. Guess who got stuck with trees, fences and cows when they belong to a 19yrd old kid!

And dad, 85yrs old out in 40-degree weather building a ramp by himself. Frankly I no longer have the energy to be angry. I guess this should be in the rant section but I no longer have the energy to find the rant section either.

I mixed and poured the footings and handled the big lumber for him... I'm tired...

dad 04 (4).JPG
...Now I’m the bad guy.
And dad, 85yrs old out in 40-degree weather building a ramp by himself. Frankly I no longer have the energy to be angry. I guess this should be in the rant section but I no longer have the energy to find the rant section either.
The ramp looks great! And this IS the rant thread:).
Guess who got stuck with trees, fences and cows when they belong to a 19yrd old kid!

I'd start leaving the work until that "kid" got around to doing it no matter how long it takes. He'll never do it if y'all keep doing it for him.

Not my place I know, but I've been dealing with lazy half the day...
@VThillman @Terri9630 The situation is far more complex than I describe here. However, the fences… It’s either a variable I control or one I don’t. Meaning I can choose when to throw the gear in my truck and spend half an hour patching a bad spot of fence OR when cows choose, I’m out in the highway at night with a flashlight trying to round them up hoping no one gets hurt including me.

So, for the short term I choose to control this situation and not have it come at me randomly. The last thing I need right now is more “random” piled on top of the other randoms. o_O But the clock is ticking! ;)
@VThillman @Terri9630

Too funny, got to add this… The last time the cows were out I found the problem… a short section of electric fence was shorted. Of course, all the weeds are still under the fence and haven’t been cut down properly.

I just had a conversation with my dad moments ago… Sometime during the last big rains the same fence shorted out again. He unplugged it and told me about it. What he forgot to tell me was that he went down and removed the short and plugged the fence charger back up.

Today when that boy was up here I told him what I knew… the fence had been unplugged.

The boy went down there looking for the problem. At some point he grabbed the electric wire. The results were shocking! :D:D

Dad and I just had a good laugh about it! Just goes to prove… if two people are trying to do your job you’d better be talking to both of them. ;)

I can testify… I bought that fence charger. It was the strongest one the farm supply store had. It will bite you! :rolleyes: :D:D
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We were loading up one of the goat houses today to move up to the other place. We had Hubbys bff and his wife over to help. My sister asked if she could come out and visit with us at breakfast. Sure, no problem. She brought her boyfriend with her without asking. He's a useless lump. At breakfast he had 4 burritos, he brought a huge coffee cup and filed it half way with creamer (leaving none for the rest of us) then drank 2 glasses of chocolate milk and a Dr pepper. After breakfast when we went to start loading I heard my sister asking him if he wanted to stay and help he said no, lets go. As they were leaving they passed me unloading trash out of my truck and my sister stopped and I heard her ask him if he wanted to help me toss stuff into the dumpster. Once again he said no. The kid told me that he took 2 Dr Peppers when they left. SOOO..... For dinner we were grilling steaks and they came back out. Both of them were confused when they saw that there were only 4 steaks and 1 hamburger. They asked who wasn't eating... Ummm YOU. Food is only for those who worked. Sister isn't happy with me and her bf was whining about me being mean but I don't care. I was up half the night, had to make more food for the kid for breakfast and just dealing with his attitude irritated the heck out of me.
Terri, your sister's bf causes in me a strong urge to express obscenities - a string of them. Clearly a mmmfg - a person of insignificant value.
My husband was trying very hard to keep his temper until dinner when he was laughing his rear off. Of course they didn't know WHY he was laughing because he was trying not to be obvious but the rest of us knew why. This guy is so annoying that the kid actually told me not to worry about her but that she was going to pretend to be feeling bad so she could go to her room and lock the door.
@Terri9630 There are times when being blunt is the right way to go. I would have just told him he was a lazy ****** and that he wasn't invited back until he grew a work ethic and some manners. My oldest daughter had a few boyfriends I didn't care for, they knew without question how I felt.

He wanted to but I told him not to stir up trouble. We are moving and won't have to deal with him but maybe once or twice a year, if we are unlucky. My sister already knows my opinion about her "type".
Well me being the laid back, non violent, mellow fellow that I am.

He would be treated very nice.

When the daughter was around.

But, when she wasn't...me and he would have a private talk.
Yeah...I would be nice.

Been there done that...raised 3 daughters.

Advice..don't ever do anything nasty , just to blame it on him.

Fortunately neither of my girls like him because of his attitude. I don't worry about them following her "example". The oldest didn't come over yesterday because he was here and the youngest pretended like her heart was acting up to avoid him. If we were staying here near them we'd have to deal with it but we aren't so there's no sense stirring up trouble. I'm just thankful that my girls have much better taste.
So my G/F's daughter got us a hot air balloon ride, knowing I am deathly afraid of heights. Today is the flight. If I don't come back on here tomorrow, you will know I either had a heart attack, or we went down in a burning flame. Either way, if I don't respond, please donate to give my G/F's daughter a skydiving flight as payback!
It's on my bucket list, would luv to go up in a balloon... Serviced a CT in Seattle for several weeks once... outside my hotel window is where they launched the balloon trips over the city. I'd wake up each morning, order room service breakfast and watch the balloons for a couple hours... wishing I could go!

I think the suburb was woodenville.
I had one land in my field once unintentionally..crashed.as I watched. Not pretty..several injuries..broken bones.

Yeah I can't wait to get in one..yeah right.

Glad you enjoyed it.

My wife's surgeon , Dr Hill just crashed his Cessna a few days ago , he had a wife and 5 kids..he didn't make it. Sad.

I'm like Sentry, I ain't made to fly.

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