Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I lost a watermelon. How the HECK does someone lose a watermelon?
It’s either that or a bunch of mice burglars broke into my house and stole it!
I hit the big Six Zero and my brains start leaking from my ears when I shower? If it gets worse than this I don’t want to see 61. :rolleyes:
Welcome to the 60's!
One of the first skills you learn is if it's less than $20 screw-it, just get another.
It's not worth the brain-drain (pun).
If something starts to smell behind the sofa, you probably found it:D.
Just be glad it's not a forgotten bag of refrigerated stuff left in a 90-degree trunk for 4 daysgaah(don't ask me how I know what that smells like:rolleyes:)
You will eventually forget what you forgot.
Most likely you left it at the store.

My rant.
Flies, they are really bad right now. Weather turned cold and they have all moved into the house.
I keep a fly swatter in my hand almost all the time and right now there is one driving me nuts. I will get it.
One of the joys of living in the country I guess.
My rant.
Flies, they are really bad right now. Weather turned cold and they have all moved into the house.
I keep a fly swatter in my hand almost all the time and right now there is one driving me nuts. I will get it.
One of the joys of living in the country I guess.
You don't swat flies, you SHOOT them!
You'll find yourself leaving the door open because you have run out of targets:D.
In august I lost a set of truck keys, for the first time in my life... I cut myself a break on that one, I got out of the hospital that day. I was right about the bag I dropped them in when I got out of the truck. I just didn't know there was a hidden pouch inside that bag, not my bag. It took 9 days to find them with help.

But a whole watermelon? Even worse I forgot I had even bought it for a week.
What else have I forgotten? Please, someone tell me... because I don't know. gaah
In august I lost a set of truck keys, for the first time in my life... I cut myself a break on that one, I got out of the hospital that day. I was right about the bag I dropped them in when I got out of the truck. I just didn't know there was a hidden pouch inside that bag, not my bag. It took 9 days to find them with help.

But a whole watermelon? Even worse I forgot I had even bought it for a week.
What else have I forgotten? Please, someone tell me... because I don't know. gaah

My friend @Peanut , it's sure sounding like your joining my club.

Your mighty young , it may be possible.....so I'll just go ahead and welcome you to~ GEEZERHOOD .


Went to a favorite place to eat yesterday.
Been going there for years .

Server asked wife what to drink.
Turned and walked away, I sorta yelled ...hey...what about me.
She turned and asked me , no apologies.

I knew sumpin wuddin right.

It wuznt...
,terrible service, and I told them when we paid out.

May try one more time ...if no better , they won't get any more of my money.

Went to a favorite place to eat yesterday.
Been going there for years .

Server asked wife what to drink.
Turned and walked away, I sorta yelled ...hey...what about me.
She turned and asked me , no apologies.

I knew sumpin wuddin right.

It wuznt...
,terrible service, and I told them when we paid out.

May try one more time ...if no better , they won't get any more of my money.

When the service is particularly poor I leave 1 or 2 cents for a tip. Leaving no tip means you're cheap. Leaving 2 cents sends a message. I've only done that twice.
When the service is particularly poor I leave 1 or 2 cents for a tip. Leaving no tip means you're cheap. Leaving 2 cents sends a message. I've only done that twice.
When I lived in North Dakota and worked evenings in a steak house, a bright shiny penny was what was commonly left by Canadians as a tip. We were told it is their way of tipping. Of course everyone is not the same, but they were also the ones who often had a fit when they checked out and we had to do an exchange amount for their Canadian money. Canadian dollar was worth around 78 cents. You know when you travel what the exchange rate is, why yell at the cashier?
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Yesterday I was sitting in my car at the grocery store. I saw 2 women probably in their 20's with a guy in the backseat. The driver open her door and set 2 large mostly empty Starbucks cups on the ground and closed the door. The guy in the backseat handed forward 2 new ones. I was glaring right at them expecting them to drive off and leave them. The 2 women got out and picked up the cups and went inside with a bag of change. Minutes later they returned with a few dollars in hand. I tell you I wanted lose my mind. They had $20 in Starbucks in hand and we're cashing in coins. What is in Starbucks heroin? Wtf.
When the service is particularly poor I leave 1 or 2 cents for a tip. Leaving no tip means you're cheap. Leaving 2 cents sends a message. I've only done that twice.

We don't go out very often but somehow my wife has this way about her where she is so positive and polite even normally bad servers will suddenly be at least minimally acceptable or even step it up to good. She will complain so nicely that they bring out extra stuff, replacement food, comp the bill, etc. Meanwhile I am sure they are spitting in my food and cursing me under their breath.
Many things a server gets the blame for isn’t their fault. It’s usually the kitchen when a side item on your plate is wrong or the wait time to get your food is long. If a server is attentive to the tables in their section yet dinner didn’t go smooth… It’s the kitchen. Or if there is a table of morons in your section is hogging all of the server’s time (usually over trivial bs) It’s not the server or the kitchens fault. Yet idiot customers never notice these things and always blame the server.

Sometimes it is the server… In a diner if the window is full of food... or if you hear “Foods Up” being yelled from the kitchen and no foods coming out… Or if your server is never visible and it takes 15 minutes to get a menu and a glass of water…

Many years ago I stopped leaving a penny for bad service because only the server knows about the penny. I would pay with a credit card and write in .01 on the tip line. The manager goes through credit card receipts at end of shift and will see the 1 cent tip. A much more effective statement than a penny on the table.
Yesterday I was sitting in my car at the grocery store. I saw 2 women probably in their 20's with a guy in the backseat. The driver open her door and set 2 large mostly empty Starbucks cups on the ground and closed the door. The guy in the backseat handed forward 2 new ones. I was glaring right at them expecting them to drive off and leave them. The 2 women got out and picked up the cups and went inside with a bag of change. Minutes later they returned with a few dollars in hand. I tell you I wanted lose my mind. They had $20 in Starbucks in hand and we're cashing in coins. What is in Starbucks heroin? WTHeck.

It's a socially addictive drug for sure. You walk into the Parenting group at our church and there are so many gourmet coffee cups in there you would think they were sponsoring the event. Mostly mom's but a lot of dad's too. Then some of them will complain about money troubles. o_O

The average 25-35 year old American spends $2,008 on coffee a year. That's insane. I am glad I don't drink coffee, or beer, or wine, or...
Sorry, but it does get worse. Remembering names and faces that I do not see often and have not seen much ever is where I get stuck.
I just tell people that I have an issue remembering names,and that if keep asking them their name it’s because it is important to get their name right. Most people appreciate that
The average 25-35 year old American spends $2,008 on coffee a year. That's insane. I am glad I don't drink coffee, or beer, or wine, or...
I buy my coffee by the can, Maxwell House or Chock Full O' Nuts, when it's on sale for $6 or less, A can will make over 200 cups of strong coffee. I like my coffee strong. Harumph.
I don't drink coffee, pepsi's are 33 cents each. If I go anywhere I toss a couple of freezer paks in a little cooler and bring a water I filtered, a lemonade, or soda. I try to keep my beverage costs to less than $30 a month. I need to start making tea but can't seem to find one I really like or that the sugar doesn't settle out of.

Don't get me wrong... I like most teas... just can't find the one that makes me go "wow!".
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I don't drink coffee, pepsi's are 33 cents each. If I go anywhere I toss a couple of freezer paks in a little cooler and bring a water I filtered, a lemonade, or soda. I try to keep my beverage costs to less than $30 a month. I need to start making tea but can't seem to find one I really like or that the sugar doesn't settle out of.
Try honey rather than sugar.
I make tea on the stove with honey and lemon, then I let it cool, put it in a pitcher, and into the fridge. Never found anything pre-made that even comes close. Although when I am feeling lazy I will buy diet Arizona tea with ginseng & honey. It's drinkable.

Of course Pepsi is basically what we should be giving Gitmo detainees as punishment. ;)
When I lived in North Dakota and worked evenings in a steak house, a bright shiny penny was what was commonly left by Canadians as a tip. We were told it is their way of tipping. Of course everyone is not the same, but they were also the ones who often had a fit when they checked out and we had to do an exchange amount for their Canadian money. Canadian dollar was around worth 78 cents. You know when you travel what the exchange rate is, why yell at the cashier?
I used to get pretty PO'ed with the exchange rate going through Canada. I finally started traveling with Canadian funds. I got a better rate at the bank and they didn't have to deal with getting it exchanged themselves. I think it is less stressful on everyone. I think I get better service. I don't perceive myself as a tourist but I think they see me that way when I use U.S. funds. Tourists are perceived as lesser individuals.
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