Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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New update in the Saga of the Salt episodes....

My reply below,

""""You sir, are a buffoon and an ignoramus!

I was asked not to reply to your previous email, but now I feel compelled by your lack of common sense and the fact that you do not seem to be able to let something go.

Someone with a basic education, which I assume you do based on your petty use of NaCl in your previous emails, would know that coffee and the caffeine it contains is a diuretic and to be blunt…..will make you piss and dehydrate you.

So by you asking me if we put SALT in our coffee, proves you are an idiot.

You had 5 cups of coffee over a 2 hour period, did it occur to you that the above might happen? Did you bother to drink any water? Juice? Anything else throughout the day?

Also, you claim you had 4 hours of sleep the night before, and then had the stated 5 cups of coffee?

So being tired and pounding coffees wouldn’t make you thirsty? It’s supposed to rejuvenate you and keep you fully hydrated through the day?

Instead, you jump to conclusions and automatically assume, that it’s my breakfast chefs cooking (who may or may not be “Cantonese” ) and over use of salt that made you thirsty throughout the day.

Please, move on, and stop harassing me, it’s starting to feel like it’s borderline stalking and is a little creepy coming from a man in his late 60’s.

Good day""""
New update in the Saga of the Salt episodes....

My reply below,

""""You sir, are a buffoon and an ignoramus!

I was asked not to reply to your previous email, but now I feel compelled by your lack of common sense and the fact that you do not seem to be able to let something go.

Someone with a basic education, which I assume you do based on your petty use of NaCl in your previous emails, would know that coffee and the caffeine it contains is a diuretic and to be blunt…..will make you piss and dehydrate you.

So by you asking me if we put SALT in our coffee, proves you are an idiot.

You had 5 cups of coffee over a 2 hour period, did it occur to you that the above might happen? Did you bother to drink any water? Juice? Anything else throughout the day?

Also, you claim you had 4 hours of sleep the night before, and then had the stated 5 cups of coffee?

So being tired and pounding coffees wouldn’t make you thirsty? It’s supposed to rejuvenate you and keep you fully hydrated through the day?

Instead, you jump to conclusions and automatically assume, that it’s my breakfast chefs cooking (who may or may not be “Cantonese” ) and over use of salt that made you thirsty throughout the day.

Please, move on, and stop harassing me, it’s starting to feel like it’s borderline stalking and is a little creepy coming from a man in his late 60’s.

Good day""""

Bound to be a classic!
In sept. when I had my pre-surgery eye appointment. The VA issued me 3 different bottles of eye drops. A couple of days before my surgery I got the bill from the VA, $24 bucks I think. I paid it.

Last Thursday I started getting flyers for different kinds of eye drops in the mail from different companies. The one today... from the "from the eye experts at Bausch + Lomb" a product call "Soothe XP".

Why am I suddenly getting ads for eye drops in the mail? Why the %$#^@& do multiple companies suddenly want to sell me eye drops.

I don't think I have ever gotten an ad for eye drops! Someone, at the VA or Medicare or my bank sold my information! What else have they sold? Who do I sue? :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Edit: just to clarify... these brochures aren't addressed to "Recipient". They have my "full name" and address! Not my first and last... my full name... :mad::mad::mad:
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Peanut, that's a HIPPA violation. If they just had recipient on them, then it's because the VA bills your insurance or Medicare for what they can recover. But, since your whole name and address is on it, there is a violation somewhere. I'd be investigating starting with the billing dept at the VA. If you put your email anywhere, then your personal info can be easily obtained on the WWW.
You can always "return to sender" so that the advertiser has to pay they will eventually stop.
Rant - everything around Mom and Dad's place being in his name and not his and/or hers. And now his in nursing home with diagnosis of dementia/alzheimers. And I have to take care of issues. Today it was the direct tv being out since storm. But now I'm on that account and boxes will be upgraded by Friday.
Last Thursday I started getting flyers for different kinds of eye drops in the mail from different companies. The one today... from the "from the eye experts at Bausch + Lomb" a product call "Soothe XP".

Why am I suddenly getting ads for eye drops in the mail? Why the %$#^@& do multiple companies suddenly want to sell me eye drops.

I don't think I have ever gotten an ad for eye drops! Someone, at the VA or Medicare or my bank sold my information! What else have they sold? Who do I sue? :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Edit: just to clarify... these brochures aren't addressed to "Recipient". They have my "full name" and address! Not my first and last... my full name... :mad::mad::mad:
We got the same mailer for the B&L Soothe XP.... full name and address which is public information. It appears to be a mass mailing and has nothing to do with a doctor visit. IMHO
Racist rants from teachers....I had complained a month or so ago to the twins principal at their middle school about their social studies teacher who continues to rant about old white men. She hates them. They are the scourge of the earth, according to her, and she teaches it to the 8th grade students every chance she gets. Another teacher, the high school English teacher (my last three kids had her) just made the news last week about a "Halloween Prank" gone wrong. She was suspended for a week and is now back to school. She dressed up as a Louisiana Voodoo Princess for Halloween. She called a native American student a "bloody Indian", and cut the braid of another native American student. Both are old white lady teachers. Both are Liberal activists. Both think they can get away with it, but the middle school one only had to tell me sorry in an email. She's still back at it. So why is the right accused of being racist all the time? Plenty of racism from the left in the schools.
Isn't the aclu supposed to do something about that kind of stuff? Or the state's attorney?
If I lived there I'd help you organize a community protest! Not that you said you wanted to do that.
Is this how teenagers grow up and end up bullying and mortally wounding the elderly? They'll be taking care of old white lady retired teachers in rest homes some day. Hmmm.
I'm just wondering why liberal old white ladies got that way. One is gay. The other I seriously wonder about. Our state is full of liberals, so I doubt anything can be done. The High School teacher, though, is seeing some protests. Probably because she went after a native. The middle school teacher, nothing will become of because she's going after old white men. Lovely photo on our local news today..a former University professor here hung a "VOTE Republican" flag with a huge Nazi symbol on it. Liberal whacko.
Oh, and I don't know who'll take care of the old retired liberal white lady teachers. Hopefully they raised children to believe that their parents should be honored.
Rant. Ethics and morals were often absorbed by the young seemingly by a process of osmosis, unconsciously, by experiencing family life with their parents. It is painfully - I say painfully - obvious that a lot of folks out there, not just politicians, are functionally devoid of any understanding of the concepts, to say nothing of practicing them. That's why It's a jungle out there.
An eventful few days… On 26 Nov I had my final appointment at the VA concerning cataract surgery in my right eye. I had a final eye test and was given a script… got new glasses, was told they were readers.

I can actually see to drive better without them. About this same time, I noticed my drivers license had expired in late Oct. Before her death my sister ran a drivers license division consisting of 7 counties out of a regional State Troopers office, technically she was a state trooper but didn't carry a gun.

I went down to that office to renew my license. I knew a few of the people my sister had worked with. Except for one I haven’t seen any of them since her death. I just wanted to say Hi to some of them. Boy was that a mistake.

Side story, sort of funny… A trooper pulled me over one day for a missing tag on a trailer. It was someone I knew. On the passenger side of my truck were an AK with 30-round magazine and an old sks with a 20-round magazine leaning up against the center console. Both magazines were full. The only thing he asked about the guns… “Why?”. Me – “Coyotes have been bothering the cows”. I got a warning about no tag… The tag was attached to the loading ramp. I didn’t need a ramp that day, left it at the barn.

Back to the drivers license… The lady who worked with me gave me an eye test. All I can say is that something was wrong with their machine. I had just passed an eye test with real equipment at the VA the week before. Through the Trooper little eye machine, I could see absolutely nothing with my left eye. I even asked the lady what was wrong with her machine.

In the end she gave me a form for an eye doctor to fill out. I was to bring it back and then they would renew my drivers license.

It takes weeks to get an appointment at the VA. Heck, it took me 3 days just to get someone on the phone. I got lucky, someone had canceled. I had an appointment in the big city at 8am this morning. I’m physically unable to drive 180 miles round trip, sit 2 to 3 hours for the appointment in one day, it’s too much for me. The last time I did it I was in bed for over a week.

So, I drove up Tuesday, got a room at the cheap motel. I went to my appointment this morning where I didn’t even see my doctor. An assistant took the form the trooper gave me, filled in the data from my test 2 weeks ago, had the doctor sign it.

I dove back to the big town, got my new license which says: Restrictions – None. I don’t need glasses to drive.

Because of a faulty eye test machine at a state troopers office… 1) a 2-day trip 2) $60 – cheap hotel 3) $48 – tank of gas 4) 3 meals out, $30 5) It will be 4 to 5 days before my body recovers from the extra expenditure of energy…

Basically, a faulty eye test machine cost me $138 and a week of my life… I don’t have an abundance of weeks left! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Good rant. Crappy time. Sorry for ya @Peanut . It sucks. At least he didn't give you a hard time about your firearms.

Funny, that same spring I got pulled over by a sheriff’s deputy, also someone I knew, I only had one gun in the truck. He didn’t ask why… He pointed and asked “Coyotes?”... Me “Yep”… Too funny. :D:D

I just wanted to say Hi to some of them. Boy was that a mistake.

To clarify… I could have gotten my license renewed in my county at the courthouse. My sisters’ best friend from childhood handles that. They don’t give eye tests there.

Rachael… a very, very tall child, even at over 60years of age she is still over 6’2”. As children we used to tease her… “Rachael, Rachael, way up there… are you running out of air?” Mean, I know, but kids are kids... :)

I remember enjoying the fact Racheal’s mother gave her hand-me down nighties to wear when she came for a sleep over with my sister… Her older sister was much shorter girl.

I was 8, are you going to cast dispersion's? :rolleyes:

Edited to add. I went to see Rachael last week... The regional office had locked my application for a new license as incomplete... She couldn't help me... but she is still very tall! ;)
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... All I can say is that something was wrong with their machine. I had just passed an eye test with real equipment at the VA the week before. ...

United States Post Office has the same problem! My folks would take a package to their local Post Office. Post Office weights it and tells them how much for the postage. Folks pay and the PO prints a postage label and places the label on the package. 3 or 4 days latter I get a note in my mail box that I have a package at the PO because the USPS was unable to deliver because postage was due. :confused:
Co-worker calls me. He has a question about a customer "John Miller".

On my end ALL records are filed by account number. If it is an existing customer give me five minutes and I can do a search by name to retrieve the account number to look up the customer's account. Every time this co-worker calls me he doesn't have the account number, just the name. Co-worker could look up the account number but it's "easier" for them for me to do it for them. Yes co-worker is a Millennial.
Co-worker calls me. He has a question about a customer "John Miller".

On my end ALL records are filed by account number. If it is an existing customer give me five minutes and I can do a search by name to retrieve the account number to look up the customer's account. Every time this co-worker calls me he doesn't have the account number, just the name. Co-worker could look up the account number but it's "easier" for them for me to do it for them. Yes co-worker is a Millennial.

There used to be a bit of 'folk wisdom' in the workplace. People are hired for jobs that they have to learn about to do efficiently. Some of them don't. Some of those that do are promoted until they reach their level of incompetence, then stay there, not quite able to do their jobs.
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