Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I'm sick of hearing doctors prescribing crazy pills. They all have a side effect of suicide. That makes no sense to me at all.
as someone who suffers from chronic treatment resistant clinical depression from a series of motor vehicles accidents in the early 1990s, I can testify that they can make a huge difference. Are there side effect? Yes. Are there risks? Of course. Sometimes it takes experimentation because they really don’t understand how they work, and not everybody reacts the same way. I took many years of experimentation and a lot of anguish to find the right cocktail for me, but it makes a huge difference in my quality of life. Without them, I would have been dead many years ago. Would I like to get rid of them? Of course but that isn’t realistic right now.
I'm sick of hearing doctors prescribing crazy pills. They all have a side effect of suicide. That makes no sense to me at all.

I think its pressure from society.
People that over eat, don't exercise want a pill to lose weight.
People take a pill for the hangover caused from excessive drinking.
People take a pill to reduce the chance of a unwanted pregnancy.
People want a night after pill to eliminate a possible pregnancy.
People want a pill to correct their cholesterol or diabetes instead of changing their eating habits that would give them the same results.
Boy is being a boy and the "parents" find a Doctor to prescribe another pill, Ritalin
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When I die I want some kind of comment in my obituary about how much of my life was wasted in pointless government meetings where politicians and high ranking functionaries list their personal accomplishments, pat themselves on the back, celebrate & promote their pet projects, throw out buzz words and pretend to appreciate 'all the amazing work we do'. While at the same time accomplishing nothing whatsoever except wasting tax dollars and reducing public safety because a bunch of cops were taken off the road for literally nothing. I spend about 50-100 hours per work year in such meetings. My boss has it worse, he has to attend at least twice that many.
Co-workers that lie over the most trivial things.

Disclaimer. Below is an example of what happen. The correct terminology has been tweaked for OPSEC purposes.

Co-worker was responsible to install 3 pieces of equipment at a new customer's business. This installation mandates coordination with another employee (me) in order for the installed equipment to "communicate" with the outside world. I can see every test the co-worker makes on her end. TWO HOURS AFTER the install I see co-worker still hasn't made any tests. I'm concerned that I may have made a programing mistake on my end or the install time has been change with no notice (unfortunately not a rare occurrence) or something that can cause the customer to become hopping mad (bad for business).

I call the co-worker. "Is the install complete?"

Co-worker says, "Yes"

Me. "Did you run tests A & B?"

Co-worker: "Yes"

Me. "Strange. I've check all 3 pieces of equipment and they don't show that the tests were run. Are you sure you ran tests A&B?"

Co-worker delayed answer. "Customer is moving in, chaotic, place is a mess."

Me. "Maybe I'm looking at the wrong equipment. You installed X, Y & Z correct?"

Co-worker: "Yes"

I'm convinced she's lying. There is no possible way she could have run the tests and I couldn't confirm it. "Lets run test C so diagnostics can reveal why I'm not seeing the other test results."

Co-worker: "I can't. I'm already on my way back to work."

So I run a deep detail diagnostic routine that will show me everything. Zilch. Nana. Nothing. Confirms what I thought, "Co-worker is lying."

When the co-worker get back I'm waiting for her. Before I can saying anything she explains that she was on the way back to work when the customer called and wanted her to return on site to answer some questions about functionality and while she was there she ran some more test. Can I confirm? The whole time she is giving me this explanation she can't look me in the eye. I confirmed but she doesn't realize there is a time stamp associated. She lied the first time, went back to cover her butt and has created just enough doubt that my Boss now has an excuse to pretend the lie never happen.

IMHO if someone will lie over the most trivial thing how can they be trusted with more important things?
I get a junk email from AT&T at 2 AM. Woke me up and I was in a rare deep sleep too! Ticked me off. Scrolled down and found AT&T had included a "Unsubscribed" link. I click on it! "HA! HA! FIXED YOU" I thought as I rolled over and started to go back to sleep. 5 minutes later AT&T wakes me again. Another email letting me know that I had unsubscribed from getting any more emails from AT&T!!!!!!!!
Regarding Caribou's post about the drunk driver video....

All this screaming and yelling about gun control and not squat is said about the deaths and severe / permanent injuries drunk/impaired drivers cause to innocent people. If my memory serves me correctly, the number of deaths caused by DWIs are considerably higher than deaths caused by guns. Oh, wait, bad me..... drunk driving doesn't make the mainstream media because it's not on anyone's political agenda.

I'm glad they got her contained before she could kill someone.
Regarding Caribou's post about the drunk driver video....

All this screaming and yelling about gun control and not squat is said about the deaths and severe / permanent injuries drunk/impaired drivers cause to innocent people. If my memory serves me correctly, the number of deaths caused by DWIs are considerably higher than deaths caused by guns. Oh, wait, bad me..... drunk driving doesn't make the mainstream media because it's not on anyone's political agenda.

I'm glad they got her contained before she could kill someone.

Alcohol is such an accepted evil in our world.
I got a call from one of our city councilpersons this afternoon. They offered me the job of our city council's advisory committee. With our council pushing for a 63% increase in water bills, preparing for a riot at this Monday night's council meeting because we are trying to separate our city from California's Sanctuary State bullcrap, and an official recall on our mayor for their wasteful spending of $2 million dollars to maintain her cronyism within our city, I gracefully declined.
I got a call from one of our city councilpersons this afternoon. They offered me the job of our city council's advisory committee. With our council pushing for a 63% increase in water bills, preparing for a riot at this Monday night's council meeting because we are trying to separate our city from California's Sanctuary State bullcrap, and an official recall on our mayor for their wasteful spending of $2 million dollars to maintain her cronyism within our city, I gracefully declined.

Smart Man.Never volunteer to line up on the wrong side of the firing squad. :brewing: :archery:
Where art thou, O Spring?

First Robin of Spring.gif
So I get back from my trip to Michigan....

And I get the following emails...typical complaints, but this guy is really out there?

Im attaching the entire email chain for everyones amusement

""I need to report to manager that after enjoying ANZAC breakfast where I had eggs benedictine, I have been salt thirsty all day. I did not add any salt to my meal.
Therefore, I wish to register my complaint about excessive salt in my breakfast this morning.

BTW: I do not know why Cantonese cooks add salt, it is not a health benefit, because it causes higher water retention in human body, hardening of arteries, and higher blood pressure.

Higher blood pressure is serious for senior age persons leading to higher incidence of heart attacks, where I am 65 and my other friends there this morning are 79 and 84.

Yours faithfully,
Mr Butthole""

""""Dear Mr. Butthole

Thank you very much for writing us so promptly with regards to the food tasting salty on your breakfast. My name is Erica-front of house manager and ME -executive chef however he is on holidays at the moment. He’s also copied in this email for his further action and record.

I’m sorry to hear that the food taste was not up to your standards. I’m sure Justin will take into the consideration of your comments and make necessary changes on it.

Myself and the entire restaurant team look forward to welcoming you back again in the near future.
Have a great weekend ahead.

Best regards,""

""Dear Erica,

I do not think you understand my message.

I shall wait another week, and then I shall report to HK Department of Health about too much salt in cooking


Ross Smith aka Mr. Butthole""""

Now this is where I get involved


""""My name is Justin ; I am the Executive Chef for Restaurant

I apologize for your bad experience and thank you for your comments.

Salt is added to our menu items to enhance the flavour of the food.

If a customer has an issue or dietary needs we will accommodate as much as possible upon notification .We add no msg and do not intentionally over season our food.

There were many eggs Benedict sold that morning and during the week, yours is the first complaint about excess salt in our product. Bread, eggs, butter and ham all contain salt

I do not understand the threats to call the FEHD over salt in the food, nor do I understand the comments about “Cantonese cooks “

Not all of my chefs in my kitchen are from Hong Kong so this comment is a bit discriminating

What is it exactly that you would like from us?

Again I apologize for you bad experience but if you feel it necessary to lodge a complaint please feel free to do so.

Kind regards
ME, Superchef""

His Reply

Justin, I myself do not want anything and I object to your insinuation.

I do not agree that salt is required to enhance the flavour of food, unless it has been over-cooked, ie, wholesome nutrients had been cooked out. I cook at home for myself and I think there is enough natural salts in vegetables without requiring additional NaCl. You did not explain why I suffered a salt thirst for the following 8 hours after Dot Cod eggs benedictine for breakfast? You do not know, do you? ???

As you have not illustrated a change of policy regarding adding salt, I will not be buying prepared food in Dot Cod again.

Smoked salmon imported into Hong Kong is saturated in salt, so I never buy it in restaurants. Thinking again, it is probably better that I write to the Editor of South China Morning Post and complain there that Hong Kong restaurants are introducing excessive salt in cooking and see if that affects a cultural change in attitudes.

When I grew up as a child in the 1960s, salt was put on the table so a person "could add salt to their taste". Not now, it is cooked in before you know it, and then you cannot get rid of the salt taste in your mouth for the next 8 hours. If your restaurant had no salt cooking, you watched customer behavior, only maybe 1 in 10 persons would add a little bit.

I do like my own cooking and I cannot remember the last time I bought NaCl.

Yours faithfully,

Ross Smith super mr butthole...

His Friends reply and mine....

Dear Justin and Erica

I sincerely apologise for the Ross's comments and prejudices.

Please do not reply to him.

Again apologies for this

..My reply.

Dear Ian,

I don’t know what your friends problem is, nor what he would like from us. Empty threats do not solve problems, they merely put everyone on the defence. I would expect a university professor would know these things.

Please pass on that he is not welcome in our restaurant, will be refused service and asked to leave, forcefully if necessary. and a cease and desist letter from our attorney is now being drafted.


I hate people....
So he was feeling dehydrated and blamed salty eggs. After reading the emails I'd wouldn't be surprised if it was meds or alcohol causing the dehydration.

Im thinking he may be diabetic or just a drunk a-hole.
He keeps asking why he is so thirsty,

I wanted to tell him to quit servicing men in the public toilets and he wouldnt have that problem.

His emails make no sense at all and he seems to be trying to hard. University professor so what do you expect ...im sure its not over.
You're just going to have to ignore him. You should of heard the online rant I received two weeks ago from a (former) crazy customer mom. She called the state on me, too, for abuse and neglect. It was found to be unsubstantiated within 15 minutes. I answered her google review of our school, but very politely, matter of fact, and assured her that she is totally mistaken. We once had a lady threaten to write a horrendous review if I made her pay her bill. I once had one complain that we don't want the students to bring Tupperware in their sack lunch, as it makes it a lot of work for our kitchen staff to wash 50 plus pieces of Tupperware and lids and get it back to the right cubbie before pick up time. Her online complaint about Tupperware was a crazy as your salt man. I used to get all worked up, but it doesn't change anything. What cracks me up is when I get a real whacko...give them about 3 months, then they may try to re enroll their child like nothing happened. I wouldn't be surprised if salt man comes in for another meal.
And it continues....
This morning I get this in my work email.....

I will have a zinger of a reply in the next few hours that I will post,

Obviously a university professor doesn't know that coffee is a diuretic and will make you pee and dehydrate you....

So it's going to be open season on this prick, job be damned...


Is there salt in coffee?

On the packets of coffee, is salt listed in its ingredients?

Or does the kitchen add salt to coffee pot?

I was there from 7am till after 9.30, I probably had 5 cups of coffee, after 4 hours sleep the night before, with a 4am rise.

Ross Smith [[email protected]]

I guess he's letting you know he has a drinking problem? Are you sure a professor and not a mental patient?

His first emails are from his HKU email address.....I guess those that can do....those that cant...teach law?
I was going to let this go, but since he seems to be obsessed with salt...im going to send him a salty sailors reply...

Im seriously considering writing a book about things like this.
O.K. I'll pray for her and her little one anyway.
Maybe it is a hot topic, but I know I have a lot to say about it.

:huggs::heart:. Thank you she sure can use all the prayers she can get.
I wake thinking of her and go to bed thinking of her. And my granddaughter in prison and now another 30 yr old granddaughter just got on drugs so I'm trying not to let them drive me into a state of depression,its good to be able to work it off. I go take it out on plants and housework,fences and sometimes just take a walk through the woods. One niece and 2 GDs. Guess 3 out of about 20 ain't alot this day and time. I'd like to see the scum who allows or helps them bring in all these drugs in prison. I'll vote again when hell freezes over. They have destroyed this nation and lessor of two evils is still evil,imo. I know for a fact they could stop the drug flo if they wanted to.
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