A few minutes ago as if my day wasn't trying enough a huge 8 foot long wide as little end of baseball bat got our 2 little 2 week old RIR peeps. He had already swollowed one and killed the other.
Hubby grabbed him by the tail and slung him thru the yard.
Now hubby and I had argument cause he wanted to kill the snake. Snake was just doing what snakes do. And they kill all the rats, gophers,etc,etc,etc, that cause havic.
The little barred rocks 4 week olds are still shaken up. We had them in brooder with Reds covered with chicken wire. With wire in middle dividing them. Snake was trying to get through other side of chicken wire to them too when we saw it. Don't know how the snake got in his head was so large?
We have never lost chicken to a snake, some eggs,yes.
Acks sorry to hear that. Hope you stopped hubby from harming the snake. You are right, that is what snakes do, and if chicks are served up as a free lunch they WILL take advantage of it.
Snakes are my biggest concern here, they will eat eggs (which is fine), and chicks, and even sometimes kill adult bantams even though they usually cannot swallow them. I try very hard to lock the coop up at dusk when the nights turn warm else my birds will be attacked.
Can you reinforce the brooder with 1/2 inch hardware cloth? I would think about pulling the remaining babies in, they must be utterly terrified to be out there now.