Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I'm stressed and a little overwhelmed right now, which is why iveI been absent.

My rant..our local hospital..once a good hospital..

Background first..my mom is 78..3 years ago she was diagnosed with stage 4 uterine cancer and 1b ovarian. I moved her in with me and the boys. She's tough, went through 2 battles with this cancer with flying colors! Last 4 months, she's losing weight and getting weaker. At this point, she won't survive another cancer recurrence.

Monday her legs were so weak, they just shook when she tried to stand. Her Dr is on vacation, so off to the ER we go. 6 hours later, blood test, urine test, lung x-ray and EKG. Everything looks find, send her home. I looked at the Dr (by this time you can see the whites around my eyes) and said "I've sat here all day watching her respirations go from Apnea levels to 44 on this monitor, never in normal range for over a few minutes at a time and you're telling me she's fine! I'm no Dr but I'm smart enough to know, your muscles need oxygen! She can't walk!" He said, " the tests showed nothing, so we can't keep her in the hospital. You have to have a condition confirmed by tests that requires hospitalization to be treated in order to be admitted." Are you kidding me???!!!???!!!!

Driving home mom says "they just don't want to keep us old people alive". I try not to curse around my mom, but I blurted out an "f them", came home, made appointments with her general Dr and her oncologist and 1 of them is going to get her in at a pulmonologist!

Anyway, I could continue but I will stop there. Thanks for listening.

Maybe it is time for oxigen tank and hospital bed rentals? My mother had lung cancer and radiation to shrink brochial tumor mass and keep her from slowly smothering to death, it spread to other organs quickly from radiation but was nessasary in her case,IMO.
She stayed in front room and never went to hospital because there was nothing they could do. I quit my job and stayed with her. She got to where she wouldn't take pain meds and didn't ant me bathing her and I kept watch on her pulse and knew when she was passing. I was sooooooo lucky to be able to do this. Not all can.
I took her on a trip to Florida she wanted to see the beach pier one more time, we had lots of laughs in-between seriuos pain .
My car broke down and the wrecker driver was speeding, I was behind them riding with mechanic, thinking 'oh no mama is afraid of fast driving'. She just said " the little bastard had more to lose than I do, whats he going to do, kill me " . She did ask him to slow down he just grinned and went faster.
CK, I think the hospital's problem comes from being unable to give your mother's condition a label matching a Standard Procedure. Without her regular doctor's input - he could tell them what procedure to assign to her - they were helpless to act. ERs in practice, are a mechanism, with pretty much zero flexibility. You did what needed to be done.
I'm stressed and a little overwhelmed right now, which is why iveI been absent.

My rant..our local hospital..once a good hospital..

Background first..my mom is 78..3 years ago she was diagnosed with stage 4 uterine cancer and 1b ovarian. I moved her in with me and the boys. She's tough, went through 2 battles with this cancer with flying colors! Last 4 months, she's losing weight and getting weaker. At this point, she won't survive another cancer recurrence.

Monday her legs were so weak, they just shook when she tried to stand. Her Dr is on vacation, so off to the ER we go. 6 hours later, blood test, urine test, lung x-ray and EKG. Everything looks find, send her home. I looked at the Dr (by this time you can see the whites around my eyes) and said "I've sat here all day watching her respirations go from Apnea levels to 44 on this monitor, never in normal range for over a few minutes at a time and you're telling me she's fine! I'm no Dr but I'm smart enough to know, your muscles need oxygen! She can't walk!" He said, " the tests showed nothing, so we can't keep her in the hospital. You have to have a condition confirmed by tests that requires hospitalization to be treated in order to be admitted." Are you kidding me???!!!???!!!!

Driving home mom says "they just don't want to keep us old people alive". I try not to curse around my mom, but I blurted out an "f them", came home, made appointments with her general Dr and her oncologist and 1 of them is going to get her in at a pulmonologist!

Anyway, I could continue but I will stop there. Thanks for listening.

Heavenly Father, we ask that you be with @CluelessKai and her mother as the doctors try to figure out what ails her. We ask your will be done in this case Father and ask your healing hand touch her body and ease her suffering. We ask your blessings on the family as they take care of her and give them peace. Guide them daily in the paths they should seek.
In your most hallowed name we pray, Amen.
My rant of the day. . . I have a turd muffin for a neighbor. Our bull got out about a month ago now and did cross into the neighbors yard. I saw him out when I drove in from work. Called and Charlie reluctantly came in our front gate cause my milk cow was in heat and he was by her pasture. The neighbor did come over a few days later and asked if one of our cows had gotten out. I told him yes, which one and the probable reason on the why. Neighbor was nice as could be that day but my BIL was over helping in the garden so met the neighbor. We just had a rain storm of about 5 inch overnight. The neighbor damned up the culvert n 2 places in his yard to prevent our drain off. We are at the dead end so we were the only ones effected. Hunny and I try not to have anything to do with this neighbor, but he makes it very difficult. To top it off, he works for the sheriff's department and has gotten away with a lot of stuff.
Another idiot neighbor story since we are on the subject...

Our house has a rooftop that adjoins with the neighbors roof. And a 5' wall in between.

He took some of my 1.5lb weights to level out a bucket he had in HIS side of the rooftop...
My wife being to nice lady she is....told him its ours don't use our things without asking. Dont touch our things

Well a few weeks later, I noticed some of my 10 and 15kg weights are missing as well as my safety clips for my squat cage are missing. The same day we discovered a dead wild pig corpse behind our house.

My wife...politely called this gentleman and asked if he saw them...

This guy, had 5 of my weight plates in his house! And threw away 5 of my smaller ones. Then tried to blame my wife because one of them made a rust stain on MY side of the rooftop. That is walled off with a concrete bloody wall!
This prick jumped the wall and took my things and hid them and threw some away because my wife called him out a few weeks ago.

Needless to say, you dont piss off a Chinese woman! I heard her yell while I was in the shower and ran upstairs in my underwear and witnessed her take a potted plant and shot put it across the entire roof! All while swearing worse than I ever could!

Well after calming her down, it was my turn. I calmly told him he has two days to replace my things he stole and threw away. He was lucky I didnt bust his arms. He kept saying..."I think I did wrong" no sh!t you think? Never saying sorry just I think i did wrong...

This morning...his entire family rings my doorbell. Begging me to "not cause trouble for his family. It would be a bad example for their 12year old son...? " But stealing from your neighbors and throwing things away isnt a bad example? Kept expecting me to ask for money to make the problems go away. I DONT WANT MONEY!!! I want my **** back!!

I told his wife he has until the end of the day. And slammed the door in their face.

Tonight I make his life miserable.

His doorbell is getting rung every 30minutes starting at midnight.

I hate this place

This was the final nail in the coffin for my wife, shes had it with Hong Kong, we are moving our leave dates forward as much as possible.
Another idiot neighbor story since we are on the subject...

Our house has a rooftop that adjoins with the neighbors roof. And a 5' wall in between.

He took some of my 1.5lb weights to level out a bucket he had in HIS side of the rooftop...
My wife being to nice lady she is....told him its ours don't use our things without asking. Dont touch our things

Well a few weeks later, I noticed some of my 10 and 15kg weights are missing as well as my safety clips for my squat cage are missing. The same day we discovered a dead wild pig corpse behind our house.

My wife...politely called this gentleman and asked if he saw them...

This guy, had 5 of my weight plates in his house! And threw away 5 of my smaller ones. Then tried to blame my wife because one of them made a rust stain on MY side of the rooftop. That is walled off with a concrete bloody wall!
This prick jumped the wall and took my things and hid them and threw some away because my wife called him out a few weeks ago.

Needless to say, you dont piss off a Chinese woman! I heard her yell while I was in the shower and ran upstairs in my underwear and witnessed her take a potted plant and shot put it across the entire roof! All while swearing worse than I ever could!

Well after calming her down, it was my turn. I calmly told him he has two days to replace my things he stole and threw away. He was lucky I didnt bust his arms. He kept saying..."I think I did wrong" no sh!t you think? Never saying sorry just I think i did wrong...

This morning...his entire family rings my doorbell. Begging me to "not cause trouble for his family. It would be a bad example for their 12year old son...? " But stealing from your neighbors and throwing things away isnt a bad example? Kept expecting me to ask for money to make the problems go away. I DONT WANT MONEY!!! I want my **** back!!

I told his wife he has until the end of the day. And slammed the door in their face.

Tonight I make his life miserable.

His doorbell is getting rung every 30minutes starting at midnight.

I hate this place

This was the final nail in the coffin for my wife, shes had it with Hong Kong, we are moving our leave dates forward as much as possible.

Justine I understand and will simply point out that payback is a dish best severed cold. Wait until your are ready to leave, as in heading for the plane and then serve your dish, if you still feel it is needed. Patience makes for better planning and execution AND sometimes providence takes care of the problem for you. Just saying.
Another idiot neighbor story since we are on the subject...

Our house has a rooftop that adjoins with the neighbors roof. And a 5' wall in between.

He took some of my 1.5lb weights to level out a bucket he had in HIS side of the rooftop...
My wife being to nice lady she is....told him its ours don't use our things without asking. Dont touch our things

Well a few weeks later, I noticed some of my 10 and 15kg weights are missing as well as my safety clips for my squat cage are missing. The same day we discovered a dead wild pig corpse behind our house.

My wife...politely called this gentleman and asked if he saw them...

This guy, had 5 of my weight plates in his house! And threw away 5 of my smaller ones. Then tried to blame my wife because one of them made a rust stain on MY side of the rooftop. That is walled off with a concrete bloody wall!
This prick jumped the wall and took my things and hid them and threw some away because my wife called him out a few weeks ago.

Needless to say, you dont piss off a Chinese woman! I heard her yell while I was in the shower and ran upstairs in my underwear and witnessed her take a potted plant and shot put it across the entire roof! All while swearing worse than I ever could!

Well after calming her down, it was my turn. I calmly told him he has two days to replace my things he stole and threw away. He was lucky I didnt bust his arms. He kept saying..."I think I did wrong" no sh!t you think? Never saying sorry just I think i did wrong...

This morning...his entire family rings my doorbell. Begging me to "not cause trouble for his family. It would be a bad example for their 12year old son...? " But stealing from your neighbors and throwing things away isnt a bad example? Kept expecting me to ask for money to make the problems go away. I DONT WANT MONEY!!! I want my **** back!!

I told his wife he has until the end of the day. And slammed the door in their face.

Tonight I make his life miserable.

His doorbell is getting rung every 30minutes starting at midnight.

I hate this place

This was the final nail in the coffin for my wife, shes had it with Hong Kong, we are moving our leave dates forward as much as possible.

And your thinking of putting your life back in the hands of leaders again? You don't know where they may send you next. Think really hard. You can't come home till they say you can now. How much money do yall have to have?
@Justin76 you may want to price up the new items that were stolen and put a note in their mail box with the total that they owe you to replace the stolen goods as they have offered money as compensation that could be a better way to handle it. If the money is not forthcoming then report it to the police and let them know in the note that this is your intention and keep a copy for the police so they know you tried to resolve the issue peacefully.
@Justin76 you may want to price up the new items that were stolen and put a note in their mail box with the total that they owe you to replace the stolen goods as they have offered money as compensation that could be a better way to handle it. If the money is not forthcoming then report it to the police and let them know in the note that this is your intention and keep a copy for the police so they know you tried to resolve the issue peacefully.

Police are now involved.

I called the guy and said times up where are my things you stole.

He said...
I didnt steal I threw away!

Thats called stealing....

Police agree as well....its called stealing in Hong Kong also....

Have I told everone how much I hate this place?
That is a sensible move to get the police involved @Justin76 and they will deal with it hopefully and either get your gear back or seek compensation from the guy concerned or maybe charge him. At least this way you and your family will not be in trouble through any retribution measures, it simply is not worth it for you and your family.
The next update in as the world turns in Kak Tin Village...

My wife just went and humiliated him in front of his entire family. Turns out he lied and said our stuff fell over.
After my wife emasculated him his mother in law, wife and father in law dug into him.
They all agreed he will replace the things he stole and threw away.
My wife being the genius she is....recorded it all!

She said its his last chance...if he dont fix the problem. Her husband has free reign to do what needs to be done...

She said his wife and inlaws are livid with him....

I still hate this place

Okay so after the cashier/parking lot incident last week, and after I was told the district manager would call me back in 24-48 hours...today I was tired of waiting.

I debated whether I really wanted to look up the email address for the VP of Operations (this is a chain with a few hundred stores) and decided if I didn't do it today, I never would, and if people don't speak up "nice small towns" can turn not so nice, kwim?

So I called the VP's office and spoke with his assistant. As soon as I said I was a customer I could tell she was going to nicely brush me off so I blurted out "A cashier followed me into the parking lot" and she said "What???!!!"

Suddenly I had her undivided attention and she wanted to hear all the details. I explained that the Regional Manager did NOT call me back and she gave me the name of another VP because her boss was on vacation, and said someone would get back to me asap.

Ten minutes later the phone rang and he called me back. I told him the exact transaction amount and day and said look it up on their camera system. He asked me what the cashiers name was, heck I don't know her name but that is why I gave him the info from the receipt! All that stuff is in their system.

After telling the story I said "And the regional manager never called me back either" and the man said "I am the regional manager! I never got a message! I haven't received messages about any problems in over a week".

He sounded honestly concerned, and I am sure getting the message from the VP's office created a sense of urgency on his part. This store chain is mostly in smaller towns so I don't think they are used to a lot of ugly incidents the way urban chains would be.

So I now feel confidant that something definitely will be done about it. I doubt if that cashier will be there much longer. She likely felt safe because her manager would have backed her up, but I prefer to work from the top down, not from the bottom up.
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Why would anyone? Anyone? Walk around behind a 60 year old man that has been involved in raising 7 children that has absolutely BEGGED a person not to do it, That has heard the story of an overbearing mother during this persons childhood and young adult life that made them Hyper sensitive to people telling them the true basic things in life that they already know and just generally acting as if a person knows nothing about life or how to treat people?? A person who has also had two parents of their own who they could NEVER doing anything good enough to please them and everything this person did their parents picked the one thing that wasn't perfect and pointed at it until they felt one inch tall? Why? Why when a person knows one is not saying anything 500 times about things that truly bother them but they know they have a complex about those things and Sincerely will NOT push that on any others? Who knows the person is intentionally complimentary to others because of aforementioned complex. And still.......after dozens and dozens of pleas to not do it.....Still Do IT????? Sorry...It just boils my blood....
Hmm know the feeling @Dutchs had 2 parents exactly the same which only made me even more stubborn and independent :D . I would stay away from said person if this person knows you well enough to know you both know all these things and are adverse to people treating you like a numbnut. I just stand up for myself no matter who it is now, and tell people if they do or say the wrong thing to me. It may not be tactful but quite frankly people like that need to learn how to treat people properly and with respect.
Hmm know the feeling @Dutchs had 2 parents exactly the same which only made me even more stubborn and independent :D . I would stay away from said person if this person knows you well enough to know you both know all these things and are adverse to people treating you like a numbnut. I just stand up for myself no matter who it is now, and tell people if they do or say the wrong thing to me. It may not be tactful but quite frankly people like that need to learn how to treat people properly and with respect.
Well said Sewingcreations......As the thread says that was a Rant to get it off of my chest. I will go one step further in my explanation. The aforementioned person is to close to me to just stay away from :eek: that being said I also say what needs said anymore regardless of the beating, verbal, I will most likely get but I simply will not tolerate it anymore. The frustration is only occasional anymore as well but it has made me a more distant person and I am accused of not listening. Which honestly is true. After so much turning it off is an option that keeps the peace. I do have Broad shoulders though and this soon will pass. Thanks for a place to let it out.....
Maybe it is time for oxigen tank and hospital bed rentals?

I think the oxygen tank is a great idea. Even some hypochondriac types keep oxygen tanks at home to help them "deal with stress". If she can be kept comfortable at home vs a pointless emergency room visit everyone wins.

Her regular doctor could write a script for it (or whatever is needed to get insurance to cover it). If her legs were getting shaky I would also ask the doc about that, maybe it was caused by an electrolyte imbalance or low blood sugar?
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Everyday I get up and read more crap on the news. So I come here and vent but is it really helping anything?
I go out and see it happening now and then in the real world too. It may be time to take a break from web for awhile again , not sure. A couple years or so ago I took off over a year with no laptop at all.
A few minutes ago as if my day wasn't trying enough a huge 8 foot long wide as little end of baseball bat got our 2 little 2 week old RIR peeps. He had already swollowed one and killed the other.
Hubby grabbed him by the tail and slung him thru the yard.
Now hubby and I had argument cause he wanted to kill the snake. Snake was just doing what snakes do. And they kill all the rats, gophers,etc,etc,etc, that cause havic.
The little barred rocks 4 week olds are still shaken up. We had them in brooder with Reds covered with chicken wire. With wire in middle dividing them. Snake was trying to get through other side of chicken wire to them too when we saw it. Don't know how the snake got in his head was so large?
We have never lost chicken to a snake, some eggs,yes.
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