Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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I'd say cats can deal with aggressive bluejays, but they will terrorize cats & dogs too. Glad we don't have them around here.
Puppies are on my bed again. I can see a flea crawling on Peanutbutter's head only inches from the flea collar. I hope the flea collar works. The ones I got for the cats worked. Jelly saw me looking at Peanutbutter and got jealous. LOL.
Both of my ankles are sore today for no apparent reason. Calves too. I'm thinking of eating the last banana. I just did a bunch of cleaning and I'll probably have to cook for mom later.
Yeah, those fake owls never worked on birds here- same situation. Fake snakes did not either.

Brief gripe about the humid weather here and how even inside with AC blowing I still get drenched from minor activity. I have to put in a good word for shea butter wipes. I always thought shea butter sounded stupid and never got the big deal about it until my uncle Jim told me it's antifungal. It's honestly been a life changer. It worked better than Tinactin when a cat had ringworm. The Equate brand wet wipes were the best but they seem to be discontinued. We get Parent's Choice shea butter wipes. The moisture leads to yeast under folds of fat (and my mom used to be like double D chest but now is sagging and would get rashes from all the moisture). With the humidity, drying off after showers didn't fully take-- still too damp. Powder works ok for a short while, but its not perfect. Antiperspirant works for my mom to an extent but it doesn't work for me. The 72hour stuff didn't even last an hour on me- plus it causes skin irritation. So, shea butter wipes helped immensely. So we shower, dry off, use shea butter wipes in areas that accrue moisture, and then use powder. Haven't had a rash since.

But I'm already sweating right now and I've barely moved. But I did have stomach issues last night and this morning so I had to run back and forth to the bathroom and I'm still not feeling great today. At least my orange cat has been keeping my abdomen warm-- which helps with stomach pains. I just watched him try to bite another cat's ear but he doesn't have teeth.
Home listings. How do people expect to sell their places with no pictures on the listings or just a couple pictures of the outside from afar? That or things piled so high you can‘t actually see the rooms. Is it because the market is so high or is that normal? So frustrating. We find places we think are promising but with no inside pics or a decent description. How are we to know if we should waste the realtor’s time to see it. Grrrrrrrrrrrr Getting real tired of the hunt from afar
Home listings. How do people expect to sell their places with no pictures on the listings or just a couple pictures of the outside from afar? That or things piled so high you can‘t actually see the rooms. Is it because the market is so high or is that normal? So frustrating. We find places we think are promising but with no inside pics or a decent description. How are we to know if we should waste the realtor’s time to see it. Grrrrrrrrrrrr Getting real tired of the hunt from afar

I feel for ya, Double R, I just went through that rigmarole a few short months ago (while living in a tent for 109 days, lol). In Arizona, some realtors never even bothered answering my calls, they were too busy slinging high-dollar properties to waste time on some peon like me who only had $60K cash, lol. Jeez, I'm glad I'm outta that crazy loop... but keep trying, it's the only way you'll ever stumble across some place like the one I scored. And on the flip side, remember that some shysters are trying to unload worthless POS properties in this boom, and they're listing them at what would normally be considered outrageous prices. Just sayin', I wasted time and money (fuel) checking out a dozen fixer homes that weren't worth a fraction of their cost. :confused:

Another option is to wait for the housing bubble to burst, as the Feds recently implied it would... moi, I had no choice unless I wanted to live in that dusty Whetstone field for the rest of my life, lol. Don't get me wrong, I love camping, but after 109 days it starts to get a bit old... particularly those freezing cold showers on sunless, cold, raw & windy days, lol. :oops:
I hate when realtors refuse to show houses. My late friend's house went unsold for several years because the real estate agent denied even representing the property when people asked about it (despite being paid a monthly fee to represent it) because it was so cheap he knew he wouldn't make much profit and he was too lazy to bother. He wasn't even in his office most of the time. I complained to my late friend's son about it and he changed real estate agents. It was sold within a month.
I also hate when realtors (like car dealers) show you stuff that doesn't even remotely meet your requirements. We went through that when looking for homes in New Mexico. We said no manufactured homes-- first one she showed us was a trailer. No steep steps to get in--- 2nd one had steps so steep my Mom couldn't even go up them to look inside. None of them had the right number of bedrooms and all of them had neighbors too close for comfort. The one really promising house we wanted to look at, real estate agent refused to go there. Although, we later found out it was for good reason as its a bad neighborhood with 3 cartels operating there.
In preparation for getting cows we needed run 600 ft of new fence. I had a guy and his 2 teenage sons help. They could only do it on Easter Sunday. Well not my choice for several reasons but I suppose the lord understands farmers. At no point did my wife mention or even consider not going to church. I was fine with that, until today when she started criticizing the job. Which I admit could have been better but I was busy running materials back and forth etc. Well my ability to be an A hole slipped out a little bit. Don't excuse yourself from a job and then complain about how it got done. 😠
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Cascadian, I have the same problem with my mother. She doesn't participate in decisions or in work but then criticizes it. She also has zero concept of manual labor work. She once got me a handheld saw which was pretty much a slightly larger coping saw and expected me to cut a 2ft thick piece of oak tree up into chunks with it. That saw wouldn't even cut through a sapling (I tried). When I told her the saw wouldn't work for that she said "You always say 'can't'! You never listen to my suggestions! You just reject them!" and I couldn't help it. As you said, my inner a-hole came out and I said "That's because your suggestions are stupid!" I normally don't snap at her like that but it was after she called me worthless and a litany of insulting names.

We've been getting along a lot better lately though. But she did interrupt a single episode of Midsomer Murders 3x today. LOL.
He is a great guy.
This is posted some where, but the search did not find it.

You could have hear a pin drop. Stories of military pride
When in England, at a fairly large conference, Colin Powell was asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury if our plans for Iraq were just an example of empire building by George Bush.

He answered by saying, "Over the years, the United States has sent many of its fine young men and women into great peril to fight for freedom beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for in return
is enough to bury those that did not return."

You could have heard a pin drop.


There was a conference in France where a number of international engineers were taking part, including French and American. During a break, one of the French engineers came back into the room saying, "Have you heard the latest dumb stunt Bush has done? He has sent an aircraft carrier to Indonesia to help the tsunami victims. What does he intend to do, bomb them?"

A Boeing engineer stood up and replied quietly, "Our carriers have three hospitals on board that can treat several hundred people; they are nuclear powered and can supply emergency electrical power to shore facilities; they
have three cafeterias with the capacity to feed 3,000 people three meals a day, they can produce several thousand gallons of fresh water from sea water each day, and they carry half a dozen helicopters for use in transporting victims and injured to and from their flight deck. We have eleven such ships; how many does
France have?"

You could have heard a pin drop.


A U.S. Navy Admiral was attending a naval conference that included Admirals from the U.S., English, Canadian, Australian and French Navies. At a cocktail reception, he found himself standing with a large group of officers that included personnel from most of those countries. Everyone was chatting away in English as they sipped their drinks but a French admiral suddenly complained that, whereas Europeans learn many languages, Americans learn only English." He then asked, 'Why is it that we always have to speak English in these conferences rather than speaking French?

Without hesitating, the American Admiral replied, "Maybe it's because the Brits, Canadians, Aussies and Americans arranged it so you wouldn't have to speak German."

You could have heard a pin drop.


Robert Whiting, an elderly gentleman of 83, arrived in Paris by plane. At French Customs he took a few minutes to locate his passport in his carry on. "You have been to France before, monsieur" the customs officer asked arcastically. Mr. Whiting admitted that he had been to France previously. "Then you should know enough to have your passport ready." The American said, "'The last time I was here, I didn't have to show it." "Impossible. Americans always have to show your passports on arrival in France!" The American senior gave the Frenchman a long hard look. Then he quietly explained," 'Well, when I came ashore at Omaha Beach on D-Day in 1944 to help liberate this country, I couldn't find a single Frenchmen to show a passport to."
You could have heard a pin drop.

Dean Rusk - President Kennedy's Secretary of State - was in France in the early 60's when President Charles DeGaulle made the decision to pull France out of NATO. President {Former General} DeGaulle said to Mr. Rusk he wanted all US military out of France as soon as possible.

Mr. Rusk looked him straight in the eyes and responded, "Does that include those who are buried here as well?"

DeGaulle never responded to Dean Rusk.
Capitol One screwed my brother over on his IRA. They told him what paperwork to fill out to transfer his account to a credit union and he filled it out. They came back and said that it was for the wrong type of IRA-- that he had a Roth IRA. So he filled out Roth IRA paperwork instead. Then they came back and said "No, you have the other type of IRA" (there were only 2 types). They refused to transfer it and now they sent him a letter saying they gave his account to some other company he's never heard of before and he has to get his money from them. I don't even know if that is legal, but they did it. I will never ever use CO again. I'm glad I pulled all my $ out years ago.
Capitol One screwed my brother over on his IRA. They told him what paperwork to fill out to transfer his account to a credit union and he filled it out. They came back and said that it was for the wrong type of IRA-- that he had a Roth IRA. So he filled out Roth IRA paperwork instead. Then they came back and said "No, you have the other type of IRA" (there were only 2 types). They refused to transfer it and now they sent him a letter saying they gave his account to some other company he's never heard of before and he has to get his money from them. I don't even know if that is legal, but they did it. I will never ever use CO again. I'm glad I pulled all my $ out years ago.
They are worthless.
They only care about you continuously sending them money, nothing else. :mad:
And the only one I have ever sentenced to 8 years in prison , awaiting execution.:waiting:
Capitol One screwed my brother over on his IRA. They told him what paperwork to fill out to transfer his account to a credit union and he filled it out. They came back and said that it was for the wrong type of IRA-- that he had a Roth IRA. So he filled out Roth IRA paperwork instead. Then they came back and said "No, you have the other type of IRA" (there were only 2 types). They refused to transfer it and now they sent him a letter saying they gave his account to some other company he's never heard of before and he has to get his money from them. I don't even know if that is legal, but they did it. I will never ever use CO again. I'm glad I pulled all my $ out years ago.

Some years ago I used them. They are scum and nothing more than thieves. We financed a car through them. Payments were on auto-pay. They repossessed the car stating payments were not made. Did I mention auto-pay? End of the day, they were given the option of a $10,000,000 damages and defamation lawsuit or the remaining balance would be forgiven due to THEIR error. $15,000 seemed good compared to the minimum of 10 % fault on their part at a minimum as well as the cost of litigation. Yeah, scum. Hope it gets addressed and fixed.
Capitol One screwed my brother over on his IRA. They told him what paperwork to fill out to transfer his account to a credit union and he filled it out. They came back and said that it was for the wrong type of IRA-- that he had a Roth IRA. So he filled out Roth IRA paperwork instead. Then they came back and said "No, you have the other type of IRA" (there were only 2 types). They refused to transfer it and now they sent him a letter saying they gave his account to some other company he's never heard of before and he has to get his money from them. I don't even know if that is legal, but they did it. I will never ever use CO again. I'm glad I pulled all my $ out years ago.

Why is it always someone else's fault and never the person making the final decision?
Supervisor, I agree. I think I already posted here about how they literally stole money out of my parents' account bc their cashier's drawer came up short and rather than check the tapes to see if she pocked it or if she gave it to someone else, they claimed she gave it to us. Claimed a $40 check was cashed for $400 "accidentally". We know for a fact we didn't get $400. I was with them when they cashed it. Mom always counts the $. They lied and claimed they couldn't find the tapes and when we checked up on it later they claimed they didn't know what we were talking about. I wanted them to pull all their $ right then and there.

Mom is still trying to get OPM to transfer payments to the credit union but she can't get through to them.

As an update, my brother called the 3rd party company and was told they are having tech issues and no one can login right now and that he called at a bad time. I wonder if that is true or if that is just their excuse to not let him get his $. I don't know how CO could have legally passed his $ to another company w/o prior notice.
This morning I could have hit a 20 y/o with my car. She was crossing the street and I had to hit my breaks because it didn't occur to me that she wouldn't even pause at the edge of the road to look. She just walked and when I hit my breaks, she never even broke stride. She looked at me like "go ahead & hit me." To top if off she was dressed in what I would call her underwear. How long before we can bump off a few of these and begin teaching them a lesson? It wouldn't take very many before they might give some consideration to the situation.
Okay, I'm done.
This morning I could have hit a 20 y/o with my car. She was crossing the street and I had to hit my breaks because it didn't occur to me that she wouldn't even pause at the edge of the road to look. She just walked and when I hit my breaks, she never even broke stride. She looked at me like "go ahead & hit me." To top if off she was dressed in what I would call her underwear. How long before we can bump off a few of these and begin teaching them a lesson? It wouldn't take very many before they might give some consideration to the situation.
Okay, I'm done.
Was she hurt, did a LEO make a report & can you be sued?
(How did I miss Could have??)
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I just had to get a creepy crawly tic off my backside of all places. It was entrenched good. Must have bitten me Tuesday. At my age it's almost impossible to get a tic off my rear, not nearly as limber as in my youth! I hate tics! :oops: Embarrassing, had to get my 88yr old dad to help, with tweezers and his shaky hands. Did I mention I hate tics! 🤣
I hate when people don't look before stepping out in front of traffic. I especially get irritated when people have a bunch of kids that they let run amok in parking lots or on streets and don't do anything to keep them from zipping behind vehicles. I get that it can be hard to manage the little crotch goblins at times, but if it weren't for my backup camera, there would be some squished kids. They were too short to be seen over my pickup bed and they just ran behind as I was backing out. I also don't like it when people in vehicles are careless about pedestrians. I've nearly been run over in the pedestrian crossing where I had right of way bc some jerks decided to speed through and ignore that people were walking. I had to jump out of the way before bc I was already crossing when someone zipped through. I was told that one of the riding carts got wrecked because someone in a truck ran a woman over while she was in the pedestrian crossing.

On to my current rant: Fedex sucks! They struck again with not delivering to the correct address. I was outside playing with the pups at the time they allegedly delivered. No sound of any vehicles down my road. Automatic menu for them wouldn't let me get past the "your package was left at the front door" so I had to talk to a real person in India to explain that my package was not at my door, was not near my door, was not on my porch or my sidewalk or my lawn or in/on my truck or anywhere to be seen and that the delivery must have been to the wrong address. He said they will try to find out where it was taken and get it delivered to me. Problem is, if it went to my neighbors, they might throw it away or hide it. I will have to contact Starlink and probably wait another month if Fedex can't find it.
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