Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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This was bizarre. Someone claiming to be my great nephew’s lawyer called my mom (she has severe dementia). Said the boy had a car accident in Atlanta, rear ended someone while texting. Said because it was his fault a $9500 bond was required. Said the boy didn’t want his mother called as she would be upset. Said he was injured and can’t speak on the phone. Asked “Can you send the money UPS.

She got dressed and was ready to go get the money. Dad came inside about this time, he got the story, or mom's version of it. (Mom gets even more upset when she’s not making sense and others don’t understand her.) Then she calls our county sheriff’s office because dad won’t take her to get the money to get her great grandson out of jail. (handled)

So dad calls this lawyer back and got the same story about this urgent problem. Dad wanted to know why he didn’t call his mom. The lawyer says because “she would get angry and doesn’t have the money anyway.”

So dad asked why the boy didn’t want his sister called. Lawyer said “she was busy at work and can’t be reached”.

The boy has no sister! Good ole dad, have to get up early in the morning to pull something on him.

Then dad called the boy’s mom. She said she just dropped the boy off to mow a neighbors yard. He was is school this morning and he’s never been to Atlanta either.

What is most concerning… these people, who ever they are, knew names, relationships, had phone numbers.

The good news, my parents only credit/debit card resides in my wallet. Dad wanted me to keep it (for items I have to get them sometimes). Dad also set up their accounts (except one) so they can only be accessed in person at the bank for transfers or withdrawals (my idea). (small town and a great uncle started that bank in the 40’s, everyone knows everyone)

Still makes me wonder, who the heck were these people and how did they get the info they tried to use? Also, no doubt they will try something else.
I feel your pain. MIL has (almost) fallen for the DirecTV phone scam, not once, but TWICE!
The Hindu guy telling her that they have a transponder on the satellite going bad and they were going to make a change and needed her to pull up some info on the screen and read it to them to see if it can take the change or HER TV COULD STOP WORKING TOMORROW! gaah
Fortunately, he was unable to walk her thru pulling up the key-code number so she handed the phone and remote to the resident a-hole, and I told him:
"She has a maintenance contract on it, if it stops working, she calls, and a guy comes out in a truck and fixes it for free. SEE YA'!" <click>
She was angry.:(
Second time was a little easier. DW heard her talking (clearly upset) and asked her who it was:
The beast was summoned, and when I was handed the phone:
".....go into setup, then click on configuration, then pull up system info" <click>
She was furious!:mad:
Fortunately, I take a spanking pretty good.:thumbs:
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This was bizarre. Someone claiming to be my great nephew’s lawyer called my mom (she has severe dementia). Said the boy had a car accident in Atlanta, rear ended someone while texting. Said because it was his fault a $9500 bond was required. Said the boy didn’t want his mother called as she would be upset. Said he was injured and can’t speak on the phone. Asked “Can you send the money UPS.

She got dressed and was ready to go get the money. Dad came inside about this time, he got the story, or mom's version of it. (Mom gets even more upset when she’s not making sense and others don’t understand her.) Then she calls our county sheriff’s office because dad won’t take her to get the money to get her great grandson out of jail. (handled)

So dad calls this lawyer back and got the same story about this urgent problem. Dad wanted to know why he didn’t call his mom. The lawyer says because “she would get angry and doesn’t have the money anyway.”

So dad asked why the boy didn’t want his sister called. Lawyer said “she was busy at work and can’t be reached”.

The boy has no sister! Good ole dad, have to get up early in the morning to pull something on him.

Then dad called the boy’s mom. She said she just dropped the boy off to mow a neighbors yard. He was is school this morning and he’s never been to Atlanta either.

What is most concerning… these people, who ever they are, knew names, relationships, had phone numbers.

The good news, my parents only credit/debit card resides in my wallet. Dad wanted me to keep it (for items I have to get them sometimes). Dad also set up their accounts (except one) so they can only be accessed in person at the bank for transfers or withdrawals (my idea). (small town and a great uncle started that bank in the 40’s, everyone knows everyone)

Still makes me wonder, who the heck were these people and how did they get the info they tried to use? Also, no doubt they will try something else.
I've heard of this scam before. These people prey on older people like your mother.

How many calls do they make before they have someone whom they can get to react and respond? This still goes to my thing of people being so trained to answer the phone if it rings and the door if someone knocks. We are so trained to respond this way, unless you have been fortunate to have some good conversations with random people about all the scams. Caller ID is an excellent tool, if you use it, or if like your mom, know to use it.
At this point I need to rethink how their phone is used. Maybe a new land line just for mom that will only ring if called by certain numbers. I've thought for a year something needs to change. Clearly she can no longer be trusted answering a phone.
Most modern telephones companies have a feature that will only ring the phone if the calling party’s number is in the called party’s approved list.
I've heard of this scam before. These people prey on older people like your mother.

How many calls do they make before they have someone whom they can get to react and respond? This still goes to my thing of people being so trained to answer the phone if it rings and the door if someone knocks. We are so trained to respond this way, unless you have been fortunate to have some good conversations with random people about all the scams. Caller ID is an excellent tool, if you use it, or if like your mom, know to use it.
That 'grandson-scam' has been around for decades and gets them big bux.
They simply dig thru info to find people that are over 75 and go phishing.
The Caller ID showed DirecTV on both scam calls to my MIL. It means nothing.
If you wanted me to call you as someone else, just tell me who to be, and give me your phone number.:thumbs:
How 'bout your doctor? :oops: I bet you would answer that call, and believe every word.
All I have to do is find a scrap of medical info that fell thru the cracks and it is being tossed around everywhere today:mad:.
I can walk into any Dr's office, tell them who I am, and presto all of my medical info is on their PC.
How secure is THAT PC?:dunno:
I rant enough about 'the machines'.
People should know that most of them are busy around the clock compiling people's info, because it can be sold for money.
I am not surprised one bit that @Peanut 's scammers had relationships and phone numbers at their fingertips.:mad:
(look, I turned it into a rant!:D)
Help protect the older generation.
They grew up in a world where 99% of people were honest and trusted. (The rest were bank-robbers:rolleyes:)
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I think if people have Facebook and don't have their settings locked down to the most restricted, it is easy for scammers to get the family members names and relationships figured out. It is interesting to me when a few people are often repeatedly scammed and their page is duplicated with their own photos and information.
Its official. I have lost my ever preppin' mind!
I'm one guy, this stuff won't keep that long, I have ten... TEN 5 gallon buckets of canned food, never mind the crap in the mini freezer and fridge and dry goods. I can't stop myself, being disabled, you guys pay for my food, I'm grateful by the way, every time I go to the store its 150+$ nothing too fancy really except maybe peanut butter or ravioli, I'm literally buying enough food for two people a month not to mention buying TP no matter how much I have stored. I've been in jam and cram mode since right before the Vid hit and I can't stop myself, tomorrow I hit the halfway mark on my bills. I'll likely go back to buying ammo. dunno what for? I'm not going to be here much longer I ought to do what the rest of the guys my age do, get a muscle car, a sugar bear half my age and go in debt! I'm seriously looking at a year's worth of food I might not live to eat! You could figure as much as I eat, each bucket has almost a month of food for one guy, not counting liquids. I've completed my yearly preps and then some! am I blessed, possessed, being given orders from on high, or just out of my little tiny mind? I swear if I saw a sale on baked beans, tuna or Campbell soup tomorrow, I'd be first in line! I think next month, after I kill the rest of these bills, I'm going wardrobe shopping, might even buy a TV...Oh hell no! Not that! A new Shortwave radio! get me some nadcrusher blue jeans, cowboy boots and leathers and some button down shirts and imitate the rest of the losers around here trying to look what they're not Ugh.. no. Maybe a new hoodie, boots and cargo pants. Bleh! I've got that stuff I've only wore once! OK, fix up my Blazer and move out of this camper! Maybe just fix the roof again? GAH! just stop me before I shop again!
Ugh...."fix my ride up I said...." So I was out burning off a part of a tank of watery gas and my radiator blew up. I'm looking at 300$ +debt again. damned pawn shop guy is starting to think I'm just renting HIS Springfield armory commander. I hate my life.

Oh, joy. I laid down for a nap and my back popped out again.
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Wife fixed boneless chicken for supper. One small piece (two bites) was left.

Me. Do you want to save the last piece?
Wife. No.
Me. Do you want it?
Wife. No.
Me. Looking at it, not really wanting it but not wanting to waste it.
Wife. You don’t have to eat. I’ll save it and put it tomorrow‘s salad.
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The Supreme Court leaked something today and everyone got all upset..

The wife is extreme pro-life, the well educated doctor son is pro-choice.

So the son calls the wife to just check in and the wife baits him into a discussion on the subject...
After an hour of listening to them argue on the subject I eat supper and started doing chores outside.. it's quiet out there....
An hour later it's dark, the wife's dinner is cold, and she is still on the phone..... come on, it's a no win argument!!!

They never get me into those conversations... My position is perfectly simple...

If you want to murder babies that's your choice and you will have to answer for that. But I am NOT WILLING TO PAY FOR IT IN ANY WAY.
Very simple... and no argument....
The Supreme Court leaked something today and everyone got all upset..

The wife is extreme pro-life, the well educated doctor son is pro-choice.

So the son calls the wife to just check in and the wife baits him into a discussion on the subject...
After an hour of listening to them argue on the subject I eat supper and started doing chores outside.. it's quiet out there....
An hour later it's dark, the wife's dinner is cold, and she is still on the phone..... come on, it's a no win argument!!!

They never get me into those conversations... My position is perfectly simple...

If you want to murder babies that's your choice and you will have to answer for that. But I am NOT WILLING TO PAY FOR IT IN ANY WAY.
Very simple... and no argument....
There are many arguments that are no win, but that never stops a bunch of people from arguing. And when they finally quit, who won? No one! Some will even have elevated blood pressure, but argue away!
The Supreme Court leaked something today and everyone got all upset..

The wife is extreme pro-life, the well educated doctor son is pro-choice.

So the son calls the wife to just check in and the wife baits him into a discussion on the subject...
After an hour of listening to them argue on the subject I eat supper and started doing chores outside.. it's quiet out there....
An hour later it's dark, the wife's dinner is cold, and she is still on the phone..... come on, it's a no win argument!!!

They never get me into those conversations... My position is perfectly simple...

If you want to murder babies that's your choice and you will have to answer for that. But I am NOT WILLING TO PAY FOR IT IN ANY WAY.
Very simple... and no argument....

My oldest is trying to pick a fight with me right now over this. She's listening to all the idiots online about how abortions will be illegal, and gay and mixed marriages will be next... Good grief.
Elk! I was driving my ATV home from feeding the cows and saw a herd of elk cows grazing on the left side of the road. I slowed way down (8ish mph) and moved to the right side of the road. A yearling came barreling out of the trees on the right side of the road, tried to jump over me and ended up straddling the seat behind me. It was stuck between me and the water tank I have strapped to the rear rack and it took us a minute to get untangled. I'm sore but amazingly have no bruises.
Oh my! You could have easily been badly hurt. I've seen what cloven hoofed critters can do just trying to get away! So Lucky!

It was trying to go off the left side and I was trying to go over the front. I was wearing jeans and a jacket or I probably would have been cut up. It's still chilly here and an ATV doesn't block the wind at all!
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