Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Wingnut, I haven't had porch pirates in a very long time (and only had packages that were actually delivered to my house messed with once or twice in 20 years). I'm out in the middle of nowhere and nearest neighbors have steered clear & no one else has a reason to be out here. Also, my dogs will alert if anyone comes in to the yard. I used to have a problem with my late neighbor intercepting my packages-- stepping in front of the Fedex & UPS trucks and saying he would deliver my packages to me and they would stupidly hand my stuff over to him. I would then have to either go demand them or he would use it as an excuse to come over and steal stuff. I'd find him behind my house making some excuse about how he was just checking on something for me & that he was there to deliver a package. When I confronted the drivers they told me how he stopped them and asked for my stuff specifically. I kept telling them that they were to tell him "NO" and that they weren't allowed to give my packages to him or anyone else that I did not authorize.

I'm probably going to have to get stuff delivered to my friend's house bc he has porch cameras and people (with the exception of his mother) are afraid to steal from his porch.

At least the guy in India was very friendly.
I just had to get a creepy crawly tic off my backside of all places. It was entrenched good. Must have bitten me Tuesday. At my age it's almost impossible to get a tic off my rear, not nearly as limber as in my youth! I hate tics! :oops: Embarrassing, had to get my 88yr old dad to help, with tweezers and his shaky hands. Did I mention I hate tics! 🤣
When I was a child, dad would use a hot match he lit it & blow out the flame) touch the tick & it would detach. They were the little brown deer tick.
Me: Alexa. My notifications.

Alexa: Your DVD has been delivered.

Me: Honey did you ordered a DVD with Amazon?

Honey: Yes.

Me: Don't ever recall the wife ordering DVDs in the past and her Birthday coming up... Did you order it for your self or is it a gift?

Honey: I ordered it for myself. Somebody hack my sister's iPhone so the DVD is a gift to me from her.

Me: I'm not understanding the it's not a gift, phone hacked, it is a gift so I move on to the more important matter...How did her phone get hacked?

Honey: She asked me to order the DVD, then I'm to give it to her so she can wrapped it and give it back to me for my Birthday.

Me: OK that part now make sense to me...What does that have to do with her iPhone getting hacked?

Honey: Someone used her credit card so she didn't want to use her Amazon Account so I used yours to order the DVD.

Me: OK. I still don't understand the part of her iPhone getting hacked. Apple has excellent security.

Honey: With a frustrated tone to her voice. Someone called her about possible fraud purchases on her credit card. So she gave them her credit card information because the caller asked. Turns out the caller was the fraud and started making charges to her credit card. She canceled her credit card and no longer trusts online buying. So she had me make the purchase.

Me: DVD is a gift. iPhone was not hacked (just guilty by association). SIL gave out her CC info to a telephone scammer.
Stupid people.
Thin-skinned people.
Have a list of probably 20 other things too.

As it were these days, I find myself not caring to jump into the internet "fray" arguing about anything and everything without actually knowing anything about anything. Sure, we have the professionals you know; Vid masters that know all there is to know about the vid. Those that know all about the inter-workings of the bad old Ruskies and their leadership. Those that come in asking for a spark plug for their lawnmowers since all of them are the same then get offended when you hand them an old tractor plug when they wanted to get one for their 5hp push mower. The look on their face is priceless though.

Meh, it's all good though. It has cut my time wasted on the inter-webs significantly which is good from a productive standpoint. Getting to the point where I actually no longer have to rant. :drink buddy:
If I believed in hell I'd say there is a special place in it for scammers who trick people into giving cc info. They tricked my Mom before and I had to deal with the CC company to explain what happened to get the transaction undone and then she had to get a new card. Fortunately, the lady at Discover card was nice about it and her grandma had been scammed like that before so she understood.

So, the Fedex driver must have delivered after I was out there but lied about the time. I heard a truck in the yard but didn't get to the window in time to see it. Driver claimed to dispatch she had left the package "on top of something" but I think she drove by and chucked it on the porch so it rolled under a tarp. Likely after we complained it wasn't delivered. The notation said it was "left by the door" but we found it way far from the door behind the cooler under a tarp. It was a very small package and hard to see. Well "we" means my brother found it. Need to get it set up but I've had anal glaucoma today.

I've been exhausted still. I wish the pharmacy would stop switching my meds up on me and keep giving me what works. I will have to talk to my pharmacist about it.

My friend's ex must want money bc she messaged me saying she misses me. Publicly she's still pretending that she's with my friend and that the fetus she's carrying is his. Meanwhile, he's been very quiet due to feeling ill. I'm worried that she might be back over there and he's lying to hide it but I'd have to drive by there to see. I do need to go get more stuff from the store. My bro ate my frozen veggies.
I hate when people don't look before stepping out in front of traffic. I especially get irritated when people have a bunch of kids that they let run amok in parking lots or on streets and don't do anything to keep them from zipping behind vehicles. I get that it can be hard to manage the little crotch goblins at times, but if it weren't for my backup camera, there would be some squished kids. They were too short to be seen over my pickup bed and they just ran behind as I was backing out. I also don't like it when people in vehicles are careless about pedestrians. I've nearly been run over in the pedestrian crossing where I had right of way bc some jerks decided to speed through and ignore that people were walking. I had to jump out of the way before bc I was already crossing when someone zipped through. I was told that one of the riding carts got wrecked because someone in a truck ran a woman over while she was in the pedestrian crossing.

On to my current rant: Fedex sucks! They struck again with not delivering to the correct address. I was outside playing with the pups at the time they allegedly delivered. No sound of any vehicles down my road. Automatic menu for them wouldn't let me get past the "your package was left at the front door" so I had to talk to a real person in India to explain that my package was not at my door, was not near my door, was not on my porch or my sidewalk or my lawn or in/on my truck or anywhere to be seen and that the delivery must have been to the wrong address. He said they will try to find out where it was taken and get it delivered to me. Problem is, if it went to my neighbors, they might throw it away or hide it. I will have to contact Starlink and probably wait another month if Fedex can't find it.
Most people in India have no way to conceive what living in the country is like. Some do, yes, but many are so densely crowded in the cities.
Me: Alexa. My notifications.

Alexa: Your DVD has been delivered.

Me: Honey did you ordered a DVD with Amazon?

Honey: Yes.

Me: Don't ever recall the wife ordering DVDs in the past and her Birthday coming up... Did you order it for your self or is it a gift?

Honey: I ordered it for myself. Somebody hack my sister's iPhone so the DVD is a gift to me from her.

Me: I'm not understanding the it's not a gift, phone hacked, it is a gift so I move on to the more important matter...How did her phone get hacked?

Honey: She asked me to order the DVD, then I'm to give it to her so she can wrapped it and give it back to me for my Birthday.

Me: OK that part now make sense to me...What does that have to do with her iPhone getting hacked?

Honey: Someone used her credit card so she didn't want to use her Amazon Account so I used yours to order the DVD.

Me: OK. I still don't understand the part of her iPhone getting hacked. Apple has excellent security.

Honey: With a frustrated tone to her voice. Someone called her about possible fraud purchases on her credit card. So she gave them her credit card information because the caller asked. Turns out the caller was the fraud and started making charges to her credit card. She canceled her credit card and no longer trusts online buying. So she had me make the purchase.

Me: DVD is a gift. iPhone was not hacked (just guilty by association). SIL gave out her CC info to a telephone scammer.
I wonder if sister will not be so quick to give out information next time?

So many people are conditioned that if the phone rings, they must answer it. If someone asks them a question, answer it. If someone knocks on the door or rings the doorbell, answer the door. We live in times where it is better to second guess these things.
I have a rant.
It is short.
The world is falling apart and I'm too old and wrecked to enjoy it!
I can't set the fires anymore, but I can still watch it burn. CHEERS!


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One of my teachers in high school went to India. He said he saw a manhole cover move and a guy with no legs climbed out and scampered across the street on just his hands. Said it freaked him out. He said he also saw at least 3 dead bodies of children because the buses there will run over kids and not stop. Just leave them in the streets to die & nobody picks them up. That was over 20 years ago though but I doubt much has changed.

The driver claimed she put my package "up on something" but did not specify what. I heard a truck in the yard after I made the complaint to Fedex but didn't make it out in time to see any vehicle. My brother found the package (which was tiny) behind the cooler and under a tarp-- like it had just been tossed and rolled. I suspect she lied about delivering (as I was outside at the time she claimed to have delivered) and quickly tossed it on the porch and left. Unless she just delivered it after I went back inside and it fell under the tarp. But the notation said it was at the front door but it was nowhere near the door. It was a very small black box though which made it harder to find.
One of my teachers in high school went to India. He said he saw a manhole cover move and a guy with no legs climbed out and scampered across the street on just his hands. Said it freaked him out. He said he also saw at least 3 dead bodies of children because the buses there will run over kids and not stop. Just leave them in the streets to die & nobody picks them up. That was over 20 years ago though but I doubt much has changed.

The driver claimed she put my package "up on something" but did not specify what. I heard a truck in the yard after I made the complaint to Fedex but didn't make it out in time to see any vehicle. My brother found the package (which was tiny) behind the cooler and under a tarp-- like it had just been tossed and rolled. I suspect she lied about delivering (as I was outside at the time she claimed to have delivered) and quickly tossed it on the porch and left. Unless she just delivered it after I went back inside and it fell under the tarp. But the notation said it was at the front door but it was nowhere near the door. It was a very small black box though which made it harder to find.
I have a soloution, a big, strong box next to the porch with a one way revolving lid like a blue mail drop box, but paint it UPS brown, Stencil UPS and other delivery, inform your carrier it is there, that way you can tell their supervisor what a retard they are for not recognizing their own damned company logo!
...The driver claimed she put my package "up on something" but did not specify what. I heard a truck in the yard after I made the complaint to Fedex but didn't make it out in time to see any vehicle. My brother found the package (which was tiny) behind the cooler and under a tarp-- like it had just been tossed and rolled. I suspect she lied about delivering (as I was outside at the time she claimed to have delivered) and quickly tossed it on the porch and left. Unless she just delivered it after I went back inside and it fell under the tarp. But the notation said it was at the front door but it was nowhere near the door. It was a very small black box though which made it harder to find.
Waita minute, is this a duplicate, or is my 'anal glaucoma' acting up today? gaah
...So, the Fedex driver must have delivered after I was out there but lied about the time. I heard a truck in the yard but didn't get to the window in time to see it. Driver claimed to dispatch she had left the package "on top of something" but I think she drove by and chucked it on the porch so it rolled under a tarp. Likely after we complained it wasn't delivered. The notation said it was "left by the door" but we found it way far from the door behind the cooler under a tarp. It was a very small package and hard to see. Well "we" means my brother found it. Need to get it set up but I've had anal glaucoma today.
Waita minute, is this a duplicate, or is my 'anal glaucoma' acting up today? gaah
Fedex probably has a "go to" excuse....like my trash service!! A few months ago they missed picking up my trash BECAUSE I did not have my trash out on time!! Haha, I have a permanent trash bin at the road, it's been out all week!! Same excuse today, "we are sorry ma'am, you didn't have your trash out by 7am!" I had to do it, " sorry liar making crap up, my trash is out all week just waiting for your guys to come get it!" Now they get to waste the gas and come back out!! A few years back I drove my trash TO THEIR OFFICE, propped their screen door open and unloaded five bags in the office! They haven't missed picking up again until recently. I may have to make another trash run! Point of the story, they all have "go to" excuses!
It has been misting here, so no dogs and dog parks. It was the perfect day to get my emissions tested. It is not close to home. None of them are. When they were finished, they said my vehicle didn't pass due to a faulty gas cap. I drove to an auto parts store and got a new one. I laid it on the passenger seat and drove back. I didn't put it on, but told them that it was there on the seat. Emissions testing is over, vehicle passed. I get in the vehicle and the new gas cap is still in the package on the seat. I decided I would return it, because, why not? I tell the clerk at the auto parts store what happened and he told me that this happens fairly frequently. I did realize that someone could buy a new cap, and after passing the emissions, put the old one back on and return the new one, but that is not what I did.
It has been misting here, so no dogs and dog parks. It was the perfect day to get my emissions tested. It is not close to home. None of them are. When they were finished, they said my vehicle didn't pass due to a faulty gas cap. I drove to an auto parts store and got a new one. I laid it on the passenger seat and drove back. I didn't put it on, but told them that it was there on the seat. Emissions testing is over, vehicle passed. I get in the vehicle and the new gas cap is still in the package on the seat. I decided I would return it, because, why not? I tell the clerk at the auto parts store what happened and he told me that this happens fairly frequently. I did realize that someone could buy a new cap, and after passing the emissions, put the old one back on and return the new one, but that is not what I did.
Good rant. The emissions-testing is all a scam, and I'm sure the 'testing station' had a gas-cap they were just waiting to sell you for $45.:oops:
They make nothing off of the testing.:(
Since I know a thing or 2 about modern engines, if your O2 sensor(s) is working and the 'check-engine' light is not on, the system is in closed-loop, and putting a probe in the tailpipe is pointless.
The O2 sensor is way ahead of them, and already doing that.
(and you wouldn't believe how much you already paid for it/them :oops:):

...Better get two, just to have a spare. :thumbs:
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This was bizarre. Someone claiming to be my great nephew’s lawyer called my mom (she has severe dementia). Said the boy had a car accident in Atlanta, rear ended someone while texting. Said because it was his fault a $9500 bond was required. Said the boy didn’t want his mother called as she would be upset. Said he was injured and can’t speak on the phone. Asked “Can you send the money UPS.

She got dressed and was ready to go get the money. Dad came inside about this time, he got the story, or mom's version of it. (Mom gets even more upset when she’s not making sense and others don’t understand her.) Then she calls our county sheriff’s office because dad won’t take her to get the money to get her great grandson out of jail. (handled)

So dad calls this lawyer back and got the same story about this urgent problem. Dad wanted to know why he didn’t call his mom. The lawyer says because “she would get angry and doesn’t have the money anyway.”

So dad asked why the boy didn’t want his sister called. Lawyer said “she was busy at work and can’t be reached”.

The boy has no sister! Good ole dad, have to get up early in the morning to pull something on him.

Then dad called the boy’s mom. She said she just dropped the boy off to mow a neighbors yard. He was is school this morning and he’s never been to Atlanta either.

What is most concerning… these people, who ever they are, knew names, relationships, had phone numbers.

The good news, my parents only credit/debit card resides in my wallet. Dad wanted me to keep it (for items I have to get them sometimes). Dad also set up their accounts (except one) so they can only be accessed in person at the bank for transfers or withdrawals (my idea). (small town and a great uncle started that bank in the 40’s, everyone knows everyone)

Still makes me wonder, who the heck were these people and how did they get the info they tried to use? Also, no doubt they will try something else.
This was bizarre. Someone claiming to be my great nephew’s lawyer called my mom (she has severe dementia). Said the boy had a car accident in Atlanta, rear ended someone while texting. Said because it was his fault a $9500 bond was required. Said the boy didn’t want his mother called as she would be upset. Said he was injured and can’t speak on the phone. Asked “Can you send the money UPS.

She got dressed and was ready to go get the money. Dad came inside about this time, he got the story, or mom's version of it. (Mom gets even more upset when she’s not making sense and others don’t understand her.) Then she calls our county sheriff’s office because dad won’t take her to get the money to get her great grandson out of jail. (handled)

So dad calls this lawyer back and got the same story about this urgent problem. Dad wanted to know why he didn’t call his mom. The lawyer says because “she would get angry and doesn’t have the money anyway.”

So dad asked why the boy didn’t want his sister called. Lawyer said “she was busy at work and can’t be reached”.

The boy has no sister! Good ole dad, have to get up early in the morning to pull something on him.

Then dad called the boy’s mom. She said she just dropped the boy off to mow a neighbors yard. He was is school this morning and he’s never been to Atlanta either.

What is most concerning… these people, who ever they are, knew names, relationships, had phone numbers.

The good news, my parents only credit/debit card resides in my wallet. Dad wanted me to keep it (for items I have to get them sometimes). Dad also set up their accounts (except one) so they can only be accessed in person at the bank for transfers or withdrawals (my idea). (small town and a great uncle started that bank in the 40’s, everyone knows everyone)

Still makes me wonder, who the heck were these people and how did they get the info they tried to use? Also, no doubt they will try something else.
I just spent some old friend I used to work with 30 years ago. I searched on his name and was able to find the property he owns, estimated net worth, estimated annual income, his daughters name phone number and his x-wife phone number.

None ot his phone numbers worked but his X's phone number worked and heard her voice on her answering machine.

All of that just by searching on his name.

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