Ah, yes, the fooliots who risk everything to get one space ahead, lol... didn't really intend to rant, but my personal pet peeve involves tailgaters. What can I say about tailgating? It's rude, stupid & downright dangerous, three good reasons NOT to do it. I say this as a truck driver who used to haul hazardous waste to registered treatment facilities nationwide, which means I've had more safety training than most truck drivers, let alone Class C drivers (or whatever they're called in your neck of the woods).
I've seen quite a few bad drivers in my time, idiots destined to get into wrecks at some point in the future... perhaps fatality wrecks. The whole idea behind road safety is to NOT get dragged into those wrecks with 'em, lol. I've always tried to be a good uncle to my nieces & nephews, advising them to regularly inspect their vehicles (especially rubber, lights & flashers), keep space between themselves and other drivers, signal intentions to turn or change lanes or whatever, common-sense stuff, ya know?
I've also told them NOT to hang out near big trucks, better to smoothly accelerate past when a good opportunity arises. There are MANY reasons why one shouldn't hang out near big trucks, I won't get into those right now. Don't blind oncoming drivers with high-beams, especially on skinny two-lane roads (only increases the chances of a head-on collision). Don't act like an impatient ********, getting from A to B SAFELY is paramount, so factor in extra time if necessary. NEVER expect the other driver to know or follow the 'Rules of the Road'---that way you won't be disappointed.
With all the devices & distractions out there nowadays, defensive driving is the only way to go... and "ride the gap" between packs of vehicles on the Big Road, it's the safest spot. You can't do it all the time, but you can train yourself to MAXIMIZE time spent in that gap, 10-4? I do it in my 4-wheeler to this day, it only makes sense. I even tell my kin that if they want to go fast or get crazy behind the wheel, do it in the boondocks where nobody else is around, or do it in the dirt, lol. The "good uncle"---BWAHAHAHAHA!!!