Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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This could have been not good! So good that it turned out as good as it did. There's a story you will never forget.

It could have been bad. I kept thinking that there had to be a wolf or lion coming after it, it couldn't possibly be dumb enough to just try and jump over me but then the reasonable side of my brain reminded me that I watched an elk try to jump over an open gate instead of just walking through it.
It could have been bad. I kept thinking that there had to be a wolf or lion coming after it, it couldn't possibly be dumb enough to just try and jump over me but then the reasonable side of my brain reminded me that I watched an elk try to jump over an open gate instead of just walking through it.
There are plenty of videos of herds of them stopping traffic while they cross roads, leaping over the fences on either side. There sure could have been a predator that it was trying to get away from.
Ugh. the abortion debate. I'm pretty libertarian on this, its not my business who puts what in or takes what out of their body, Same with the whole gay bi tran thing, sleep with who or what you want, not my business, but don't demand I support it either! don't ask me to pay for a drug habit OR an abortion if its just cosmetic surgery. I'm fine with it for health reasons, rape or incest or even mental illness MAYBE, if the kid is going to be deformed or a moron, its a mercy thing, BUT some little **** gets drunk with the basketball team and she's healthy, NOPE. I have a stupid idea. let the government raise the healthy ones, give them top of the line educations, send them to military school and put them into the military, and as they retire out, let the best teach the next batch, we'd literally have an army of warriors trained from day one equal to or better than our current elite! Sounds cold and socialist right? but its better than pining away in a stinking orphanage, losing hope by the day and getting kicked out on the streets at seventeen, they will have a set future and a known purpose in life, not to mention not developing all the mental problems and depression the poor kids in the system now are subject to. Churches can adopt some too, raise a generation of preachers and priests. HEY! Why not companies as well? have fully trained supervisors and CEOs ready on their eighteenth birthday, Sure, Life, fate god, whatever robbed them of families, BUT they will have an anchor in the future to cling to. their organizations be they military, religious or industrial will become their family.
So we finally got fiber optic in our neck of the woods. We had been on a waiting list for a landline since they were at capacity for the old system. My wife is home all day with spotty cell reception and crumby Internet. She was all over it getting the account set up, pricing and scheduling install. Of course the install will be underground 250 ft though the cow field. After my 11 hour work day I put in a temporary hot wire to keep the cows away from where the trench will go. So on the day of install my wife and I had these conversations.
I called at lunchtime. Hey did they show up.
Her, no not yet. I just got back from the post office.
Me, what! You left?
Her, yes but I don't see any tracks or anything indicating they were here.
Me, you left when you were expecting someone.
Her, I was only gone 20 minutes. I will call them.
Me, it takes me a minimum of half an hour to get to town and back and I don't drive like a grandma. You know what, I can't do this right now I will talk to you when I get home.

When I got home she said, well apparently they were here at 9am. The lady said they honked at the gate etc.
Me, the gate wasn't open?
Her, they were supposed to call ahead.
Me, oh my the same guys that were supposed to call ahead to install the modem? The ones who dropped it at the gate and left last week?
Me, where did this State Farm mug come from?
Her, I stopped at the insurance to pick up a form.
Me, angry look.
Her, fine I was gone an hour, but it didn't matter because they were already here and gone.
Me, but you didn't know that. Please walk me through the thought process of not opening the gate and leaving for an hour when you are expecting someone. You could not have done a better job of sabotaging this if you had tried.

I am not much for yelling but at this point I just couldn't seem to stop. She went to bed. I simply cannot wrap my head around this. It was her idea. She had 10 hrs of phone calls invested. Now she has to start over.

On a side note cows are pretty dumb. I used T posts and surveyor string to divide the pasture and it worked.
So we finally got fiber optic in our neck of the woods. We had been on a waiting list for a landline since they were at capacity for the old system. My wife is home all day with spotty cell reception and crumby Internet. She was all over it getting the account set up, pricing and scheduling install. Of course the install will be underground 250 ft though the cow field. After my 11 hour work day I put in a temporary hot wire to keep the cows away from where the trench will go. So on the day of install my wife and I had these conversations.
I called at lunchtime. Hey did they show up.
Her, no not yet. I just got back from the post office.
Me, what! You left?
Her, yes but I don't see any tracks or anything indicating they were here.
Me, you left when you were expecting someone.
Her, I was only gone 20 minutes. I will call them.
Me, it takes me a minimum of half an hour to get to town and back and I don't drive like a grandma. You know what, I can't do this right now I will talk to you when I get home.

When I got home she said, well apparently they were here at 9am. The lady said they honked at the gate etc.
Me, the gate wasn't open?
Her, they were supposed to call ahead.
Me, oh my the same guys that were supposed to call ahead to install the modem? The ones who dropped it at the gate and left last week?
Me, where did this State Farm mug come from?
Her, I stopped at the insurance to pick up a form.
Me, angry look.
Her, fine I was gone an hour, but it didn't matter because they were already here and gone.
Me, but you didn't know that. Please walk me through the thought process of not opening the gate and leaving for an hour when you are expecting someone. You could not have done a better job of sabotaging this if you had tried.

I am not much for yelling but at this point I just couldn't seem to stop. She went to bed. I simply cannot wrap my head around this. It was her idea. She had 10 hrs of phone calls invested. Now she has to start over.

On a side note cows are pretty dumb. I used T posts and surveyor string to divide the pasture and it worked.

Me thinks our wives are sisters….
My rant is short.
There are actually highly educated people that are really the dumbest people in the room,
those who believe they are doing the most good who actually do the most harm, and believe
good intentions give them carte blanche to do anything in the name of their cause. to them I
MUST say:
Hell is too deep, jump in and fill a spot!
This was bizarre. Someone claiming to be my great nephew’s lawyer called my mom (she has severe dementia). Said the boy had a car accident in Atlanta, rear ended someone while texting. Said because it was his fault a $9500 bond was required. Said the boy didn’t want his mother called as she would be upset. Said he was injured and can’t speak on the phone. Asked “Can you send the money UPS.

She got dressed and was ready to go get the money. Dad came inside about this time, he got the story, or mom's version of it. (Mom gets even more upset when she’s not making sense and others don’t understand her.) Then she calls our county sheriff’s office because dad won’t take her to get the money to get her great grandson out of jail. (handled)

So dad calls this lawyer back and got the same story about this urgent problem. Dad wanted to know why he didn’t call his mom. The lawyer says because “she would get angry and doesn’t have the money anyway.”

So dad asked why the boy didn’t want his sister called. Lawyer said “she was busy at work and can’t be reached”.

The boy has no sister! Good ole dad, have to get up early in the morning to pull something on him.

Then dad called the boy’s mom. She said she just dropped the boy off to mow a neighbors yard. He was is school this morning and he’s never been to Atlanta either.

What is most concerning… these people, who ever they are, knew names, relationships, had phone numbers.

The good news, my parents only credit/debit card resides in my wallet. Dad wanted me to keep it (for items I have to get them sometimes). Dad also set up their accounts (except one) so they can only be accessed in person at the bank for transfers or withdrawals (my idea). (small town and a great uncle started that bank in the 40’s, everyone knows everyone)

Still makes me wonder, who the heck were these people and how did they get the info they tried to use? Also, no doubt they will try something else.
Good Job, wish every parent had a child like you.
My rant for the day is that every stupid idiot that I meet on the road seems to think they need to drive in the middle of the road, had a smart butt got mad and thought he was going to be a billy bad butt and come up to my window for a little chat after I didn’t run off the road for him.
it only too him a second to see the mistake he had just made, I will not put up with that bull and it only had to see me rack a round into the chamber of the ole RUGER SR 40 , he left out smoking the tires with me laughing at him.
My rant for the day is that every stupid idiot that I meet on the road seems to think they need to drive in the middle of the road, had a smart butt got mad and thought he was going to be a billy bad butt and come up to my window for a little chat after I didn’t run off the road for him.
it only too him a second to see the mistake he had just made, I will not put up with that bull and it only had to see me rack a round into the chamber of the ole RUGER SR 40 , he left out smoking the tires with me laughing at him.
Did he have Texas plates?? There is a lot of that here!!😉
Supervisor, I probably forgot I posted and ended up posting twice.

Even if I could clear a space for a box labeled for deliveries, the idiots don't even like to bring stuff to my porch. And I cleared away the weeds so there is no obstacle stopping them from doing it and the puppies are not mean to delivery people.

ACdoctor, I've had people nearly run me off the road before but they know better than to try to come over and complain bc everyone here has guns & they know it. Although, one time in Guam I was making a left turn at a light from the only turn lane and some local guy was in the straight only but decided to turn. He got along side me and tried to pass me on the right. I would have had to either brake (and get hit by the car behind me) or go into the oncoming lane and get hit. So I didn't let him over and he was honking and screaming profanities out his open window & shaking his fist at me.

Pearl, one time my brother was on his way to work and some yokels were parked in the road completely blocking it, standing outside their vehicles chatting. My honked. They flipped him off. He got out and said "Hey, I have to get to work, MOVE!" The guy laughed at him and flipped him off again. My brother shouted at him with expletives to move his car. Guy still refused. So he got in his truck and very slowly crept forward and started nudging the guy's car and pushing it. The guy shouted at him & he shouted back for the guy to move so he could get to work on time.

Between my thyroid meds not working as well and the heat, I have been absolutely exhausted. I can't seem to stay awake for more than a couple of hours at a time. As a result, the dishes are backlogged and I just don't have the energy to deal with it. Sink is so full I don't have room to wash stuff and there's so much stuff on the counter. My brother got mad about the only drying rack we had being in the way of where he wanted to cook so he chucked it on the floor where I tripped over it and broke it. There's also trash piled up in front of the sink on the floor bc of puppies dragging trash around after knocking the trash can over. I also have to clean spilled teriyaki sauce out of the microwave, air fryer, off the counters, & fridge. 3 guesses which household member spilled the sauce. LOL. (and it wasn't me).
This is a good natured rant, pursuant to my new post on prepping supplies. I mentioned that my wife had lectured me on throwing away 2 liter soda bottles, since she was saving them to store water. She said she told me she was saving them, which I do not remember ( I know there could be another whole thread on that subject). It's not like there is a shortage. We generate at least one or two a week. We were running out of space to store them, so I pitched a couple. She dug them out of the recycling bin, and I got a lecture. My response: " Fine. I will save them." She can find a place to put them when she has finished doing whatever she is going to do.

Mixed emotions. I'm surely not big on getting lectured, but at least she is on board with prepping. I think the turbulent times are bringing her around more to our way of thinking. She was never against it. Always O.K. but now she is getting more of a wake up call. We all are.
My rant for the day...I hate the drive down the 5 south of Portland. I usually bypass through the city and take the 205 when going down to Eugene or Corvallis (but even that is bad anymore). The drivers that drive in the left lane (and stay there) drive me absolutely nuts. Especially when they are going under the speed limit, this is how accidents happen, by other idiots taking chances going around them on the right and trying to shoot the gap. Have seen this time and time again. The left lane is for passing and the right lane for driving.
One person told me before, I was trying to slow down traffic....well the only thing you are doing is really ticking off a bunch of people off and causing more problems. Just seems like traffic in the area has quadrupled in the last 10 years. I want to go up and hide out. Glad I don't have to make that drive again in the forseeable future. I typically have to drive it several times a year for volleyball tournaments.
Supervisor, I probably forgot I posted and ended up posting twice.

Even if I could clear a space for a box labeled for deliveries, the idiots don't even like to bring stuff to my porch. And I cleared away the weeds so there is no obstacle stopping them from doing it and the puppies are not mean to delivery people.

ACdoctor, I've had people nearly run me off the road before but they know better than to try to come over and complain bc everyone here has guns & they know it. Although, one time in Guam I was making a left turn at a light from the only turn lane and some local guy was in the straight only but decided to turn. He got along side me and tried to pass me on the right. I would have had to either brake (and get hit by the car behind me) or go into the oncoming lane and get hit. So I didn't let him over and he was honking and screaming profanities out his open window & shaking his fist at me.

Pearl, one time my brother was on his way to work and some yokels were parked in the road completely blocking it, standing outside their vehicles chatting. My honked. They flipped him off. He got out and said "Hey, I have to get to work, MOVE!" The guy laughed at him and flipped him off again. My brother shouted at him with expletives to move his car. Guy still refused. So he got in his truck and very slowly crept forward and started nudging the guy's car and pushing it. The guy shouted at him & he shouted back for the guy to move so he could get to work on time.

Between my thyroid meds not working as well and the heat, I have been absolutely exhausted. I can't seem to stay awake for more than a couple of hours at a time. As a result, the dishes are backlogged and I just don't have the energy to deal with it. Sink is so full I don't have room to wash stuff and there's so much stuff on the counter. My brother got mad about the only drying rack we had being in the way of where he wanted to cook so he chucked it on the floor where I tripped over it and broke it. There's also trash piled up in front of the sink on the floor bc of puppies dragging trash around after knocking the trash can over. I also have to clean spilled teriyaki sauce out of the microwave, air fryer, off the counters, & fridge. 3 guesses which household member spilled the sauce. LOL. (and it wasn't me).
He came up to my window and thought he was going to be a bad butt but he found out differently, the older I get the less tolerant I am to stupid people.
Pearl, one time my brother was on his way to work and some yokels were parked in the road completely blocking it, standing outside their vehicles chatting. My honked. They flipped him off. He got out and said "Hey, I have to get to work, MOVE!" The guy laughed at him and flipped him off again. My brother shouted at him with expletives to move his car. Guy still refused. So he got in his truck and very slowly crept forward and started nudging the guy's car and pushing it. The guy shouted at him & he shouted back for the guy to move so he could get to work on time.
Many ages ago, I had a beat up, multiple colored Chevrolet station wagon. it was a tank with a rocket under the hood. It looked like a joke until I was collecting your money. Anyway, as I was crossing the railroad track in a line up, some jackball in front of me in a brand new, cherry red Corvette,decided that since a train was coming, it would be funny to bow up and stop, and let the safety bar smack my windshield! I looked up and saw I was pinned in with quitting time traffic, so I did the only thing I could.
I hit the Dixie air horn and stomped it! my bomb screamed like a demon and black smoke boiled as I rode his sorry rich punk fanny at the distance of half an inch for a good half mile before he broke away and ran for his life!
I miss my OD green butt bomb. AKA the Ponderosa. 500 Chevy big block, torqued tight and overbuilt by my dad! It would bury the needle at 120 and keep going.
My rant for the day...I hate the drive down the 5 south of Portland. I usually bypass through the city and take the 205 when going down to Eugene or Corvallis (but even that is bad anymore). The drivers that drive in the left lane (and stay there) drive me absolutely nuts. Especially when they are going under the speed limit, this is how accidents happen, by other idiots taking chances going around them on the right and trying to shoot the gap. Have seen this time and time again. The left lane is for passing and the right lane for driving.
One person told me before, I was trying to slow down traffic....well the only thing you are doing is really ticking off a bunch of people off and causing more problems. Just seems like traffic in the area has quadrupled in the last 10 years. I want to go up and hide out. Glad I don't have to make that drive again in the forseeable future. I typically have to drive it several times a year for volleyball tournaments.
We just got home from Corvallis. Portland traffic is as bad as Seattle traffic.
We had rain most of the way down. You would think Oregonians could drive in the rain but NOOO they either go way too fast or way too slow.
I did have a couple of idiots pass on the right, zoom by and cut in front of me. They gained 1 car length because I was behind several cars passing a truck.
The drive back on Sunday was actually very good. No slowdowns and light traffic.
I'll be making that trip in a couple of weeks to go fishing and crabbing in Newport.
Ah, yes, the fooliots who risk everything to get one space ahead, lol... didn't really intend to rant, but my personal pet peeve involves tailgaters. What can I say about tailgating? It's rude, stupid & downright dangerous, three good reasons NOT to do it. I say this as a truck driver who used to haul hazardous waste to registered treatment facilities nationwide, which means I've had more safety training than most truck drivers, let alone Class C drivers (or whatever they're called in your neck of the woods). :confused:

I've seen quite a few bad drivers in my time, idiots destined to get into wrecks at some point in the future... perhaps fatality wrecks. The whole idea behind road safety is to NOT get dragged into those wrecks with 'em, lol. I've always tried to be a good uncle to my nieces & nephews, advising them to regularly inspect their vehicles (especially rubber, lights & flashers), keep space between themselves and other drivers, signal intentions to turn or change lanes or whatever, common-sense stuff, ya know? :rolleyes:

I've also told them NOT to hang out near big trucks, better to smoothly accelerate past when a good opportunity arises. There are MANY reasons why one shouldn't hang out near big trucks, I won't get into those right now. Don't blind oncoming drivers with high-beams, especially on skinny two-lane roads (only increases the chances of a head-on collision). Don't act like an impatient ********, getting from A to B SAFELY is paramount, so factor in extra time if necessary. NEVER expect the other driver to know or follow the 'Rules of the Road'---that way you won't be disappointed. ;)

With all the devices & distractions out there nowadays, defensive driving is the only way to go... and "ride the gap" between packs of vehicles on the Big Road, it's the safest spot. You can't do it all the time, but you can train yourself to MAXIMIZE time spent in that gap, 10-4? I do it in my 4-wheeler to this day, it only makes sense. I even tell my kin that if they want to go fast or get crazy behind the wheel, do it in the boondocks where nobody else is around, or do it in the dirt, lol. The "good uncle"---BWAHAHAHAHA!!! :cool:
Ah, yes, the fooliots who risk everything to get one space ahead, lol... didn't really intend to rant, but my personal pet peeve involves tailgaters. What can I say about tailgating? It's rude, stupid & downright dangerous, three good reasons NOT to do it. I say this as a truck driver who used to haul hazardous waste to registered treatment facilities nationwide, which means I've had more safety training than most truck drivers, let alone Class C drivers (or whatever they're called in your neck of the woods). :confused:

I've seen quite a few bad drivers in my time, idiots destined to get into wrecks at some point in the future... perhaps fatality wrecks. The whole idea behind road safety is to NOT get dragged into those wrecks with 'em, lol. I've always tried to be a good uncle to my nieces & nephews, advising them to regularly inspect their vehicles (especially rubber, lights & flashers), keep space between themselves and other drivers, signal intentions to turn or change lanes or whatever, common-sense stuff, ya know? :rolleyes:

I've also told them NOT to hang out near big trucks, better to smoothly accelerate past when a good opportunity arises. There are MANY reasons why one shouldn't hang out near big trucks, I won't get into those right now. Don't blind oncoming drivers with high-beams, especially on skinny two-lane roads (only increases the chances of a head-on collision). Don't act like an impatient ********, getting from A to B SAFELY is paramount, so factor in extra time if necessary. NEVER expect the other driver to know or follow the 'Rules of the Road'---that way you won't be disappointed. ;)

With all the devices & distractions out there nowadays, defensive driving is the only way to go... and "ride the gap" between packs of vehicles on the Big Road, it's the safest spot. You can't do it all the time, but you can train yourself to MAXIMIZE time spent in that gap, 10-4? I do it in my 4-wheeler to this day, it only makes sense. I even tell my kin that if they want to go fast or get crazy behind the wheel, do it in the boondocks where nobody else is around, or do it in the dirt, lol. The "good uncle"---BWAHAHAHAHA!!! :cool:
I had posted on tailgating (slow down, pull over, you will have a better view of the accidents they get into)

I had a homework assignment that left a mark in me. How far can a pilot go before he has to abort the take off and still stop?

The only time I can read bumper stickers is when I am at a red light. ;)

Ah, yes, the fooliots who risk everything to get one space ahead, lol... didn't really intend to rant, but my personal pet peeve involves tailgaters. What can I say about tailgating? It's rude, stupid & downright dangerous, three good reasons NOT to do it. I say this as a truck driver who used to haul hazardous waste to registered treatment facilities nationwide, which means I've had more safety training than most truck drivers, let alone Class C drivers (or whatever they're called in your neck of the woods). :confused:

I've seen quite a few bad drivers in my time, idiots destined to get into wrecks at some point in the future... perhaps fatality wrecks. The whole idea behind road safety is to NOT get dragged into those wrecks with 'em, lol. I've always tried to be a good uncle to my nieces & nephews, advising them to regularly inspect their vehicles (especially rubber, lights & flashers), keep space between themselves and other drivers, signal intentions to turn or change lanes or whatever, common-sense stuff, ya know? :rolleyes:

I've also told them NOT to hang out near big trucks, better to smoothly accelerate past when a good opportunity arises. There are MANY reasons why one shouldn't hang out near big trucks, I won't get into those right now. Don't blind oncoming drivers with high-beams, especially on skinny two-lane roads (only increases the chances of a head-on collision). Don't act like an impatient ********, getting from A to B SAFELY is paramount, so factor in extra time if necessary. NEVER expect the other driver to know or follow the 'Rules of the Road'---that way you won't be disappointed. ;)

With all the devices & distractions out there nowadays, defensive driving is the only way to go... and "ride the gap" between packs of vehicles on the Big Road, it's the safest spot. You can't do it all the time, but you can train yourself to MAXIMIZE time spent in that gap, 10-4? I do it in my 4-wheeler to this day, it only makes sense. I even tell my kin that if they want to go fast or get crazy behind the wheel, do it in the boondocks where nobody else is around, or do it in the dirt, lol. The "good uncle"---BWAHAHAHAHA!!! :cool:
I agree with Neb. Pull over and let them go past when it is possible. Today I did that and I do it periodically. I just want them to leave me alone.

I notice that it is often the biggest pickups on the road that do this. There they are, bigger than most other vehicles, and they have it on purpose, to intimidate others.

How many times have we all seen the same person at the next red light? We really have no idea what is going on with others on the road. Is someone in the hospital dying and they are trying to get there? Not likely, but a possibility. Are they just jerks and spend their time behind the wheel trying to prove that they are something they are not? Are they ready to take out someone, anyone who gives them a hard time?
Thank you. I just wondered if I had missed something. I am sorry.
It's okay Weedygarden.
Just got stuff going on with my Dad's well being.
And a sister that hasn't been here since Mom died four years ago.
Not once has she came to see him.
She hasn't seen him go through this illness day in and day out.
She hasn't been here at all since 2007.
Her son hasn't spent Mother's Day with his Mother since 2007.
But she has all this wonderful advice to give now.
Sometimes it overwhelms me.
That's why I said IDIOTS.
Hmm, rant.

I work with morons. Not my rodeo nor monkeys yet I am there early every day getting things done. The only decent worker is leaving for the Air-force this month. A fine example of what good parents create. At only 20 he should have a good future ahead of him.

My boss, lazy, but sure its his business. Wander down to work about 11 or 12 am then if things aren't just so, whine. Well, not my business nor am I being compensated for keeping things running. Did I mention I work with morons? Seems we can only hire the bottom of the barrel anymore, likely due to the pay and lack of anything resembling benefits.

I like what I do. I like the hours. I like my customers.

Have I mentioned I work with morons?

Rant over. Hopefully I have not offended nor caused tears to flow but needed to vent for the moment or minute.
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