Rant for the Day (keep it clean)

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Lost a friend today! Found out her step son who owns the house had someone lined up to move the furniture. He gives her the money to pay me, she wasn't paying me all of my money for the past year!! A lot of other issues came out too today! Guess she really wasn't a friend after all!!☹️ Luckily was able to line up a new job in her spot!! Her daughter is freaking out because she does not want to deal with mom! Oh well!
Feel bad for you Pearl, but you have us!

My mini rant of the day is people (of course) who pump their gas, then swan off to buy coffee or whatever before paying, leaving their car parked at the pumps while a queue forms behind.
Sorry to hear about your acquaintence, Pearl, and I use that term specifically. She was not a friend. IMHO "friend" is a grossly overused word. We have very, very few real friends. I have been disappointed the way you were too many times. People I thought were friends turned out to be a great disappointment. It will not happen again. Sadly, I have become very calloused about who I call friends.

Wingnut, FYI, Peculiar MO is on the West side of the state. Considered part of the Kansas City metropolitan area, just a little South. I'm sure MO Bookworm knows where it is.
Well, my little lady's daughter (lives about 45 min away) is having a fit, who will take care of mom (not her)??? She has run off A LOT of help before I met her. I did SO MUCH for her!! She lives in the country on the stepson's ranch, 30 min from the nearest town. Stepson is good to her, but she doesn't want anything to do with him or his family other than living in the house!! He pays the bills for her! So the daughter is worried what will happen if she can't stay there alone!! Not my problem, and kind of a relief feeling like I am not on call anymore!!
Lost a friend today! Found out her step son who owns the house had someone lined up to move the furniture. He gives her the money to pay me, she wasn't paying me all of my money for the past year!! A lot of other issues came out too today! Guess she really wasn't a friend after all!!☹️ Luckily was able to line up a new job in her spot!! Her daughter is freaking out because she does not want to deal with mom! Oh well!
Damn, that sucks. crap like that is why I'm a hermit!

Well, my little lady's daughter (lives about 45 min away) is having a fit, who will take care of mom (not her)??? She has run off A LOT of help before I met her. I did SO MUCH for her!! She lives in the country on the stepson's ranch, 30 min from the nearest town. Stepson is good to her, but she doesn't want anything to do with him or his family other than living in the house!! He pays the bills for her! So the daughter is worried what will happen if she can't stay there alone!! Not my problem, and kind of a relief feeling like I am not on call anymore!!

Well if they didn't screw over people that tried to help them and be their friend, they wouldn't have those problems. Looks like a chicken, Pluck em.
My rant is that the bathrooms are out of service again at work. This happened last week and the plumbing guys were here for like four hours snaking out the system. And now it happened again. So we have to drive somewhere like Dunkin to use their bathroom. It's annoying. Guess I'll be taking my time each time I have to go out for it. I wish they'd just send us home. 😒
Damn, that sucks. crap like that is why I'm a hermit!

Well, my little lady's daughter (lives about 45 min away) is having a fit, who will take care of mom (not her)??? She has run off A LOT of help before I met her. I did SO MUCH for her!! She lives in the country on the stepson's ranch, 30 min from the nearest town. Stepson is good to her, but she doesn't want anything to do with him or his family other than living in the house!! He pays the bills for her! So the daughter is worried what will happen if she can't stay there alone!! Not my problem, and kind of a relief feeling like I am not on call anymore!!

Well if they didn't screw over people that tried to help them and be their friend, they wouldn't have those problems. Looks like a chicken, Pluck em.
They plucked themselves!!😃
I really should go to the doctor at some point. Speaking of which, I haven't been since about January but they sent me a bill for April. I think they billed me for my mother's appointment, which should have been covered by her insurance.

I really don't want to go in for bloodwork. I hate needles. It's not the actual blood drawing that bugs me though, its the waiting. I get major anxiety just waiting. I've had some bad experiences- like the time they hit a nerve and my arm hurt from fingers to shoulder for a week. Or the time my blood shot out and hit the doctor in the face. Although, I think that was worse for him than it was for me. Got him right in the eyes. I have a psychosomatic reaction where just thinking about stuff like that makes my legs, hands and arms hurt. Don't know why, but it is annoying.

I know there are far worse things though.
Rant for the day......Karens!

I had to go to a facility where only one person can go through the doors at a time. The light turns green, you step through the door and let the door close behind you, you walk through the metal detector, then the second light turns green and you go walk through the second set of doors into the facility. It's not rocket science. Several of us were waiting in line to go through. Karen was in line a few people in front of me and had seen at least 10 people go through the door. When the guy in front of her goes through the first sef of doors, she grabs the door before it closes behind him and steps in with him. WTH??? 🤪 She was in her 50's-ish, so it's not like she couldn't observe others doing something and then repeat it. I couldn't help but snicker under my breath and shake my head. I'm sure she didn't notice since she was too busy getting instructions yelled at her through an intercom, delaying the rest of us even more. LOL! My patience for stupidity is in rapid decline these days.
Oh, forgot to add....

When I went to the store and grabbed a few things my total came up to $58.45. I gave the guy $60.45. He gave me my change back and said I paid too much......and then gave me the $1.55 back. :rolleyes: I had to explain to him I was trying to avoid getting change back. He says "oh, sorry.....I guess I'm running a little slow today". LOL! Dude must've had a good weekend. But, wow! I'm afraid for the future of our country.
Oh, forgot to add....

...went to the store and grabbed a few things my total came up to $58.45. I gave the guy $60.45. He gave me my change back and said I paid too much......

These days I don't wait wait for them to get that dumb "deer in the headlights" look. I simply tell them what my change should be...

These kids today are useless, incapable of doing simple math in their heads.
These days I don't wait wait for them to get that dumb "deer in the headlights" look. I simply tell them what my change should be...

These kids today are useless, incapable of doing simple math in their heads.

It's not just "in their heads".

I was at Subway and ordered a sandwich.

Total came to $9.45.
Handed the "Sandwich Artist" a $20.
Machine tells said "SA" my change is $10.55.
The machine spits out the $0.55 and the "SA" proceeds to count out $9.00.
I inform the "SA" that the correct bill change is $10.00 and it takes looking at the actual receipt to convince them.

I have so little hope for the future of this nation, dumbed down so much that they can't even follow the simplest instructions without getting offended, agitates, frustrated, combative, or apathetic.
Rant for the day......Karens!

I had to go to a facility where only one person can go through the doors at a time. The light turns green, you step through the door and let the door close behind you, you walk through the metal detector, then the second light turns green and you go walk through the second set of doors into the facility. It's not rocket science. Several of us were waiting in line to go through. Karen was in line a few people in front of me and had seen at least 10 people go through the door. When the guy in front of her goes through the first sef of doors, she grabs the door before it closes behind him and steps in with him. WTH??? 🤪 She was in her 50's-ish, so it's not like she couldn't observe others doing something and then repeat it. I couldn't help but snicker under my breath and shake my head. I'm sure she didn't notice since she was too busy getting instructions yelled at her through an intercom, delaying the rest of us even more. LOL! My patience for stupidity is in rapid decline these days.
Working at the airport it was a huge security violation for someone to go through the door opened by the person in front of them. TSA would stand around and watch for it to happen.
The first time the piggybacker lost their security badge for one day and fined $50, the second time was a week and $250, the third time they lost their badge permanently so they lost their job.
The person that let them follow in was also given the same punishment.
I actually had a physical altercation with a guy trying to get in because he left his badge inside when he took a break.
He did not get in and I called the TSA supervisor. He got the rest of the day off and was eventually fired for security reasons. I actually thought he was a TSA plant.
Selfish parents who send their sick and miserable kids to school so they don't have to take care of them. I know for a fact that my students mom stays home all day. Yet she sends her sick special needs child to school and refuses to come get her when she has a full blown meltdown because she's SICK and feels terrible! I mean I understand that sometimes parents don't really have a choice but in this case they absolutely have a choice and they routinely make the wrong one.
Whelp, apparently even though I tried really hard not to, I got whatever "allergies"(as her mom claims) my student has because she was sent to school sick all week. So that's fun. I still gotta go to work though. But unlike her, I understand what sanitation is and will take steps to avoid exposing others.
I really think my friend needs to get together with other customers and get a class action lawsuit going against his power company. I posted on the photos thread a picture of a truck ramming a power pole. My friend had posted it and my response was "Watch them charge you & other customers for the repair even though the trucking company will have to pay them". Well, I was right. Everyone who was affected had their bills doubled. And fuel costs are actually going down so they can't blame it on that. It took my friend's entire paycheck to pay the electric bill. Also, he paid his bill early and 2 weeks later they sent him a disconnect notice. He didn't owe them anything at that point. They treat him like he's in arrears on his bills. I keep telling him he needs to contact some sort of authority to report this garbage bc it keeps costing him (and ultimately us) money.

I discovered a box with a Worx jawsaw buried under some stuff in the living room & was all excited. Then I found the battery & charger are missing. :-( It's over $80 for new battery + rapid charger. I'd rather get the rapid charger than the slow one. I know I saw the charger somewhere but I can't find it.

I also can't find any of my smaller adjustable wrenches. I just bought one a few weeks back and it disappeared.

I had a big cardboard box of misc tools and repair supplies but it ripped open and everything spilled out. It's a huge mess and when I bent down to pick it up, my back decided it hated me. I did get a tub to transfer the stuff into at least. I really need to go through all of my bins, tubs, boxes, etc and look for stuff and try to organize things.
Magus, I hope your back gets feeling better. Mine crapped out on me in the middle of the floor leveling mix spreading. I told my mother I was going to be doing the leveling and right when I was measuring stuff out she paged me and wanted me to do something for her (don't even remember what it was now) and then kept yapping at me after I repeatedly told her I was in the middle of something and needed to remember things and needed to get back to work. If I so much as interrupt her when she's playing a game she loses her crap on me. Even if its something important. I derped bigtime on the measurements/ratio. I was supposed to do 2 cups of water and 5 cups of powder. Got cornfuzzled after interruption and did 5 cups water/additive. And the powder had lumps in it so I had to sift it. It took over 10min to sift out enough powder to make up the ratio after I did too much water. No working outside hoses so I wasn't able to rinse off my tools (not about to rinse that down a drain). Since my back gave out I didn't have the strength to wash stuff off anyway. The trowel I ended up using sucked though. The one I misplaced would have been fine but the one I used just stuck to the mix.
I cancelled my Dish Network back in June. Of coarse when they charge the credit card every month, they get advanced payment for their service. When I got my statement this month, there was no credits, nor were there any credits last month. So I called, knowing full well I'd be on hold for a long time.....so I got some household chores done while listeing to the canned music. I finally got "Alan" on the phone with the thick Indian accent. I told him that I had not seen a credit on my bill after I did the math to figure out what it should have been. Actually he said it was about $1.50 more than what I had calculated......OK. So where is it then? He tells me that they don't automatically issue credits back to the credit card b/c they aren't sure if the card is still valid. What?? They charge the card every month and they don't know if it's valid?? Then he tells me that you have to call to get your credit. I told him it was funny that the rep who finally relented and cancelled my service in June didn't mention that. He said that they can't. WTH??? Long story short, after spending 30 minutes on the phone, I should finally get my partial payment back on my card within 7 days.

It begs the question.....how many people have paid for service they didn't receive from Dish when cancelling their service? I wish I knew a Class Action lawyer that could look into this. The rep basically admitted that they rob people. I'm so glad I cancelled. Oh, and he certainly didn't want to end the call without asking me if another rep had offered me a less expensive plan. :rolleyes: I told him to save his breath......I was not interested.......I'm done with Dish! Goodbye Alan!
It seems that many such services are heck to deal with when it comes time to disconnect. I've read stories that people get put on hold for way too long, but so many mind games are played with people in the process of trying to unsubscribe from such services.
Selfish parents who send their sick and miserable kids to school so they don't have to take care of them. I know for a fact that my students mom stays home all day. Yet she sends her sick special needs child to school and refuses to come get her when she has a full blown meltdown because she's SICK and feels terrible! I mean I understand that sometimes parents don't really have a choice but in this case they absolutely have a choice and they routinely make the wrong one.
So common for this to happen. Many children come down with the 10:00 flu, after the medication that was given them earlier starts to wear off.
When I see I'm getting a call from someone I don't want to talk to, my first words are:
"Hey, make it fast, my phone is dying!"
The minute the aggro starts... CLICK!
Mine is easier, if I don't want to to talk to them, I don't answer :p
Anyway... Rant. might be cathartic.
So I've screwed around 3 days now and forgot my "happy pills" My blood pressure is probably around stroke level and if I was a boss in a video game, you just aggro-ed me!
I'm looking at a country I thought would be alright until we got nuked or something, Oh sure. they played covid up like it was Armageddon, but it was poop, a power grab, no more, no less. they can kiss my non vaxxed butt.BUT ever since then, I'm seeing crap that makes me think it WAS the apocalypse, it didn't kill a whole lot by pandemic standards, but the rest seem to have gotten brain damage/ADD/PTSD/ and being convinced they're gay by the mass media, not to mention, thin skinned and cranky, self righteous and aggressive. Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate gays, it's genetic, even the bible hints as such, but doing it to be trendy is stupid! OH, I know. its been going to hell for decades, but never this fast! I'm getting future shock over here and there is not one damn thing I can do about it. Well, yes there is, but I can't right now. Next time I go, I'm leaving my radio home and not bothering with an uplink. next time I go, its forever. I'm starting to hate this world and all it stands for, I'll fish and hunt squirrels and be out of the way. if they can't find me, they can't bug me!

I need dinner, drugs and bed. maybe it will go away.
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